wireless sensors research papers
Traffic surveillance with wireless magnetic sensors
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ABSTRACT Wireless magnetic sensor networks offer an attractive, low-cost alternative to inductive loops, video and radar for traffic surveillance on freeways, at intersections and in parking lots. The network comprises 5 diameter sensor nodes (SN) glued on the
A summary review of wireless sensors and sensor networks for structural health monitoring
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ABSTRACT In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the adoption of emerging sensing technologies for instrumentation within a variety of structural systems. Wireless sensors and sensor networks are emerging as sensing paradigms that the
Body sensor network-a wireless sensor platform for pervasive healthcare monitoring
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1, where wireless physiological sensors are used to measure the status of the patient. TAPIA EM, MARMASSE N., INTILLE SS and LARSON K. MITes: Wireless Portable Sensors for Studying Behavior, Proceedings of the UbiComp 2004, Sept 2004.
MITes: Wireless portable sensors for studying behavior
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ABSTRACT We present MITes (MIT Environmental Sensors): a portable kit of ubiquitous wireless sensing devices for real time data collection of human activities in natural settings. The sensors designed to be used in two ways:(1) determining people s interaction with
Sensors and wireless sensor networks for irrigation management under deficit conditions (FLOW-AID)
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ABSTRACT FLOW-AID has the objective to develop and test an irrigation management system that can be used under deficit, when water availability and quality are limited. It intends to use innovative, but simple and affordable concepts usable for a variety of irrigation set-ups
A review of wireless SAW sensors
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ABSTRACT Wireless measurement systems with passive surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensors offer new and exciting perspectives for remote monitoring and control of moving parts, even in harsh environments. This review paper gives a comprehensive survey of the
Patient monitoring using personal area networks of wireless intelligent sensors
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ABSTRACT A wearable device for monitoring multiple physiological signals (polysomnograph) usually includes multiple wires connecting sensors and the monitoring device. In order to integrate information from intelligent sensors, all devices must be
Coverage by directional sensors in randomly deployed wireless sensor networks
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Abstract We study a novel coverage by directional sensors problem with tunable orientations on a set of discrete targets. We propose a Maximum Coverage with Minimum Sensors (MCMS) problem in which coverage in terms of the number of targets to be
Emotion recognition from physiological signals using wireless sensors for presence technologies
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In this article we describe a new approach to enhance presence technologies. First, we discuss the strong relationship between cognitive processes and emotions and how human physiology is uniquely affected when experiencing each emotion. Secondly, we introduce
Power management for energy harvesting wireless sensors
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ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to demonstrate smart wireless sensing nodes capable of operation at extremely low power levels. These systems were designed to be compatible with energy harvesting systems using piezoelectric materials and/or solar cells
Waste containment system monitoring using wireless sensor networks
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The commercialization of micro-sensors with wireless communication, such as Motes from Crossbow [Cro] and Intel, enables interesting applications where current wired sensor technology would fail, such as unattended environment monitoring, habitat monitoring, military <
TEEN: a routing protocol for enhanced efficiency in wireless sensor networks
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communication capability. Also, the low cost of sensors makes it possible to have a network of hundreds or thousands of these wireless sensors, thereby enhancing the reliability and accuracy of data and the area coverage as well. Also, it
Analysis of wireless sensor networks for habitat monitoring
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Each patch may contain over 50 burrows; a large number of these burrows should be populated with sensors. Some should be left unpop- ulated to evaluate if there are disturbance effects caused by wireless sensors. Sensors should cover as many petrel burrows as possible.
Remote software-based attestation for wireless sensors
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Wireless sensor networks are envisioned to be deployed in mission-critical applications. Detecting a compromised sensor, whose memory contents have been tampered, is crucial in these settings, as the attacker can reprogram the sensor to act on his behalf. In the case of
The design of a portable kit of wireless sensors for naturalistic data collection
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In this paper, we introduce MITes, a flexible kit of wireless sensing devices for pervasive computing research in natural settings. The sensors have been optimized for ease of use, ease of installation, affordability, and robustness to environmental conditions in complex
Wireless sensor networks and applications: a survey
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environmental monitoring to different data collection applications [25]. Some applications with Motes, Smart Dust Sensors and Wireless Sensor Networks are shown in table II. TABLE II ,Some applications with Motes, Smart Dust
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the world second largest independent Ol| company, aims to knock down the cost of monitoring equipment at a Washington state oil refineiy, from thousands of dollars per measurement to hundreds, by replac- ing big, dumb, wired sensors with wireless ones in a
The future of e-health wired or not wired
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Wearable physiological sensors plus wireless communication device – biotelemetry equipment can be vastly different in their configuration and size. It would be best to find out which equipment would best suit your service needs.
