Recent trends in power electronic devices research papers
Recent Trends in Distributed Generation-Technology, Grid Integration, System Operation
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T Ichikawa, C Rehtanz ,Fuel, 2002 ,
INTEGRATION, SYSTEM OPERATION Tatsumi Ichikawa Christian Rehtanz christian.rehtanz@ Abstract – The paper discusses the recent trends in dis- tributed generation (DG).
On studying ship electric propulsion motor driving schemes
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decreasing also the needs for brush-gear maintenance, two different trends have been the
continental grids [11], the distortion levels of both voltage and current are relatively The introduction
of power electronic devices in the propulsion motor driving systems generates voltage
Active power compensator of the current harmonics based on the instantaneous power theory
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M GAICEANU ,The Annals of Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, , 2005 ,
progress made during last years, in the field of the power electronic devices, made possible to
loads, reactive power compensation capability, load current and source current detection capability.
Akagi, H. (1995), New Trends Active Filtersive Filters, EPE’95 VI European Conference on
Performance Investigation of Dynamic Characteristics of Power Semiconductor Diodes
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P Špánik, R Šul, M Frívaldský, P Drgona ,Electronics and Electrical , 2010
Januszewsky S. Power Semiconductors Devices- State of Art & Recent Trends // Proc. Heumann
K. Trends in Semiconductor Devices and Impact on Power Electronics // Proc. Tolbert LM, Ozpineci
B., Islam SK, Peng FZ Impact of SiC Power Electronic Devices for Hybrid Electric
Protection of power systems with distributed generation: State of the art
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M Geidl ,2005 ,
The relation between the network frequency fn, the rotor current frequency fr and the Whenever
primary power is not transformed via a rotating AC machine, power electronic devices are used
gives a review of DG interconnection systems and states some trends and research
Materials Characterization and Device Performance Survey of InAlN/GaN HEMT Layers from Commercial Sources
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the devices appear especially promising for the realization of high-power electronic devices
operating at There was no specific trend correlating frequency or current to the InAlN barrier Device
performance as a function of bandgap and mole fraction provided observable trends.
Benefits of HVDCFACTS for sustainability and security of power supply
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D Retzmann, K Uecker ,Powerafrica Conference and Exposition, , 2007 ,
security. Fig. 2: Trends in High Voltage Transmission Systems * SCC = Short-Circuit
Current ** Example UCTE: 400 kV is in fact too low ** Example UCTE: 400 kV is in fact
too low Privatisation Globalisation/ Liberalisation Deregulation
Devices and their Packaging Technology
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W Tursky, B Murari, G Gattavari, A Russo, S Bolz ,GaN, 2001 ,
Abstract ,This paper gives a comprehensive over- view of power electronic devices and their
packaging today and in the next years. SMD-device high current conductor power semiconductor
wire bond signal line with cross over From the State of the Art to Future Trends, Proc.
Development of prototype micro fuel cells for mobile electronics
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VHYVK Ebisu, VS Suzuki, VN Sawatari ,Fujitsu Sci. Tech. J, 2005 ,
recent years together with the environmentally friendly nature of FCs and recent technological
developments advantage in that they offer a cheap and easy means to power electronic devices
immediately by 1.2.2 Market trends During the last couple of years, there has been a
Improvement of dynamic performance of AGC under open market scenario employing TCPS and AC-DC Parallel tie line
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CS Rao, SS Nagaraju, PS Raju , of Recent Trends in , 2009 ,
PAPER International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 1, No. 3, May 2009 2 a detailed
review over this issue and explains how an AGC system could be simulated after deregulation.
On the other hand, the concept of utilizing power electronic devices for power
The Integrated Starter Alternator Damper: The First Step Toward Hybrid Electric Vehicles
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CP Cho, W Wylam, R Johnston ,2000 ,
The dramatic improvements in permanent magnet materials and power electronic devices
over the last two decades have led to Page 5. Current trends to reduce the production cost
of permanent magnet motors and semiconductors are continuing.
Power Electronics Technology Trends and Prospects
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H Umida ,Fuji Electric Journal, 2002 ,
Trends and Prospects Hidetoshi Umida 1. Introduction Power electronic devices have achieved
higher performance by using new technologies such as power transistors, IGBTs (Insulated Gate
Bipolar Transistors), and microprocessors. In recent years, in response to the trend