adhoc network research papers 2012 section 2
Influences of TwoRayGround and Nakagami Propagation model for the Performance ofAdhoc Routing Protocol in VANET
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PK Singh ,International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012 ,
ABSTRACT VANET is the emerging technology that is to be adopted worldwide. The studies
and research for the adoption of this technology is still simulation based. VANET is a
wireless adhoc networking techniques, whose feasibility and performance are usually
Quality of Service in Mobile Adhoc Networks using Two Bandwidth Estimation Method in Optimized Link State Routing protocol
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MPDAM Natarajan ,IJCSNS, 2012 ,
Abstract: An adhoc network is a collection of mobile nodes connected by a wireless link,
where each node acts as a router. In order to facilitate the communication within the network,
a routing protocol is needed. Due to bandwidth constraint and dynamic topology of the
On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol for Mobile Adhoc Networks
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G Radhika, JR Kumar ,International Journal, 2012
Abstract—In This paper presents a novel multicast routing protocol for mobile ad hoc
wireless networks. The protocol, termed ODMRP (On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol),
is a mesh-based, rather than a conventional treebased, multicast scheme and uses a
DSSS with ISAKMP Key Management Protocol to Secure Physical Layer for Mobile AdhocNetwork
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ABSTRACT The wireless and dynamic nature of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) leaves
them more vulnerable to security attacks than their wired counterparts. The nodes act both
as routers and as communication end points. This makes the physical layer more prone to
Estimation of Transmission Power, Capacity and Channel Efficiency of Cognitive MobileADHOC Networks
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M Suganthi ,European Journal of Scientific , 2012 ,europeanjournalofscientificresearch.
Abstract In this paper, we estimate the capacity of secondary users spectrum access in a
cognitive radio based Mobile Communication System consisting of one primary transmitter
and many primary receivers. Because of the small redundancy of the SINR (Signal to
ANODR-ECC Key Management protocol with TELNET to secure Application and Network layer for Mobile Adhoc Networks
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ABSTRACT A mobile ad hoc network (MANETs) is a self-organizing network that consists of
mobile nodes that are connected through wireless media. A number of unique features, such
as lack of infrastructural or central administrative supports, dynamic network topologies,
Fuzzy-Logic Based Probabilistic Broadcasting Technique for Mobile Adhoc Networks
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T Bano, J Singhai ,2012
Abstract Broadcasting also called as flooding is one of the earliest research interests in
mobile ad hoc networking. The main objective of broadcasting scheme is to avoid broadcast
storm problem, provide good network performance and scalability. Existing probabilistic
Energy Efficient Geographical Routing Protocol with Location Awareness in Mobile AdHocNetwork
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S Kodesia, PN Arya ,International Journal, 2012 ,
ABSTRACT A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a kind of wireless ad-hoc network, and is
a self configuring network of mobile routers (and associated hosts) connected by wireless
links the union of which forms an arbitrary topology. The routers are free to move randomly
Ant Colony Optimization based Delay and Energy Conscious Routing Protocol for MobileAdHoc Networks
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ASM Qaed, T Devi ,International Journal of Computer , 2012 ,
ABSTRACT Optimizing routing in mobile adhoc networks is a challenging task. Since mobile
adhoc networks are highly dynamic topology natured, several routing protocols face the
challenge of delay and energy conscious routing. This paper proposes a novel delay and
Comparison of RSA-Threshold Cryptography and ECC-Threshold Cryptography for Small Mobile Adhoc Networks
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MB Lavanya ,Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications, 2012
A mobile ad hoc network is a special type of wireless network in which a collection
of mobile hosts with wireless network interfaces may form a temporary network. Without
A comparative study of wireless mesh and adhoc network: A Cross layer design approach
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Y Rohilla, P Gulia ,International Journal, 2012
Abstract: Due to Wi-Fi marketing 802.11 becomes a universal solution for wireless
connectivity. A wireless network is that in which the performance of a network depends on
the layering structure of protocol. A wireless network is many types like Ad-hoc, cellular
Study of a Multi-layers Quality of Service Model for ADHOC networks
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L Fatima, E Najib ,International Journal of Computer , 2012 ,
ABSTRACT The quality of service support in MANETs has become an important
requirement. However, the QOS support in a wireless networks is unlike that of the wireline’s
because wireless bandwidth is shared among neighboring nodes and the network
A Modified AODV–Algorithm for prevention of Black hole attack in Mobile Adhoc Networks
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D Thakar, N Prajapati ,Paul Bharath Bhushan Petlu Chaylasy , 2012 ,
Abstract-MANETs are highly vulnerable to attacks due to their inherent characteristics like
lack of infrastructure and complexity of wireless communication. Security is an essential
requirement in mobile ad hoc networks. This paper analyzes the effect of black hole attack
AR eview on-Comparative Study of Issues in Cellular, Sensor and Adhoc Networks
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JV Shiral, BN Mahajan ,2012 ,
ABSTRACT A cellular network is an asymmetric radio network which is made up of fixed
transceivers or nodes, maintain the signal while the mobile transceiver which is using the
network is in the vicinity of the node. An ad-hoc network is a local area network (LAN) that
Involvement of Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) Technology in Pervasive Computing
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Abstract—: In future a pervasive computing environment can be expected based on the
recent progresses and advances in computing and communication technologies. Next
generation of mobile communications will include both prestigious infrastructured wireless
Migrating Packet Dropping in Adhoc Network Based on Modified ACK-based Scheme Using FSA
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S Tiwari, A Jain, GS Chowhan ,
ABSTRACT: Dynamic topology and without infrastrure provide a great facility for adhoc
network. Such facility generates easy installation of adhoc network and provides node
mobility without loss of connection. In such facility packet dropping is a serious challenge
QoS Based Adhoc Probabilistic Routing Strategy for e-health Services
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Abstract—Fast growing area of remote monitoring has seen E-Health as a recent addition to
its domain. The objective is to provide healthcare diagnosis and monitoring services at
remote locations. Adhoc networks are being used to provide the communication link
Proposing Distributive Method to Extract Pedestrian Flows on a Mobile Adhoc Network
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Abstract This paper explores possibilities to extract pedestrian flows from Bluetooth
detection logs in a distributive manner. Bluetooth devices are installed in mobile equipments
such as laptops, tablet PCs, cell phones, and PDAs, which pedestrians carry with them in
Analysis of Software Rejuvenation on ADHOC Conferencing and Media Distribution System
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K Murthy, R Rashmi ,International Journal of Computer Science ,
Abstract: The project facilitates the concept of Software Rejuvenation and its importance in
day to day software applications. Software Rejuvenation prevents ageing in software
applications and helps in achieving a noncompromising performance.Adhoc
Review of Security Attacks in Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETS)
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A Nayyar ,
Abstract Security is a major concern for protected communication between mobile nodes in
a hostile environment. In hostile environments adversaries can bunch active and passive
attacks against intercept able routing in embed in routing message and data packets. In
Mobility Analysis of Blackhole Node Attacks in Mobile Adhoc Networks
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R Rishi, DD Barak, Y Singh, P Rani ,
Abstract Mobile ad hoc network is also called infrastructureless networking, since the
mobile nodes in the network dynamically establish routing among themselves to form their
own network on the fly. This characteristic makes more MANET more vulnerable to attacks
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G Kumar, KK Tripathi, N Tyagi
Different types of wireless adhoc networks can be designed by the number of nodes
participating in the network, the mobility pattern of nodes, the traffic demands of nodes etc.
Keywords: DSR (dynamic source routing), AODV (adhoc on demand distance vector),
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V Shukla, A Mishra, SN Ghosh ,
Abstract: As we know that the present day environment is the mobile environment and the
people use the mobile devices very frequently people aware about the both type of networks
that are wireless and the adhoc networks. These are the two networks that we used very