photonics research papers-33
Chip scale integrated planar photonics
NM Jokerst, SY Cho, MA Brooke ,Proceedings of SPIE, the , 2008 ,
ABSTRACT The integration of planar optical components at the chip scale with electronic
and microfluidic systems is enabling an increased penetration of optical functionality into
systems, and in particular, into highly portable systems. Planar lightwave integrated
High power high brightness single emitter laser diodes at Axcel Photonics
W Gao, Z Xu, L Cheng, K Luo ,Proceedings of SPIE, , 2008 ,
ABSTRACT High power, high brightness, single emitter laser diodes with different apertures
from 5 µm to 1000 µm are reported on, in the wavelength range from 780 nm to 1060 nm. On
going progress at Axcel Photonics for both singlemode and multi-mode laser diodes will
RS Garard ,Proc. Of the Pan Pacific Microelectronics , 2002 ,
ABSTRACT The desire for high performance photonic components is often at odds with
manufacturing process limitations and selection of compatible adhesive materials used in
the fiber bonding process. Use of high performance adhesives, while desirable, typically
THz emitter based on InAs-GaSb coupled quantum wells: New prospects for THz photonics
B Laikhtman ,Proc. of SPIE Vol, 2005 ,
ABSTRACT We suggest a new structure for THz generation based on coupled quantum
wells of InAs-GaSb. This structure uniquely combines the advantages of both the pn junction
laser and the cascade laser. Actual generation results from optical transitions between the
Quantum dot photonics: edge emitter, amplifier and VCSEL
F Hopfer, M Kuntz, M Lämmlin, G Fiol ,Proceedings of SPIE, , 2008 ,
ABSTRACT Low transparency current density and improved temperature stability with a
large characteristic temperature T0> 650 K up to 80 C are demonstrated for 1.3 µm MBE
grown InGaAs quantum dot (QD) edge emitting lasers. Digital modulation with an open
A comparative study of a-SiCxOyHz thin films grown via chemical vapor deposition for siliconphotonics
S Gallis, V Nikas, H Suhag, M Huang ,Proceedings of SPIE, , 2008 ,
ABSTRACT We have previously demonstrated strong room-temperature luminescence at
1540 nm from erbium-doped amorphous silicon oxycarbide (a-SiCxOyHz: Er) materials. 1, 2,
3 In this study, pertinent details are presented regarding the role of growth conditions and
Growth of nanowire superlattice structures for nanoscale photonics and electronics
MS Gudiksen, LJ Lauhon, J Wang, DC Smith ,Nature, 2002 ,
The assembly of semiconductor nanowires and carbon nanotubes into nanoscale devices
and circuits could enable diverse applications in nanoelectronics and photonics1. Individual
semiconducting nanowires have already been configured as field-effect transistors2,
Nanoshell-enabled photonics-based imaging and therapy of cancer
A Lin, L Hirsch, MH Lee, J Barton, N Halas ,Technology in Cancer , 2004 ,
There is a significant clinical need for novel methods for detection and treatment of cancer
which offer improved sensitivity, specificity, and cost-effectiveness. In recent years, a number
of groups have demonstrated that photonics-based technologies are valuable in
DNA-a new material for photonics?
Figure 1 BioLEDs, which use DNA to help boost light emission15. Shown are the energy-
level diagrams for both blue-emitting (NPB) and green-emitting (Alq3) BioLEDs, with
photographs of both devices in operation. Hole and electron injection from PEDOT and
Defective promise in photonics
TA Taton ,Nature, 2002 ,
Figure 1 Making light work. Photonic bandgap crystals, formed by self-assembly, could be
the basis of future photonic devices. But to build a range of workable devices, controlled
defects must be engineered in the structures. By introducing a polymerization stage into
based on a multi-level multi-electron system governed by Pauli exclusion and Fermi–Dirac thermalization with application to semiconductor photonics
Y Huang ,Opt. Express, 2006 ,
Abstract: We report a general computational model of complex material media for
electrodynamics simulation using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method. It is
based on a multi-level multi-electron quantum system with electron dynamics governed by
Eigenmode expansion methods for simulation of optical propagation in photonics: pros and cons
DF Gallagher ,Proceedings of SPIE, 2003 ,
ABSTRACT With the rapid growth of the telecommunications industry over the last 5 to 10
years has come the need to solve ever more complex electromagnetic problems and to
solve them more precisely than ever before. The basic EME (EigenMode Expansion)
Chalcogenide glasses for optical and photonics applications
D Lezal, J Pedlikova ,Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced , 2004 ,
In recent years the research has been focused on the preparation of special glasses, ie
fluoride, chalcogenide and heavy metal oxide ones that can transmit optical radiation above
2 µm and also other optical parameters exceed those of silica based glasses. The
Carbon nanotube electronics and photonics
P Avouris ,Physics Today, 2009 ,
Since the demonstration of fhe first transistors in 1947, computing electronics has been
hased mostly on one material, silicon. The emergence of MOSFETs in the 1960s and the
development of microlifhography and other fabrication techniques have allowed the
Photonic liquid crystal fibers—A new challenge for fiber optics and liquid crystals photonics
TR Wolinski, S Ertman, P Lesiak ,Opto-Electronics , 2006 ,Springer
Abstract The paper reviews and discusses the latest developments in the field of the
photonic liquid crystal fibers that have occurred for the last three years in view of new
challenges for both fiber optics and liquid crystal photonics. In particular, we present the
Silicon photonics technology: past, present and future
R Soref ,Proc. SPIE, 2005 ,
ABSTRACT Due to recent investments by government and industry, silicon-based photonics
has a chance of becoming the mainstream photonics technology. This paper presents a
survey of recent results found in journal articles and conference proceedings Emerging
Silicon photonics for next generation computing systems
Y Vlasov ,European Conference and Exhibition on Optical , 2008 ,
1. Leverage CMOS fab as much as possible to reduce the cost/bit 2. Since high-performance
CMOS is not required, previous gen CMOS fab is preferred (eg 130nm) 3. No change in
server architecture 4. Footprint, power, loss is not as important–relevant comparison with