research paper-finite element method 2014
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ABSTRACT: Analytical determination of displacements and stresses in reinforced concrete material was difficult task and engineers had to rely on empirical formulas because concrete consists of heterogeneous material and creep and shrinkage influenced deformations in it.
Strong formulation finite element method for arbitrarily shaped laminated plates–Part I. Theoretical analysis
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Abstract. This paper provides a new technique for solving the static analysis of arbitrarily shaped composite plates by using Strong Formulation Finite Element Method (SFEM). Several papers in literature by the authors have presented the proposed technique as an
Efficient modelling of pile foundations in the finite element method
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Numerical solution of boundary value problems: Deformation (stress, strain) analysis (SLS) and ULS design Groundwater flow analysis (Geo)thermal analysis Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical couplingRealistic simulation of soil, structure,
Global Energy Minimization for Multi-crack Growth in Linear Elastic Fracture using the Extended Finite Element Method
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In computational fracture mechanics as applied, for example, to damage tolerance assessment, it has been common practice to determine the onset of fracture growth and the growth direction by post-processing the solution of the linear elastostatics problem, at a
The Strong Formulation Finite Element Method Applied to Structural Mechanics Problems
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The Strong Formulation Finite Element Method (SFEM)[1] is a numerical approach that can be used for solving civil, environmental, mechanical, aerospace and naval engineering problems. Generally, practical engineering problems are complex due to geometry,
A stabilized Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Finite Element Method for the mixed wave equation with application to diphthong production
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O. Guasch1*, R. Codina2, M. Arnela1 and H. Espinoza2 1 GTM Grup de recerca en Tecnologies Media, La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull, C/Quatre Camins 2, E-08022 Barcelona, oguasch@ salleurl. edu, marnela@ salleurl. edu 2 Universitat Politecnica de
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METHODS: Data collection of this study was conducted and recorded at the KFC-Utusan Sepak Takraw 2011 in Kuala Lumpur. From the recordings, the takraw ball speeds before and after headings particularly at the front-forehead from services in the games were
Application of Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method for Discontinuities in Small Deformation Regimes
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In this paper, finite element formulation is defined in the frame work of discontinuous Galerkin method. Discontinuous Galerkin methods (dGm) are classically used in fluid mechanics, however recently their application in solid mechanics has become more vivid
A Finite Element Method for the Boundary Data Recovery in an Oxygen-Balance Dispersion Model
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Abstract The inverse problem under investigation consists of the boundary data completion in a deoxygenation-reaeration model in stream-waters. The unidimensional transport model we deal with is based on the one introduced by Streeter and Phelps, augmented by Taylor
Application of the Finite Difference Method and the Finite Element Method to Solve a Thermal Problem
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Solving a physical problem through computational modelling requires 4 critical steps: to define the problem in terms of a set number of variables for which we want to obtain values, as well as the boundary and initial conditions, if applicable. This step was already done in
Strong formulation finite element method based on differential quadrature: a survey
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It is a very well-known fact that computing machines are in ever growing advancement. This is due to the fact that new numerical solutions are developed for several classes of engineering problems that increase simultaneously with the complexity of the engineering
Discontinuous Galerkin method in time combined with a stabilized finite element method in space for linear first-order PDEs
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Abstract We analyze the discontinuous Galerkin method in time combined with a finite element method with symmetric stabilization in space to approximate evolution problems with a linear, first-order differential operator. A unified analysis is presented for space
Strong formulation finite element method for arbitrarily shaped laminated plates–Part II. Numerical analysis
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Abstract. The results of a series of numerical experiments are presented to verify some of the important developments made in the first part of this paper. Firstly, the static solution of an algebraic system obtained through Strong Formulation Finite Element Method (SFEM) is The main purpose of this monograph is to provide a simple and accessible introduction to the mixed finite element method as a fundamental tool to numerically solve a wide class of boundary value problems arising in physics and engineering sciences. The book is based
Parallel simulations of soft-tissue using an adaptive quadtree/octree implicit boundary finite element method
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1 University of Luxembourg, Campus Kirchberg, Luxembourg, jack. hale@ uni. lu 2 Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK, kerfridenp@ cardiff. ac. uk 3 Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain, agestrada@ gmail. com 4 University of Luxembourg, Campus Kirchberg,
