security issues in cognitive radio network
Cognitive radio network architecture: part I general structure
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eg wireless access technologies, system/ network operators) introduce lots of security issues and provides supports (eg spectrum holes management, mobility management, security management) to Computer Networks ,
Cognitive radio network architecture: part II trusted network layer structure
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Cognitive radio : brain-empowered wireless communications A survey of security issues in mobile ad hoc and sensor networks
Security issues and threats in cognitive radio networks
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Cognitive radio technology is the vision of pervasive wireless communications that improves the spectrum utilization and offers many social and individual benefits. The objective of the cognitive radio network technology is to utilize the unutilized spectrum by primary users and
Cognitive machine-to-machine communications: Visions and potentials for the smart grid
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One of the most revolution- ary applications of cognitive radio is to address spectrum scarcity issue in wireless Inter-vehicular security messaging 4 It is envi- sioned that CM2M will be very important to tackle scarce radio resources, network heterogeneity, and green issues
MAC-layer misbehaviors in multi-hop cognitive radio networks
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These problems can be resolved, or at least alleviated, if a MAC-layer authentication A scheme for authenticating MAC control frames would resolve most of the security issues raised in this Another approach for addressing the security concerns raised in this paper is to employ
Research and analysis on cognitive radio network security
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each layer and sharing for cognitive radio network also brings new problems , such as Some Physical Layer Issues of Wide and XY Xin, Key Technology Research on Cognitive Radio Security , Telecommunications Sci
RFID security
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Resource, Mobility and Security Management in
Security threats to cognitive radio signal classifiers
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One fundamental issue is determining which class is which, ie you know whether a We demonstrate how using lower order signal features creates significant security issues within the classifier We illustrate the ease of misclassification problems in Figure 3. Here, the same
Attacks and preventions of cognitive radio network -A survey
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Cognitive Networks : Towards Self-Aware Networks , Wiley, New York, 2007, pp.284-293 [10] Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks , Broadband
Open research issues in cognitive radio
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F. Complexity issue : Cognitive radio is being proposed as a future way of tackling spectrum usage, spectrum sharing, hidden node and sharing issues , security , complexity, cross Michael James, A Link-quality-aware Graph Model for Cognitive Radio Network Routing Topology
Primary user emulation attack in cognitive radio networks : A survey
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Security issues in cognitive radio networks Simulation framework for security threats in Miguel Soriano, Cooperative detection of primary user emulation attacks in CRNs, Computer Networks ,
Securing software defined networks : taxonomy, requirements, and open issues
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This proposal considers the verification of net- work correctness and specification modeling while considering the scalability issues of Open- Flow networks ENFORCEMENT OF SECURITY POLICY Enforcement of security policy is a serious issue in the dynamic environment Discusses emerging trends and open research problems in autonomic 105 Michael Brock and Andrzej Goscinski Bio-inspired Cognitive Radio for Dynamic Spectrum Access and Pramod K. Varshney Autonomic Peer-to-Peer Systems: Incentive and Security Issues
Attacks in cognitive radio networks (CRN)-A survey
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This survey will help the researchers to identify the space left out and the problems to be Survey of security issues in cognitive radio networks On PHY-layer security of cog- nitive radio :collaborative sensing under to address the issues such as QoS, scalability, heterogeneity, self-reconfuguration, and security for wireless X Preface The authors address the scalability issue in wireless mesh networks from The key issues considered in the design of the existing channel assignment schemes Those security issues are of great importance and need to be addressed before the RF spectrum, communication network , geography, locally available services, user need, security policy and Moreover, it can solve the issue of dynamics of SUs transmission caused by the PUs
Cognitive Radio Networks Security Threats and Attacks: A Review
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and vacate the channel when a licensed user is detected . A major concern with CRN is the security issue Similar problems are found with distributed CRN at the time of spectrum sensing decision Security Issues in Cognitive
Security challenges in cognitive radio networks
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III. TRADITIONAL SECURITY THREATS Security of CRN communications is one of the most critical issues to deal with Furthermore, ensuring that the CRN security requirements are satisfied is a vital issue facing our security measures JL Burbank, Security in Cognitive
A survey of security challenges in cognitive radio networks : Solutions and future research directions
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(Note that this paper concentrates primarily on CRN-specific issues .) What distinguishes a CRN from a more Attack techniques are classified by type of attacker, intrusive nodes, and greedy cognitive radios This security threat is known as spectrum sensing data falsification