Potential Networking Applications of Global Positioning Systems
Global Positioning System (GPS) Technology allows precise determination of location, velocity, direction, and time. The price of GPS receivers is falling rapidly and the applications are growing. PCMCIA receivers that can be connected to any notebook personal computers are available for $300-400 to end consumers. The main goal of this study was to survey current applications of GPS to distributed systems and networks. While GPS is appearing in the computer magazines very often and while many computer companies have announced GPS related e orts, most such e orts are in providing navigational guidance to drivers. Digitized city maps along with a GPS sensor on a mobile computer provide directions to drivers. A numb er of consortiums have been formed by companies such as IBM, Apple, Toshiba, Sony, and others. Currently, applications of GPS for distributed computation and networking are limited to measuring delays in Wolter and Golderman’s DA-30 network analyzers and in clock synchronization in synchronous optical networks (SONET) used in telecommunication networks.
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