rfid-radio frequency identification research papers 2012-109

Novel Dragon Shape UHF RFID Tag Antenna
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TG Abo-Elnaga, EAF Abdallah, H El-Hennawy ,aa
Abstract: Novel modified dragon shape UHF RFID tag antenna is proposed where both
flexibility and compactness features are achieved. Choosing LCP material as antenna
substrate and modified dragon curve as antenna shape both flexibility and compactness 

 Security Analysis of a PUF based RFID Authentication Protocol
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Abstract. In this paper we consider the security of a PUF based RFID Authentication protocol
which has been recently proposed by Bassil et al.[2]. The designers have claimed that their
protocol offers immunity against a broad range of attacks while it provides excellent 

 The Anti-Counterfeiting Potential of RFID Technologies in the Fashion Supply Chain
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I D’Amato, T Papadimitriou, E Baglieri ,medifas.net
Abstract The aim of this paper is to explore the potential of RFID technology in identifying
and preventing illegitimate trade throughout the fashion supply chain via item-level
traceability in the context of the Made-in-Italy Fashion Identity and Originality (MI-FIDO) 

 Automatised Toll Gate System Using Passive RFID and GSM Technology
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SP Janani, S Meena
Abstract-Automatised toll gate system using passive Radio Frequency Identification
emerges as a converging technology where time and efficiency are the matter of priority in
toll collection systems of present day. In order to overcome the major issue of collision, in 

 Implementation of Concurrent Online MBIST for RFID Memories
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PG Scholar
Abstract Concurrent online testing is a memory test mechanism where the memory can be
tested concurrently with the system operation. Thus, it has instant error detection. Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) devices relies on the correct operation of their memory for 

 RFID: The Big Player in the Libraries of the Future
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PTPD Scholar
Abstract—This paper suggest the idea of developing an automatic Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID)-based system for library search and to observe the current literature to
define whether current technology and developed RFID-based systems are supportive for 

 3 Factor Securities based on RFID, GSM and face Recognition for Visitor Identification
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M Gupta, K Deshmukh
Abstract-Now a day’s everything is moving from Manual to automatic so it is necessary to
developed automatic security system involving more than one electronic device to make it
more reliable. In the coming future ubiquitous society, RFID tags will be affixed to every 

 RFID Tags: The Solution of Tracking Inventory
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A Smith ,allisondsmith.com
Inventory is the heart of most large and small companies. Without it, businesses all over the
world would cease to exist. Inventory mismanagement is one of the most common reasons
for the decline of a company (Fix Inventory Problems). There are many challenges faced 

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D Assante, A Ragab, M Taimoor, S Mobarak, M Selim ,uninettuno.it
TECHNOLOGY Supervisors Prof. Dario Assante Prof.  Academic year 2011/12 Page 2. RFID Target
Detection Project [2012] 2 | Page Project : RFID Target Detection The Team: 

 Reconfigurable Omnidirectional Loop Antenna with Left-handed Loading for RFID Applications
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E Serrano, E Diaz, A Belenguer, J Cascón, H Hesteban ,Session 3P8 ,gam.webs.upv.es
Abstract—This letter presents an omnidirectional horizontally polarized planar printed loop
antenna using left handed CL loading with 50? input impedance. The antenna gives an
omnidirectional pattern in the plane of the loop, whilst working in an n= 0 mode at 868MHz 

 HF/UHF dual-band RFID tag desij
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CP Kueia, W San Chua, JC Liu, BH Zengc ,teric.nioerar.edu.tw
Abstract—A novel fractal tag antenna constructed with Hilbert-curve loop and stub matching
circuit is proposed for HF/UHF dual-band RF1D positioning applications. The main aim of
this paper is to merge the fractal meander line and square loop structure to form the RFID 

 Roadmap for RFID Implementation in Libraries: Issues and Challenges
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N Hasan ,V3 Journal of library and information ScienceS ,v3solutions.in
Abstract The paper briefly covers the evolution of Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID)
technology and elaborates the term and its importance in library management system and
working. It proposes the idea of developing an RFID based system for the libraries with 

 DSS for Library Management System Implementing RFID
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S Waykar, A Shelar, S Zanjure, S Vibhute, A Singh
Abstract Radio frequency based identification (RFID) based library management using
decision support system (DSS) is the most rare and uniquely found integration of two cutting
edge technologies that is RFID and DSS, which has led to tremendous increase in the 

 On the Traceability of Tags in SUAP RFID Authentication Protocols
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Abstract. Widespread adoption of RFID technology in all aspects of our life mainly depends
on the fixing the privacy concerns of this technology’s customers. Using a tagged object
should not lead to existence of the tracing possibility. This concern is a challenging issue 