Formulation and analysis of a parameter-free stabilized finite element method
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Abstract. We present a stabilized finite element method for the scalar advection-diffusion equation, which does not require tunable mesh-dependent parameters. Stabilization is achieved by using diffusive fluxes extracted from an edge element lifting of Scharfetter-
Chloride diffusion study in different types of concrete using finite element method (FEM)
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Abstract. Corrosion in RCC structures is one of the most important factors that affects the structure s durability and subsequently causes reduction of serviceability. The most severe cause of this corrosion is chloride attack. Hence, to prevent this to happen proper
Prediction Model of Rolling Force for Electrical Steel Based on Finite Element Method and Neural Network1
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Abstract. The rolling force prediction model for electrical steel in hot rolling was established. A 3D elastic-plastic finite element model of roll and strip was established by MSC. Marc software package. The influence of strip thickness, rolling temperature, strip width, friction
Heat transfer and Thermal Stress Analysis in Internal Grooved tube in comparison with bare tube by Finite element method
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Abstract The heat exchanger is a device used for the process of heat exchange between two the fluids at different temperatures. The heat exchange process in heat exchangers can be described by the principles of conduction, convection, radiation and evaporation or
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The Random Finite Element Method (RFEM) has been adapted to determine the effect of the spatial variability of material properties in an Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor brick. The RFEM process can be summarized as follows:(1) Generate a set of random fields;(2)
Computed Basis Functions and the Nonconforming Voxel Finite-Element Method
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(NVFEM) is an alternative to conventional mesh generation that uses purely rectangular elements. Its main drawback is the need to approximate boundaries that would otherwise pass through the interior of the elements. By using computed basis functions, boundaries
Research on band structure of one-dimensional phononic crystals based on wavelet finite element method
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Abstract: A wavelet finite element method (WFEM) is developed to analyze the dispersion relation for one-dimensional phononic crystals (1DPCs). In order to calculate the band gaps (BGs) of 1DPCs, the wavelet finite element model is constructed using a slender beam
Error estimates for a two-dimensional special finite element method based on component mode synthesis
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Abstract. This paper presents a priori error estimates for a special finite element discretization based on component mode synthesis. The basis functions exploit an orthogonal decomposition of the trial subspace to minimize the energy and are expressed
A Comparison of the Transfer Matrix Method and the Finite Element Method for the Calculation of the Transmission Loss in a Single Expansion Chamber Muffler
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A muffler is a device which is commonly used in an exhaust system to provide a certain level of acoustic performance by reducing the amount of noise (unwanted sound) generated by an upstream source, such as a combustion engine. Sound pressure originating from the
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Abstract: Background: For design of suitable spinal implants, computational investigation of stresses developed within spine as a result of implantation is very important. Hence, the present study has been carried out for computation of stresses developed within Cervical
Finite Element Method for Dynamic Response in Enclosed Gear-Driven System
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Abstract: The theoretical solving of dynamic analysis on the enclosed gear-driven system is complicated, and only the surface vibration data can be tested in the experiment. In view of this, 3D modeling is carried out on a given secondary planet reducer to create a finite
A computational approach based on the integration of the equivalent-eigenstrain concept with the eXtended Finite Element Method for general-shaped inclusions
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Tempering and firing practices decrease the strength of ceramic materials such as those used for traditional pottery, due to thermal expansion mismatch between temper particles and ceramic matrix [1]. We study stress concentration around sharp temper inclusions
Compositional Flow Modeling Using a Multi-point Flux Mixed Finite Element Method
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Abstract We present a general compositional formulation using multi-point flux mixed finite element (MFMFE) method on general hexahedral grids. The mixed finite element framework allows for local mass conservation, accurate flux approximation and a more general
Piezoelectric Vibrations Energy Harvesters Power Optimization Using the Finite Element Method
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Abstract: This paper presents a computational model using the finite element (FE) method to simulate piezoelectric vibrations energy harvesters for power optimization in the context of small size applications. A version of the simulated annealing algorithm is used to optimize
A higher-order finite element method for partial differential equations on surfaces
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Abstract. A new higher order finite element method for elliptic partial differential equations on a stationary smooth surface G is introduced and analyzed. We assume G is characterized as the zero level of a level set function f and only a finite element approximation fh (of
