vlsi-vhdl research papers 2014
Design of an Efficient Low Power 4-bit Arithmatic Logic Unit (ALU) Using VHDL
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Abstract In this paper, we have designed an efficient low power 4-bit ALU using VHDL. Advancement in VLSI technology has allowed following Moore's law for doubling component density on a silicon chip after every three years. Though MOS transistors have
VHDL Based Canny Edge Detection Algorithm
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Abstract Edge is basic feature of image and it is to be detected using various methods which are used for image enhancement, image segmentations, tracking etc. In this paper, a canny edge detection algorithm which is based on VHDL is proposed. Generally images are
Analysis of 16 Bit Microprocessor Architecture on FPGA Using VHDL
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ABSTRACT This paper involves the design and simulation of 16 bit microprocessor architecture on FPGA using VHDL. Significant features such as the, increased speed, minimal implementation real-estate, reduction in power and maximum configurability are
Medical System Based Multi-Tasking Digital Wrist Watch using VHDL
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ABSTRACT The main aim of this paper is to develop a low cost, low power, reliable, easily portable, compact size vital signs that processes and analyses the data acquired from sensors to determine if they are within Normal range or not. The methodology used in
Design of VHDL based Multi-Directional Sobel Edge Detection Processor
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Abstract Aim of the system is to develop a field programmable gate array based edge detection system. The proposed system calculates horizontal edge, vertical edge, left diagonal edge and right diagonal edge of gray scale image. Synthesizing and Simulation
Synthesizable VHDL Design for FPGAs
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Simulation and Optimization of VHDL code for FPGA-Based Design using Simulink
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ABSTRACT Simulations and prototyping have been a very important part of the electronics industry since a very long time. In recent years, FPGA's have become increasingly important and have found their way into all kind of digital system design This paper presents a novel
VHDL Implementation of ECC Processor over GF (2^ 163)
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ABSTRACT ECC (Elliptic curve cryptography) is the most modern technology arising in the more secure data transmission in the field of Public key cryptography. As compared to the RSA it requires smaller keysize. ECC is defined over Galois Fields over (2^ 163). The
Modeling of 8255-A PPI using VHDL
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ABSTRACT The paper represents the study and modeling of 8255A (PPI) using VHDL. Analysis and simulation is done using the 'Active-HDL-v6. 1'a tool of Modelsim software. Paper is concluded by highlighting some cursory view of RTL level designing part and test
Design and Implementation of Wireless Module using VHDL–A Review
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ABSTRACT Nowadays, network-on-chip (NoC) systems are becoming more popular due to their big advantages when compare with systems-on-chip (SoC). Considering the problems of multi-hop communication, transfer latency, network throughput, energy dissipation and
FPGA Based Implementation Of Baseband OFDM Transceiver Using VHDL.
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(OFDM) is a multicarrier communication system. It is widely used because of its immunity to frequency selective fading channels. In this paper, the design and an implementation of OFDM transceiver on FPGA is presented. The system is designed using VHDL,
Implementation of Kalman Filter Using Vhdl
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Abstract The main task in object tracking is to filter the movement information from undesired dynamic objects because this information is considered as noise. To cope with these difficulties the implementation of edge segment tracking (EST) algorithm based kalman
A VHDL-AMS Description of An Analogue Design of Triplet-based Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (T-STDP)
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The ability of a synaptic connection to change in strength is called synaptic plasticity and is responsible for learning and memory in the brain . There are two types of synaptic plasticity; the spike timing dependent plasticity (STDP) learning rule which is based on
The Design of Car Taillight Controller Based on VHDL
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VBMC: a formal verification tool for VHDL program
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ABSTRACT The design of Control and Instrumentation (CI) systems used in safety critical applications such as nuclear power plants involves partitioning of the overall system functionality into sub-parts and implementing each sub-part in hardware and/or software
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ABSTRACT In this paper an efficient method for removing noise as well as preserving the edge from corrupted image is presented here. In the signal transmission, the image signal can be corrupted by noise and the blurred image be the result. Impulse noise is caused by
Synthesis and Simulation of a 32Bit MIPS RISC Processor using VHDL
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ABSTRACT The main objective of the project is to design and simulate 32Bit MIPS (Microprocessor Interlocked Pipeline Stages) RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) Processor using VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description
Low Power and Area Optimized VHDL Implementation of AES
