data compression in cloud computing 2014
Assessing the effects of data compression in simulations using physically motivated metrics
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This paper examines whether lossy compression can be used effectively in physics simulations as a possible strategy to combat the expected data-movement bottleneck in future high performance computing architectures. We show that, for the codes and
Data Compression Techniques
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ABSTRACT Data compression has important application in the field of file storage and distributed systems. It helps in reducing redundancy in stored or communicated data. This paper studies various compression techniques and analyzes the approaches used in data
A Review on various Lossless Text Data Compression Techniques
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ABSTRACT Compression algorithms reduce the redundancy in data representation thus increasing effective data density. Data compression is a very useful technique that helps in reducing the size of text data and storing the same amount of data in relatively fewer bits
Test Data Compression Using a New Scheme Based on Extended Variable Length Codes
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ABSTRACT The need of testing large amount of data in large ICs has increased the time and memory requirement by many folds. Several test data compression schemes have been proposed for reducing the test data volume. In this paper, we propose a novel, lossless,
Analysis of web data compression and its impact on traffic and energy consumption
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While connection speeds are increasing slowly, some ISPs mention plans about possible traffic limitations in the near future which would keep internet traffic expensive. In addition, Green IT became more important especially over the last few years. Besides on-demand
A Wideband Spectrum Data Compression Algorithm base on Energy Detection
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ABSTRACT In cognitive radio systems, interactive perception spectrum data between cognitive users can effectively improve the overall performance of the user's perception of communication. However, a large number of spectrum data accumulation will increasing
Edge collapse improved model-based three dimensional surface model data compressionalgorithm.
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ABSTRACT With computer technology and three-dimensional imaging software and hardware technology rapidly development, three-dimensional digital technology is more and more concerned and applied by people. But limit graphics card handling ability and
A Clustering Compression Method for 3D Human Motion Capture Data
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Summary Human motion capturing has become an important tool in fields such as sports sciences, biometrics, and particularly in computer animation, where large collections of motion material are accumulated in the production process. Efficient storage, retrieval and
Research Paper on Text Data Compression Algorithm using Hybrid Approach
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ABSTRACT Data Compression is an area that needs to be given almost attention is text quality assessment. Different methodologies have been defined for this purpose. Hence choosing the best machine learning algorithm is really important. In addition to different
Multichannel data compression using wavelet subbands arranging technique
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ABSTRACT To reduce the amount of data and preserve necessary signal quality for multichannel data transmission in many applications such as meteorology, or telemedicine, a new technique called WSAT is presented. The proposed technique is designed to deal Wavelet-based ECG data compression with multi-level adjustment mechanism is disadvantageous for reconstruction error control due to multi-toone mapping between multi- level quantisation scales and distortion. Linear distortion compression performance with
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Abstract This paper focuses on the compression technique implemented by BZIP2 and its comparison to one of the existing compression techniquesGZIP andXZ. This Paper also discusses the various algorithms used in BZIP2. The comparison between both the
A Comparative Analysis of Data Compression Techniques
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ABSTRACT Data compression is the process that is used to reduce the physical size of a block of information; data compression encodes information using fewer bits to help in reducing the consumption of expensive resources such as disk space or transmission
Performance Optimization for System-on-chip Using Network-on-Chip and Data Compression
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ABSTRACT The growing complexity in consumer embedded products has led to new tendencies that forecast heterogeneous Multi-Processor Systems-On-Chip (MPSoCs) consisting of complex integrated components communicating with each other at very high-
Performance Analysis of Hybrid Transform, Hybrid Wavelet and Multi-Resolution Hybrid Wavelet for Image Data Compression
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ABSTRACT Compression of digital images play vital role in transmission of multimedia data. This paper presents application of hybrid wavelet transform in image compression. Multi- resolution property of Wavelet transform helps to analyze the information contents of In order to meet the engineering requirement of gas pipeline inline inspection for cracking defects, a new ultrasonic guided wave (GW) method based on electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) has emerged. In consideration of the large amount of original
Towards the Construction of a Transcriptional Landscape of the Human Genome: DataAnalysis and Data Compression