Investigation of the behavior of stiffened steel plate shear walls with Finite element method
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ABSTRACT: Steel plate shear walls have been used in reinforced and unreinforced which is new resistant system against lateral loads of wind and earthquake. In recent decade, this system has been considered by researcher. According to the optimal performance of this
Simulation of Cyclic Stress-Strain Behavior of S960 at Weld Toe by means of Finite Element Method
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Abstract The cyclic stress-strain response of S960 at the toe of filletwelded joint has been simulated by means of finite element method in order to gathering the needed data for fatigue life prediction process. The Femap software (Version 11.0. 0) with NX Nastran 8.5
A Corotational Finite Element Method for Example-based Deformation
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Abstract: We present a framework for example-based deformation of three dimension elastic solid by using finite element method with corotational technology. By using the linear Cauchy strain and rotation compensation, the nonlinear optimization on example-based
Application of nodal discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for 2D nonlinear elastic wave propagation
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In order to solve the elastic wave equation in heterogeneous media with arbitrary high order accuracy in space on unstructured meshes, a nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method (DG-FEM) is presented, which combines the geometrical flexibility of the Finite
An augmented mixed–primal finite element method for a coupled flow–transport problem
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Abstract In this paper we analyze the coupling of a scalar nonlinear convection-diffusion problem with the Stokes equations where the viscosity depends on the distribution of the solution to the tranport problem. An augmented variational approach for the fluid flow
Blended finite element method and its convergence for three-dimensional image reconstruction using $ L^ 2$-gradient flow
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Abstract. The gradient-flow-based explicit and semi-implicit finite element methods proposed in our earlier papers have been applied to solve various variational models for image reconstruction in cryo-electron microscopy and X-ray computed tomography, respectively.
The finite-element method in quantum chemistry
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Possible outline of a black-box FE calculation 1 Specify a coarse grid (could be auto- generated) 2 Specify a region of interest 3 Run calculation 4 Identify regions of largest a
Finite Element Method Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing
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ABSTRACT The analysis and design of hydrodynamic journal bearings has a great attention to the engineers. Emphasis has been given to design those bearings so as to avoid metal-to- metal contact. To design these elements, few important characteristics, like load-carrying
Modeling a Halfspace with Tunnel using a Coupled Integral Transform Method-Finite Element Method Approach
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Moving loads in an underground tunnel lead to oscillations inside the soil which can cause annoyances or health problems for humans. Moreover, sensitive machines can be disturbed by these oscillations. Due to urbanization and permanent advancements in machine
Computer simulations on vibration control of a flexible single-link manipulator using finite-element method
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Abstract: The purposes of this research are to formulate the equation of motion of the system, to develop the computational codes by a finite-element method in order to perform dynamics simulations with vibration control and to propose an effective control scheme of a flexible
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The superelement of a column of rectangular section made of homogeneous material and intended for linear analysis, developed by authors earlier on the basis of the three- dimensional theory of elasticity, is updated with reference to static analysis of reinforced
Failure analysis of Steel Wheel by using finite Element Method
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Abstract: To improve the quality of steel wheels, an analysis for evaluating the fatigue life of wheels is proposed in this paper. The ANSSYS 13.1 software is used to build the static load finite element model of steel wheels for simulating. There is two type of material used
A convergent adaptive stochastic Galerkin finite element method with quasi-optimal spatial meshes
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Abstract. We analyze a-posteriori error estimation and adaptive refinement algorithms for stochastic Galerkin Finite Element methods for countablyparametric, elliptic boundary value problems. A residual error estimator which separates the effects of gpc-Galerkin
A Nitsche finite element method for dynamic contact: 2. Stability of the schemes and numerical experiments
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Abstract In a previous paper [4], we adapted Nitsche's method for the approximation of the linear elastodynamic unilateral contact problem. The space semi-discrete problem was analyzed and some schemes (-scheme, Newmark and a new hybrid scheme) were
A posteriori error analysis of a fullymixed finite element method for a two-dimensional fluid-solid interaction problem
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Abstract In this paper we develop an a posteriori error analysis of a fully-mixed finite element method for a fluid-solid interaction problem in 2D. The media are governed by the elastodynamic and acoustic equations in time-harmonic regime, respectively, the
