wind energy seminar reports
Wind power or wind energy is the use of wind to provide mechanical power through wind turbines to turn electric generators for electrical power. Wind power is a popular sustainable, renewable energy source that has a much smaller impact on the environment compared to burning fossil fuels. Wind turbines work on a simple principle: instead […]
iot in smart grid
power transmission and distribution monitoring using iot for smart grid A smart grid is an electricity network enabling a two-way flow of electricity and data with digital communications technology enabling to detect, react and pro-act to changes in usage and multiple issues. Smart grids have self-healing capabilities and enable electricity customers to become active participants. […]
1kva inverter project report
inverter, is a power electronic device or circuitry that changes direct current to alternating current. The resulting AC frequency obtained depends on the particular device employed. An inverter and a rectifier perform opposite functions in electronic circuits. Both act as electric power converters; a rectifier changes current from alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC), […]
electrical motor design thesis
Electric Motors AC Brushless Motors. AC brushless motors are some of the most popular in motion control. DC Brushed Motors. In a DC brushed motor, brush orientation on the stator determines current flow. DC Brushless Motors. Direct Drive. Linear Motors. Servo Motors. Stepper Motors. BLDC motors are typically 85–90% efficient or more. Efficiency for a […]
energy saving system
IMPLEMENTATION OF AN INTELLIGENT ENERGY SAVING free download presented a robust intelligent energy saving system that will efficiently regulate power consumption for domestic use. In its implementation, a microcontroller and bills. The proposed microcontroller based energy saving system is developed to minimize the utilization of light energy in parking spaces in an efficient manner. Energy […]
power saving system for lathe
Dynamic characteristics analysis of micro lathe bedfree downloadMicro-factory can be said that it is a small manufacturing system for achieving higher The energy saving effect is large when the size of the processing and assembly Equipment is As for watch manufacturing, the amount of Energy consumption be reduced to approximately Study of Energy Saving in […]
electrified road
Life cycle sustainability assessment of electrified road systemsfree downloadThe widespread use of Electric Vehicles (EVs) has been one of the main directions for pursuing a sustainable future of road transport in which the deployment of the associated charging infrastructures, static or dynamic, has been included as one of the main 2D Multilayer solution for an […]
seminar papers on EEE-engineering
Blade less Wind turbine bladeless wind turbine IJIERTfree downloadThis seminar report focuses on the regardless of wind speed. TYPES OF WIND TURBINE. Many types of turbines exist today and their designs are usually BLADELESS WIND POWER GENERATION- AN free download Bladeless Wind Turbine uses a radically new approach to capturing wind energy. Our device captures […]
circuit braker
A SEMINAR REPORT PRESENT ON AIR BLAST CIRCUIT free downloadThe air blast circuit breakers are especially suitable for railways and arc furnaces, where the breaker operates repeatedly. Air blast circuit breakers is used for CIRCUIT BREAKERS EET Lecture Notesfree downloaddistribution voltage circuit breaker application has seen perhaps the greatest development in both of these aspects. […]
automatic meter reading
automatic meter reading system free downloadMeter data used only for billing, cannot help in analysis like Automatic Remote Meter Reading . reporting, power outage reporting and power restoration. automatic meter reading for electricity using power IJAREEIEfree downloadAbstract: As in every where automation is required to reduce the work so we decided to implement to automatic […]