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Cells make various types of primary and processed RNAs in the course of expressing the encoded genetic information in genomes. The produced RNAs carry a significant portion of the responsibility of directing the synthesis of proteins and regulating cell behavior and
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a compression algorithm that can be used to compress the data as and when they are written rather than after they are stored. In this scheme the data is stored in compressed form rather than the data being compressed later. It is an efficient
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ABSTRACT Histogram shifting (HS) is a useful technique of reversible data hiding (RDH). With HS-based RDH, high capacity and low distortion can be achieved efficiently. This paper revisits the HS techniques and presents a reversible data hiding method accompanied
Optimizing Memory Power in Hybrid ARM-FPGA Chips With Lossless Data Compression
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ABSTRACT In current electronic systems the amount of power needed by the memory components can represent a large percentage of overall power requirements, and while modern DRAM memories offer very low idle power states, the reduction in active power is
Document Compression Scheme Based on Integer Data
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Abstract Data compression does not only save space for data storage, but also improve its safety and efficiency during data transport. As any data can be saved in the form of an integer directly or indirectly, it is a meaningful work for us to extend integer data
Test Data Compression Architecture for Lowpower VLSI Testing
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ABSTRACT With the ever increasing integration capability of semiconductor technology, today's large integrated circuits requires an increasing amount of data for testing which increases test time and elevated requirements of tester memory. Larger test data sizes not only
A Smarter Way of Securing and Managing Data for Cloud Storage Applications Using High Throughput Compression in the Cloud Environment
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing has continued to evolve and advance over the ensuing years. Cloud computing is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to manage, store and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer .
A Combined Compatible Block Coding and Run Length Coding Techniques for Test Data Compression
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ABSTRACT Higher Circuit Densities in system-on-chip (SOC) designs and increase in design complexity have led to drastic increase in test data volume. This results in long test application time and high tester memory requirement. Test Data Compression/
An Advanced Text Encryption Compression System Based on ASCII Values Arithmetic Encoding to Improve Data Security
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ABSTRACT Compression algorithms reduce the redundancy in data representation thus increasing effective data density. Data compression is a very useful technique that helps in reducing the size of text data and storing the same amount of data in relatively fewer bits
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Abstract This paper presents a review of steganography and various steganography techniques used for data compression. The purpose is to have a deep study of various steganographic techniques used for data compression. The main objective is to find out a
A Modified Lempel–Ziv Welch Source Coding Algorithm for Efficient Data Compression
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ABSTRACT Lempel–Ziv Welch (LZW) algorithm is a well-known powerful data compression algorithm created by Abraham Lempel, Jacob Ziv, and Terry Welch. The algorithm is designed to be fast to implement but is not usually optimal because it performs only limited
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ABSTRACT In this paper, description of a compression algorithm based on steganography has been narrated. The compression algorithm has been used to develop an application which will help the users to hide large size text documents inside small size images.
Logging Data Compression Method Based on Sparse Solution
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Abstract Commonly used compression algorithms for logging data have defects such as low compression ratio, slow speed and high demand for hardware. Improved iterative decomposition algorithms have been studied according to sparse solution theory and
Migratory compression: coarse-grained data reordering to improve compressibility.
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Abstract We propose Migratory Compression (MC), a coarsegrained data transformation, to improve the effectiveness of traditional compressors in modern storage systems. In MC, similar data chunks are re-located together, to improve compression factors. After
Numerical Data Compression With Data Representation Through Combinations
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ABSTRACT Digital technology is developing very rapidly, and the demand for devices to preserve data of large scale is increasing at an equal intensity. As such, the storage and transmission of data in efficient ways have become indispensable. The early solution
3D data compression for RGB-D data
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ABSTRACT The use of 3D data in mobile robotics applications provides valuable information about the robot's environment, but usually the huge amount of 3D information is unmanageable by the robot's storage and computing capabilities. A data compression or
Automatic and dynamic configuration of data compression for web servers
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Automatic and Dynamic Configuration of Data Compression for Web Servers Eyal Zohar, Yahoo! Labs; Yuval Cassuto, Technion Israel Institute of Technology Automatic and Dynamic Configuration of Data Compression for Web Servers Eyal Zohar* Yahoo!