Advances in Finite Element Method 2014
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To date, the finite element method (FEM) is still a prominent technique for most numerical analyses and simulations in science and engineering. Numerous research activities related to the FEM are still actively pursued worldwide. In order to solve various complicated
Orthotropic Seepage Analysis using Hybrid Finite Element Method
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Abstract A solution procedure using the hybrid finite element method is presented for two- dimensional steady-state linear seepage analysis of orthotropic dams. In the present algorithm, fundamental solutions for orthotropic seepage problems are employed to
Determination of Technological Parameters of Vibratory Stress Relief for Radial Steel Gate Structure Based on Finite Element Method
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Page 1. Determination of technological parameters of vibratory stress relief for radial steel gate structure based on finite element method Jianke Fu 1,aJun Jin 1,bXing Zhou 1,c 1College of Mechanical Materials Engineering, China Three Gorges University
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The present article studies the order of performing low-cycle fatigue strength calculation of the elements of the full-scale specimen construction of the fixed support DN 1000 of the above-ground oil pipeline Zapolyarye Purpe during rig-testing. The calculation is METHODS: In this paper, based on the three-dimensional finite element method, the local thermal stress intensity factor is computed using ANSYS software. The weight function method is also used to determine closed-form stress intensity factors at the deepest point
Space-time Finite Element Method for the Magma-rock Interaction Problem
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Abstract We present a decoupled solution approach for fluid-solid interaction problem. The aim is to develop a space-time Galerkin least square finite element method for magma-rock interaction problem. Magma is treated as a multi component, multiphase, compressible-
Advances in finite element method
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The finite element method (FEM) forms an important branch of computational mechanics and applied mathematics, and it has been broadly adopted in scientific research and engineering applications. Despite the significant development in FEM over the past few
A Nitsche finite element method for dynamic contact. 1. Semi-discrete problem analysis and time-marching schemes
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Abstract This paper presents a new approximation of elastodynamic frictionless contact problems based both on the finite element method and on an adaptation of Nitsche's method which was initially designed for Dirichlet's condition. A main interesting characteristic is
High accuracy analysis of anisotropic finite element method for a class of nonlinear degenerate wave equation.
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ABSTRACT The convergence analysis of the bilinear finite element method to a class of non- linear degenerate wave equation on anisotropic meshes is considered in this paper. Moreover, the global superconvergence for semidiscrete scheme is proposed through
Educational examples in Structural Acoustics using the Finite Element Method
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This thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Greek Bachelor's Degree in music technology and acoustics. It contains work done from April 2012 to June 2014, under the supervision of Dr. Spyros Kouzoupis. The work presented in this thesis
Time-Transient Nonlinear Modeling of Electromagnetic Systems Using Quadratic Finite Element Method
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Abstract:Behavior of ferromagnetic materials is considered as an important issue in magnetic studies. A prevalent method for modeling is finite element method (FEM). While modeling a material by FEM with linear elements, we might face with some problems like Organization This textbook is well-organized, with the first seven chap- ters focusing on the mathematical basis of the method, and the remaining seven chapters being more concerned with the method's application to various types of problems of the continua. For instance, in Chapter 6, the
Trend analysis using non-stationary time series clustering based on the finite element method
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Abstract. In order to analyze low-frequency variability of climate, it is useful to model the climatic time series with multiple linear trends and locate the times of significant changes. In this paper, we have used non-stationary time series clustering to find change points in the
Prediction of Damage Formation in Total Hip Arthroplasty using Finite Element Method
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Total hip arthroplasty (THA) patients sometimes encounter periprosthetic fractures. Sudden and high impact loading during certain activities may contribute to the incident such as sideway falls and bending. In this study, damage formation in femoral bone with a hip
Acceleration of the Finite Element Method Using Hybrid OpenMP-CUDA
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Abstract:Graphics processing units (GPUs) are efficient in accelerating algorithms that are highly parallelizable. This paper discusses various aspects of parallelizing the traditional finite element algorithm, whose communication-intensive nature makes it difficult to be
Analysis of Crack in Structures Using Finite Element Method
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Cracks are a potential source of catastrophic failure in mechanical machines, civil structures and aerospace engineering. It is required that structures must in safety work during its service life, but damages instigate an earlier breakdown period on the structures.
