photonics research papers-32
Photonics technology development for optical fuzing
KM Geib, DK Serkland, G Keeler, GM Peake ,Proc. SPIE, 2005 ,
ABSTRACT This paper describes the photonic component development taking place at
Sandia National Laboratories, ARDEC and the Army Research Laboratory in support of an
effort to develop a robust, compact, and affordable photonic proximity sensor for munitions
Pulsed laser deposition and e-beam evaporation of vanadium dioxide thin films for IR-photonicsapplications
S Heinilehto, J Lappalainen, V Lantto ,Proc. of SPIE , 2007 ,
ABSTRACT Vanadium dioxide thin films were prepared on r-plane sapphire substrates by
using in-situ pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and by post-annealing pure metallic vanadium
films in synthetic air atmosphere by varying the annealing temperature and annealing time
Horizontal slot waveguide-based efficient fiber couplers suitable for silicon photonics
J Blasco ,Proceedings of ECIO , 2008 ,
Abstract. In this paper, simulation results of high performance grating and inverted taper fiber
couplers for horizontal slot waveguides are reported. Maximum 48% and 61% coupling
efficiencies are achieved for positive and negative detuned gratings, respectively.
Design Tools for Photonics: Rising to the Challenge
T Benson, P Sewell, A Vukovic, S Boriskina ,IEEE LEOS Newsletter ,
Commercial success in the photonics marketplace dictates a full understanding of the
product development lifecycle. Underpinning this success is the maximization of
performance and minimization of product development time. These can be afforded at an
Photonics education within the framework of electrical engineering program of studies
C Vlcek ,Power, 2002 ,
ABSTRACT Except of specialists, dealing with different photonics areas, the education of all
technical professionals about basic photonics principles, components, applications and
system solutions is necessary. Paper deals with the place of photonics in the basic range
Propagation modeling for multimode photonics
RP Ratowsky, BB Afeyan ,Physics and Simulation , 1999 ,
ABSTRACT While ray optics is a valid model for many multimode optical systems, it cannot
capture diffraction and interference phenomena which may be required, for example, in
calculating speckle propagation in multimode fiber. Wave optics includes the effect of
Characterization ofp-in-n ATLAS silicon microstrip detectors fabricated by Hamamatsu Photonicsand irradiated with 24 GeV/c protons to 3× 10 14 pcm-2
D Morgan, CM Buttar, JR Carter, I Dawson ,Il Nuovo Cimento A ( , 1999 ,Springer
Summary P-in-n silicon microstrip prototype detectors for the ATLAS experiment at CERN
have been designed and manufactured byHamamatsu Photonics. Detectors were irradiated
at the CERN Proton Synchrotron facility to a fluence of 3× 10 14 pcm-2, corresponding to
Professional development in optics and photonics education
J Donnelly, F Hanes, N Massa ,Proc. SPIE, 2002 ,
ABSTRACT In recent years, several New England projects have promoted professional
development and curriculum design in optics and photonics. Funded in part by the
Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program of the National Science Foundation (
Ultra-fast bandgap photonics: sensing and counter-sensing capabilities
MK Rafailov ,Proc. SPIE, 2008 ,
ABSTRACT Ultra-fast laser has been used in laser sensing and laser communication
systems as well as for raison d’être of Target-to-Noise Ratio (TNR or SNR) remote control.
Foundation of these quite different applications is in unique ability of ultrafast laser to
Zinc Oxide Semiconductor for Photonics Structures Applications
P Struk, T Pustelny, B Pustelny , Polonica-Series A , 2010 ,
The technical development is inspired to a large extent by the development of
semiconducting materials and their application in electronic, telecommunication,
optoelectronic devices and sensors [1–8]. The present paper is focussed on the analysis
Applying the Principles of Augmented Learning to Photonics Laboratory Work
Abstract: Most modern communication systems are based on opto-electrical methods,
wavelength division multiplex (WDM) being the most widespread. Likewise, the use of
polymeric fibres (POF) as an optical transmission medium is expanding rapidly. Therefore,
Design of computer-assisted education programs for optics and photonics: implications of educational technology research
SM Pompea ,Proc. SPIE, 2002 ,
ABSTRACT The design of computer-assisted educational materials and programs is a
specialty of science education and relies heavily upon the results of science education and
educational technology research. This paper explores the implications of this research for
A Polymer Based Platform Technology for Integrated Photonics
S Dasgupta, MY Shih, T Gorczyca, C Erben ,Proc. of SPIE , 2004 ,
ABSTRACT Polymers have been studied as an alternate material to silica for optical
interconnects and photonic devices for the last decade. In this paper we review the work
performed at GE Global Research in the area of polymer based material systems for
Si photonics platform and its fabrication
T Tsuchizawa, K Yamada ,Proc. 5th Int. , 2008 ,
Abstract Silicon photonic wire waveguides, whose core size is as small as around 500 nm,
are fabricated by using technologies developed in the semiconductor industry. For practical
application, however, we must overcome technical difficulties associated with geometrical
Silicon photonics developments in Europe
JM Fedeli, J Marti, D Van Thourhout ,Proceedings of , 2009 ,
ABSTRACT Silicon photonics have generated an increasing interest in the recent year,
mainly for optical telecommunications or for optical interconnects in microelectronic circuits.
The rationale of silicon photonics is the reduction of the cost of photonic systems through
Optical Fiber Assemblies for Space Flight from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,Photonics Group
MN Ott, WJ Thomas, F LaRocca , on Reliability of , 2009 ,
ABSTRACT The Photonics Group at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in the Electrical
Engineering Division of the Advanced Engineering and Technologies Directorate has been
involved in the design, development, characterization, qualification, manufacturing,