Wireless sensor networks in precision agriculture
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To monitor these three critical factors, we instrumented a potato field with wireless sensors. The main goal of monitoring is to reveal when the crop is at risk of developing the disease and let the farmer treat the field or parts of it with fungicide only when absolutely needed.
Flexible wireless passive pressure sensors for biomedical applications
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ABSTRACT Passive resonant sensors have been studied by many groups as an approach to sensing of physical properties in inaccessible locations without the need for incorporating any on-board power sources. In this work, we report two types of wireless flexible
Time synchronization in wireless sensor networks
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processor. For such an array to be implemented on a fully distributed set of autonomous wireless sensors, network time synchro- nization is needed. This Marcy. Wireless Integrated Network Sensors: Low Power Systems on a Chip. In <
Wireless integrated network sensors: Towards low cost and robust self-organizing security networks
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ABSTRACT A very important benefit of continuing advances in CMOS IC technology is the ability to construct a wide variety of micro electrical-mechanical systems (MEMS) including sensors and RF components. These building blocks enable the fabrication of complete
Key technical challenges and current implementations of body sensor networks
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The basic concept of BSN is illustrated in Fig.1 where wireless sensors are either worn by or implanted into the patient, and the sensor data is gathered by a local processing unit, such as a PDA before it is further processed or transmitted to the central monitoring server.
Post-seismic damage assessment of steel structures instrumented with self-interrogatingwireless sensors
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Abstract Wireless sensors have been proposed for use in structural health monitoring systems because they offer low-installation costs and automated data processing functionality. A wireless sensor prototype is described for use in large-scale civil structures
RFID-based wireless manufacturing for real-time management of job shop WIP inventories
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WM relies substantially on wireless devices such as RFID (radio frequency identification) or auto-ID sensors and wireless information networks for the collection and synchronization of the real-time field data from manufacturing workshops.
Body area networks for ambulant patient monitoring over next generation public wirelessnetworks
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networks. The developed system allows the incorporation of diverse medical sensors via wireless connections, and the live transmission of the measured vital signals over public wireless networks to healthcare providers. Nine
System architecture of a wireless body area sensor network for ubiquitous health monitoring
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Communicated by They have developed wireless pulse oximeter sensors, wireless ECG sensors, and tri- axial accelerometer motion sensors.
Sift: A MAC protocol for event-driven wireless sensor networks
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The result is spatially-correlated contention. Multiple sensors sharing the wireless medium all have messages to send at almost the same time because they all generate messages in response to the same event. 2. Not all sensing nodes need to report an event.
Wireless sensor network localization using zigbee use the technique of RSSI
Indoor localization system using RSSI measurement of wireless sensor network based on ZigBee standard
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It is therefore necessary to verify the practicality of our tech- nique for sensing the positions of more(Breezecom Wireless Communications, 1997).Medium access control with coordinated, adaptive sleeping for wire- less sensor networks, ACM/IEEE
Locating the nodes: cooperative localization in wireless sensor networks
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Among the envisaged applications are wireless networking and localization.CALIBRATION AND SYNCHRONIZATION It is not likely that sensors will be placed with known orienta- tion.In this case, the unknown vectoris augmented to include the orientation of each sensor.
Wireless sensor network survey
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The node-level sensing algorithm relays the sensor data from each sensor and formsSmall battery powered devices include watches, wireless keyboard, and sports sensors which connect Optimizing sensor storage becomes important in this case when massive data is stored
Weighted centroid localization in zigbee-based sensor networks
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PRx(Theory) nodes. These nodes consist of sensors, actuators, a low power t60 processor, small memory, and a communication module.requirements recommend WCL as localization algorithm in Starting from a general network, which consists of b wireless sensor networks.
Wireless sensor networks: A survey on the state of the art and the 802.15. 4 and ZigBeestandards
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A typical transducer board from Crossbow provides light, temperature, microphone, sounder, tone detector, 2 axisthe characteristics of the physical and MAC layers for Low-Rate Wireless Personal AreaThe routing algorithm depends on the topology used in the sensor network.