Numerical Analysis of Transient Wave Propagation in Nonlinear One-Dimensional Waveguides by using the Spectral Finite Element Method
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ABSTRACT In this paper, transient wave propagation in nonlinear one-dimensional (1D) waveguides is studied. A complete nonlinear 1D model accounting for both axial and transverse displacements is developed and geometric and material nonlinearities are
Finite Element Method for Computational Fluid Dynamics–SUPG and Stabilized FEM
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The standard Galerkin-based FEM applicable for viscous flows only. Similarly to the Finite Difference Methods (FDM), upwind schemes are needed for convection-dominated flows. In the FEM context, upwinding is handled by using different test functions and basis functions
A Hybrid Spectral Integral-Finite Element Method for Layered Media Including Graphene-like Atomically Thin Layered Materials
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Abstract:Layered medium Green's functions (LMGFs) are calculated for a multilayered medium including graphene-like atomically thin layered materials. A spectral integral method (SIM) implemented with LMGFs is used as an exact radiation boundary condition
Complex Stress Field of LPG Tank under Fire Based on Sobolev Orthogonal Wavelet Finite Element Method
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Abstract. In order to analyze the complex stress field of LPG tank under fire, the application of Sobolev orthogonal wavelet finite element method on it is studied in depth. First, Sobolev wavelet basis function is established, the B-spline wavelet function with the property of
An incomplete discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for second order elliptic problem
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Abstract In this paper, we propose an incomplete discontinuous Galerkin (iDG) finite element method for solving second linear elliptic equations, This method, called iDG-FEM, is designed by choosing an incomplete discontinuous finite element space in place of the
Column slenderness computation and evaluation using finite element method and commercial software
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ABSTRACT In this study slender column was analyzed and evaluated using the Finite Element Method (FEM) modeling software ETABS and well-known commercial software PCACOL. First the slender column design methods described in ACI code were reviewed
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The present article studies a procedure of calculating the strength of pipeline support constructions of the above-ground oil trunk pipeline system «Zapolyar'e oil pumping station «Pur-pe». The calculations of the supports stress-strain state are performed with
Groundwater Quality Modelling using Coupled Galerkin Finite Element and Modified Method of Characteristics Models
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1989) presented a comprehensive numerical model for solute transport simulation in groundwater flow system by combining modified method of characteristics for solution of advection-dispersion equation with finite element method for the solution of groundwater flow equation.
Growth Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Cu_3BiS_3 Absorbing Layer Solar Cell through the wxAMPS and Finite Element Method
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The properties and efficiency of heteroepitaxial semiconductor thin films depend upon states of stress and defects in the film structure. Recent years, it has carried out an extensive work as for characterization of thin films, with special emphasis on the nucleation and the
A Novel Finite Element Method Based Beam Propagation Method without Using Slow Varying Envelope Approximation
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A novel finite element method (FEM) based wide-angle (WA) beam propagation method (BPM) was presented whereby the scalar Helmholtz equation was solved without using the slow varying envelope approximation (SVEA) and was more general and precise than the
Computational Analysis of 3-Dimensional Transient Heat Conduction in the Stator of an Induction Motor during Reactor Starting using Finite Element Method
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Abstract:In developing electric motors in general and induction motors in particular temperature limit is a key factor affecting the efficiency of the overall design. Since conventional loading of induction motors is often expensive, the estimation of temperature
Deformation Behaviour Analysis Of Car Wheel Rim Under Different Loading Using Finite Element Method
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ABSTRACT An analysis was conducted to study the deformation behaviour of the car wheel rim when subjected to different loading. This design analysis was performed using SolidWorks and CATIA software. Steel and Alloy are the two types of car wheel rim
Error analysis of a mixed finite element method for the Monge–Ampère equation
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Abstract. We analyze the convergence of a mixed finite element method for the elliptic Monge-Ampere equation in dimensions 2 and 3. The unknowns in the formulation, the scalar variable and a discrete Hessian, are approximated by Lagrange finite element
The Effectiveness of Using the Transfer Matrix Method to Calculate the Transmission Loss of a Finite Element Single Expansion Chamber Muffler Model
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in f Frequency Hz FEM Finite Element Method- j Imaginary Number- k Wavenumber in1 diameters was analyzed using the transfer matrix method (TMM) in MATLAB and finite element method (FEM) in COMSOL Multiphysics to determine the muffler transmission loss.