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ABSTRACT Images from various sources are frequently utilized and transmitted through the Internet for many applications, such as document storage systems, online personal photograph albums, military image databases, confidential enterprise archives, medical
Grammar Compression: Grammatical Inference by Compression and Its Application to RealData
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Abstract A grammatical inference algorithm tries to find as a small grammar as possible representing a potentially infinite sequence of strings. Here, let us consider a simple restriction: the input is a finite sequence or it might be a singleton set. Then the restricted
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ABSTRACT This thesis presents an efficient ODETLAP implementation for the compression of gridded, multidimensional data. As vast quantities of data are collected for geographic information systems, compression allows for the storage and transmission of larger data
Cross-layer CS based Secure Compression for Energy-efficient Sensor Data Collection
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Abstract Cryptographic techniques are used in wireless sensor networks to resist physically insecure environments. However the use of these techniques such as encryption and hashing largely increases the energy consumption of sensors, which aggravates the
A Robust Compression System Based on Recursive Decomposition Principle for Hierarchical Data Structure.
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A Robust Compression System Based on Recursive Decomposition Principle for Hierarchical image compression and multiple representation data structure".
Perceptually Guided Synthesis and Compression of Motion Capture Data
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Abstract Using motion capture data is an efficient way to generate and transmit 3D character animation. We explore the possibility of incorporating human perceptual factors in compression and synthesis of motion capture data in order to achieve a higher
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ABSTRACT Data compression is the science and skill of representing information in a compact form. Storage, transmission and processing of data are the vital component of information system. Enormous data demands additional resources hence resource optimization is
A Self-conguration Compression Algorithm for Mass Data Processing
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ABSTRACT This study presents a self-adaptive intelligent single particle optimizer (AdpISPO) for DNA sequence data compression codebook design. Featured with the crucial self- adaptive optimization process, AdpISPO is capable of attaining better fitness value than
Efficient Selection of Compression-Encryption Algorithms for Securing Data Based on Various Parameters
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Abstract For faster communication and exchange of data, most of the information comes in the form of electronic data. Most of the computer applications related to health are not secure and these applications exchange lot of confidential health data having different file formats
cloud computing-data compression
Compression of dense and regular point clouds
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Out-of-core compression and decompression of large n-dimensional scalar fields
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Data Compression: The complete
Efficient storage of high throughput DNA sequencing data using reference-based compression
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In many fields, images, and in particular video images, can be collected in almost unlimited quantities, and the application of selective data compression, sensitive to scientific decisions about the value of data components, is essential.
Research on cloud storage architecture and key technologies
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and storage devices, cluster technology, grid computing, distributed file system, content delivery network, peer-to-peer, data compression, data encryption 2. RELATED WORK There are many cloud computing and cloud storage providers, such as IBM, Google, Sun Microsystems
High throughput data-compression for cloud storage
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With the emergence of cloud computing, data intensive applications become attractive for a wide public that does not have the resources This paper evaluates the trade-off resulting from transparently applying data compression to conserve storage space and bandwidth at the
MapReduce and parallel DBMSs: friends or foes
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The technology press has been focusing on the revolution of cloud computing, a paradigm that entails the harnessing of large numbers of processors working in parallel to solve We found that enabling data compression in the DBMSs delivered a significant performance gain.
An architecture for distributed high performance video processing in the cloud
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One of the largest HaaS providers in the public Cloud is Amazon AWS, with its Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) and Simple Storage Service (S3) [6] services. Video applications require some form of data compression to facilitate storage and transmission.
ES sup 2 /sup : A cloud data storage system for supporting both OLTP and OLAP
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The goal of the epiC project [10] is to develop an elastic power-aware data-itensive Cloud computing platform for pro- viding scalable database services on the cloud. The use of PAX layout also has great potential for data compression.
HadoopDB: an architectural hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS technologies for analytical workloads
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Given our focus on cheap, large scale data analysis, our tar- get platform is virtualized public or private cloud computing deployments, such as Amazon s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) or VMware s private VDC-OS offering.
A survey of sequence alignment algorithms for next-generation sequencing
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We also consider future development of alignment algorithms with respect to emerging long sequence reads and the prospect of cloud computing. One possible solution to these problems might be cloud computing, with data uploaded and analyzed in a shared cloud.
Power-aware testing and test strategies for low power devices
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With the proliferation of cloud computing and data centers, the power requirements for this elaborate computing infrastructure may exceed 100 MW in as automatic test pattern generation (ATPG), design-for-test (DFT), built-in self-test (BIST) and test data compression, are also
The real cost of sequencing: higher than you think!