 An Efficient RFID Data Processing Scheme for Data Filtering and Recognition
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Abstract Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has been toward a mature stage.
Many industries build the RFID technology into the production process. The RFID
technologies can support the firms in the supply chains to share information and increase 

 Simultaneous Identification of Fattening Pigs using UHF RFID Technology
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T Stekeler, D Herd, E Gallmann, T Jungbluth ,cirg.ageng2012.org
Abstract Currently used low frequency (LF) Radio frequency identification systems (RFID)
systems for electronic animal identification can only identify animals separately rather than
several animals simultaneously. Thus, animals have to pass the RFID reader individually 

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GR Ram, NR Babu, NP Sudhakar, B Raviteja
Abstract RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and Wireless sensor network (WSN) are two
important wireless technologies that have wide variety of applications and provide unlimited
future potentials. RFID is used to detect presence and location of objects while WSN is 

 The Building of Logistics Management System Based on RFID and WSN Technology
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O Xuebing
Abstract. This article describes the application of IOT in logistics management systems. The
global structured IOT based on the EPC and its application in the logistics system has been
studied and analyzed. Moreover one view the combination of IOT based on EPC and 

 Applications of RFID in Logistics and Supply Chains: An Overview
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X ZHANG, Q DONG, F HU ,gsd.asce.org
ABSTRACT: Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the use of a wireless non-contact
system that utilizes radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data from a tag
attached to an object for the purposes of automatic identification and tracking. This 

 Remotely UHF-Powered Ultra Wideband RFID for Ubiquitous Wireless Identification and Sensing
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A new term of ubiquitous computing and communication is booming up which will transform
our future corporate, community and personal life [1]. Early form of ubiquitous information
and communication was happened in the use of mobile phones and nowadays it has 

 Embedded Security System using RFID & GSM
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M Kulkarni Amruta, S Taware Sachin ,International Journal ,ijctee.org
Abstract—The petroleum products are one of the valuable and rare creations of the nature.
The proper use and distribution is important task to survive these products. Our system may
be the first approach towards security of petroleum products distribution such as petrol, 

 GPS Based Automatic Vehicle Tracking Using RFID
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D Bajaj, N Gupta
Abstract—a vehicle tracking system is an electronic device installed in a vehicle to enable
the owner or a third party to track the vehicle’s location. The objects of the paper are:
designing of a remote control vehicle having the facility of tracking location through GPS 

 Anytime Anywhere-Remote Monitoring of Attendance System based on RFID using GSM Network
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Z Singhal, RK Gujral
ABSTRACT RFID means Radio Frequency Identification is a wireless identification
technique which becomes very popular these days and is used for the identification of
physical objects like products, humans etc by the use of radio frequency. This technique is 

 Stock Management and Control using RFID Systems
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Abstract:-This study examines the best way of placing RFIDs into a company and also the
impact of radiofrequency identification technology on the inventory control practices. This
study was conducted for analyzing the present mode of operation, procedural documents, 

 Privacy Preserving Payments on Computational RFID Devices with Application in Intelligent Transportation Systems
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Abstract. Electronic cash is a suitable solution for payment systems, in which the user’s
identity should not be revealed during the payment. This is for example the case for public
transportation payment systems. One electronic cash scheme, efficient during spending 

 Security Analysis of the RFID Authentication Protocol using Model Checking
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In RFID security (Gildas), few mechanisms focus on data protection of the tags, message
interception over the air channel, and eavesdropping within the interrogation zone of the
RFID reader (Sarma et al. a)(Weis et al.). Among these issues, we will discuss two aspects 

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ABSTRACT With the changes in modern lifestyle and the improvement of living quality, more
and more people can afford to spend more on their living environment; also, the demands
for quality are increasing. In order to satisfy modern consumers’ need for variety in 

 Robot Localisation through Active RFID
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Abstract-Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology of location determination and
data capture. An RFID based system relies on the interaction between readers (also known
as interrogator) and tags (transponders). In recent years, the number of RFID systems has 

 Determination of 3-Dimentional Interrogation Zone in Anti-collision RFID Systems with Inductive Coupling by Using Monte Carlo Method
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W Pola ,przyrbwn.icm.edu.pl
The inductively coupled passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system operates by
direct coupling between the antenna units of the communication set consisting of the
Read/Write Device (RWD) and electronic transponders [1]. Only one object identified by a 

 An Analysis of Errors in RFID SAW-Tag Systems with Pulse Position Coding
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Abstract: We analyze the code reading error probability (EP) in the radio frequency
identification surface acoustic wave (SAW) tags with pulse position coding (PPC) and peak-
pulse detection. EP is found in a most general form assuming M groups of codes with N