Solution to a Diffusion problem by Finite Element Classic Method
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Ritz Method. Variational Method. Least.Squares Method. Galerkin Method. Finite Difference Method. Finite Element Method. Finite Volume Method. Bibliography Mark S. Gockenbach. Understanding and Implementing the Finite Element Method. SIAM (2006).
Finite Element Method for Computational Fluid Dynamics–Basics of FEM
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We begin with the steady-state 1D heat transfer problem. The domain is now simply an interval (0, c). Later on we also consider the transient heat equation in a domain (0, c)×(0, t),
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ABSTRACT Traditional limit-equilibrium techniques are the most commonly-used analysis methods for slope stability problems. Recently, finite element method has emerged as an efficient and viable tool for analyzing various geotechnical problems. The Strength
The stable extrinsic eXtend Finite Element Method for second order Elliptic equation with interfaces
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ABSTRACT In this paper, a stable extrinsic extend finite element method (SXFEM) is proposed to solve the second order elliptic equation with discontinuous coefficients and interfaces. SXFEM is designed by the stable enrichment function and stress intensity
Research using finite element method of biomechanical behaviours of human femur model under the different loads
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In this study, analysed using finite element method (FEM) of biomechanical behaviours of human femur model under the different loads. Geomagic and Soldiworks program were used for 3D model human of femur model, and Ansysworkbench was used for finite
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Abstract. Based on an expanded mixed finite element method, we consider the semidiscrete approximations of the solution u of the quasilinear pseudo-parabolic equation defined on Rd, 1= d= 3. We construct the semidiscrete approximations of u and a (u) u+ b ( The relative permeability and electrical conductivity of the pan material, both of which vary with temperature, play an important role in thermal power of induction cooker system. A series of finite element models, including a variable relative permeability electromagnetic
Numerical research methodology of free oscillations of geometrically nonlinear shell using the mixed finite element method
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1Urban, road construction and structural mechanic department, South-West State University (SWSU), 305040, Kursk, Russia 2 Urban, road construction and structural mechanic department, South-West State University (SWSU), 305040, Kursk, Russia
Stochastic Finite Element Method Reliability Analysis of the Corrugated I-beam Girder
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Abstract: The main issue in this paper is to present stochastic analysis of the steel plate girder with the corrugated web subjected to Gaussian random fluctuations in its web thickness. Such an analysis is carried out using the Stochastic Finite Element Method
Free Vibration Analysis of Moderately Thick Functionally Graded Plates with Multiple Circular and Square Cutouts Using Finite Element Method
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ABSTRACT A simple formulation for studying the free vibration of shear-deformable functionally graded plates of different shapes with different cutouts using the finite element method is presented. The aim is to fill the void in the available literature with respect to the
Modeling and Estimating the Effective Elastic Properties of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites by Finite Element Method
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Abstract Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) possess extremely high stiffness, strength and resilience, and may provide the ultimate reinforcing material for the development of nanocomposites. Evaluating the effective elastic properties of such nanoscale materials is
Development of a Software for Analysis of Two Dimensional Nonlinear Elastic Problems UsingFinite Element Method
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ABSTRACT Present analytical theories involves determination of true stress and true strain values by the measurement of c/s area and the loads at that c/s areas. By knowing these values the stresses are determined and the true strains by knowing change in
Natural Frequency Sensitivity Analysis of a Road Model Based on the Finite Element Method
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Abstract The vibration caused by moving loads gradually destroys the road, negatively affecting the performance of the road structure. Therefore, a study on the natural frequency of a road structure is necessary for a dynamic analysis of the road. In this study, the natural
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The application of nanocomposites in microwave and electronic devices requires the exact knowledge of all parameters of a single wave carrier signal. Determination of reflection and transmission coefficients (S-Parameters) of garnet ferrites loaded polymer
