wimax research papers 22
WiMAX and Broadband Wireless (Sub-11Ghz) Worldwide Market Analysis and Trends 2005-2010(FREE DOWNLOAD)
A Fellah, R Syputa ,Maravedis Telecom Market , 2005 ,netlab.cse.yzu.edu.tw
All data contained in this report is proprietary to Maravedis Inc and may not be distributed in
either original or reproduced form to anyone outside the client’s internal organization within
five years of the report date without prior permission of Maravedis Inc. The material
Enabling WiMAX Video Streaming(FREE DOWNLOAD)
M Fleury, R Razavi, S Saleh, L Al-Jobouri ,In-Teh, , 2009 ,intechopen.com
IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX³Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)(Andrews, 2007;
Nuaymi, 2007) is a broadband wireless technology that allows rapid deployment of video
streaming services, including Video on Demand (VoD), multicast varieties of IPTV (TV
RF Measurements to Quantify 3G and WiMAX Mobile Interference to DVB-T Receivers(FREE DOWNLOAD)
BS Randhawa, I Parker, A Ishaq ,Era Tech Ltd, , 2006 ,stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk
Summary Digital broadcasting is roughly six times more efficient than analogue, allowing
more channels to be carried across fewer airwaves. Ofcom estimates that the digital
switchover programme will release up to approximately 112 MHz of spectrum in the UHF (
VLSI implementation of WiMax convolutional turbo code encoder and decoder(FREE DOWNLOAD)
M Martina, M Nicola ,Journal of Circuits, Systems, and , 2009 ,porto.polito.it
A VLSI encoder and decoder implementation for the IEEE 802.16 WiMax convolutional turbo
code is presented. Architectural choices employed to achieve high throughput, while
granting a limited occupation of resources, are addressed both for the encoder and
Comparison of mobile WiMAX and HSDPA(FREE DOWNLOAD)
KJ Runarsdottir ,Master of Science Thesis performed at the Radio , 2008 ,di.unipi.it
Abstract HSDPA and Mobile WiMAX are high speed mobile technologies with different
backgrounds. HSDPA is a data enhancement for a voice-centric 3GPP system while WiMAX
is data-centric broadband technology that has an added feature of mobility. To investigate
Establishing the first European research WiMAX testbeds(FREE DOWNLOAD)
The WEIRD (WiMAX Extension to Isolated Research Data Networks) project is unique in the
European R&D scene: by the end of May 2008, WEIRD will deliver not one but four WiMAX
testbeds, all interconnected via GEANT2, the pan-European research and education
The rationale and structure of this volume is centred around the following’story-line’. The
conception of parallel transmission of data over dispersive channels dates back to the
seminal paper of Doelz et al. published in 1957, leading to the OFDM philosophy, which
Comparing Mobile WiMAX with HSPA+, LTE, and Meeting the Goals of IMT-Advanced(FREE DOWNLOAD)
D Gray WiMAX Forum doc., Feb, 2009 ,wimaxforum.org
The data and statements in this presentation reflect the views of the WiMAX Forum based on
currently available information obtained from WiMAX Forum and industry sources. While the
presentation is believed to be accurate as of the date of its release, the WiMAX Forum
Wireless broadband forecasts for 2008–2015: HSPA, HSPA+, EV-DO, LTE and WiMAX(FREE DOWNLOAD)
A Brydon ,Research report by Analysys Mason, 2008 ,analysysmason.com
13. To increase capacity and efficiency, MNOs will encourage migration to advanced technologies
14. Annual revenue from wireless broadband will represent 58% of total service revenue in 2015
15. Most wireless broadband users in 2015 will be in developing regions, where service
Cell-ID Positioning in WiMAX Networks Analysis of the Clearwire Network in Belgium(FREE DOWNLOAD)
M Bshara, R VERSCHRAEGEN ,ICT-MobileSummit 2009 , 2009 ,wwwtw.vub.ac.be
Abstract: Base station identification, or cell identification (Cell-ID) is the first method used by
operators to provide location-based Services (LBS). The advantage of using this method is
the simplicity and the low cost implementation and processing. However, this method
Fixed and mobile WiMAX overview(FREE DOWNLOAD)
R Golshan ,fujitsu.com
? Four physical layers (SC, SCa, OFDM, OFDMA)? Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks
operation in 2-11 GHz spectrum? Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) operation designed to address
multi-path Eliminates need for directional LOS propagation? Greater range and higher
Wimax MAC–Upperlayer Services(FREE DOWNLOAD)
A Hummelholm ,S-72.4210 Postgraduate Seminar on Wideband , 2006 ,comlab.hut.fi
Wimax, baseband chip Wimax, partitioning ,MAC and Physical Layers (1) ,MAC and Physical
Layers (2) ,Why we need QoS in WIMAX QoS in WIMAX QoS In WIMAX (SS connections)
Service classes and QoS in WIMAX Service Specific Convergence Sublayer ,Common
WiMAX part III: mobility and networking(FREE DOWNLOAD)
? BS assigns basic, primary management CIDs.? SS and BS negotiate capabilities
including:? Bandwidth allocation (H-FDD or FDD), max transmit power for BPSK, QPSK, 16-
QAM, and 64-QAM, current transmit power, modulations supported, MIMO parameters,?
