web domain tool
Victor: the web -page cleaning tool
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workshop. In this paper, we present new CRF features, a handy annotation tool , and new evaluation metrics. Evaluation itself is performed on a random sample of web pages automatically downloaded from the Czech web domain . 1
Next generation (meta) modeling: web -and cloud-based collaborative tool infrastructure.
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Abstract The paper presents WebGME, a novel, web - and cloud-based, collaborative, scalable (meta)modeling tool that supports the design of Domain Specific Modeling Languages (DSML) and the creation of cor- responding domain models
COMPASS: an adaptive web -based concept map assessment tool
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the architecture of an adaptive web -based concept map assessment tool , named COMPASS, which aims to support the assessment as well as the learning process. The presentation of the main modules of the tool focuses on the representation of the domain knowledge and the
PaCo2: A Fully Automated tool for gathering Parallel Corpora from the Web .
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from the web . The tool implements state of the art techniques for the task of finding bitexts in a web domain that contains parallel content. In addition, it is also capable of finding those web domains automatically. PaCo2 has
A web -based authoring tool for algebra-related intelligent tutoring systems
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Conclusions In this paper we described a web based authoring tool for Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs). The initial input to the tool is a description of a specific domain given by a human instructor. In return the tool assists
Web portal visits patterns predicted by intuitionistic fuzzy approach
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The designed IF-inference system represents an efficient tool for mod- eling of web domain visits, which is demonstrated on the prediction of the msn web page visit rate prediction. Data
Semantic Web Domain Knowledge Representation Using Software Engineering Modeling Technique
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technique which is based on software engineering standards namely UML for modeling domain knowledge of the Semantic Web . The ontology for Company Domain has been presented using this software engineering modeling technique. The UML tool like Rational Rose tool
Web -based education for all: a tool for development adaptive courseware
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However, in this case there is no domain structure, that is, no indication of how information embedded in the pages is related. The rest of the paper describes InterBook, a tool for developing adaptive Web -based courseware
WebBootCaT: instant domain -specific corpora to support human translators
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We have presented WebBootCaT, a web ser- vice designed to help translators (and oth- ers, including MT system developers) find terms and other specialist- domain language on the web . The tool is fast and easy-to- use, and presents both candidate term lists and access to a
AToMPM: A web -based modeling environment
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Today, several tools and technologies allow modelers to develop domain -specific mod- eling languages (DSMLs In this paper, we introduce AToMPM (A Tool for Multi-Paradigm Modeling) , the It runs completely over the web , making it independent from any operating system
The Inclusion Web : A Tool for Person-centered Planning and Service Evaluation
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The Inclusion Web : A Tool for Person-centred Planning and Service Evaluation 11 Table 4 Number of service users showing changes over time in the numbers of places and people included in the Web diagram by each domain and by total scores
Ontology-driven software development in the context of the semantic web : An example scenario with Protege/OWL
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To summarize, the development of Semantic Web applications with a tool such as Prot g is driven by ontologies. Ontologies can be developed by domain experts, and these experts have direct control over the behavior of the executing system and Page 6
Operationalizing domain ontologies: a method and a tool
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This tool allows the user to build an ontology structured by the Entity-Relationship paradigm test the coherence or the completeness of the ontology in relation to the domain progress towards the application of our operationalization method on the Semantic Web languages that
A semantic web approach to feature modeling and verification
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We believe that Semantic Web can play important roles in domain engineering, and we will continue exploring the synergies between them. In the future, we plan to de- velop an integrated environment based on the current tool that supports the construction, analysis andautomatically, by a tool plug-in, or passively when the model is saved and then checked by an external tool . The UWE meta-model could also be used as the basis for building a common meta-model (or ontology) of the concepts needed for the design in the Web domain (cf
Towards large scale argumentation support on the semantic web
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arguments, or create new argumentation schemes. As such, this initial public- domain tool is intended to seed a variety of future applications for authoring, linking, navigating, searching, and evaluating arguments on the Web
A Lightweight Tool for Detecting Web Server Attacks.
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In the following, we will briefly highlight the most important concepts of the existing modules. 4.2.1 Parser Module The Parser Module ensures that a valid request has been written by the web server By considering both the domain and explicit hosts, the tool can account
Semi-Automatic Semantic Annotations for Web Documents.
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We propose to apply these methods as a base of new lightweight tool for semi-automatic semantic annotation of web documents. In the present paper we demonstrate a preliminary experiment on employment the same technical solutions in the domain of Tourism, we also
Algorithm and tool for automated ontology merging and alignment
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Algorithm and Tool for Automated Ontology Merging and Alignment in the ontology-design field have developed the content for ontologies in many domain areas Recently, ontologies have become increasingly common on the World- Wide Web where they provide semantics for
Building large corpora from the web using a new efficient tool chain.
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shin- gles higher than a controlable threshold t m, the shorter one is finally removed by a separate tool a blog post can be aim: information, but the comments can turn the whole web page into The problem manifests itself even more strongly in the coding decisions for domain CSE PROJECTS