thermal properties of k-coolant research papers

 Robust Design Techniques for Evaluating Fuel Cell Thermal Performance
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K Kelly, G Pacifico, M Penev, A Vlahinos ,ASME paper Fuelcell2006-97011, , 2006 ,
 varying design parameters (eg, inlet flow velocities based on updated channel geometries), 3.
Assign material properties based on  12.5% Plate Thermal Conductivity 25% Coolant Thermal
Conductivity 25% Plate Web Thickness 33% MEA Thermal Conductivity 25  k Coolant 0.1 

 OMEGA Programme in Japan and ADS Development at JAERI
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T Mukaiyama ,Review of national accelerator driven system , 2003 ,
 1005 Reactor power, MW (th) 180 1200 Coolant material Lead Helium Neutron flux, 1015n/cm2·
s Core averaged mean neutron energy, keV Reactivity (% ?k/k) Coolant-void reactivity  The
favorable thermal properties of the nitride fuel make full utilization of a cold-fuel possible. 

 Enhancing the ABAQUS thermomechanics code to simulate steady and transient fuel rod behavior
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RL Williamson, DA Knoll ,Proceedings of Top Fuel, Paper, 2009
 values from MATPRO.13 Material constants for the thermal creep, irradiation  Assumed operating
conditions, fuel densification parameters, and fuel/clad surface properties  n/m2s Coolant pressure
15.5 MPa Coolant temperature (uniform) 500 K Coolant convection coefficient 

 Comparison of sodium and lead-cooled fast reactors regarding severe safety and economical issues
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K Tucek, J Carlsson, H Wider ,Proceedings of 13th International , 2005 ,
 An unprotected Loss-of- Flow accident in LFR leads to only a 250 K coolant outlet temperature
increase whereas in SFR coolant would boil.  GWe Page 3. Copyright © 2005 by CNS 3 Sodium
has superior thermal hydraulic properties, allowing for tight pin lattices. 

 Transient 3-D neutron kinetic analysis with CORETRAN of a core thermal-hydraulic boundary condition model–Peach Bottom 2 turbine trip benchmark phase 2
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H Ferroukhi, W Barten , on the New , 2002 ,mathematicsandcomputation.
 Thermal XS Xenon Correction • Yes (TT2) • No (HZP) Yes NEUTRONIC MODEL  Water Steam
Properties Evaluated at Core Exit Pressure Evaluated at Core Exit Pressure  Core Inlet Subcooling
48005.3 J/kg • Fuel Temperature = 552.833 K • Coolant Density = 753.977 kg/m3 

 Systematic approach for thermal-fluid design of microreactors
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M Noda, O Tonomura, M Kano ,Proceedings of the , 2004 ,
 From Inlet Manifold Outer Compartment i Inner Compartment j Fig. 4 Schematic diagram of thermal
compartment model The optimal design problem is defined as follows:  700 K Coolant temperature
600 K Heat transfer coefficient 10000 J/(m2K) Physical properties of A&B Water 

 Nuclear design and analysis of the fusion transmutation of waste reactor
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EA Hoffman, WM Stacey ,Fusion science and technology, 2004 ,
 was evaluated, using standard methods of nuclear reactor analysis.9 Both designs had very similar
heat removal properties.  The thermal expansion of the structural material was not evaluated, but
would be expected to provide a  Coolant Temperature Coefficient (pcm/K) 

 Initial implementation of multi-channel thermal-hydraulics capability in frequency domain SCWR stability analysis code SCWRSA
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WS Yang ,Argonne National Laboratory, ANL-Gen?-056, 2005 ,
 µ coolant viscosity c k coolant conductivity cl h cladding wall to coolant heat transfer coefficient
Page 9. viii  The NIST/ASME STEAM package [7] is used to determine supercritical water properties,
and Dittus-Boelter [8,9] and Jackson [10] correlations are  For the coupled thermal- 

 A low power fast reactor cooled by natural circulation of LBE
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J Wallenius, A Fokau ,Proc. GLOBAL, 2009 ,
 2.90±0.05 pcm/K Nitride axial expansion coefficient -0.16±0.01 pcm/K Diagrid radial expansion
coefficient -0.99±0.01 pcm/K Coolant void worth  OECD/NEA, Handbook on lead-bismuth eutectic
alloy and lead properties, materials compatibility thermal-hydraulics and 

 Preliminary safety analysis of a Swedish accelerator driven system employing nitride fuel and burnable absorbers
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M ERIKSSON, J WALLENIUS, K TUCEK , nuclear energy and , 2003
 573 K Coolant flow velocity 2.5 m/s Flat-to-flat distance 9.90 cm Pitch between subassemblies
10.10 cm Cladding Ferritic steel Thermal bond (fuel to cladding) Pb/Bi Direct heat deposition
in coolant 9% Direct heat deposition in cladding 1% Integral reactor properties such as 

 Sensitivity analyses for maximum heat removal from debris in the lower head
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 companion samples, were extracted from the vessel in order to assess the properties of the 
TMI-2 Reactor KORI-2 Like Reactor YGN-3&4 Like Reactor Thermal Power [MWt  Reference 20)
Experiment Melt Composition Melt Mass 1kg) Subcooling of Coolant [K] Coolant Level [cm 

 An influence of core physics peculiarities upon the thermal hydraulics performance in Cascade Subcritical Molten Salt Reactor
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P Alekseev, A Sedov, E Aisen, P Fomichenko ,
 the following given parameters: average volumetric power rate in the Inner Core = 1 MW/l; coolant
temperature at IC inlet = 400 oC; thermal-physics properties of alloy  Maximum heating, K Coolant
Pitch-to-diameter ratio s/d = 8 / 6.9 Pitch-to-diameter ratio s/d = 9.1 / 6.9 

 System and safety studies of accelerator driven Transmutation systems
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W Gudowski, J Wallenius, M Eriksson, J Carlsson ,2000 ,
 of direct fission on the coolant volume fraction is seen on Figure 2-3 (b). The decrease of direct
fission probability is quite modest and values above 50% are still feasible for the larger pitches
required by the poorer thermal properties of the lead/bismuth coolant (P/D ~ 2.0). 

 Transmutation Fuel Performance Code Thermal Model Verification
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GK Miller, PG Medvedev ,2007
 The solution in the thermal model is obtained iteratively at each power time step, so that material
properties are consistent with the temperatures calculated.  Table 3. Case 3 input. Node Radius1
(cm) Thermal Conductivity (W/cm-K) Power density (W/cm3)  Coolant temperature 

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 coolant temperatures of 508 K and 533 K using the finite element thermal analysis computer  power
elements, two distinct curves are observed corresponding to differences in the properties of
sheathing  the case of a linear power of 70 kW/m and 508 K coolant temperature the