solar energy research papers 72

Nano solar cells as an efficient source of renewable solar energy in green buildings
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P Kumar ,STEM ,
Abstract: As we know that Green building requires efficient use of energy,
water and other sources. Solar cells are providing efficient energy to buildings since long
back. The Sun is a massive reservoir of clean energy. This energy can be harnessed by 

 Photovoltaic solar energy, spearheading Germany’s renewable energy policy: an example to others
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W Palz ,EPJ Photovoltaics, 2012 ,
Since the end of 2011, the PV installations in Germany have reached a
capacity of 25 GW or 25 000 MW. For comparison: Italy now has 12 GW and France has 2.5
GW. Thus, despite the modest amount of sunshine it receives, Germany is bolstering its 

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Declaration of Consultants’ Independence ..
. 3 Executive Summary 4 1 Introduction
   1.1 Scope of Study .. 

 Design and realization of a photovoltaic system equipped with the analogical and digital MPPT command for better exploitation of solar energy
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M El Ouariachi, T Mrabti, MF Yaden, K Kassmi ,
 Abstract: In this paper, we present results concerning the design,
implementation and modeling of photovoltaic system prototype (PV) equipped with an
analog or digital MPPT command. This MPPT command is provided with an analog circuit 

 Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany Microalgae?by using solar energy and CO2 from the atmosphere or waste gas?can synthesize many valuable
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physiology to cope with, and take advantage of recurring day-night changes in environments
caused by rotation of the earth. Endogenous circadian clocks allow organisms to 

 Solar energy: Important Element of Economical Development
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J Davoudi, A Ghomi ,Journal of American , 2012
Abstract: Producing electricity is one of the basic economical powers of a
country, so increasing electricity production and its additional value has been the focus of
attention in recent ten years. Meanwhile, by achieving the advanced technology, using of 

 Degradation of Environmental Pollution by the Efficient Use of Solar Energy
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R Kumar ,
47  Abstract-In Nature sun is the big source of energy. Due to large amount of
pollution emancipating from various sources, the environment is becoming unhealthy for
human beings. The generated solar energy is a function of uncontrollable environmental 

 P50/P90 Analysis for Solar Energy Systems Using the System Advisor Model
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A Dobos, P Gilman ,Contract, 2012 ,
48  To secure competitive financing for a solar energy gen eration project, the
economic risk associated with interannual solar resource variability must be quantified. One
way to quantify this risk is to calculate exceedance probabil ities representing the amount 

 Innovation and Public Policy in Solar Energy
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K Bäckström ,2012 ,
50  ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to examine the differential effects of public
policies on innovations within solar energy technologies. Panel data comprising of 13
countries and 31 years (1978-2008) has been employed for this issue. The study has 

 Solar Energy Generation Potential of Tompkins County
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A Curthoys ,
51  Executive Summary This report is intended to be used as a supplement to the
Tompkins County Energy Road Map, a comprehensive strategy currently being developed
by the Tompkins County Planning Department to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions 

 Solar Thermal Energy–Comparing Framework Conditions and Support Measures in the Renewable Heat Market of Germany and Spain
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M Futterlieb ,
52 Courses are provided for example by the national center for vocational training
in renewable energies CENIFER (Centro Nacional Integrado de Formación en Energías
Renovables) and the solar energy training center CENSOLAR (Centro de Estudios de la Energía 

 Alternative Approaches To Calculate Benefits of an Energy Imbalance Market With Wind andSolar Energy
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B Kirby, J King ,2012 ,
53  Abstract The anticipated increase in variable generation in the Western
Interconnection over the next several years has raised concerns about how to maintain
system balance, especially in smaller Balancing Authority Areas (BAAs). Given renewable 

Conversion of Solar Energy into Electrical Energy and its Storage in Photogalvanic cells
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MK Bhimwal
58  All results are obtained by variations of concentration of all used chemicals
with light intensity. The generated maximum photopotential and maximum photocurrent are
1095.0 mV and 590.0 µA, respectively. The observed conversion efficiency is 1.54%. The 

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MC Ndinechi, OA Ogungbenro ,2012 ,
58 Photovoltaic (PV) lighting, or PV-powered lighting, is lighting that is at least partially
powered by electricity generated from PV panels (often called solar panels). These PV lighting
systems are usually off-grid, or “stand-alone” systems; their only power source is solar 

 Techno-economic Analysis of Using Solar Energy, Diesel and Electrical Networks for Water Pumping in The West Bank
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DS Asa’d Salah ,2012 ,
59  I would like to thank Dr. Imad H. Ibrik, the director of the Energy Research
Center, and also my supervisor, for his valuable suggestions, assistance, encouragement,
and for his great and continuous effort in helping me at all stages of this study, my thanks