fuzzy logic research papers 2012 section 4
Automated Attendance System using Fuzzy Logic and Content based Image Retrieval
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NS Salian, P Patel, S Shah ,International Journal of , 2012
ABSTRACT The face is the identity of a person. The methods to exploit this physical feature
have seen a great change since the advent of image processing techniques. The accurate
recognition of a person is the sole aim of a face recognition system and this identification
Representing a System in Terms of Fuzzy Logic
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MG Voskoglou ,Proceedings WSEAS 16th International Conference on , 2012
Abstract: There are several processes, frequently appearing in a system’s operation,
involving. vagueness and/or uncertainty. In the present paper we develop a general fuzzy
model for representing such kind of processes. More explicitly, the main stages of these
Magnified Edge Detection using Fuzzy-Canny Logic
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H Kapoor, MP Singla ,International Journal, 2012
Abstract—In this paper an analytic approach to edge detection with fuzzy in collaboration
with canny is explained. Basically, fuzzy is a form of knowledge representation suitable for
notions that cannot be defined precisely, but which depend upon their contexts/
Safety diagnosis on coal mine production system based on fuzzy logic inference
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S Wang, H Zuo ,Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2012 ,Springer
Abstract According to the randomness and uncertainty of information in the safety diagnosis
of coal mine production system (CMPS), a novel safety diagnosis method was proposed by
applying fuzzy logic inference method, which consists of safety diagnosis fuzzifier,
Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Control of Trade-off between Exploration and Exploitation Properties of Genetic Algorithms
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A Slowik ,Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2012 ,Springer
An optimal trade-off between exploration and exploitation properties of genetic algorithm is
very important in optimization process. Due value steering of these two factors we can
prevent a premature convergence of the algorithm. Therefore, better results can be
Prediction of Slope Stability Using Statistical Method and Fuzzy Logic
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Abstract: The main goal of this research is to predict the stability of slope using fuzzy logic,
Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), and statistical method, Multiple Linear
Regression (MLR). Four limit equilibrium methods (LEM) ie Morgenstern-Price, Janbu,
A Fuzzy Logic Based Two Inductor Boost Converter System
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G KISHOR, D SUBBARAYUDU ,International Journal of , 2012
Abstract: In many power factor correction applications, the power level can reach maximum
value and sometimes the input voltage also will be too high. For high power and high
voltage applications the inductor volume and weight is the major concern of the
Application of Self-Tuning Fuzzy Logic PI Controller in Load Frequency Control of Wind-Micro Hydro-Diesel Hybrid Power System
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R Dhanalakshmi ,European , 2012 ,europeanjournalofscientificresearch.
Abstract In this paper, Self Tuning Fuzzy logic PI controller is developed to regulate the
frequency deviation for load frequency control of an isolated wind-micro hydro-diesel hybrid
power system, for various load disturbances. Due to the sudden load changes and
Studying and Providing a Suitable Model of Multi Attribute Decision Making Method Based onFuzzy Logic for Ranking Effective Factors on Allocating
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MM Movahedi, N Hamidi, Y Rashvand ,International , 2012 ,m-hikari.com
Abstract. This article projects the studies and researches of executive management of
Qazvin Islamic Azad University on providing an appropriate mathematical model built on the
outlooks of budgeting experts. Equipping such model aims at exploring balancing the
Estimation of Compensation Current Reference using Fuzzy Logic Controller for Three-Phase Hybrid Active Power Filter
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ZA Memon, MA Uqaili, MA Unar ,International Journal of , 2012
ABSTRACT This research deals with design of three-phase hybrid active power filter to
reduce the current distortions caused by non-linear loads. The Instantaneous Active and
Reactive Power Method (pq) is used to perform the identification of disturbing currents.
Real Time Recognition of Elderly Daily Activity using Fuzzy Logic through Fusion of Motion and Location Data
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S Khawandi, B Daya, P Chauvet ,International Journal of , 2012
ABSTRACT One of the major problems that may encounter old people at home is falling.
Approximately, one of three adults of the age of 65 or older falls every year. The World
Health Organization reports that injuries due to falls are the third most common cause of
Hydrostratigraphy of Haftad Gholle Karst, Markazi province, Iran, optimized by Fuzzy Logic
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MY Rad ,GEOFÍSICA INTERNACIONAL, 2012 ,geofisica.unam.mx
Abstract The objective of this study is to optimize the karstic lithology in the Haftad Gholle
area located of South-eastern Arak, NW Iran, using fuzzy logic. The karst of Haftad Gholle
area was divided into seven lithologic units; information on effective properties including
Comparison of fuzzy logic and neuro fuzzy algorithms for air conditioning system
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A Kaur, A Kaur ,International Journal of Soft Computing and , 2012
Abstract—This paper provides the design for air conditioning system using fuzzy logic as
well as neuro-fuzzy method. Inputs taken for the air conditioning system are from
temperature and humidity sensors and the output is to control the compressor speed. The
Design of Plant Estimator Model using Fuzzy Logic
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F Fareeza, BR Murthy ,European , 2012 ,europeanjournalofscientificresearch.
