fading simulators
An ARMA multipath fading simulator free download In this paper we propose the application of an autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) model to create a digital filter which closely matches the Jakes-Reudink autocorrelation function of a frequency-nonselective multipath fading environment/1). This involves a least Implementation and evaluation of 4 4 MIMO fading simulator considering antenna characteristicsfree download […]
power meter
Automatic power meter reading system using GSM networkfree download Meter Reading (GAPMR) System is presented in this paper. The GAPMR System is consists of GSM Digital Power Meters installed in every consumer unit and an Electricity eBilling System at the energy provider side. The GSM Digital Power Meter (GPM) is a single phase Accuracy of […]
vector network analyzers
Traceability via the Internet for microwave measurements using vector network analyzers free download The Internet has been utilized to provide highly efficient and cost-effective measurement services using vector network analyzers (VNAs). Remote calibration and measurement using VNAs from two of the leading instrument manufacturers has been achieved with direct Frequency-scalable nonlinear-transmission-line-based vector network analyzers free […]
matrix switch
Cascaded microresonator-based matrix switch for silicon on-chip optical interconnectionfree download This paper reviews developments in cascaded microresonator-based matrix switches for silicon photonic interconnection networks in many-core computing applications. Specifically, we emphasize our recently proposed 5 5 matrix switch comprising two-dimensionally I. INTRODUCTION MANY types of optical switches have been investi gated in an attempt to […]
noise figure
Coupled structure for wide-band EDFA with gain and noise figure improvements from C to L-band ASE injectionfree download We propose a novel structure for C plus L-band silica based wide-band erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (W-EDFAs), which use backward amplified spontaneous emission from the C- band EDFA as the pump-mediating injection source for the L-band amplifier unit […]
antenna impedance
Antenna impedance mismatch measurement and correction for adaptive CDMA transceiversfree download A tunable matching network has been developed to adaptively correct antenna impedance mismatch for CDMA transceivers. The tuning network consists of two L structures in cascade and is implemented with silicon-on-sapphire switches, fixed capacitors and inductors A hybrid transformer-based integrated tunable duplexer is demonstrated. […]
impedance measurement
Input impedance measurement of a dipole antenna mounted on a car tirefree download For the design of an antenna that will be directly attached to a car tire, the proximity effects due to the tire have to be considered. Measurements are performed on a dipole antenna that is mounted at the inside of the tire […]
antenna power measurement
Approaching MIMO-OFDM capacity with per- antenna power and rate feedbackfree download This paper presents power-efficient transmission schemes for the multiple-input multiple- output orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) block-fading channel under the assumption that the channel during each fading block is known perfectly at the Power pattern synthesis for linear antenna arrays is discussed without the usual […]
noise meter
Real-time phase noise meter based on a digital signal processorfree download A digital signal-processing meter for phase noise measurement on sinusoidal signal s is dealt with. It enlists a special hardware architecture, made up of a core digital signal processor connected to a data acquisition board, and takes advantage of a quadrature Noise figure meter […]
A low-cost PC-based virtual oscilloscope free download The integration of personal computers (PCs) with the present-day measurement and instrumentation world has opened up the door for virtual instrumentation. This paper describes the development of a low-cost, PC-based, virtual digital oscilloscope . A data Calibration of a 70 GHz oscilloscope free download Page 1. CALIBRATION OF […]