robotics research papers 2012-102
Confidence on Robotics in the Medical Field
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Abstract With the advent of modern technology, it is becoming apparent that there is an increasing dependence on robotics for the field of medicine particularly in the surgical aspect of the practice. This dependence has allowed physicians to be able to make more
Hands-on Demonstration of the Finch Robot-Integrating Robotics in Introductory Programming Classes
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ABSTRACT Keeping students engaged and motivated is one of the major struggles I face in introductory programming classes. The challenge is finding interesting, real-life activities that will work in whatever programming language is being taught. The Finch Robot, developed
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ABSTRACT The health care industry has come a long way in the past century. The demand for health care, however, continues to exceed the supply of affordable, accessible care due in large part to the rapidly aging baby boomer population. The quickly advancing field of
Modeling and Simulation Applied for Robotics Manipulator s Driving
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ABSTRACT The present paper will impose a driving strategy for a particular nonlinear system, for example for a robot consists of a single segment, which has a flexible hinge. Transmission is more accurate, with a line size of the input provided by engine torque.
Human Machine Interface in Assistive Robotics: Application to a Force Controlled Upper ? Limb Powered Exoskeleton
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The current work deals with Human Machine Interfaces for assistive robotic systems. Such systems emerge to assist humans in their daily life tasks, such as in personal hygiene, eating, educational, and independent movement tasks. The goal is to improve the mobility
Techniques for Modeling Simulation Environments for Modular Robotics
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ABSTRACT In modular robotics, complex structures can be formed from basic modules to solve tasks which would be difficult for a single robot. The development of techniques for adaptation and evolution of multi-robot organisms is the subject of Symbrion project Levi
Stereo vision for Robotics
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ABSTRACT The human eye-brain system is responsible for the highest percentage of sensory data from the environment. A major part of this system which is unique to all predator species (including man) is the ability to perceive distance of various objects
Placement in Open University By Virtual Environment and Robotics
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ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to investigate on new models for internships works in undergraduate courses in physical education and sport into the Italian university. Actually, because of the specificity of motor sport activity the practice must be taught as placement
Robotics and Emotion
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Robotics studies have developed at many places across the globe and explored many different approaches. Among others, Japan has been one of the leading countries promoting robotics studies, breaking new ground with establishing Human Robot Interaction as an
Collective and Cooperative Group Behaviours: Biologically Inspired Experiments in Robotics
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F Mondada , ABSTRACT This paper describes the implementation of two biologically inspired collective behaviours on a group of Khepera miniature mobile robots. The ?rst experiment is concerned with the gathering and clustering of randomly distributed small cylinders. In the
A Pilot Study of Robotics in Elementary Education
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E Romero, A Lopez, O Hernandez , Professionals agree that the inclusion of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (the popular STEM) in early education provides a strong motivation for students to pursue programs related with STEM, which is known to foster the economy in industrialized
Free Software to Develop Free Robotics
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Page 1. Free Software to Develop Free Robotics A free (as in free speech) development stack with Ubuntu, ROS and Arduino Gonzalo Bulnes Guilpain Free robotics standards are being defined now, it s a very great moment to contribute. Be creative, share and ship your ideas!
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B STRUIJK , While Sullins in [20] deals with Robo-Ethics. Statements by Clausewitz are used in [21]. Wallach in [22] discusses the relation between robots and ethics and moral decision making. In [25] and [26] Szabolcsi dealt with special UAV applications for non-military purposes.
Swarm Robotics: Information Sharing By Multirobot System Using Distributed Control And Cooporative Manipulation
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APVA Agaskar, S Jain, M Tailor, P Gosalia ABSTRACT Swarm robotics is a relatively new technology that is being explored for its potential use in a variety of different applications and environments. These include robot autonomy; decentralized control; large numbers of member robots; collective emergent
Human Aware Navigation for Assistive Robotics
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Abstract Ensuring proper living conditions for an ever growing number of elderly people is a significative challenge for many countries. The difficulty and cost of hiring and training specialized personnel has fostered research in assistive robotics as a viable alternative. In
Extending the Reach and Stability of Manually Steerable Neuroendoscopes Through Robotics
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PE Dupont, S Chawarski, EJ Butler - Neurosurgical disease encompasses a wide range of devastating pathologies, ranging from brain tumors, epilepsy, hydrocephalus and vascular malformations to brain trauma. Over 2 million neurosurgical procedures are performed annually in the United States alone,
A robotics-based approach to modeling of choice reaching experiments on visual attention-APPENDIX
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This chapter introduces the model s equations in more detail. For a more qualitative description of the model s behaviour and the simulation results we refer to the original article. The first part of this appendix describes the mathematical details of the dynamic
Evolutionary and Adaptive Robotics
