remote controlled vehicle research papers
Proposal for CarSim (Motion Sensor Remote Controlled Vehicle)
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Motion sensing driver entertainments have penetrated many market segments in the last few years. A great example is the Nintendo Wii. People of all ages and all backgrounds can come together and enjoy a video gaming experience which was originally owned mainly
A Remote Controlled Vehicle with Omnidirectional Sensors
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Abstract The process of teleoperation can be described as allowing a remote user to control a vehicle by interpretting sensor information captured by the vehicle. One method that is frequently used to implement teleoperation is to provide the user with a real-time video
Application of a Remote Controlled Ultralight Air Vehicle (UAV) for Park Management and Visitor Monitoring
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For efficient park management it is a necessity to have detailed information about the natural- spatial environment of the park, their changes as well as the amount, behaviour and the spatial distribution of the visitors in a high spatial and temporal resolution. From remote
The Develop of Meso-scale Radio-Remote-Controlled Underwater Vehicle with Visual Capability
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ABSTRACT Small-scale underwater vehicles have been mainly developed for underwater exploration or ecological observation and tracking. As the size goes down to meso-scale, due to the limited space, the vehicles have very limited functions and stay wired powered
Design and Implementation of a Stabilization System for a Remote Controlled, fixed-wing, model Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
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ABSTRACT Team Aerodines has undertaken the task of designing and implementing a stabilization system for a remote controlled fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The stabilization system will be a standalone black box device that has the ability to be fitted
Vehicle tele operation interfaces
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During the 1960 s, NASA developed Remotely Piloted Research Vehicles (RPRV). In contrast to drones, which were small in gen- eral, RPRV s were full-size manned aircraft modified for remote
A mini unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV): system overview and image acquisition
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This term is used commonly in the computer science and artificial intelligence community, but terms like Remotely Piloted Vehicle (RPV), Remotely Operated Aircraft (ROA), Remote Controlled Helicopter (RC-Helicopter), Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS) and model helicopter
Visual odometry for ground vehicle applications
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Visual Odometry for Ground Vehicle Applications The pose estimation method has been applied successfully to video from aerial, automotive, and handheld platforms. We focus on results obtained with a stereo head mounted on an autonomous ground vehicle.
Dynamic modeling and intuitive control strategy for an X4-flyer
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ABSTRACT This paper describes an intuitive control strategy for a four rotors vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) remote-controlled vehicle known as the X4-flyer . A quasi-stationary flight dynamic modeling including gy- roscopic effects due to the rotors dynamics is proposed.
GestureMan: a mobile robot that embodies a remote instructor s actions
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to-human interaction systems such as ProP [16], Tel-E-Merge [15], and CYBERSCOPE [9]. PRoP (surface cruiser version) is a remote-controlled vehicle and a 1.5 meter vertical pole on which a color video camera, microphone, speaker and color LCD screen are mounted.
Dispatch control of a fleet of remote-controlled/automatic load-haul-dump vehicles in underground mines
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During loading, an operator from a control room fills the bucket of a vehicle via remote-control aided by a television system (see Fig. 2). Using such a remote-controlled/automatic LHD (RAL) system, several advantages can be foreseen; for instance, better utilization of the
Design of advanced tele-operated control system for unmanned vehicle
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3. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS This research made the unmanned vehicle was remote controlled between the unmanned vehicle and the remote control system using the wireless LAN. It is the experiment to confirm the smooth corporation between the systems below.
The NRL mite air vehicle
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hour. While the MITE is presently a remote controlled air vehicle, both miniature traditional autopilots and also advanced autopilots, based on visual and spectral imaging techniques, are being developed. Autonomous MITEs
Between desktop and head immersion: Functional visual field during vehicle control and navigation in virtual environments
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The definition of the content and format of visuospatial information avail- able to the operator is one of the major human factors in remote-controlled situations. In such situations, although the vehicle under control is out of the operator s direct sight, visual control remains the
Estimation and control of a quadrotor vehicle using monocular vision and moire patterns
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frequencies. A camera is mounted on the vehicle with the target in the field of view. patterns. The position and yaw estimations with accompanying control techniques have been implemented on a remote-controlled quadrotor.
Teleoperated Buggy Vehicle and Weight Balanced Arm for Mechanization of Mine Detection and Clearance Tasks
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were intentionally simulated by unplugging the communication cables, turning off the controller, disconnecting the wireless antenna, turning off and resetting the control circuitry and driving the vehicle out of The system can be remote-controlled in a range of about 150meters.
System-on-a-programmable-chip development platforms in the classroom
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A program (written in C) running on the processor reads the tracking data and determines how to control the speed and steer the vehicle. Like most R/C models, several pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) servo signals control the speed and steering. This remote-controlled robot has
Quadrotor control using dual camera visual feedback
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non- linear control techniques have been implemented on a remote controlled quadrotor helicopter. I. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study is to explore control method- ologies and pose estimation algorithms that will make an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) autonomous.
ADeep bottom surveys now with acoustic remote controlled vehicle, first operational experience, Proceedings of Oceans Busby Associates, Inc., Undersea Vehicles Directory
Visual search of traffic scenes: On the effect of location expectations
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Control laws for the tele operation of an unmanned aerial vehicle known as an x4-flyer
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Page 1. Control Laws For The Tele Operation Of An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Known As An X4-flyer ABSTRACT In this paper, we present a control design for the tele-operation of a miniature unmanned aerial vehicle known as an X4-flyer.