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The bottleneck represented by data storage, maintenance and transfer should be addressed by better data compression algorithms, and by Cloud computing is one promising direction for smaller groups and large-scale organizations to address some of the underlying issues
Library in the clouds
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Originality/value – The paper explores the issue of cloud computing technology, its relation to current internet business practices and the implications for providing Data compression standards have made it possible to stream all manner of multi-media material over the internet.
Compression of human motion capture data using motion pattern indexing
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In this work, we propose a novel motion data compression scheme that greatly reduces the redundancy in a motion sequence by utilizing the fact that the motion of a meaningful human part (eg arm, leg, etc.) usually exhibits similar patterns over the time.
Cloud Computing: A solution to Geographical Information Systems(GIS)
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The utilities will include system profilers, schedulers, system logging, data conversion, data compression and other focused GIS utilities for Since one of the core characteristics of Cloud Computing is ubiquitous network access ie accessing cloud services through standard
Distributed network, wireless and cloud computing enabled 3-D ultrasound; a new medical technology paradigm
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3-D Ultrasound; a New Medical Technology Although it is possible to make our system more efficient by using various data compression and channel quality adaptive algorithms
Cumulus: an open source storage cloud for science
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The Eucalyptus Open- Source Cloud-Computing System. In CCGrid. Nicolae. High Throughput Data-Compression for Cloud Storage.
Sam: A semantic-aware multi-tiered source de-duplication framework for cloud backup
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Driven by the trend toward cloud computing, backup, which consumes significant IT resources and can be rela- tively independently integrated, is an We feed the datasets to SAM in the order > of their original sequence and record the statistics such as data compression ratio, de
VMFlock: virtual machine co-migration for the cloud
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This is envisioned as the next step in cloud computing technology [23, 24] and is the driver for active standardization efforts ongoing nowadays [25, 26, 27]. 3.1 Design Requirements This section presents the requirements of a VM migration system: ? Data compression.
The performance of mapreduce: An in-depth study
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ing more compute nodes from the cloud to speed up com- putation, this solution is not really cost effective and may in fact offset the benefits of cloud computing. We do not consider data compression in this paper as Hadoop does not support compression well at this moment.
Prediction in wireless networks by Markov chains
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Location and Request Prediction - The issues of location and request prediction have been treated in isolation, but pioneering works [3, 4] are paving the way for treating both problems homogeneously; they have exhibited the possi- bility of using data compression methods in
Server engineering insights for large-scale online services
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from those of databases. Part of the reason that the achieved MIPS rating is high is that Bing and Cosmos use data compression on memory and disk data, respectively, causing extra processing on compression and decompression
Motion compression using principal geodesics analysis
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Though recent works on motion capture data compression can be found, the problem of motion compression has been mainly focused on animated meshes compression so far: those high-dimensional data often present high spatial and temporal coherence that can be
Enabling instantaneous relocation of virtual machines with a lightweight vmm extension
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In addition, for memory intensive workloads, our migration mechanism moved all the states of a VM faster than existing migration technology. I. INTRODUCTION In cloud computing, virtual machine technology plays an important role for server consolidation.
Parallel data processing with MapReduce: a survey
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Data compression is considered to address the data size problem [47]. 4.5 I/O Optimization There are also approaches to reducing I/O cost in MapReduce by using index structures, column-oriented storage, or data compression.
Large-scale data analysis using heuristic methods
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Vector quantization is used for data compression, missing data correction, classification, etc. The pervasive concept of cloud computing suggests that visu- alization, which is both data and computing intensive, is a perfect cloud computing ap- plication.
Business intelligence for small and middle-sized entreprises
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It causes user dependence on the cloud computing provider, loss of data control and data security. In conclu- sion, most cloud computing-based BI tools do not fit enterprise requirements yet. It provides significant data compression.