Numerical Analysis Using Finite Element Method On Phosphorescent Organic Light Emitting Diodes
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Abstract:In this paper, we report our numerical simulation on the electronic-optical properties of the phosphorescent organic light emitting diodes (PHOLEDs) devices. In order to calculate the electrical and optical characteristics such as the transport behavior of
Vibration Analysis Of Beam Subjected To Moving Loads Using Finite Element Method
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Abstract:-It was purposed to understand the dynamic response of beam which are subjected to moving point loads. The finite element method and numerical time integration method (Newmark method) are employed in the vibration analysis. The effect of the speed of the
Craniofacial Tissue Simulation Using Contact Analysis Of The Finite Element Method
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ABSTRACT A corrective surgery known as the craniofacial surgery is important for the improvement of a patient's appearance and in some cases a patient's physical abilities in terms of speech. The postoperative soft tissues prediction is often a hit considering the In this paper, an ABC transient model of the three-phase induction motor is developed that depends on self and mutual inductance calculations based on accurate finite element analysis (FEA). This model can represent both healthy and faulty motor conditions. The
Finite Element Method for Static Problems of Cubic Quasicrystals
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In this paper, a finite element algorithm for static problems of cubic quasicrystals is derived from the variation of a kind of general potential function for QCs. A quasicrystal column containing a penny-shaped crack is investigated to verify the validity of the numerical
Research on Ductility Coefficient of Square-shaped Concrete-filled Steel Tubular Columns Based on Finite Element Method
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Abstract: Ductility coefficient is not only an important parameter to assess the ductility performance of components, but also an index to estimate the aseismic behavior of columns. The ductility coefficient is mainly affected by some factors, such as slenderness ratio, axial
- Finite element approximation-2
- finite element method calculations
- Higher-order finite element methods
- adaptive finite element method-3
- Finite element exterior calculus
- Finite Element-Finite Volume
- multiscale finite element method
- finite element discretizations
- discontinuous finite element-2
- finite element methods-3
- parallel finite-element eigenmode
- finite element model
- finite element error control
- finite element approximation
- finite element algorithms
- Boundary-element-based
- finite element modeling
- use of finite element methods
- finite element method-5
- Finite element analysis-4
- Adaptive finite element methods-2
- conservative finite element
- finite element like scheme
- Finite element simulations-2
- finite element beam propagation
- Mixed finite element method-3
- Finite element simulations
- Generalized finite element method
- Monte Carlo Finite Element method
- finite element method-4
- finite element methods-2
- mixed finite element method-2
- discontinuous finite element
- finite element discretization
- finite element method-3
- finite element method-2
- Finite element analysis-3
- smoothed finite element method-2
- finite element analysis-2
- adaptive finite element methods
- finite element analysis
- finite element methods
- mixed finite element methods
- Strong convergence of fem
- partial differential equations with FEM
- innovative finite element methods
- smoothed finite element method
Cracked shaft detection and diagnostics: a literature review
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Mohiuddin and Khulief (2002) present yet another FEM-based crack detection scheme. They analyze the four possible cases: (i) uncracked symmetrical shaft; (ii) cracked symmet axi-harmonic, eight-node elements available in com- mercial finite element analysis (FEA) software
Crack depth analysis of a rotating shaft by vibration measurement
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t » V01 A 30- measured FEM/TGrabowski moshenko beam (1980) <=3 LJJ 600 550 After adapting the finite element structure to the geometry of the crack as found by experiments, the global stiffness of the region can be transferred to a conventional analysis for the
Fundamentals of machine component design
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Equivalent Column Stresses, 216 5.15 Other Types of Buckling, 216 5.16 Finite Element Analysis, 218 Geometry and Nomenclature, 666 16.11 Worm Gear Force and Efficiency Analysis, 668 16.12 Related Parts, 688 17.1 Introduction, 688 17.2 Provision for Shaft Bearings, 689
Dynamic analysis of geared rotor-bearing systems by the transfer matrix method
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The transfer matrix method and the finite element method have been used extensively for analyses of rotor Gu 14 proposed an improved transfer matrix-direct inte- gration method for rotor dynamics analysis with shaft elements modeled as Timoshenko beams. Lee et al.
