distributed computing research papers 2012-101
Modifications in Lamport Algorithm for Distributed Computing System
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T Zaidi, V Saxena ,International Journal, 2012
ABSTRACT In the current scenario, distributed approach of computing is very popular over
the centralized approach of computing due to faster execution of processes; cut off the
execution time of processes and cost. In the year 1978, Lamport [6] has proposed an
Accelerating Distributed Computing with FPGAs
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F Opitz, E Sahak, B Schwarz ,Xcelljournal Xcelljournal, 2012 ,origin.xilinx.com
Rather than install faster, more power-hungry supercomputers to tackle increasingly
complex scientific algorithms, universities and private companies are applying distributed
platforms upon which projects like SETI@ home compute their data using thousands of
Combining associative computing and distributed arithmetic methods for efficient implementation of multiple inner products
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D Guevorkian, T Yli-Pietilä, P Liuha ,Proceedings of , 2012 ,spiedigitallibrary.org
ABSTRACT Many multimedia processing algorithms as well as communication algorithms
implemented in mobile devices are based on intensive implementation of linear algebra
methods, in particular, implying implementation of a large number of inner products in real
A SLA-based Cloud Computing Framework: Workload and Location Aware Resource Allocation to Distributed Data Centers in a Cloud
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S Son, G Jung, SC Jun , Conference on Parallel and Distributed , 2012 ,icserv.kjist.ac.kr
Abstract-As the number of users of cloud services increase all over the world, cloud service
providers keep deploying geographically distributed data centers more. Since resource
capacity of a data center is limited, cloud service providers need to distribute load to data
A Distributed Algorithm for Computing the Node Search Number in Trees
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Abstract We present a distributed algorithm to compute the node search number in trees.
This algorithm extends the centralized algorithm proposed by Ellis et al.(Inf. Comput. 113 (1):
50–79, 1994). It can be executed in an asynchronous environment, requires an overall
Investigation of the Scheduler for Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Systems based on Minimal Cover Method
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SV Listrovoy, SV Minukhin ,International Journal of , 2012
ABSTRACT The article describes the scheduling system for heterogeneous distributed
computing systems. The scheduler based on minimal cover method. The analysis of the
effectiveness of the scheduling system for tasks with varying intensity, the law of
Optimizing QoSin Distributed Systems/Cloud Computing Architectures
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JP Sahlin, S Sarkani ,International , 2012
ABSTRACT The primary challenge of cloud service providers is finding ways to maintain a
high degree of Quality of Service (QoS) in a cost-effective manner to ensure either
profitability (for business-based cloud service providers) or cost avoidance (for
Technical Report 2012-001: A Distributed Architecture for Remote Service Discovery in Pervasive Computing
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Abstract Service discovery is very important in realizing the concept of pervasive computing.
Consequently, service discovery protocols must be able to work in the heterogeneous
environment offered by pervasive computing. Remote service discovery in particular has
Towards distributed heterogenous high-performance computing with ViennaCL
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One of the major drawbacks of computing with graphics adapters is the limited available
memory for relevant problem sizes. To overcome this limitation for the ViennaCL library, we
investigate a partitioning approach for one of the standard benchmark problems in High-
A Distributed Location Aware Cache Maintenance Technique for Mobile ComputingEnvironments
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G Anandharaj, R Anitha ,Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2012
Abstract In mobile computing, caching plays an important role to improve the performance
and availability limitations of weakly connected and disconnected operations due to its
capability. Storing frequently accessed data objects at the local buffer of a mobile is an
Distributed file systems and grid computing
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C Mertes ,Grid Computing, 2012 ,rostlab.org
Page 1. Distributed file systems and grid computing Christian Mertes mertes@in.
tum.de Dr. Laszlo Kajan I12 ,Department for Bioinformatics and Computational
Biology Technische Universität München 26. Jun 2012 Christian
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A DIOP ,Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information , 2012
ABSTRACT A training platform online is an environment that affords the conduct of long
distance teaching. It’s an online training environment that is made of tools to facilitate the use
of the system various functional devices. It also allows to simplify long distance
Quantum Cryptography: Increasing Data Security using Six-state Protocol and Applying it inDistributed Computing
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R Aishwarya ,irnetexplore.ac.in
Abstract–Now-a-days security in communication is becoming increasingly important and
various techniques are being proposed to get 100% security while transmission of data. In
that way, one such important field is Quantum cryptography where it is proved that data
Performance Improvement of Association Rule Mining Algorithms through Load Balancing inDistributed Computing Platform
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V Singh, A Rajput, MP Sehore ,ijcem.org
Abstract Decrease in hardware costs and increase in computer networking technologies
have led to the exponential growth in the use of large-scale parallel and distributed
computing systems. One of the biggest issues in such systems is the development of
Virtualized Distributed Computing for Heterogeneous Adaptive Multi-Core Systems
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O Oey, S Werner, D Göhringer, M Hübner, J Becker
We will present a distributed virtualization approach for heterogeneous adaptive multi-core
systems, which can be distributed over several FPGA-boards using the Ethernet standard
protocol. The virtualization approach consists of an adapted embedded Linux kernel and
A Performance Comparison of Resource Allocation Policies in Distributed ComputingEnvironments with Random Failures
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B Khemka, AA Maciejewski, HJ Siegel ,engr.colostate.edu
Abstract—The problem of efficiently assigning tasks to machines in heterogeneous
computing environments with uncertainty in the availability of the compute resources is a
challenging one. Previous research has looked at designing heuristics to maximize the
Seamless distributed computing from the Geometry of Interaction
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Abstract. In this paper we present a seamless approach to writing and compiling distributed
code. By seamless we mean that the syntax and semantics of the distributed program
remain the same as if it was executed on one node only, except for label annotations
Checkability in Asynchronous Error-Prone Distributed Computing Using Few Values
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P Fraigniaud ,liafa.jussieu.fr
Abstract The objective of the internship is to study the novel concept of checkability in the
framework of distributed computation. Specifically, the internship will be dedicated to the
sharedmemory wait-free model. The general problem addressed in the internship will be:
Expectation Maximization in a Distributed Computing Environment
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Page 1. Expectation Maximization in a Distributed Computing Environment Glen DePalma
We need new ideas, methods, and theories for distributed
computing. Glen DePalma Expectation Maximization in a Distributed Environment 3 / 21
D2T: Doubly Distributed Transactions for High Performance and Distributed Computing
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BSTRACT Current exascale computing projections suggest rather than a monolithic
simulation running for the majority of the machine, a collection of components comprising
the scientific discovery process will be employed. This move to an online workflow
Distributed Computing on Social Networks
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Abstract—In this paper we investigate a new computing paradigm, called SocialCloud, in
which computing nodes are governed by social ties driven from a bootstrapping
trustpossessing social graph. We investigate how this paradigm differs from existing
The Distributed Computing Paradigms: P2P, Grid, Cluster, Cloud, and Jungle
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B Kahanwal, TP Singh ,mnkjournals.com
Abstract-The distributed computing is done on many systems to solve a large scale problem.
The growing of high-speed broadband networks in developed and developing countries, the
continual increase in computing power, and the rapid growth of the Internet have changed
Using pool-based evolutionary algorithms for scalable and asynchronous distributed computing
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Many studies on evolutionary algorithms (EAs) rely on traditional execution environments
with single memory and CPU, possibly extended to parallel and even distributed
environments, provided that there are certain conditions, such as synchrony, homogeneity