web automation IEEE PAPER 2022
Web browser automation tools work by recording the series of steps that make up a specific transaction, and then play it back by injecting JavaScript into the target web pages, and then tracking the providing the results. These web automation tools resemble macros, but are much more flexible and sophisticated Launch the web application. Enter username in the username field. Enter password in the password field. Click the sign in button. Navigate to the reports section. Enter the current date in the date field. Wait for results of all reports to display.
WebBased Platform for Planning and Configuration of Robot-Based Automation Solutions: A Retrospective View on the Research Project ROBOTOP
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web platform for the simplified, modular planning and configuration of robot-based automation described in this paper is to develop a webbased platform for the configuration of RAS.
Home Automation using IOT Application
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automation system that allows the user complete control over all remotely controllable components of his or her home. The automation address in the web browser this web server page
OmniCrawl: Comprehensive Measurement of Web Tracking With Real Desktop and Mobile Browsers
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We use custom scripts instead of Selenium [15], a web automation tool widely used by For mobile browsers, we build our own automation tool using Appium and Android Debug Bridge (
Automation of Internet of things Using Deep Learning on the Basis of Extraction of Data
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The Worldwide Web has infiltrated several aspects of everyday lives due to the Ubiquitous In actuality, the Worldwide Web is still fragmented into disparate, connected sectors based on
Web Service for Point Cloud Supported Robot Programming Using Machine Learning
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In summary, our approach addresses not only further automation in manufacturing but also uses a web service for easy usage, it can be used as groundwork for the web service used in
Offensive Web Application Security Framework
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In , the authors discussed the web application architecture then explained about the detection of security vulnerabilities in web applications using black box automation and manual
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is how ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) plays a key role in these new companies converting traditional processes such as bringing your customers through a web
Agricultural Automation with Smart Irrigation System
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The answer is Agricultural Automation . Farmers have to face be solved if Agricultural Automation is brought into practice. Database and web application is used to retrieve and store
Transforming OpenAPI Specification 3.0 Documents into RDF-based Semantic Web Services
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interfaces in the form of web descriptions, which outlines the as a reference to create web service descriptions. However, it automation process should be overcome by providing web with authentication and data encryption based on JSON Web token system. From the literature of voice-based home automation authors did not discuss graphical simulation analysis to
Industrial and Automation Control System Cyber Range Prototype for Offensive Capability Development
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Warehouse management WEBSCADA is different from conventional SCADA as it utilizes web technologies for visualization and usually can be accessible as a web page. In this CR It employs an embedded micro web server in web application or via Bluetooth android-based smart phone application. Kodali and Soratka presented MQTT-based home automation
MDD4REST: Model-Driven Methodology for Developing RESTful Web Services
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As a result of these features and the automation provided, the web services development process is significantly easier to use in comparison with common approaches; this was
Report-Video Production for Quick Bug-finding in the Web Applications
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automation could help catch bugs earlier. From these results, we can conclude that test automation Despite the numerous advantages of test automation its capability to find bugs is not
A User Study to Evaluate a Webbased Prototype for Smart Home Internet of Things Device Management
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our web prototype. Participants were instructed to browse to our web application from their web browsers Bluetooth based home automation system using cell phone. In: IEEE 15th
An approach for processing and document flow automation for Microsoft Word and LibreOffice Writer file formats
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such as diverse automation by using information technologies. Automation substitutes routine This research examines different approaches to document automation . Basic concepts of
Robotic Process Mining: Accelerating the Adoption of Robotic Process Automation
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cus on a specific automation technology, called Robotic Process Automation which aims at Also, when a worker selects a Web form, we need to record UIs at the level of the Web pageDue to increased use of web automation is required so here Usage of web /internet has grown faster which gives growth velocity therefore users in India access web in their regional
Paper Title: Radio Network Automation for Operational Testing. A Practical Resource for Radio Network Planning