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ABSTRACT In this era of information, need for protection of data is more pronounced than ever. Secure communication is necessary to protect sensitive information in military and government institutions as well as private individuals. Current encryption standards are
Design and Implementation Principles of FIReWORK ONLINE–the VHDL Autogenerator for Hardware Structures
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Abstract. The paper presents an aspects of remote autogeneration of hardware structures. The solution is an online application, that is running on the server side and allows to design a particular filters and other selected hardware and generate its structure in the form of
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ABSTRACT The DS-CDMA is expected to be the major medium access technology in the future mobile systems owing to its potential capacity enhancement and the robustness against noise. The CDMA is uniquely featured by its spectrumspreading randomization
An Enhanced (15, 5) BCH Decoder Using VHDL
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ABSTRACT Error-correction codes are the codes used to correct the errors occurred during the transmission of the data in the unreliable communication mediums. The idea behind these codes is to add redundancy bits to the data being transmitted so that even if some
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ABSTRACT There is two main parts of Sigma-delta ADC: analog modulator and digital filter, the performance of modulator determines the performance of sigma-delta ADC, so the design of modulator is very important. This paper introduces the principle of sigma-delta ADC
A Review Paper on Design and Simulation of Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter on Field Programmable Gate Array Using VHDL
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ABSTRACT Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) is the use of the serial communication protocol, low velocity, short-distance, low-cost data exchange between computerperipherals. During the genuine industrial production, sometimes we demand
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ABSTRACT IEEE-754 specifies interchange and arithmetic formats and methods for binary and decimal floating-point arithmetic in computer programming world. The implementation of a floatingpoint system using this standard can be done fully in software, or in hardware, or
Design and simulation of AES algorithm-Encryption using VHDL
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ABSTRACT The Cryptographic Algorithm is most widely used throughout the world for protecting information. Cryptography is the art of secret writing, followed by the guarantee to authenticate data and important messages and protect the systems from valid attacks. It
VHDL implementation of Flight Control functions of Quadcopter and its integration in Zynq SoC (System on Chip)
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Abstract Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are widely used in both industry and academic area. The Flight Control (FC) is the key function which allows stable flight in the air. Typically it is implemented in software using small microcontrollers. In order to do Mission based
vlsi-vhdl research papers 2012
Dwarv 2.0: A cosy-based c-to-vhdl hardware compiler
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ABSTRACT In the last decade, a considerable amount of effort was spent on raising the implementation level of hardware systems by automatically extracting the parallelism from input applications and using tools to generate Hardware/Software codesign solutions.
Development of a Parallel Image Processing Architecture in VHDL
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Abstract Image processing tasks such as filtering, stereo correspondence and feature detection are inherently highly parallelisable. The use of FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays), which can be operated in highly parallel configurations, can thus be a useful
Implementation of a temperature dependent magnetic model in Simplorer using VHDL-AMS language
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a study based on the work done to create a temperature dependent magnetic model able to represent the dynamic behavior of magnetic materials. This model is developed using system simulation software (Simplorer) and hardware
VHDL Performance Analysis of Correlation Radar with Distance, Speed and Angle Measurement for Automotive Application
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Abstract Radars are general devices for defense, surveyvehicle guidance systems. However the sophisticated designrequirements of costly devices, makes it out of reach to the daily applications. Correlation radars are used as anti–collision system for auto
VHDL Environment for Pipeline Floating Point Arithmetic Logic Unit Design and Simulation
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A pipeline floating point arithmetic logic unit (ALU) design using very high speed hardware description language (VHDL) is introduced. The novelty of the ALU is it gives high performance through the pipelining concept. Pipelining is a technique where multiple
Design and Implementation of I2c master controller on FPGA using VHDL
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ABSTRACT The focus of this paper is on I2C protocol following master controller. This controller is connected to a microprocessor or computer and reads 8 bit instructions following I2C protocol. The instructions are then processed and converted to instructions which follow
FPGA-based BASK and BPSK Modulators Using VHDL: Design, Applications and Performance Comparison for Different Modulator Algorithms
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Abstract This paper presents the simulation results of binary digital modulation schemes. In this paper, for BASK and BPSK modulation techniques used FPGA algorithm, multiplier don t using. If multiplier block is used for multiplication bit stream with carrier signal, used
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ABSTRACT In this paper, an implementation of IEEE 1149.7 standard is used for designing Test Access Port (TAP) Controller and testing of interconnects is done using boundary scan. By c-JTAG the pin count gets reduced which increases the performance and simplifies the
Performance Analysis of Parallel FIR Digital Filter using VHDL
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ABSTRACT With the continuing trends to reduce the chip size and integrates multichip solution into a single chip solution it is important to limit the silicon area required to implement parallel FIR digital filter in VLSI implementation. The Need for high
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ABSTRACT Low power consumption and smaller area are some of the most important criteria for the fabrication of DSP systems and high performance systems. Optimizing the speed and area of the multiplier is a major design issue. However, area and speed are usually
Hardware Description of Multi-Directional Fast Sobel Edge Detection Processor by VHDL for Implementing on FPGA
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Abstract The VHDL is an appropriate Hardware Description Language (HDL) for providing hardware models of practical image processing algorithms. The aim of this paper is to present hardware architecture of Sobel edge detection algorithm for implementing on
Class 15 VHDL Introduction
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majority vote ENTITY majority_vote IS PORT( a, b, c: IN BIT; y : OUT BIT); END majority_vote; ARCHITECTURE maj_vote OF majority_vote IS BEGIN y= (a and b) or (b and c) or (a and c); END maj_vote; : This is comment ENTITY logic_circuit IS PORT( a, b,
Performance Analysis of Floating Point Adder using VHDL on Reconfigurable Hardware
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Abstract Floating point addition is more difficult than multiplication because alignment of mantissa is required before mantissa addition. The main objective of implementation of floating point adder on reconfigurable hardware ie on Virtex is to utilize less chip area with
A VHDL Implementation of Low Power Virus Detection Processor
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D Sridhar, PM Rao ABSTRACT Nowadays, mobile handsets combine the functionality of mobile phones and PDAs. Unfortunately, mobile handsets development process has been driven by market demand, focusing on new features and neglecting security. So, it is imperative to study the
VHDL Implementation of Efficient Multimode Block Interleaver for WiMAX
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ABSTRACT Wireless communication is one of the most vibrant research areas in the communication field today. WLAN and WiMAX are emerging standards for wireless broadband communication system. OFDM is multiplexing technique used in above
VHDL Implementation of Correlation Radar For Automotive Applications
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ABSTRACT Anti-collision radars are used in automobiles applications to prevent accidents of vehicles by detecting obstacles in front of the vehicles. Generally the correlation radars are used for this purpose, which compute the distance and the relative speed between the
VHDL Implementation of 8-Bit ALU
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ABSTRACT In this paper VHDL implementation of 8-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is presented. The design was implemented using VHDL Xilinx Synthesis tool ISE 13.1 and targeted for Spartan device. ALU was designed to perform arithmetic operations such as addition and
Development, Integration and Verification of VHDL Code for FPGA based Beam Position Measurement Board
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Abstract Continuous increases in FPGA capacity, architectural features and performance, along with decreases in cost, results in an ideal solution to hardware system designers. The embedded designer who is serious about increasing performance must consider the <
Analysis and Comparison of Sigma Delta A/D Converter Model for AMS-VHDL and SIMULINK
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A/D converter using mixed signal environment and compares the accuracy achieved by mixed signal modeling environment over normal simulators, the converter designed here is of third order, we also analyzed the behavior of the converter the complete simulation is
VHDL Design for Image Segmentation using Gabor filter for Disease Detection
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RR Thakur, SR Dixit, AY Deshmukh ,International Journal ABSTRACT Tonsillitis, Tumor and many more skin diseases can be detected in its early-state and can be cured. For this a new idea for efficient Gabor filter design with improved data transfer rate, efficient noise reduction, less power consumption and reduced memory
Manipulation of Adaptive Matrix Using VHDL-High Performance Field Programmable Gate Arrays
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Abstract This research consist of a novel field programmable gate array (FPGA) based reconfigurable coprocessor board being used to evaluate hardware architecture for speedup of matrix computation using high speed field programmable array. This paper
Design and Implementation of I2C to SPI Converter on FPGA Using VHDL
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Abstract The focus of this paper is on design of a converter that allows interfacing of a SPI device with a microcontroller communicating in I2C. This controller is connected to a microprocessor or computer and reads 8 bit instructions following I2C protocol. The
- VLSI Implementation of qpsk
- VHDL-based performance modeling and virtual prototyping
- free research papers-electronics
- VHDL approach to performance analysis of fuzzy logic controllers
- VHDL-AMS for mixed technology and mixed signal, an overview