Scenario-based Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
This study is a comparison of three routing pro- tocols proposed for wireless mobile ad-hoc net- works. The protocols are: Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV), Ad-hoc On demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR). Extensive simulations are made on a scenario where nodes moves ran- domly. Results are presented as a function of a novel mobility metric designed to reflect the rel- ative speeds of the nodes in a scenario. Further- more, three realistic scenarios are introduced to test the protocols in more specialized contexts. In most simulations the reactive protocols (AODV and DSR) performed significantly bet- ter than DSDV. At moderate traffic load DSR performed better than AODV for all tested mo- bility values, while AODV performed better than DSR at higher traffic loads. The latter is caused by the source routes in DSR data pack- ets, which increase the load on the network.
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