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NASA Web WorldWind is the current implementation used by ILTE, however a common LT2 map interface has been developed for abstraction a reuse by other web as web technologies
ASM-ROBOT: A Cyber-Physical Home Automation Controller with Memristive Reconfigurable State Machine
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web and app-based automation . These were achieved with a low-cost microcontroller, a web In [53], a novel proximity service model for smart home automation is proposed. Their work
MAAT: a webbased application to calculate rotamer population distributions from NMR spin-coupling constants
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With such highend automation we improve the accuracy in analyzing real-time microscopy Thus, our approach will broaden the scope of significant data automation in microscopy and
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automation tools, they are not recommended for database testing though it is possible. There are better tools for this purpose. In a large systems where is needed both web real life web
An Automated Word Embedding with Parameter Tuned Model for Web Crawling
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crawling has gained a significant attention due to the drastic advancements in the World Wide Web . Web Search Engines have the issue of retrieving massive quantity of web documents
Identification and Prevention approaches for Webbased Attacks using Machine Learning Techniques
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the identification of malicious Web Contents. First one is the large quantity web data or scale of the web that can create problem. Second is the nature of data on the web . Since this
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Web 3.0 known as a third generation of the web . It refers to a the intelligent web such as those using semantic web micro Aim of the study is to understand web 3.0 technologies, and
LBDserver-a Federated Ecosystem for Heterogeneous Linked Building Data
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In this paper we propose the LBDserver, an extendable webframework for management of datasets on the Web . We combine the Solid initiative for Web decentralisation with the recent
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This block diagram defines the various inputs and outputs of the automation process of the Prototype and build IoT systems without setting up servers or developing web software.
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N Yuldashev FAN VA TALIM api.scienceweb.uz The web server is used to serve webpages to users as control the appearance of a web content in a web browser. Colors, ; build automation tools and a debugger. MySQL Workbench
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DATA SCIENCE AND AUTOMATION Running software ( web site\ mobile app)
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Various factors that arise from the scale of web measurements and the complexity of the internet impact web measurements in today s studies. Improving web measurements allow
Yard Management System for Efficient Trailer Dispatches
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VTS and SAP systems for automation of load planning and dispatch documentation. the loaded coils to the YMS web service through Wi-Fi network. The web service then forwards the
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web addresses from a news site using text mining analysis. The goal was to process web We had a visited web address, which in addition to the domain also contained the title of the
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Iota based home automation is a popular application. In home automation appliances are used Finally, in this paper, we present home automation system based on Wi-Fi, Bluetooth andIn this study, we demonstrate how IoT can improve home automation . The relay, Node MCU in home automation systems. They can connect to the home automation network through a The Automation Collaboration, E-Services series (ACES) publishes new developments and advances in the fields of Automation of the megatrends of automation and collaboration.
Testing Approaches And Tools For AWS Lambda Serverless-Based Applications
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functions built for the Amazon Web Services cloud platform, available through the AWS Web Console once the original automation into the tests through Pulumi s automation API.
Development of Decision Support Web Application
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or a web app then Ruby on Rails is your ideal bet. It is because it possesses shortcuts and automation features, which makes it easier to add complex features in the web applications.
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Similar patterns occur in many instances of automation . The centrality of questions, that is to Even if such an extreme scenario does not occur, it seems very likely that the web of
Stylete: Styling the Web with Natural Language
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By interpreting the user s goal with a large language model and extracting suggestions from our dataset of 1.7 million web components, Stylette generates a palette of CSS properties
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The kitchen is a very important part of our homes which highlights the beauty of our house and it is the area for improvement in the field of automation . This paper deals with the
Platform-independent Specifications for Robotic Process Automation Applications
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On the other hand, its weaknesses are: it still lacks a webbased RPA development environment; it has built a narrative around hyperactive automation and a range of complementary
Comparison of Home Automation System Using IPV-4 and IPV-6 Based On Mitigate Reconnaissance Attacks.
