cryptography-research-papers-2012-section 5
Innovative field of cryptography: DNA cryptography
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ER Soni, EV Soni, ESK Mathariya ,2012 ,
ABSTRACT DNA cryptography is a new instinctive cryptographic field emerged with the
research of DNA computing, in which DNA is used as information shipper and the modern
biological technology is used as accomplishment tool. The speculative study and
Visual Cryptography by Random Grids with Identifiable Shares
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Abstract—This paper proposes a visual cryptography by random grids scheme with
identifiable shares. The method encodes an image O in two shares that exhibits the
following features:(1) each generated share has the same scale as O,(2) any share singly
Enhanced Visual Cryptography Using color Error diffusion and Digital Watermarking
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T Deendayal, C Sunitha ,International Journal
Abstract In this paper a new visual cryptography scheme is proposed for hiding information
in images which divide secret images into multiple shares. In order to provide more security
to existing schemes a new Technique called Digital Watermarking is used, and to improve
Random Sequences for Choosing Base States and Rotations in Quantum Cryptography
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S Chitikela, S Kak ,
Abstract—This paper investigates the effect of permutations on blocks of a prime reciprocal
sequence on its randomness. A relationship between the number of permutations used and
the improvement of performance is presented. This can be used as a method for
Visual cryptography for color images by dithering techniques
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LP Tadiboyna, MD Babu ,International Journal
Abstract-Color visual cryptography (VC) encrypts a color secret message into n color
halftone image shares. Previous methods in the literature show good results for black and
white or gray scale VC schemes, however, they are not sufficient to be applied directly to
Quantum Cryptography Using Past-Future Entanglement
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S Jha ,
Abstract: Quantum Entanglement is an important principle on which Quantum Key
Distribution is based. However, observations of measurements are discussed over a
classical channel. Communication using entangled states is facilitated by Quantum
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K Nagaveni, M Tech, BV Rao ,
ABSTRACT Visual Cryptography is based on cryptography where n images are encoded in
a way that only the human visual system can decrypt the hidden message without any
cryptographic computations when all shares are stacked together. This paper presents an
Multi User Detector in CDMA Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography
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MR Rao, BP Rao ,International Journal
ABSTRACT: Code division multiple access (CDMA) is used in various radio communication
techniques due to its advantages. In CDMA one of the most important processes is multi
user detection (MUD). There are numerous methods for MUD in CDMA, but in most of the
Combining Public and Private Key Cryptography
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R Winton ,
Abstract Cryptosystems may be classified as either public or private key. The system
developed in this paper combines the protocols of these two types of cryptography to
produce a three-pass system that is more secure than with either one alone. Each
Improving security By Quantum Cryptography in P2P Reputation Management in Distributed Identities and Decentralized Recommendation Chains
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VVMB Polukonda, A Harish
Abstract—Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks are vulnerable to peers who cheat, propagate
malicious code, leech on the network, or simply do not cooperate. consider several
distributed collaborative key agreement and authentication protocols for dynamic peer
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The paper supports a debate concerning the meaning and the importance of redundancy
and ergodicity in cryptography. The discussion is mainly organized around a very thought-
provoking enciphering method, running-key cipher. The paper comes with a new view of
A Model for Performance Enhancement of Steganography through Dynamic KeyCryptography
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In Today’s, Security are a big and challenging issues, for where the
information has been transmitted. There are lots of techniques come in existence, but most
Quantum Cryptography with Generalized Bases and Dimensions of Photon States
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MM Khan, J Xu
Abstract Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a secure key sharing technology with
unconditional security. Certain well-known protocols for QKD have been presented, which
claim their security by means of higher eavesdropping error-rates. A generalized quantum
Cryptography Over Elliptic Curve Of The Ring
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Abstract—Groups where the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) is believed to be intractable
have proved to be inestimable building blocks for cryptographic applications. They are at the
heart of numerous protocols such as key agreements, public-key cryptosystems, digital
Securing Information: Cryptography and Steganography
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R Mathe, VRR Atukuri, SK Devireddy
Abstract: Today’s dynamic and information rich environment, information systems have
become vital for any organization to survive. With the increase in the dependence of the
organization on the information system, there exists an opportunity for the competitive
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B Agrawal, H Agrawal ,
ABSTRACT In recent years, encryption technology has been developed quickly the chaos
based cryptographic algorithms have suggested several advantages over the traditional
encryption algorithms such as high security, speed, reasonable computational overheads
Dynamic DNS Update security, based on Cryptographically Generated Addresses and ID-Based Cryptography, in an IPv6 autoconfiguration context
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JM Combes, G Arfaoui, M Laurent ,
Abstract—This paper proposes a new security method for protecting signalling for Domain
Name System (DNS) architecture. That is, it makes secure DNS update messages for
binding a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of an IPv6 node and the IPv6 address of
A Novel Face Template Protection Scheme based on Chaos and Visual Cryptography
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D James, M Philip ,
ABSTRACT Protection of biometric data and templates is a crucial issue for the security of
biometric systems This paper proposes new security architecture for protection of face
templates using visual cryptography and chaotic image encryption. The use of visual
Privacy Preserving through Segment-Based Visual Cryptography
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SP Indrakanti, PS Avadhani ,Advanced Computing: an International Journal
ABSTRACT The role of privacy in the digital world is an essential criterion and confidentiality
of pictographic data has added significance to the study of security. A version of visual
cryptography for hiding textual data which is based on sixteen segment display is
FPGA Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography Engine for Personal Communication Systems
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Abstract:-Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), which allows smaller key length as compared
to conventional public key cryptosystems, has become a very attractive choice in wireless
mobile communication technology and personal communication systems. In this research,
Using Quantum Cryptography Secure the Wireless LAN Networks
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G Uthradevi, AK Rahuman
Abstract—Quantum cryptography is an emerging technology in which two parties may
simultaneously generate shared, secret cryptographic key material using the transmission of
quantum states of light. Key distribution is the problem of classical cryptography algorithm,
Quantum Cryptography: Increasing Data Security using Six-state Protocol and Applying it in Distributed Computing
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R Aishwarya ,
Abstract–Now-a-days security in communication is becoming increasingly important and
various techniques are being proposed to get 100% security while transmission of data. In
that way, one such important field is Quantum cryptography where it is proved that data
Evaluation Technique for Cryptography Circuits with Measures Against Power Analysis Attacks
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M Yoshikawa, T Asai
Abstract. Recently, the threat level of power analysis attacks has been raised. Power
analysis attacks acquire confidential information from cryptographic circuits, which have
been embedded in hardware such as credit and cash cards, by analyzing their power
Application of Elliptic Curve Method in Cryptography: A Literature Review
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S Gajbhiye, S Karmakar, M Sharma, S Sharma
Abstract-Application of Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) in cryptography popularly known as
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) has been discussed in this paper. Finally the
performance of ECC in security and moreover, its recent trends has been discussed.