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With the term Adaptive Robotics we refer to Evolutionary and/or Developmental methods that allow to synthesize robots that evolve/develop their skills autonomously in interaction with the physical, and eventually social, environment on the basis of an adaptive process
Robotics, Education and Economy
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DG Maxnez, FJS Rangel, GC Tapia, P Baldovinos ABSTRACT Describes the current situation of educational Robotics the State of the art its concept, its evolution their niches of opportunity, academic and business and the importance of education and academic outreach. It shows that the development of high-tech
Interactive Learning and its Role in Pervasive Robotics
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ABSTRACT As robots have become lower-cost, more ubiquitous, and more capable, the importance of enabling untrained users to interact with them has increased. Such robots have the potential to provide assistance and reduce workloads in the home, in the
Delft Robotics RoboCup Home 2012 Team Description Paper
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M Bharatheesha, M Rudinac, AB Aswin Chandarr , ABSTRACT. This paper provides an introduction to the Delft Robotics RoboCup Home team and the Delft Personal Robot (DPR2). DPR2 is a service robot built on an in-house, low cost mobile platform designed at the Delft Biorobotics Laboratory (DBL) and is an improvement
A Macroscopic Model for High Intensity Radiofrequency Signal Detection in Swarm RoboticsSystems
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F Aznar, M Pujol, FA Pujol, R Rizo , ABSTRACT In recent years, there has been a growing interest in resource location in unknown environments for robotic systems, which are composed of multiple simple robots rather than one highly capable robot ,[2]. This tradeoff reduces the design and hardware complexity
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A TAPUS, C BRISAN, L MUNTEANU, V CHIROIU , In this paper, the most interesting achievements in robotics which can be considered grand challenges in the field are briefly presented. Moraff summarizes the main properties of a grand challenge in robotics:broad scope or large scale, requires many teams and many
Author s Guidelines for Preparation of Papers for the 2nd IFToMM Symposium on Mechanism Design for Robotics (MEDER 2012)
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Z Lu, M Ceccarelli , ABSTRACT. This document presents the basic author s guidelines for preparing the cameraready papers for MEDER 2012 proceedings. This document itself is an example of the desired layout for papers (including thisAbstract). The document contains information
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ABSTRACT The simultaneous autolocalization and mapping of the environment is one of the most pressing problems of robotics. Among the existing SLAM algorithms, place recognition is a must for several cases. As an example, in multirobot SLAM we have several individual
Teaching Robotics through the Inquiry Based Science Education approach
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E Buselli, F Cecchi, P Dario, L Sebastiani ABSTRACT. This work presents a new approach for teaching robotics with the aim of feeding curiosity in the students and of encouraging autonomous exploration. The activity is based on the IBSE method, a constructionist approach focused on the observation of
Tsinghua Team Entry for the 2012 AUVSI International Aerial Robotics Competition
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Y LI, Y WANG, W LU, Y ZHANG, H ZHOU, B YAN , ABSTRACT This paper describes the technical details of a Quadrotor system capable of exploring unstructured indoor environment, detecting and replacing a specific USB flash disk, without relying on any external navigation aids. A Gmapping Simultaneous
An Approach to Distributed Component-Based Software for Robotics
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Programming robotic systems is not an easy task, even developing software for simple systems may be difficult, or at least cumbersome and error prone. Those systems are usually multi-threaded and multi-process, so synchronization problems associated with processes
Mechanics, Automation and Robotics
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M Gasior-Glogowska, M Komorowska, J Hanuza , Scientific Board: Chair: prof. Tadeusz Kulik, PhD, DSc prof. Jan Baginski, PhD, DSc prof. Tomasz Ciach, PhD, DSc Joanna Cymerys, PhD Monika Cwiklinska, PhD prof. Katarzyna Juda-Rezler, PhD, DSc Mariusz Klimczak, PhD prof. Andrzej Krasniewski, PhD, DSc prof.
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J Rossmann, T Steil, M Springer - ABSTRACT The Virtual Space Robotics Testbed currently being developed serves as a decision support system in various space mission scenarios like eg rendezvous and docking (RvD) and planetary landing and exploration. In the scope of the research project
Dependable Robotics (DeBot) Group Annual Report 2010
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A Wagner, A Kandil, S Rady, L Zouaghi ,Institute for Computer , One field of research within the group is concerned about the monitoring of control systems1. An approach for hybrid monitoring of lower level actions for dependable (mobile) control systems including closed-loop control was worked out in . The method is based
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EMH Zahugi, S Prasad, TV Prasad ,Power ABSTRACT Swarm robotics is the application of swarm intelligence that is inspired from natural swarms such as ant colony, bee hives, flock of birds etc. Ants communicate by laying down a pheromone trail to help other ants trace the shortest path from nest to the food
Generalized Screw Transformation and Its Applications in Robotics
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M Jafari , ABSTRACT The workspace of the robot can be expressed by using the Clifford algebra of the dual quaternions. In this paper, after a review of some basic prop $ erties of dual generalized quaternions, it will be presented an attempt to use these quaternions for the
Interval analysis and robotics
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When dealing with complex mobile robots, we often have to solve a huge set of nonlinear equations. They may be related to some measurements collected by sensors, to some prior knowledge on the environment or to the differential equations describing the evolution of the robot.
- evolutionary multimodular robotics
- research paper-computer science-data mining
- New Pathways into Robotics Strategies for Broadening Participation
- self reconfiguration of modular robots
- Morphogenetic robotics
robotics research papers 2012-101
robotics research papers 2012-103 CSE PROJECTS