grid computing research papers 2012 section 3

 CAPMAuction: Reputation Indexed Auction Model for Resource Allocation in Grid Computing
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MA Rahman, RM Rahman ,
Abstract—Computational Grids are a promising platform for executing large-scale resource
intensive applications. However, resource management and scheduling in the Grid
environment is a complex undertaking as resources are geographically distributed, 

 Multiple Sequence Alignment on the Grid Computing using Cache Technique
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TVL Le Van Vinh, NTT Du, VHB Chau ,
Abstract—Multiple sequence alignment is an important problem and popular in the
molecular biology. This is a basic problem that its solution could be used to proof and
discover the similarity of the new sequence with other exist sequences; to define the 

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G GAURAV ,2012
Abstract-In today’s world although the speeds and the capacities of the processors continue
to increase, resource intensive applications are proliferating as well. With grids, program
previously hindered by constraints on computing power become possible. On a typical 

 Dynamic Job Scheduling In Grid Computing
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JK Ketan, A Shah ,
Abstract-Grid computing is growing rapidly in the distributed heterogeneous systems for
utilizing and sharing large-scale resources to solve complex scientific problems. Scheduling
is the most recent topic used to achieve high performance in grid environments. It aims to 

 Mobile Grid Computing for Data-and Patient-centric Ubiquitous Healthcare
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Abstract—A new context-aware data-and patient-centric paradigm for ubiquitous healthcare
is central to deliver personalized healthcare solutions to the elderly and the physically
challenged. However, this new paradigm requires real-time inthe-field processing of 

 An Evolutionary Approach to Grid Computing Agents
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Y Bernard, L Klejnowski, D Bluhm, J Hähner ,
Abstract. The Organic Computing initiative aims at introducing new, self-organising
algorithms in order to cope better with the complexity of today’s systems. One approach to
self-organisation is the introduction of agents which are able to continuously adapt their 

 Grid Computing Systems and Combinatorial Optimization
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Abstract. The goal of this paper is to study the applicability of a combinatorial optimization
model in grid resource optimization. The advent of grid computing and demand for QoS
guarantees call for a need of advance reservation mechanisms in order to coordinate 

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P Kaur, H Singh
Abstract Grid Computing has emerged as a new and important field and can be used to
increase the performance of Distributed Computing. Grid computing has large and powerful
applications of self-managing virtual computer out of a large collection of heterogeneous 

 Virtual Machines for Grid Computing
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E Paulson ,
ABSTRACT The emerging computational grid infrastructure will provide users with access to
orders of magnitude more computing power than they currently have available. These
resources will be heterogeneous in type and implementation and independently 

 Simple Scheduling Algorithm with Load Balancing for Grid Computing
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F Alharbi, KSA Rabigh ,
Grid computing provides the means of using and sharing heterogeneous resources that are
geographically distributed to solve complex scientific or technical problems. Task scheduling
is critical to achieving high performance on grid computing environment. The objective of 

 A Grid Computing Based Power System Monitoring Tool Using Gridgain
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SK Patro, SS Paik, DS Roy, A Kumar
Abstract—With the advancement of civilization, Power Sector is undergoing drastic
upheavals. With the ever increasing demand and dependence on electric power, protection
of power system against failures remains a major challenge, particularly against 

 New load balancing strategy for solving Permutation Flow Shop Problem Using Grid Computing
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Abstract. This paper describes two parallel algorithms solving the mmachines, n-jobs
permutation flow shop scheduling problem (PFSP) deployed in the French national grid
Grid’5000. The first algorithm called GAUUB uses the Branch and Bound method to find 

 Grouping-Based Job Scheduling Model In Grid Computing
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VK Soni, R Sharma, MK Mishra
Abstract—Grid computing is a high performance computing environment to solve larger
scale computational applications. Grid computing contains resource management, job
scheduling, security problems, information management and so on. Job scheduling is a 

 Performance Analysis and Grid Computing on Wide Area
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G Fenu, M Nitti, PL Pau ,
ABSTRACT Nowadays, the energy production system is no longer suitable to our livelihood
and several issues need to be solved. Primary sources will not last forever and the
environmental impact that we have on the planet grows more each year. Even renewable 

 Job Outsourcing Portal with the Aid of Grid Computing Architecture
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AO Akinwunmi, FO Alamu ,
ABSTRACT Over the years, businesses have been cringing under the heavy weight of
insufficient resources for optimum business delivery. The field of operations research has
helped a great deal in ensuring that decision variables are optimized (maximized or 

 Fuzzy Inference System Based Reputation Model for Grid Computing
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B Sinha, PS Kumar ,
Abstract: Development of grid computing enforces the implementations of economic and
efficient models, though the assumptions are there that both transaction parties are honest
and trustworthy. In reality there is serious information asymmetry between transacting 

 Resource Allocation in Grid Computing Resource Allocation in Grid Computing
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S Sangwan
Abstract Grid computing is a form of distributed computing that involves coordinating and
sharing computational power, data storage and network resources across dynamic and
geographically dispersed organizations. Grid computing is a term referring to the 

 Grid Computing for Different Applications
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SN Bal, B TACT ,International Journal
Abstract Grid Computing delivers on the potential in the growth and abundance of network
connected systems and bandwidth: computation, collaboration and communication over the
Advanced Web. At the heart of Grid Computing is a computing infrastructure that provides 

 A Proposed Mechanism for Cross-Domain Authorization in Grid Computing Environment
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K Roy, A Bhowmick ,
Abstract—Authorization in Grid computing environment involves primarily the technique of
providing the access control to the users for the resources. Lack of proper authorization
process leads towards great loss and damage of vital data and information. The matter is 

 The Distributed Computing Paradigms: P2P, Grid, Cluster, Cloud, and Jungle
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B Kahanwal, TP Singh ,
Abstract-The distributed computing is done on many systems to solve a large scale problem.
The growing of high-speed broadband networks in developed and developing countries, the
continual increase in computing power, and the rapid growth of the Internet have changed 

 Scheduling of Resources for a Grid Computing Application
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AB Sakpere, JF Opadiji, JO Emuoyibofarhe ,African Journal of Computing , 2012 ,
ABSTRACT This research work considers a job that consists of three tasks (face recognition,
voice recognition and finger print) each that has been submitted for schedule over a set of
resources (computer processor) with an objective to minimize tardiness. Genetic Algorithm 

 High performance Grid computing for detecting gene-gene interactions in genome-wide association studies
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MBH Hmida, Y Slimani
Abstract The huge amount of biological information implies a great challenge for data
analysis, particularly for combinatorial methods such as Multifactor Dimensionality
Reduction. This method can be computationally intensive, especially when more than ten