zigbee research papers 2012 section 3
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Abstract: Research of the past years has led to numerous novel developments and
approaches for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). However, most previous work has
focused on either mathematical analysis or theoretical algorithms with extensive
A ZigBee Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring an Aquaculture Recirculating System
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FJ Espinosa-Faller, GE Rendón-Rodríguez ,cibernetica.ccadet.unam.mx
ABSTRACT A ZigBee wireless sensor network was developed for monitoring an
experimental aquaculture recirculating system. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, water and
air pressure as well as electric current sensors were included in the setup. The high fish
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R Khurana, P Arora ,euroasiapub.org
ABSTRACT ZigBee is a wireless network standard based on IEEE 802.15. 4. It is a wireless
sensor network technology its main characteristics are low transmission range, data rate,
price and power consumption. The aims of this network are to reduce the energy
Transportation Mode Recognition with Zigbee Using Accelerometer
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M Munisankar¹, R Nagendra ,ijetae.com
Abstract—Automatic recognition of human activities is one of the important and challenging
research areas in proactive and ubiquitous computing. Human-activity recognition requires
an objective and reliable technique that can be used under the conditions of daily living.
Enhanced Wireless Personal Area Network based Real Time motion (human) data Collection for advanced control room in Power Plants using ZigBee
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R Singh, M Sharma, V Kaundal ,ijetae.com
Abstract–In many applications a communication link between two devices becomes
essential. This communication can be wired or wireless. If two devices are close to each
other (like a microprocessor control unit and a Memory) then wired link is preferred.
Voice Controlled Data Acquisition Car Based on Zigbee Technology
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D Mathew ,iosrjournals.org
Abstract: The objective of the research is to design a voice controlled car and use it as a
platform for obtaining feedback from a critically controlled environment. The system
comprises of a user interface module and a Robocar. The user interface includes an
An Innovative Zigbee Technology Based Urban Irrigation System
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P Krishna Spandana, MS Kumar ,rspublication.com
Abstract In newly emerging urban areas, creation of green belts is necessary to keep
pollution under control. Greening requires frequent irrigation. This paper describes an
innovative urban irrigation system based on the Zigbee technology. The system involves
A Novel Idea for Person Localization In Indoor Environment Using Zigbee Technology
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H Davis, S Arumugam ,tejaashakthi.org
Abstract—ZigBee technology based on wireless sensor network was designed and
deployed in the indoor environment like chemical plant for person tracking. Because of the
complex indoor environment in the chemical workshop, the method of positioning through
Rescue and protection system for underground mine workers based on Zigbee
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T Maity, P sarathi Das, M Mukherjee ,journalshub.com
Abstract This paper addresses an economical, supple, continuous monitoring system of
underground mine workers’ protection and security. A module of MEMS based sensors are
used for monitoring underground parameters as per the requirement of the user and
WizNet: A ZigBee-based Sensor System for Distributed Wireless LAN Performance Monitoring
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Abstract—The last decade witnessed a phenomenal penetration rate of 802.11-based
wireless LANs (WLANs) in the enterprise. Nevertheless, WLAN users often experience
various performance issues such as highly variable signal quality. To diagnose such
A Study of Zigbee Network Topology Organization for Reliable Data Transmission
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SJ Woo, BD Shin ,onlinepresent.org
Abstract. The zigbee communication is a communication technology to connect local
wireless nodes and provides high stability and transfer rate due to data communication with
low power. In the nodes away from coordinator in one PAN, the signal strength is weak