ZigBee-based wireless sensor network localization for cattle monitoring in grazing fields
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of several nodes, each node being a low-power-consumption and low-cost device equipped with one or more sensors, a processorZigBee wireless sensor network.The anchors were placed in the vertices of a square of side length D, where the sensor node's movements were of wireless sensor networks is their ability to make various sensing and controleg, basement sump pump leak detector as opposed to upstairs bathroom leak detector).Wireless sensor networks are typically character- ized by relatively long latencies, especially over large multi 2 shows that the wireless localization network is composed of a mobile reference node, fixed reference nodesEARIL), we developed a ZigBee (2.4 GHz RF communication system) sensor network, as shown inas a reference node and 2) we can easily add motion sensors to the Node localization technology of the wireless sensor network usually adopts distance measurement based onand this model meets the need of the wireless sensor node localizationof Distance Measurement Based on RSSI, Chinese Journal of SENSORS AND ACTUATORS
Comparative evaluation of Received Signal-Strength Index (RSSI) based indoor localization techniques for construction jobsites
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building may have relatively more electronic interference from operating computers and wireless emitters, whereasThe location of the mobile badge is tied to the sensor that reads it.However, this performance requires a direct path between sensors, giving a limitation similar to
A wireless network system for automated tracking of construction materials on project sites
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In this network topology, sensing data collected to each of the routers is transmitted toit to operate efficiently in a high interference environment with dense deployment of sensor nodesA wireless network system for automated tracking of construction materials on project sites 18
Is rssi a reliable parameter in sensor localization algorithms: An experimental study
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to assess whether RSSI could indeed be used by localization algorithms to determine distances between sensors.The chances for this to happen are more in an emergency wireless sensor network because motesLocalization in cooperative Wireless Sensor Networks: A review
Wireless sensor networks for healthcare: A survey
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is achieved mostly by sensing systems that incorporate more than one type of sensing capabilities. In miTag system [37], the data collected from a self-organizing wireless network of sensors that operateWireless sensor networks security requirements and possible solutions [43 For the experiments we used a wireless sensor network composed of 7 MicaZ [15] equippedEach sample is obtained exchanging a beacon packet between two sensors every 1Vince Chook, Wireless Sensor Networks: a Survey
Is RSSI a good choice for localization in wireless sensor network
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Self-organized, scalable gps free localization of wireless sensors. In IEEE WCNC, pages and BD Anderson. Wireless sensor network localization techniques.Collaborative localization for wireless sensor networks.
An empirical characterization of radio signal strength variability in 3-D IEEE 802.15. 4 networks using monopole antennas
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infrastructure is the XYZ sensor node [10], an open-source general purpose sensing platform designedIt was specifically designed for low power wireless applications and supports 8 discrete powerThe XYZ sensor node, as most of the generic sensor node platforms, uses a
A ZigBee-based mobile tracking system through wireless sensor networks
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targets through wireless sensor networks have becomeconsumption, low processor overhead and a low cost platform for wireless sensor networks. It supports complex tree or mesh network topologies providing reliable coverage
Localization estimation system using measurement of RSSI based on ZigBee standard
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approximately the size of a coin) equipped with advanced sensing functionalities (thermalCheap, smart sensors, networked through wireless link and deployed in large numbers, Protocols and Architectures for WirelessSensorNetworks, John Wiley
requested paper
Online and Remote Energy Monitoring and Fault Diagnostics for Industrial Motor Systems using Wireless Sensor Networks
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This paper identifies the synergies between wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and non intrusive electrical signal-based motor signature analysis and proposes a scheme of applying WSNs in online and remote energy monitoring and fault diagnostics for industrial motor systems. The main scope is to provide a system overview where the non intrusive nature of the electrical-signal-based motor signature analysis enables its applications in a WSN architecture. Special considerations in designing non intrusive motor energy monitoring and fault diagnostic methods in such systems are discussed. This paper also provides detailed analyses to address the real-world challenges in designing and deploying WSNs in practice, including wireless-link-quality dynamics, noise and interference, and environmental impact on communication range and reliability. The overall system feasibility is investigated through a series of laboratory experiments and field tests. First, the concept of a remote and on line energy monitoring and fault diagnostic system is demonstrated using a simplified star-type IEEE 802.15.4 compliant WSN in the laboratory. Two well-established non intrusive motor diagnostic algorithms are intentionally used to prove the feasibility. Next, the challenges of applying the proposed WSN scheme in real industrial environments are analyzed experimentally using field test results
- wireless sensor network deployment for rural and forest fire detection and verification
- Explicit sensor network localization-02
- CMOS short-range wireless-sensor-network interface for automotive applications
- CMOS short-range wireless-sensor-network interface for automotive applications
- wimax research papers
wireless sensors research papers 101 CSE PROJECTS