Towards a standard methodology for greenhouse gas balances of bioenergy systems in comparison with fossil energy systems
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In this paper, which was prepared as part of IEA Bioenergy Task XV ( Greenhouse Gas Balances of Bioenergy Systems ), we outline a standard methodology for comparing the greenhouse gas balances of bioenergy systems with those of fossil energy systems
Conceptual design of optimized fossil energy systems with capture and sequestration of carbon dioxide
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In this final progress report, we describe research results from Phase I of a technical/economic study of fossil hydrogen energy systems with CO2 sequestration. This work was performed under NETL Award No. DE-FC26-02NT4162 during the period
Renewable Energy R D Funding History: A Comparison with Funding for Nuclear Energy , Fossil Energy , and Energy Efficiency R D
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Energy -related research and development (RD) on coal-based synthetic petroleum and on atomic power played an important role in the successful outcome of World War II. In the postwar era, the federal government conducted RD on fossil fuel and nuclear energy The Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology series (ESST) addresses the grand challenge for science and engineering today. It provides unprecedented, peer- reviewed coverage in more than 600 separate articles comprising 20 topical volumes
Can biofuels replace fossil energy fuels A multi-scale integrated analysis based on the concept of societal and ecosystem metabolism: Part 1
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Many claim that biofuels represent a viable and desirable alternative to fossil energy fuels. This paper (the first of a series of two) provides a critical appraisal of the claim that a large scale move to biofuels is either feasible or desirable for powering the economy of a
Recovery of carbon dioxide in advanced fossil energy conversion processes using a membrane reactor
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Increased awareness of the global warming trend has led to worldwide concerns regarding greenhouse gas emissions, with CO2 being the single greatest contributor to global warming. Fossil fuels (ie, coal, oil, and natural gas) currently supply over 85% of the worlds
Office of Fossil Energy
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I. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST On August 1 20 Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC (Sabine Pass) ï¬led an application with the Office of Fossil Energy of the Department of Energy (DOE) under section 3 of the Natural Gas Act (11GA) 1 for long-tenn, multi-contract
Department of Energy /Office of fossil energys power plant water management RD program
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Coal-fired power plants utilize significant quantities of both coal and water for generating electrical energy . For example, a 500 MW power plant burns approximately 250 tons per hour of coal while using over 12 million gallons per hour of water for cooling and other
Fossil , human or bio- energy
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Agriculture can be defined as the human activity which arranges the conversion processes of energy , nutrients and water by plants and animals in such a manner that useful products such as food, feed, fuel, fibres and fertiliser become available. Beside human and solar
The role of RD expenses for profitability: Evidence from US fossil and renewable energy firms
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This study investigates the relationship between RD expenses and profitability for a panel of US firms in the energy sector. The analysis, spanning the period 1990 201 differentiates the energy sector into two groups: firms that sell fossil energy sources to
Creating a non- fossil energy economy in Iceland
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Iceland has almost no fossil resources apart from some peat and limited wood. From the time of the settlement of Iceland in the 9th century AD the use of wood and peat for fuel has put these resources in danger of exhaustion. For over a century the Icelandic society has
Risø energy report 9: Non- fossil energy technologies in 2050 and beyond
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Risø Energy Report 1 New and emerging technologies: options for the future All over the world, increasing energy consumption, the liberalisation of energy markets and the need to take action on climate change are producing new challenges for the energy sector. At the
Application of systems readiness level methods in advanced fossil energy applications
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Abstract The Department of Energys Fossil Energy Program (FE), through the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), has been tasked with developing fossil energy technologies to meet US greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals for over a decade
Effects of Recent Fossil Energy Market Developments on US Ethanol
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College Station, Texas 77843-2124 Telephone: (979) 845-5913 Fax: (979) 845-3140 Effects of Recent Fossil Energy Market Developments on US Ethanol Henry L. Bryant Joe L. Outlaw James W. Richardson Lindsey M. Higgins Jody L. Campichie
The social formation of capitalism, fossil energy , and oil-imperialism
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The economy has a monetary and value dimension (value of the gross national product, of world trade, of FDI, of financial flows etc. and its dynamics), it has a material basis with regard to production and consumption, transportation and distribution. The economy is also
Future large-scale use of fossil energy will require CO2 sequestering and disposal
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Despite increased use of renewable energy sources, it is very likely that all or the most of the worlds fossil fuels might be exploited within the next 500 years to meet the increased demand for energy especially in the development countries. The corresponding CO2
Can we break the addiction to fossil energy
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The link between energy consumption, economic development and the environment has long been a major topic of interest among scientists and laymen alike. However, the term societal metabolism has come into use relatively recently to refer in general to the modelling
Renewable Energy of Rice Husk for Reducing Fossil Energy in Indonesia
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Indonesia as an agricultural country with staple food of rice, has huge rice husks resources. Rice husk production in 2006 was 89 980 tons and in 2015 was 1 07 560 tons with growth rate of 3.85% per year. The purpose of this study is to examine rice husks as an
The impact of fossil energy subsidies on social cost in Indonesia
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Subsidies for energy have driven the consumption of fossil energy to increase sharply. The increased use of fossil energy will increase social costs and negatively affect the environment. This study investigated the impact of fossil energy subsidies on social costs in
Economic monitoring of fossil energy use in EU agriculture: Regional Analysis of Policy Instruments in the light of Climate-Related Negative External Effects
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Landwirtschaftliche Primärproduktion ist in vielerlei Hinsicht mit dem Verbrauch von nichterneuerbaren Energieressourcen verbunden. Konsequenterweise sind die dadurch entstehenden Treibhausgasemissionen Nebeneffekte der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion