cloud computing research papers 2012 section 3
Implementation of Job Scheduling Algorithms in a Cloud Computing Environment for B2C Electronic Commerce architecture using GI/G/1 queuing model
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ABSTRACT Traditional B2C Electronic Commerce architecture instigated using n-Tier Client/Server architecture has continually been sluggish, intricate, and costly. With the advent of Cloud computing environment, the amenities vital for the Electronic Commerce
Evaluating Overheads of Integrated Multilevel Checkpointing Algorithms in Cloud ComputingEnvironment
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a methodology for providing high availability to the demands of cloud s clients. To attain this objective, failover stratagems for cloud computing using integrated checkpointing algorithms are purposed in this paper. Purposed strategy
UML Based Integrated Multilevel Checkpointing Algorithms for Cloud Computing Environment
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ABSTRACT Main objective of this research work is to improve the checkpoint efficiency for integrated multilevel checkpointing algorithms and prevent checkpointing from becoming the bottleneck of cloud data centers. In order to find an efficient checkpoint interval,
The seven deadly sins of cloud computing research
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Abstract Research into distributed parallelism on the cloud has surged lately. As the research agenda and methodology in this area are being established, we observe a tendency towards certain common simplifications and shortcuts employed by researchers,
Privacy, Security and Trust in Cloud Computing
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Abstract Cloud computing refers to the underlying infrastructure for an emerging model of service provision that has the advantage of reducing cost by sharing computing and storage resources, combined with an ondemand provisioning mechanism relying on a pay-per-
Upright load allocation for Cloud Computing via various Performance Options
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing looks to deliver software as a provisioned service to end users, but the underlying infrastructure must be sufficiently scalable and robust. In our work, we focus on large-scale enterprise cloud systems and examine ho-w enterprises may use
Integrating the Trusted Computing Platform into the Security of Cloud Computing System
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing has become one of the fastest growing fields in computer science. As the new computing service pattern of cloud computing develops rapidly, the security problem of cloud computing has become a hot research topic. Before the user
Improved Self Fused Check pointing Replication for Handling Multiple Faults in Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT The performance of checkpointing replication fault tolerance technique is severely bottlenecks due to handling of number of replicas generated for a large number of nodes to tolerate multiple faults such as multiple failure of nodes, processes etc. In fusion based
Review of Data Mining Techniques in Cloud Computing Database
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ABSTRACT Data mining is the nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information from data. It is the extraction of information from huge volume of data or set through the use of various data mining techniques. The data mining
Special issue on security in cloud computing
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This Provisional PDF corresponds to the article as it appeared upon acceptance. Fully formatted PDF and full text (HTML) versions will be made available soon. Special issue on security in cloud computing Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications
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ABSTRACT It is proposed to have a study on the diagnosis of cancer using neural network approach engaging cloud computing. Cloud computing facilitates data protection, privacy and medical record access. The present paper focuses on cloud computing services
Analysis of Web Application Vulnerability in Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT Web site because of growing demand is an area of concern in the IT security community because they are literally popping up all over. Public web service providers are available from Google. com, Amazon. com, Microsoft, Oracle/Sun, Canonical/Eucalyptus
On the integration of knowledge management, cloud computing and LOHAS economy as a corporate strategy
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ABSTRACT In this report we discuss the triangular strategy of integrating knowledge management, cloud computing and lifestyle of health and sustainability (LOHAS) as a corporate strategy. The core of this strategy is that consumer behavior is the consequence
Astroinformatics, Cloud Computing, and New Science at the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
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As part of achieving these aims, we are constructing an online guide to data mining in astronomy. Prior to this guide, no such tool existed. The guide is designed for the astronomer who is interested in using the methods of data mining to improve their science
High Performance Technical Computing through Cloud Infrastructure Services
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Page 1. International Conference on Internet Cloud Computing Technology
A Proposed Model for Enhancing Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing Systems
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ABSTRACT The reported recent success of cloud computing has attracted attention for cost effective IT services with many signs for continuing spread out if not dominating in the coming years. However, challenges are being faced by both research and professional
Model-driven auto-scaling of green cloud computing infrastructure
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing can reduce power consumption by using virtualized computational resources to provision an application s computational resources on-demand. Autoscaling is an important cloud computing technique that dynamically allocates
Overview of Attacks on Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT Cloud Computing is a new environment in computer oriented services. This system have some similarities of distributed system, according to this similarities cloud computing also uses the features of networking. Therefore the security is the biggest
A SLA-based Cloud Computing Framework: Workload and Location Aware Resource Allocation to Distributed Data Centers in a Cloud
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ABSTRACT As the number of users of cloud services increase all over the world, cloud service providers keep deploying geographically distributed data centers more. Since resource capacity of a data center is limited, cloud service providers need to distribute load to data
Cyber-physical cloud computing: The binding and migration problem
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ABSTRACT We take the paradigm of cloud computing developed in the cyber-world and put it into the physical world to create a cyber-physical computing cloud. A server in this cloud moves in space making it a vehicle with physical constraints. Such vehicles also have
Cloud Computing Security Issues and Access Control Solutions
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing is a new computing paradigm that attracted many computer users, business, and government agencies. Cloud computing brought a lot of advantages especially in ubiquitous services where everybody can access computer services through
Cloud computing and its interest in saving energy: the use case of a private cloud
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Background Cloud computing data centres, due to their housing of powerful ICT equipment, are high energy consumers and therefore accountable for large quantities of emissions. Therefore, energy saving strategies applicable to such data centres are a very promising
Evaluation and Comparison of Security Issues on Cloud Computing Environment
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing basically comes to focus on IT, a way to increase capacity or add potentiality on the fly without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software. It encompasses any subscription-based or payper-use service
Applying Provable Data Possession with Elgamal in Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT Amid the most prominent e-technologies of the modern day, Cloud Computing has changed the manner in which IT architectural solutions are put forward, by shifting towards the theme of Virtualization: be it in terms of data storage, infrastructure or software
A cloud computing based 12-lead ECG telemedicine service
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Background Due to the great variability of 12-lead ECG instruments and medical specialists interpretation skills, it remains a challenge to deliver rapid and accurate 12-lead ECG reports with senior cardiologists decision making support in emergency telecardiology.
System Management and Operation for Cloud Computing Systems
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With the progress of virtualization technology, cloud systems have been started to be deployed on a full-scale basis. However, there are many issues in terms of managing cloud systems in a stable and high-quality way. This is because the number of servers becomes
- Cloud Computing-a Perspective Study
- research paper-computer science-data mining
- free research papers-computer science
- Cloud Computing Through Mobile-Learning
- cloud computing research papers 2012
cloud computing research papers 2012 section 2
cloud computing research papers 2012 section 4 CSE PROJECTS