Efficiently extracting operational profiles from execution logs using suffix arrays
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We discuss a practical implementation of the algo- rithm in the context of the logs from a larg cloud computing system. We evaluated our algorithm using logs from a cloud computing environment in production at North Carolina State University since 2004
data hiding research papers 2014
Reversible data hiding techniques using multiple scanning difference value histogram modification
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Abstract. We present an improved histogram modification reversible data hiding algorithm using multiple scanning techniques. Using the size of the desired payload, an embedding order based on the embedding level and scanning technique is determined. Difference
Exploring LSB Substitution and Pixel-value Differencing for Block-based Adaptive Data Hiding
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Abstract Khodaei and Faez proposed a new adaptive data hiding technique based on LSB substitution and pixel-value differencing. Their algorithm can embed a large amount of secret data while maintaining acceptable image quality. However, their proposed
Data Hiding in Color Images
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ABSTRACT A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme in color image (RDH) using Randomized Pixel Variation logic (RPV) is proposed in this article. The basic biological process of controlling the color in an epithelial tissue by a tint unit, known as melanocytes
An Efficient Data hiding Method Based on Adaptive Pixel Pair Matching and Image Sharing
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ABSTRACT Steganography is one the main method of data hiding technique. So, it has wide varieties of applications in hiding secret information such as in the field of medical, military, law forensics and cooperate field etc. Here image steganography with Adaptive Pixel Pair
A Secure and Efficient Spatial Domain Data Hiding Technique based on Pixel Adjustment
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Abstract. A spatial domain hiding technique based on Intermediate Significant Bit (ISB) embedding and pixel adjustment has been investigated and presented in this paper. The data has been embedded in the cover image at the locations pointed to by Pseudorandom
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ABSTRACT Images from various sources are frequently utilized and transmitted through the Internet for many applications, such as document storage systems, online personal photograph albums, military image databases, confidential enterprise archives, medical
Comparison of Digital Watermarking with Other Techniques of Data Hiding
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ABSTRACT Digital watermarking is not a new name in the tech neology world but there are different techniques in data hiding which are similar to watermarking. In this paper we compare digital watermarking with other techniques of data hiding. Stenography,
A Joint Encryption and Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Integer-DWT and Arnold Map Permutation
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A joint encryption and reversible data hiding (joint encryption-RDH) scheme is proposed in this paper. The cover image is transformed to the frequency domain with integer discrete wavelet transform (integer DWT) for the encryption and data hiding. Additional data is
Reversible Encryption and Data Hiding
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ABSTRACT Recently, more and more attention is paid to reversible data hiding (RDH) in encrypted images, since it maintains the excellent property that the original image cover can be losslessly recovered after which is embedded is extracted while protecting the image Internet security finds it difficult to keep the information secure and to maintain the integrity of the data. Sending messages over the internet secretly is one of the major tasks as it is widely used for passing the message. In order to achieve security there must be some
Reversible data hiding scheme for BTC-compressed images based on histogram shifting
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Abstract In this paper, we proposed a novel reversible data hiding scheme for the compressed images for block truncation coding (BTC). In this scheme, the secret data is embedded into the compressed codes of BTC. The histogram shifting technique is
Data Hiding For High Image Quality Based On Local Complexity and Interpolation
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ABSTRACT Steganography is the practice of hiding private or sensitive information within something in such a way that someone cannot know the presence or contents of the hidden message. The paper presents a reversible data hiding method in which the cover image
An Approach towards Video Steganography Using FZDH (Forbidden Zone Data Hiding)
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ABSTRACT Video Steganography is a technique to hide any kind of files in any extension into a carrying Video file. This project is the application developed to embed any kind of data (File) in another file, which is called carrier file. The carrier file must be a video file. It is
Hierarchical Image Authentication Based on Reversible Data Hiding
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose an image authentication based on hierarchical reversible data hiding. The proposed scheme decreases the costs necessary to detect and locate tampered areas by using efficiently multiplexed layers. This scheme reduces both the
Data Hiding Technique for Secure Transmission of Medical Images
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ABSTRACT With sloping emergence of communication and computer networks technologies, exchange of medical images has become a usual practice these days. These images can be modified easily and imperceptibly with malicious intentions. It has been proposed to use
A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Technique Based on Pixel Prediction and Histogram Shifting
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Abstract In this paper we propose a reversible data hiding method which uses a novel algorithm based on histogram sifting. The distortion that occurs due to embedding can be completely removed during the data extraction. The proposed method uses double
A Review on reversible data hiding in encrypted images by reserving room before encryption
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ABSTRACT Data hiding is the process of hiding data in another data. Reversible data hiding is a technique in which both the data's can be recovered without any distortion. In all existing methods data's are embedded by reversibly vacating room after encryption, but it provides
Data hiding scheme for amplitude modulation radio broadcasting systems
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Abstract. This paper proposes a data hiding scheme for amplitude-modulation (AM) radio broadcasting systems. The method of digital audio watermarking based on cochlear delay (CD) that we previously proposed is employed in this scheme to construct a datahiding
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ABSTRACT As the use digital techniques for transmitting and storing images are increasing; it is becoming an important issue how to protect the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of images. This study paper extends to the performance parameters used in encryption
Data Hiding Technique Using Steganography.
