rfid-radio frequency identification research papers 2012-111
Compact Microstrip Antenna for RFID Application
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SS More, MP Turuk ,ijetae.com
Abstract—Asymmetric-circular shaped slotted microstrip patch antennas with slits are
proposed for circularly polarized (CP) radiation and radio frequency identification reader
applications. A single-feed configuration based asymmetric-circular shaped slotted square
Organizational Integration for the Implementation of RFID: A Case Study of Philips Semiconductors
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M Tariq, SU Khan ,journal-archieves8.webs.com
Abstract Managing the supply of a business is integral to the success of any competing
supply chain in today’s marketplace. The advent of RFID as technology has several potential
associated tradeoffs concerning greater visibility of products/huge investments involved.
RFID Readability on Different Materials in Motion Testing
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EC Jones, A Garza, S Venkatesan ,uta.edu
Abstract Enforcement operations have a critical need to provide a more efficient means of
capturing data for inspection purposes in comparison to manual screening approaches for
enforcement of safety and registration guidelines. Approaches such as random screening
An Ultra Lightweight RFID Protocol Based on Random Partitions of Pseudorandom Identifier and Pre-shared Secret Value
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EV Sharma, EJ Gupta ,estij.org
ABSTRACT: Security is the degree of protection against danger, damage, loss, and crime.
Securities as a form of protection are structures and processes that provide or improve
security as a condition. Here in this paper we are trying to implement the security in RFID
Ubiquitous RFID Network for Bus Management System at Gas Station
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S Srewattanapon, W Sriborrirux, N Indra-Payoong ,bal.buu.ac.th
Abstract This paper presents the RFID network for bus management system. The bus
transponder is designed to transmit the communication data to a 433MHz RFID reader at the
gas station with less than 2 meters read at a specific gas filling bay, while locating buses
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Abstract This paper deals with way how to monitor life cycle of crystallizers at continuous
casting devices. There are some irregular changes where the crystallizers desks are during
their life time-actual working position in continuous casting device, emergency position in
Emerging Technologies for Libraries: RFID & Biometric Smart Cards
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Abstract Emergence of computer technologies has increased information storage capacity
beyond imagination in the past decade and made it possible to access information from any
part of the world easily and quickly. All this has increased the use of digital technology in
Using CDMA as Anti-Collision Method for RFID-ResearchApplications
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A Loeffler
The increasing number of deployed RFID systems and the resulting need for fast recognition
of a given amount of RFID tags puts great demand on future RFID readers. Applications
requesting for a fast capture of RFID tags are mainly found in logistic and manufacturing
A Review on Interactive Learning Tools for Preschool Children Using RFID
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WFF Yahya, NMM Noor, MP Hamzah, MN Hassan ,fullpaperumtas2012.umt.edu.my
Abstract The emerging of the technology will revolutionize the development of learning
process among the children. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Radio
Frequency Identification, are among the examples that will instrument the learning
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MA Hossain, M Quaddus ,pacis2012.org
Abstract In literature, adoption and continuance of an innovation have been considered as
discrete events and discussed in separate models. This study argues that these are
interrelated and continuous processes. The objective of this study is to investigate the
Building an Inferential Model between Caregivers and Patients by using RFID
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YT Chang, CY Tsai, YC Li
Abstract—Nosocomial (ie, hospital-acquired) infections (NI) is a major cause of morbidity
and mortality in hospitals. NI rate is higher in intensive care units (ICU) than in the general
ward due to patients with severe symptoms, poor immunity, and accepted many invasive
RFID-Related Applications in the Healthcare and Voice-Recognition Industries: A Case Study
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AD Smith, WT Rupp ,sbrconferences.com
ABSTRACT RFID-related technologies, if properly implemented, have the potential to
provide many advantages to both the service and manufacturing industries, despite the
relatively large cash outlays initially required. Supplying more information than the
A Novel Reader Architecture for chipless RFID Tags
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Abstract—Design concept of a reader for detecting dual polarized chipless RFID tags is
presented. The proposed reader architecture is based on UWB chirp signal interrogation for
multi-resonator based chipless RFID tags. Here, a linear chirp signal is generated to read
Optimization of RFID Tags Coil’s System Stability under Delayed Electromagnetic Interferences
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O Aluf ,2012 ,cdn.intechopen.com
Abstract This article discusses the very crucial subject of RFID TAG’s stability. RFID
equivalent circuits of a label can be represented as Parallel circuits of Capacitance (Cpl),
Resistance (Rpl), and Inductance (Lpc). We define V (t) as the voltage that develops on
T-MATCH: Privacy-Preserving Item Matching for Storage-Only RFID Tags
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Abstract. RFID-based tag matching allows a reader Rk to determine whether two tags Ti and
Tj store some attributes that jointly fulfill a boolean constraint. The challenge in designing a
matching mechanism is tag privacy. While cheap tags are unable to perform any