zigbee research papers-13
Water Quality Monitoring System Using Zigbee Based Wireless Sensor Network
(WSN) for a water quality monitoring is composed of a number of sensor nodes with a networking capability that can be deployed for an ad hoc or continuous monitoring purpose. The parameters involved in the water quality determination such as the pH level, turbidity
ZigBee certification program
Wireless Control That Simply Works ZigBee Certification Program Bill Wood ZigBee Alliance Open House Networks, Inc. Chair, ZigBee Qualification Working Group Page 2.
Fault-tolerant ZigBee-based automatic meter reading infrastructure
ABSTRACT Due to low cost, low-power, and scalability, ZigBee is considered an efficient wireless AMR infrastructure. However, these characteristics of ZigBee can make the devices more vulnerable to unexpected error environments. In this paper, a fault-tolerant wireless
A Web Base System for ECG Data Transfered using ZigBee/IEEE Technology
ABSTRACT This paper describes the development of a remote monitoring system for ECG signals. The system provides remote monitoring of several patients wearing a portable device equipped with ZigBee/IEEE RF module connective based on wireless sensor
EnerBee-Example of an Advanced Metering Infrastructure based on ZigBee
ABSTRACT An advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) unites all the various metering devices of a building in one network and provides the metering data in real-time, locally and from remote. And it opens the door for advanced energy management features. This paper
Performance analysis of Zigbee wireless sensor networks with relaying
In wireless sensor networks, transmitting information from sensors to a far access point (AP), out of direct transmission range, might make the use of relaying crucial. The goal of this chapter is to study the impact of relaying in Zigbee wireless sensor networks. In particular,
ZigBee Standard Gaining Acceptance
K Maneweck ,docs.zigbee.org ZigBee was designed from the ground up for ultra-low-power consumption. Many reduced- function devices, such as sensors, will be battery powered. Taking advantage of the power- saving mechanisms built into the protocol and lowpower microcontrollers (MCUs) can
The research of the community healthcare network based on ZigBee technology
With the increasing need for healthcare and relative shortage of medical resources, the establishment of wireless sensor networks for the healthcare of the family in the community will become a promising research direction recently. In this paper, the wireless solution of
An interoperable authentication system using zigbee-enabled tiny portable device and pki
ABSTRACT Conventional authentication systems especially in a ubiquitous environment do not consider interoperability among different organizations. Therefore, carrying multiple security cards is inevitable for incompatible authentications. In this paper we propose a flexible,
ZigBee with Xbee
MaxStream, a well-known manufacturer of components for wireless communication, has just added a product to its line with the quite fitting name XBee (pronounced exbee), which makes its own modest contribution to the already quite thick blanket of electrosmog
Self-Learning Routing for ZigBee Wireless Mesh Networks
ABSTRACT ZigBee is defined to support low-rate wireless per- sonal area networks (WPANs). It supports tree and mesh routing. Observing that both routing mechanisms have their pros and cons, this paper proposes a Self-Learning Routing (SLR) protocol, which inherits the low
Understanding the zigbee stack and application profiles
There are many emerging wireless standards. Some seem to overlap in the space that they occupy in the market. ZigBee fulfills a unique space in that it is short range (10-70 meters) and is designed specifically for low data rates. This design enables ZigBee to have
Low power high linearity transmitter front-end for 900 MHz Zigbee applications
ABSTRACT This paper presents a low power high linearity transmitter front-end for 900 MHz Zigbee applications based on 0.18 µm CMOS technology. The direct up-conversion is implemented by passive mixer which dissipates no DC current. Two stage driver
An efficient chaotic interleaver for image transmission over IEEE 802.15. 4 Zigbee network
ABSTRACT This paper studies a vital issue in wireless communications, which is the transmission of images over wireless networks. IEEE ZigBee 802.15. 4 is a short-range communication standard that could be used for small distance multimedia transmissions.
ZigBee/IEEE 802.15. 4 Technologies in Ambient Assisted Living Applications
Aliaksei Andrushevich, Rolf Kistler, Marcel Bieri and Alexander Klapproth Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, CEESAR-iHomeLab Technikumstrasse 21, 6048 Horw, Switzerland {aliaksei. andrushevich, rolf. kistler, marcel. bieri, alexander. klapproth}
A RSSI-based algorithm for indoor localization using ZigBee in wireless sensor network
FREE DOWNLOAD ABSTRACT For the various applications in home automation, the service system requires to precisely estimate user s locations by certain sensors. It is considered as a challenge to automatically serve a mobile user in the house. However, indoor localization cannot be
ZigBee-based Positioning and Navigation System for Robot
ABSTRACT At present, the research on the technology of mobile robot navigation is under the spotlight. This paper introduces ZigBee technology into mobile robot s research, and constructs an experimental system for robot navigation based on ZigBee wireless sensor
A proposal for zigbee clusters interconnection based on Zigbee extension devices
WSNs are becoming an important topic in the research arena. Their low cost and the wide range of applications where wireless sensor networks can be applied, make them an important research and commercial field in the short term. Furthermore, the IEEE 802.15. 4
Optimizing Multi-hop Queries in ZigBee Based Multi-sink Sensor Networks
Wireless sensor networks with multiple users collecting data directly from the sensors have many potential applications. An important problem is to allocate for each user a query range to achieve certain global optimality while avoid congesting the sensors in the meanwhile.
Cooperative road sign and traffic light using near infrared identification and zigbee smartdust technologies
ABSTRACT Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I as well as I2V) applications are developing very fast. They rely on telecommunication and localization technologies to detect, identify and geo-localize the sources of information, be them
An evaluation study of mobility support in zigbee networks
ABSTRACT Based on the IEEE 802.15. 4 LR-WPAN specification, the ZigBee standard has been proposed to interconnect simple, low rate, and battery powered wireless devices. The deployment of ZigBee networks is expected to facilitate numerous applications, such as
- research projects in zigbee technology
- Simulation studies on ZigBee communications for home automation and networking
- Simulation studies on ZigBee communications for home automation and networking
- Reliability and energy efficiency in multi-hop research 802.15. 4/ZigBee Wireless Sensor Networks
- Modeling of Current Consumption in 802.15. 4/ZigBee Sensor Motes
zigbee research papers-12
zigbee research papers-21 CSE PROJECTS