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ABSTRACT With the explosive growth of internet and the fast communication techniques in recent years the security and the confidentiality of the sensitive data has become of prime and supreme importance and concern. To protect this data from unauthorized access and
Comparison of various Edge Detection Techniques for maximum data hiding using LSB Algorithm.
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ABSTRACT Steganography is the art of hiding information. It is derived from the Greek word ''Steganos''which means covered writing, a science of secret communication. It is a tool for hiding information in a medium so that the information does not appear to exist. For hiding
Hybrid GEMD Data Hiding
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Abstract. The rising popularity of Internet provides convenience while also raising the risk of disclosure from the viewpoint of information security. In particular, steganography is a common way to safeguard information because it can be used to embed the secret data
Review of FPGA Based Data Hiding Data in Digital Images
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Abstract. In recent years, the applications about multimedia have been developed rapidly. Digital media brings about conveniences to the people, because it is easy to be processed. At the same time, it enables the illegal attackers to attack the works. For the protection of
A Difference Expansion Based Reversible Data Hiding Algorithm Using Edge-Oriented Prediction
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Abstract In this paper, a difference expansion based reversible data hiding approach which achieves the low distortion requirement under the same embedding capacity is proposed. An edge-oriented prediction method and a modified overflow/underflow prevention
Secured Reversible Data Hiding In Encrypted Images Using Hyper Chaos
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Abstract Recently, more and more attention is paid to reversible data hiding (RDH) in encrypted images, since it maintains the excellent property that the original cover can be losslessly recovered after embedded data is extracted while protecting the image
Separable Reversible Data Hiding in Image Using Advanced Encryption Standard with FakeData Generation
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Abstract The concept of steganography is used in the paper to transmit the data secretly and safely from one user to another as it hides the data behind image. In this sender encrypt data using AES algorithm, hides encrypted data in image using LSB technique and the
A Novel Approach for Reversible Data Hiding
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ABSTRACT Nowadays, with the rapid development of information technology more and more images and data are available on the internet. So there is a need to provide some kind of authentication to such important data. With the increase in technology, the reversible data
Data Hiding At 7 th Bit (RGB) With Cryptography
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ABSTRACT In recent years it have been witnessed, the rapid development of the internet and telecommunication techniques. But with this development, the security of information is becoming very difficult. To tackle information security problem steganography and
Privacy Protection of Medical Data using Histogram Shifting based Reversible Data Hiding
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ABSTRACT The project presents privacy protection of medical images with information using histogram shifting based reversible data hiding. An Embedding module involves image encoding and histogram shifting based difference expansion. First of all, the patients'
Data Hiding approach based on Eight-Queens Problem and Pixel Mapping Method.