Teleoperation user interfaces for mining robotics
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based on user interfaces for two experimental teleoperated mining-related systems, the Numbat mine emergency response vehicle and remote Unfortunately, there have been fatali- ties using remote controlled equipment in Australia and the enquiries and litigation currently in
Comparing situation awareness for two unmanned aerial vehicle human interface approaches
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Comparing Situation Awareness for Two Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Human Interface Approaches 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. Six had operated remote controlled cars or aircraft previously, but primarily in the context of using their children s toys.
Vehicle swarm rapid prototyping testbed
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to Fig. 6. One of two custom-built vehicle interface hardware packages can be applied to custom or commercially-available remote controlled vehicles, along rapid integration of new vehicles in the testbed. Both packages include
A control classification of automated guided vehicle systems
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Vagnenas (1991) describes a dispatch and control methodology for remote controlled automated load-haul-dump (LHD) vehicles in an underground mining operation. In this application, the vehicle is free to move to several digging locations to pick up dirt and other materials to
Time Follower s Vision: a teleoperation interface with past images
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Furthermore, operators require extensive training to adequately presume the vehicle s position and orientation from limited information. Figure 3 shows the image captured by the egocentric view camera mounted on the vehicle.
Unmanned forestry machines can be competitive
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to swap the demountable bodies. If only one extraction vehicle is used in the remote-controlled harvester system or the shuttle system, the harvester will always be forced to wait for the extraction vehicle. The cost level will then
A hybrid AUV design for shallow water reef navigation
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The vehicle represents a new era in AUV design specifically focused at providing a truly low-cost research capability that will progress environmental However, these technolo- gies are generally remote controlled by human operators or require human operators to deploy.
SCORPIODROME: an exploration in mixed reality social gaming for children
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games with physical remote controlled Figure 2: The physical part of the Active Landscape Grid is a hardboard grid on which cardboard tiles are fitted. Figure 1. (Left) The adapted Pistol controller. (Right) Close up picture of the Scorpion cars. On top of the vehicle is mounted a
Semi-autonomous traversal on uneven terrain for a tracked vehicle using autonomous control of active flippers
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Therefore, remote controlled mobile robots can be great help for searching inside of collapsed buildings instead of the rescue crew. How- ever, it also increases the work-load for operators controlling the robots, particularly where the vehicle and the operator are far apart.
Vision-based remote control of cellular robots
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Rovisco Pais, 1096 Lisboa, PortugalAbstract This paper describes the development and design of a vision-based remote controlled cellular robot. We control the vehicle angular velocity such that it moves in the direction of the goal.
Zero-mass pulsatile jets for unmanned underwater vehicle maneuvering
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To this end, the first phase of designing, building, and testing a Remote Controlled (RC) underwater vehicle, HydroBuff (see figure 7), was completed in early 2003 [6]. The first version of the HydroBuff is 1.4 m long, uses a conventional propeller and control surfaces, and is
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In order to narrow the project down to a size compatible with the researcher, it was decided to concentrate upon distances on the order of that from the earth to the moon and to choose the remote controlled surface exploration vehicle as a typical task.
Operating multiple semi-autonomous robots: Monitoring, responding, detecting
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Video sequences were captured using a remote- controlled vehicle camera mounted 30 cm above the ground, pointed approximately 10 degrees above the horizontal with a visual angle of 66.5 degrees and standard 4/3 aspect ratio.
The impacts of multiple robots and display views: An urban search and rescue simulation
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The use of remote controlled uninhabited ground vehicles (UGVs) is expanding in military and emergency operations. In the experiment, the number of UGVs used and the use of an uninhabited air vehicle (UAV) view were manipulated as between participants variables.
Control laws for the tele operation of an unmanned aerial vehicle known as an x4-flyer
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Page 1. Control Laws For The Tele Operation Of An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Known As An X4-flyer ABSTRACT In this paper, we present a control design for the tele-operation of a miniature unmanned aerial vehicle known as an X4-flyer.
Teleoperation user interfaces for mining robotics
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based on user interfaces for two experimental tele operated mining-related systems, the Numbat mine emergency response vehicle and remote Unfortunately, there have been fatalities using remote controlled equipment in Australia and the enquiries and litigation currently in
Comparing situation awareness for two unmanned aerial vehicle human interface approaches
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Comparing Situation Awareness for Two Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Human Interface Approaches 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. Six had operated remote controlled cars or aircraft previously, but primarily in the context of using their children s toys.
Vehicle swarm rapid prototyping testbed
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to Fig. 6. One of two custom-built vehicle interface hardware packages can be applied to custom or commercially available remote controlled vehicles, along rapid integration of new vehicles in the testbed. Both packages include
A control classification of automated guided vehicle systems
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describes a dispatch and control methodology for remote controlled automated load-haul-dump (LHD) vehicles in an underground mining operation. In this application, the vehicle is free to move to several digging locations to pick up dirt and other materials to
Time Follower s Vision: a tele operation interface with past images
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Furthermore, operators require extensive training to adequately presume the vehicle s position and orientation from limited information. Figure 3 shows the image captured by the egocentric view camera mounted on the vehicle.
Unmanned forestry machines can be competitive
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to swap the demountable bodies. If only one extraction vehicle is used in the remote-controlled harvester system or the shuttle system, the harvester will always be forced to wait for the extraction vehicle. The cost level will then
- unmanned ground vehicle
- The use of GPS for vehicle stability control systems
- Interaction Beyond an Embedded System
- real-time Java
- Numerical analyses on dynamic control of five-degree-of-freedom maglev vehicle moving on flexible guideways
remote controlled vehicle using gps technology
grid computing research papers CSE PROJECTS