Latest technical trends regarding hub unit bearings
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Specifically regarding hub unit bearing analysis, Koyo uses noise and strength/stiffness analyses to reduce 4 shows a comparison between FEM analysis of moment stiffness and experimental results In this analysis, the stiffness of the knuckle (including outer ring) and hub shaft
Gearbox reliability collaborative analysis round robin
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The more comprehensive analysis used the finite element analysis of the shaft to predict the torsional and Most of the analysis used FEA to account for the deflections generated at the planet For instance, some analyses modeled the planet carrier pin interactions by the use of
Improvement of simulation technology for analysis of hub units bearings
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With computers having higher performance, it is now possible to analyze larger size models. with remarkably higher accuracy than that used at the initial introduction of FEM. Application software used for the analysis also has been tremendously advanced, thus allowing current
Stability analysis of high speed lab centrifuges considering internal damping in rotor-shaftjoints
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Stability analysis of high speed lab centrifuges considering internal Figure 4 shows the FEM-simulation model of the centrifuge. Prior to examine the implementation of viscous internal damping in the simulation of high speed centrifuges, we first analyze a Jeffcott Rotor with
Numerical analysis of piled rafts
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The FEM approach to build up the stiffness matrix of the raft has been briefly described in raft of finite stiffness supported by an elastic half-space, using a refined finite element analysis for the than the limiting value of 80 kPa assumed by the author; (b) the analysis by NAPRA is
Blade and shaft crack detection using torsional vibration measurements Part 1: Feasibility studies
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It was determined by experimentation and finite element dynamic analysis that this was the fundamental torsional mode of the rotor system. To further facilitate the understanding of the coupling phenomenon, a beam finite element model (FEM) of the rotor was developed
Dynamic modeling of direct drive axial flux PMLOM using FEM analysis
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analytically and the results are validated extensively by comparison with finite element analyses. For the FEM modeling calculations, material linearity of the NdFeB permanent Motor Advanced Embedded power electronics controllers and finite element analysis of special
Introduction to finite elements in engineering
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Press Fit on a Rigid Shaft, 257 Press Fit on an Elastic Shaft, 258 Belleville Previous Finite Element Programs and a Program for Determining Critical Speeds of Shafts 432 11.6 This will enable the users to solve finite element analysis problems using web browsers such as IE They presented the FEM model using Rayleigh beam theory for the rotor-bearing system which consists of Cracked Section Flexibility Matrix Consider a finite element of a rotor-bearing system with a slant crack (see The crack is assumed to remain open for eigenvalue analysis.
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Table 1. Maximum Huber-Mises stresses in analyzed halfshaft end The FEM analyses of the caterpillar unit showed that the main cause of the breakdown was the way [3] RD Cook, DS Malkus, ME Plesha, RJ Witt Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, 4th Edition
Dynamic analysis of a rotary hollow shaft with hot-fit part using contact elements with friction
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20. Ezawa, Y. and Okamoto, N., ''Development of contact stress analysis programs using the hybrid method of FEM and BEM 21. Asante, JN, ''A combined contact elasticity and finite element-based model for contact load and pressure distribution calculation in a frictional
A detailed comparison of experimental and theoretical stress-analyses of a human femur
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ses have been reported using Culmann 's traj ectorial diagram (11], beam theory [eg 12,13, 14,15], two-dimensional Finite Element Methods (FEM) [eg 16,14,17, [19], who roughly compared results of 2-D FEM analyses, beam analysis and experimental stress-coat
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34 4.2.2 Baseline Shaft Analysis 35 44 4.11 Finite Element Mesh for the Crushed Salt, Intact Salt