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Abstract A new steganographic algorithm is presented using pixel mapping method based on eight queens and number of ones in pixel intensity value. In our method, we are sequentially selecting 8× 1 pixel blocks to embed message bit. The method works with
Secure Data Hiding in Binary Text Document for Authentication
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ABSTRACT In an effort to detect a secure technique for the text document, we examined the Steganography techniques for secure data transmission. Steganography deals with the understanding of information hiding in a way that only sender and receiver can
Skin Tone Based Secret Data Hiding in Images
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Abstract Steganography is the art of hiding the secret and confidential data in another transmission medium to achieve secret communication. In this paper steganography method used is based on biometrics. And the biometric feature used to implement steganography
A Survey on Patient Information Protection Using Cryptographic and Data Hiding Techniques
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ABSTRACT This paper describes the need to protect patient information in digital form and some of the methods that exist to do so. The methods described utilize cryptographic and data hiding concepts, which are explained in brief. The paper summarizes the basic
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ABSTRACT Steganography is the science of hiding the fact that communication is taking place, by hiding information behind information. Many different carrier file formats can be used, but digital media are the most popular because of their usage on the Internet. For hiding
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ABSTRACT Histogram shifting (HS) is a useful technique of reversible data hiding (RDH). With HS-based RDH, high capacity and low distortion can be achieved efficiently. This paper revisits the HS techniques and presents a reversible data hiding method accompanied
A data hiding technique to synchronously embed physiological signals in H. 264/AVC encoded video for medicine healthcare
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The recognition of clinical manifestations in both video images and physiological-signal waveforms is an important aid to improve the safety and effectiveness in medical care. Physicians can rely on video-waveform (VW) observations to recognize difficult to spot
A Reserving Room Approach for Reversible Data Hiding Algorithm before Encryption on Encrypted Digital Images
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ABSTRACT In this paper a novel framework for data hiding based on reversible data hiding is presented for lossless data recovery approach. Reversible data hiding on encrypted images is most successful approach for its excellent property of lossless data recovery. Data
Implementation of Data hiding scheme in video
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ABSTRACT In this paper we propose a data hiding method for high resolution video. Our methods are to present correct protection on data throughout transmission. Intended for the accuracy of the accurate message output that extract commencing source. Our proposed
Reversible Data Hiding and its Methods: A Survey
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ABSTRACT Hiding information destroys the host image even though the distortion introduced by hiding is imperceptible to the human visual system. Reversible data hiding techniques are designed to solve the problem of lossless embedding of large messages in digital
A Novel Method for Data Hiding In Encrypted Image And Video
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ABSTRACT Now a days the data security and data integrity are the two challenging areas for research. This work describes the concept of separable reversible data hiding technique that is related with internet security. When it is desired to send the confidential/important/
Utilizations of Reversible Lossless Data Hiding Techniques in Video Sequences
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ABSTRACT This paper propose a method of hiding data in selected video sequence. The proposed algorithm is a hybrid hiding scheme based on discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and histogram shifting for lossless data hiding. In this algorithm, First pre-processes the
Confidential Protection of Data using Histogram Shifting based Reversible Data Hiding
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ABSTRACT The concept of Reversible Data Hiding presents privacy protection of medical images with information using histogram shifting based reversible data hiding. A module that is implemented involves image encoding and histogram shifting based difference
Secure Data Transmission Using Reversible Data Hiding.
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ABSTRACT Now-a-days, more and more interest is paid to reversible data hiding (RDH) in encrypted images, since it maintains the excellent property that the original image can be losslessly recovered after embedded data is extracted while protecting the image
Data Hiding in Color Image for Secure Data Transmission with RDHbyRRBE
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The data hiding plays vital role, the proposed method provides confidentiality and integrity for both the data as well as image. Reversible data hiding (RDH) in encrypted images provides property such that the original image which is used to hide the data can be
Reversible Data Hiding in Images using Circular Hough Transform
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ABSTRACT Recently reversible data hiding (RDH) is getting more and more attention in encrypted images, as it maintains the excellent property that the original image cover can be losslessly recovered after the embedded data is extracted while image and data are
Distinct Revocable Data Hiding In Ciphered Image
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ABSTRACT The rapid development of data transmission through internet made it easy to send the data at faster rate to the destination. This work proposes a scheme for distinct revocable data hiding in ciphered images. At first, a content owner encrypts the original image with
A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for SMVQ Indices
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Abstract. Reversible data hiding is a method that can guarantee that the cover image can be reconstructed correctly after the secret message has been extracted. Recently, some reversible data hiding schemes have concentrated on the VQ compression domain. In this
Data Hiding in Audio by Reserving Room in Advance of Encryption
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ABSTRACT Data hiding was done using plain text, still images, video and IP datagram for a lengthy era. In recent time's audio steganography is spot of heart. This manuscript presents an original method of top secret data to be unseen in acoustic by means of cryptography
A+ Votz-Google Android Platform for a Mobile-Voting System with Cloud Based Storage andData hiding Features