Radiated Performance Testing of WiMAX Mobile Devices(FREE DOWNLOAD)
MD Foegelle ,Wireless Design Magazine, 2008 ,ets-lindgren.com
Figure 1. Illustration of a typical cellular network arrangement (a) showing the result of an
11% reduction in range length (b) and the corresponding increase in base station density (c)
required to provide the same amount of coverage. allows roaming to the next one before
Can OFDM enhancement drive WiMAX mobility forward?(FREE DOWNLOAD)
V Dube ,Engineering Wireless Technology/A Supplement to RF , 2005 ,rfdesign.com
For the purpose of this discussion,fixed is defined as a solution in which it is not possible to
use the service from more than one location.Mobility covers different levels of services
including nomadicity (using a service in different locations), portability (basic mobility
Advanced Broadband Wireless Standards from ETSI and Co-operation with WiMAX(FREE DOWNLOAD)
B Friedrichs ,WCA Global Expo and Business Symposium, San , 2005 ,berndfriedrichs.de
• Abstract Syntax Notation (ASN. 1) message structure specification, ITU-T X. 680• Packed
encoding rules (PER) for transfer encoding, ITU-T X. 691• Message Sequence Charts (MSC)
for message flow description, ITU-T Z. 120,• Specification and Description Language (SDL
WiMAX Power Amplifier Design based on Si-LDMOS(FREE DOWNLOAD)
C Nader ,University of Galve, Sweden, 2006 ,co.it.pt
Abstract 1—Until recently, WiMAX systems have used technology processes such as
Gallium-Arsenide (GaAs) to obtain the performance needed from the RF circuits. Although
these technologies provide the functional performance required by radios today, they do
WiMax and Mesh networking in the home(FREE DOWNLOAD)
K Stanwood WiMax and Mesh Networks Forum, 2005 ,coe.montana.edu
? PHY and MAC repeaters: PHY repeaters and MAC repeaters do increasingly more
processing of the signal before forwarding it. They have the advantage of being able to be
more intelligent about re-amplification of signals, but at the cost of delay and complexity. In
High Throughput Performance and Quality Issues of a Wimax System(FREE DOWNLOAD)
G Agapiou, D Vali, D Charalambakis ,Proceedings of the 4th , 2005 ,wseas.us
Abstract:-Today there is a strong demand for broadband multimedia services and therefore it
is important that a technology provides high bit rates to the end users. These high bit rates
need to be provided to the end user in a wireless manner any time, in any location, even
Hand held analog television over WiMAX executed in SW(FREE DOWNLOAD)
D Iancu, H Ye, M Senthilvelan ,publicaiton at the , 2007 ,repository.tudelft.nl
ABSTRACT This paper describes a device capable of performing the following tasks: it
samples and decodes the composite video analog TV signal, it encodes the resulting RGB
data into a MPEG-4 stream and sends it over a WiMAX link. On the other end of the link a