Abstract Most of the real time processes are nonlinear with mutually interacting process
variables having a vast amount of highly correlated data, and this good correlation need to
be utilized in the design of an intelligent system algorithm. In this work, a unified approach
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RU SUNDAR, GM KUMAR ,International Journal of Engineering Science, 2012
Abstract Quality Function Deployment is a continuous improvement technique applied in the
design of an FRP cooling tower. QFD helps to develop customer oriented, higher quality
products. In order to improve the quality characteristics of this product and to satisfy the
Fuzzy Logic and Uncertainty in Problem-Solving
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MG Voskoglou ,Journal of Mathematical SciencesMathematics , 2012 ,ww.msme.us
Abstract We develop a general fuzzy model that can be adapted properly to represent
several didactic situations in Mathematics Education characterized by a degree of fuzziness
and/or uncertainty and we apply it in particular to describe in a more effective way the
Genetic Algorithm Tuned Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Load Frequency Control in Co-Ordination with Frequency ControllableHVDC Links
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G Karthikeyan, S Chandrasekar ,European , 2012 ,europeanjournalofscientificresearch.
Abstract This paper focuses on a new optimization technique of a fuzzy logic controller
based load frequency controller (LFC) tuned by genetic algorithm (GA) in co-ordination with
frequency controllable HVDC links. Conventionally, the membership functions and control
Performance optimization of simultaneous machine and automated guided vehicle scheduling using fuzzy logic controller based genetic algorithm
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M Badakhshian, SB Sulaiman ,International Journal of , 2012
The current trend in manufacturing technology is considered by two main items automation
and flexibility. Flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is one of the most identified systems that
include both automation and flexibility criteria. It comprises three principle elements:
Design and Implementation of a Fuzzy Logic Controller for Synchronous Generator
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N Farouk, L Sheng ,Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 2012 ,maxwellsci.com
Abstract: The electrical power generation and distribution in power plant suffers from so
many problems, such as instability of demand and generation. These lead to increase of
generation cost. In this study, self-tuning fuzzy PID controller is developed to improve the
Performance Evaluation of reduced Rule Base Fuzzy Logic Controller for Indirect Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive
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B KUMAR, YK Chauhan, V SHRIVASTAVA ,Proc. 4th International , 2012
Abstract. This paper investigates the performance of a fuzzy logic speed controller with a
reduced rule base for an indirect vector controlled induction motor drive. Generally in the
control of complex systems where high performance is required, traditional controllers
Type-2 Fuzzy Logic PI (T2FLPI) Based DC Servomotor Control
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ABSTRACT This paper presents the detailed design of Type-2 Fuzzy Logic PI controller to
control the speed of a DC servomotor. The controller is explored extensively in terms of
number, type of membership functions and judged in 3 different cases; which are unity
Applying Fuzzy Logic in Neuro Symbolic Integration
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S Sathasivam ,2012
Abstract: This paper presents an improved approach for enhancing the performance of
doing logic programming in Hopfield neural network. Generally Hopfield networks are
suitable for solving combinatorial optimization problems. In spite of usefulness of Hopfield
Combined K-Nearest Neighbors and Fuzzy Logic Indoor Localization Technique for Wireless Sensor Network
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A Rozyyev, H Hasbullah, F Subhan ,Research Journal of Information , 2012
ABSTRACT The use of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has been growing each year. One
of the more popular uses of WSN is object tracking. There are many localization techniques
available for WSN. Some techniques have high accuracy, while the complexity is higher
A Proposed Model for Candidate Selection Process in Political Parties Based on Fuzzy LogicMethodology
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Y Göksen, O Dogan ,Mathematical and , 2012 ,mcajournal.cbu.edu.tr
Abstract-Classical logic and classical set theorems are not sufficient enough when it is
necessary to deal with complex decision making problems which also involve human
experiences. Some researches suggest that senior management usually makes intuitive
Fuzzy logic in candidate-well selection for hydraulic fracturing in oil and gas wells: A critical review
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During the last two decades, Fuzzy Logic (FL) Systems have been increasingly applied to
the research area of petroleum engineering. Hydraulic Fracturing (HF) as an important
discipline in this area and stimulation of oil and gas wells is an important tool for natural
Fuzzy Logic Support System for Predicting Building Damage Due to the Association of Three Parameters of Pipeline Failure
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DA Emarah, M Manar, HM Mousa ,Journal of American , 2012
Abstract: In this study, a fuzzy logic decision support tool (FLDST) was constructed for three
parameters of sewer pipeline failure to get the total influence of these parameters on
building damage. The effect of the shape and number of membership functions was
Dynamic capacity allocation of tollbooth plaza based on fuzzy logic
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E Ivanjko, M Matulin, Š Mrvelj ,23th International Central European , 2012 ,ceciis.foi.hr
Abstract. This paper presents a fuzzy logic-based approach to control the number of active
tollbooths in order to ensure desired Level of Service (LoS) with minimum of expenses. Input
variables for proposed controller are: current queue length and current queue length