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This research is designed to help and offer hold up to complete the requirements of aged and disable in a home. The control approach and the tone approach are used to manage the
Female Librarians and Adoption of Open Source Software
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Open source software for automation digitization, web contents management and learning management systems are more in number and are regularly amended with upgraded
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World Wide Web which is known under the name Web 3.0, or Semantic Web This version the father of the Internet and the World Wide Web the English scientist sir. Timothy Berners-
Security and Safety Issues in Online Community Web Sites and Physical Systems
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and privacy issues and the hazards that online community networking web sites face. and well-informed use of online community networking web sites in this article. It highlights the
Continuous Monitoring of Tree Responses to Climate Change for Smart Forestry: A Cybernetic Web of Trees
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Professional staff is needed to install and maintain the instrumentation at the sites, with less assistance required the higher the level of power autonomy, signal stability, and automation
Designing manufacturing of a smart Programmable logic controller work station
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trainer workstation for industrial automation . Although researchers have Web editor to create user-defined website and dashboards in the cloud. Users can also design their automation
A Knowledge Base of Medieval and Renaissance Geographic Latin Works
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The final aim of the project is the creation of a Web The final aim of the project is the creation of a Web application is the use of the Semantic Web technologies to formally represent the
Exploring the Impact of Transformation to Webbased Learning: Business Students perspective During COVID-19 Out-Break
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According to the studys findings, students satisfaction with webbased learning of webbased learning for gender, specialization, and academic level. This research reveals that web
Mobile Robots in Public Places
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of web interfaces designed to remotely operate mobile robots in public places through the web . Nevertheless, we believe the web interfaces were very attractive to people on the web . A
Practical Examples on Bim-Gis Integration Based on Semantic Web Triplestores
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To demonstrate, how this data integration can be done in a federated database architecture, we utilize concepts of the semantic web ontologies and the Resource Description In this booklet, I am discussing the underlying concepts, models and data formats of workNow automaOon in the graphic industry. I will not present individual or vendorrspecific soluions,
Downsizing the jet: A forecast of economic effects of increased automation in aviation
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Our calculations suggest that pilots should view automation as a being considered as advances in automation increase safety by Accordingly, advances in automation are expected to
The Triad of Technology, COVID-1 and Psychology of User Behaviour: The Reality for Academic Library Services
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advancement and development of the web internet, and Libraries leveraging on their ICT skills have pivoted their web partial, abandoned, or nonfunctional automation projects . The
Designing in-car emotion-aware automation
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Driver behaviour recognition is of paramount importance for in-car automation assistance. It is widely recognized that not only attentional states, but also emotional ones have an impact
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under the study all the library used automation software for library organization and Library Library (e-Granthalaya), linked with their web sites through corresponding URL address. (v)
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b) Analysis of metrics using web analytics, CRM and marketing automation tools. Compare the current state with the desired state to determine the root cause of to explain why these
Framework for Covering the Limitations of Web Accessibility Improvement Tools
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web accessibility problems. The organizations should pay attention on web accessibility from initial stage of web which can instruct web developers to make accessible web sites. Theapplication of webbased technology leads to interconnection and automation of various The integration of manufacturing and production can be carried out with the help of web
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that software robot process automation is increasingly being used and implementation of software process automation . The main of software process automation in the organisation
web automation
Web based automation testing and tools
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Software testing is an essential phase of software development life cycle. Today many software applications are written as web based application that runs in an Internet Browser. The economic relevance of web based application increases the importance of controlling
Web -based smart home automation : PLC-controlled implementation
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The most important source of motivation in continuity of technological developments is to upgrade human living standards. The technological development provides and increases human-beings safety and comfort directly and indirectly. Developing technologies for this
Web -based control notification for home automation alarm systems
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This paper describes the project and development of a very low-cost and small electronic prototype, especially designed for monitoring and controlling existing home automation alarm systems (intruder, smoke, gas, flood, etc.), via TCP/IP, with a typical web browser. Its
Time-constrained web services for industrial automation
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Abstract Service-oriented architectures based on web services have become the de facto standard for the design and implementation of distributed applications. Due to their standardization, web services are widely adopted for inter-organizational communication
A new web based multi-tier model for distributed automation systems
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In this paper a new Web -based multi-tier model for Distributed Automation Systems is proposed. The presented model is constructed for scalability, flexibility and platform independence. Based on the model, integration of automation and business information
Electropneumatic system for industrial automation : a remote experiment within a web -based learning environment
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The design and implementation of a web -based laboratory, which enables engineering students to remotely perform experiments for an undergraduate course on industrial automation , is presented here. The laboratory was developed using LabVIEW virtual
Integration of automation devices in web service supporting systems
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While introducing new concepts it is essential to consider the integration of components already existing or being based on alternative and well established technologies. For several reasons like investments, skills of persons, or others it is the usual case not to
Systems and automation education through Web -based labs
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We report on the Electronics Assembly and Automation Laboratory (EAAL) at Brigham Young University, which has been developed to teach students modern systems concepts and to address the knowledge required to integrate and trouble-shoot automation devices
Web objects identification for web automation : objects and their features
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This report describes all features used in the web object identification problem considered within the scope of the TAMCROW project. We also give a short description of the Unified Ontological Model which underlie the web page analysis and feature computation
Web service composition automation based on timed automata
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Web service composition is a new direction in the research of service computing. To promote the portfolio, the key problem is to achieve efficient and automatic composition process. We propose the web service composition model based on timed automata. In the
Distributed automation system based on Java and web services
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The paper presents the implementation of a model for Distributed Automation Systems which is experimentally built in the laboratory for Distributed Systems and Computer Networks (http://netlab. tu-plovdiv. bg/). It discusses the N-tier model and its integration to the
Automation of Semantic Web based Digital Library using Unified Modeling Language
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The semantic web ontology building process is time consuming and difficult and needs domain experts to define basic concepts and structures. There are no standard visual ontology building tools available which can map ontologies to machine understandable
Web -based tools for assessment automation
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In this paper we describe a computer-assisted automated system for EC2000 assessment. Calendar scheduling is used in conjunction with web -based assessment instruments using web scripts to funnel data into an SQL database. Though we offer no easy, all
Industrial automation software: Using the Web as a design guide
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When looking the World Wide Web (and the Internet at large) as one giant application, we observe certain desirable properties that would also be welcome, but cannot be taken for granted, in industrial automation systems. In particular, subtasks that are unrelated from a
Web Services and Data Integration in Distributed Automation and Information Systems in Internet Environment
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In this paper an abstract model for adaptation of enterprise technologies in heterogeneous networks of small devices is proposed. The model is based on hierarchical multitier approach for better manageability and administration. Its structure allows not only separation
Home automation system with web interface in the JdeRobot framework
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Despite the current real estate crisis, the ratio of houses that include home automation systems is increasing. For the seller it is an aditional value, for the buyer it is a trustworthy technology that will help to improve their comfort, power efficiency and safety. The interest of
Embedded web server application for industrial automation
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Web Server based monitoring has been an issue for industries as they make use of PC- based servers which consume large power and occupy large area. This limitation can be overcome by replacing the existing PC-based server by an Embedded Web Server using
Comparing GUI automation testing tools for dynamic web applications
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Automating software testing helps agile teams to release production-ready software as often as needed. There are so many automation testing tools with record/playback features available for test teams to automate functional tests against web applications. However
Web service automation supported by lightweight semantic annotations
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Abstract Service-oriented computing has brought special attention to service modeling, especially in connection with semantic technologies. The expected proliferation of publicly accessible services (both WS ∗ services based on WSDL and SOAP, and RESTful services
Web and cloud based home automation systems: an overview
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Home automation is the control of most if not all electrical and electronic devices in our home, whether we are there or away. With the IOT spreading over our daily lives to allow different devices to be connected to the internet, its now possible to monitor, manage and