finite element algorithms
Real-time prediction of brain shift using nonlinear finite element algorithms
FREE-DOWNLOAD [PDF] G Joldes, A Wittek, M Couton, S Warfield Image Computing and , 2009
An additive Schwarz algorithm for two-and three-dimensional finite element elliptic problems
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In this paper, we present an additive variant of the Schwarz alternating method for finite element approximations of two and three dimensional elliptic problems with mixed boundary conditions. We establish that the rate of convergence of this method is optimal even when
Moving finite elements
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finite . A MOVING MESH FINITE ELEMENT ALGORITHM FOR. CiteSeer We have developed a numerical model for simulating the deformation behavior of elastic sheet materials based on the moving finite elements MFE. The
Parallel finite element analysis using Jacobi-conditioned conjugate gradient algorithm
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In this paper a modified parallel Jacobi-conditioned conjugate gradient (CG) method is proposed for solving linear elastic finite element system of equations. The conventional element -by- element and diagonally conditioned approaches are discussed with respect to
A direct finite element implementation of the gradient-dependent theory
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The details of the finite element implementation of the proposed algorithm are thoroughly dis- cussed in Section 5. The non-local continuum and consistent tangent stiffnesses are derived in Section 6. Section 7 describes the results of shear band simulations, demonstrating
Finite element valuation of swing options
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the initial spot prices. A comparison of the Finite Element algorithm to Monte Carlo and lattice methods demonstrates the strengths of the proposed numerical algorithm time problem. 3 Finite Element pricing algorithm In the
Using a reduced number of Lagrange multipliers for assembling parallel incomplete field finite element approximations
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Finally, we assess the performance of the computational hybrid algorithm developed with the large-scale finite element static analysis of the Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) on a 4 processor CRAY Y-MP; we demonstrate that for that problem, our algorithm outperforms the fastest of
Domain splitting algorithm for mixed finite element approximations to parabolic problems
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In this paper we fromulate and study a domain decomposition algorithm for solving mixed finite element approximations to parabolic initial-boundary value problems. In contrast to the usual overlapping domain decomposition method this technique leads to noniterative
On the implementation of the k-epsilon turbulence model in incompressible flow solvers based on a finite element discretization
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This paper presents a de- tailed numerical study of the k − ε model as implemented in an unstructured grid finite element code. The pro- posed algorithm combines and extends some useful ideas found in the literature (Grotjans and Menter; Codina and Soto; Medic
Finite element modelling in structural and petroleum geology
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Facult des Sciences Appliqu es Finite Element Modelling in Structural and Petroleum Geology par Also, a 2D automatic adaptive re-meshing algorithm is developed for complex multidomains configurations, in order to overcome the limitation of the Lagrangian mesh
A convergent reinforcement learning algorithm in the continuous case: the finite - element reinforcement learning
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This paper presents a direct reinforcement learning algorithm , called Finite - Element Reinforcement Learning, in the continuous case, ie continuous state-space and time. The evaluation of the value function enables the generation of an optimal policy for rein- forcement control problems, such
Selected topics in finite element methods
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51 5.1. The model problem 51 5.2. Iterative methods 52 5.3. The multigrid V-cycle algorithm 55 5.4. The finite element multigrid V-cycle algorithm 61 iii Page 4. iv CONTENTS 5.5. The full multigrid and work estimate 62 5.6. The adaptive multigrid method 64 5.7. Exercises 65
A multilevel k way partitioning algorithm for finite element meshes using competing ant colonies
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The self organizing properties of ant colonies are employed to tackle the classical combinatorial optimization problem of graph partitioning. Structural information from the graph is mapped onto an environment upon which a number of colonies compete for
An implicit finite element cavitation algorithm
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This paper describes an implicit finite element cavitation algorithm . The cavitation problem is formulated using the complementarity form. By using the complementarity formulation, the fluid pressure in the non-cavitation region and the density of the airlfluid mixture in the
Algorithm For Solving Maxwells Equations
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a point-matched time domain finite element method . All of these new methods make use of the conforming ability of the finite - element method to approximate physical boundaries more accurately. This letter proposes a modified form of the finite -difference algorithm , with a
An optimal dynamic load balancing algorithm
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Finite element calculation is one such example. For other applications where the parallelism is fine grained and the load changes rapidly every iteration, an asychronous diffusion type algorithm be more suitable because the cost of sychronisation can be too expensive
A physically based, two-dimensional, finite -difference algorithm for modeling variably saturated flow
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Panday et al. (1993) discussed recent advances in finite - element modeling techniques for variably saturated flow problems. The objective of the present work is to develop and present a computationally simple and efficient finite -difference algorithm that can solve a wide variety
Analysis of the Schwarz algorithm for mixed finite elements methods
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741 solution. The method fits the genera! strategy of the product it rative method proposed in [ 2 28], which is designed for elliptic problems. However, due to the saddle point property of the mixed finite element method, the product algorithm can not be applied directly here
Spectral finite element and genetic algorithm for crack detection in cantilever rod
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Key Engineering Materials Vols. 204-205 (2001) pp 241-250 (2001) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/www. 204-205.241 SPECTRAL FINITE ELEMENT AND GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR CRACK DETECTION IN CANTILEVER ROD
Multi-stage finite element algorithm for excavation in elastoplastic soils
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A multi-stage finite element algorithm for simulating excavation in elastoplastic soils is presented. Based on the conception of the variable domain vector, the non-linear finite element equations are derived in order to take into account the appropriate domain of