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ABSTRACT Elections in India are conducted almost exclusively using electronic voting machines developed over the past two decades by a pair of government-owned companies. These devices, known in India as EVMs, have been praised for their simple design, ease
A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Multi-layer Embedding for Images in Intelligent Transportation Systems
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ABSTRACT This paper proposes a lossless or reversible data hiding method which is based on the pixel difference histogram shifting for images in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) in spatial domain. Pixel differences are generated between a reference
A Proposed Technique For Hiding Data Into Video Files
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Abstract The quick development of data transmission through the internet made it easier to send and receive the data accurately and in a faster way between the source and the destination. One of the most significant factors of the information technology and data
A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Multi-layer Embedding for Intelligent Transportation Systems Images
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ABSTRACT This paper proposes a lossless or reversible data hiding method which is based on the pixel difference histogram shifting for images in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) in spatial domain. Pixel differences are generated between a reference
Invisible Data Hiding on Compressed Encrypted JPEG2000 Images
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ABSTRACT Rational Dither Modulation (RDM) is an efficient method of invisible watermarking. In the digital world, images are available in various formats. They are simple to copy, resell distribute without any loss of quality in the content. The digital data is distributed in
2-Leyer Security System for Hiding Sensitive Text Data on Personal Computers
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ABSTRACT High security system suitable to hide sensitive text-data on personal computer is proposed and implemented. The system hiding techniques involves AES cryptography followed by image based steganography as two layers to insure high security. The study
Embedded Hiding and Extracting Secret Data In Compress Video File
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Abstract The Security has become an essential part of our daily life, and many organizations realize that the Security can be a major issue to protect data from unauthorized person. In this project, we are going to deals with data hiding in compressed video. Unlike data
A research review on different data hiding techniques
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ABSTRACT Data transmission needs security. Data hiding can be achieved through many methods. Different data hiding techniques are discussed in this paper which includes watermarking, steganography, fingerprinting, cryptography and digital signature. Since
Dynamic hooks: hiding control flow changes within non-control data
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Abstract Generally speaking, malicious code leverages hooks within a system to divert the control flow. Without them, an attacker is blind to the events occurring in the system, rendering her unable to perform malicious activities (eg, hiding of files or capturing of
A Secure Data Transmission Scheme Based on Information Hiding in Wireless Sensor Networks
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Abstract Wireless sensor networks hold the promise of facilitating large-scale and real-time data processing in complex environments, therefore the security is a critical issue that must be resolved. In order to prevent attacks by adversaries with fake identities, we propose a
An Association Rule hiding Algorithm for Privacy Preserving Data Mining.
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Abstract Privacy preserving data mining is a research area concerned with the privacy driven from personally identifiable information when considered for data mining. This paper addresses the privacy problem by considering the privacy and algorithmic requirements
A Secure Data Hiding in Video: A Review
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Abstract A new compressed video secure steganography (CVSS) algorithmic rule is projected within the algorithmic rule, embedding and detection operations ar each dead entirely within the compressed domain, with no would like for the ecompression method.
A New Approach to Data Hiding for Web-based Applications
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Data hiding is the modern name of an old science, which has its origins in ancient Greece [1]. It was first known as steganography–a name composed of the Greek words steganos(covered) and graphia(writing), which was first documented by the German
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ABSTRACT In proposed system a novel prediction-based reversible steganographic scheme based on image inpainting was used. In my work first the reference pixel are chosen adaptively according to the distribution characteristics of the image content. In the existing
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ABSTRACT Recently more and more attention is paid to reversible data hiding (RDH) in encrypted images, since it maintains the excellent property that the original cover can be lossless recovered after embedded data is extracted while protecting the image content's
Reversible Data Hiding For Embedding Data Securely in Encrypted Image by Reserving Room Before Encryption
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ABSTRACT Reversible data hiding with image encryption (RDH), since it maintains the excellent property that the original cover can be losslessly recovered after embedded data is extracted while protecting the image content's confidentiality. In previous work vacating
Data Leakage Detection Using Information Hiding Techniques
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This paper is detailed about the proliferation of media sharing through third party vendors and tracking of guilt agent using a key generation and encryption of key in media file using
Clustering and Hiding Sensitive Data for Social Network Dataset
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ABSTRACT Data Mining is one of the main processing step in KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Database), which provides the potentially useful but unknown information to the user. The mining of the databases includes the preprocessing, removing duplication and irrelevant
Distributed Data Anonymization with Hiding Sensitive Node Labels
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ABSTRACT Recently, people share their information via social platforms such as Face book and Twitter in their daily life. Social networks on the Internet can be regarded as a microcosm of the real world and worth being analyzed. Since the data in social networks
- data sharing
- Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing
- Cloud Computing Through Mobile-Learning
- securely using the cloud computing
- Cloud Computing-a Perspective Study