Magnetic Levitation Train Technology
The objective of this project is the creation of a laboratory scale magnetic levitating train. The reason for choosing the Inductrack method and a basic explanation of the Inductrack method for magnetic levitation are given. The subcategories: Halbach array, Inductrack, and the overall system are explained by design equations, simulations, fabrication, testing methods, and results. Propulsion methods are briefly explained. The conclusion includes a summary of tradeoffs, possible applications, and suggestions for further development of the project free download
maglev research papers
MAGLEV projects technology aspects and choices
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ABSTRACT This papers presents technology aspects and choices relative to worldwide MAGLEV projects such as the German Transrapid, the Japanese MLX, the USA Inductrack and the Swissmetro. Propulsion, magnetic levitation and guidance, transfer of energy to
Maxwell's theory of eddy currents in thin conducting sheets, and applications to electromagnetic shielding and MAGLEV
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Having rmly established his inability to give adequate answers to lower division questions on eddy currents (question 12 in Chap. 35 of Ref. 1, dealing with the instantaneous and ac electromagnetic shielding by a thin conducting sheet), the author resolved to learn
Dynamic simulation of the EMS maglev vehicle-guideway-controller coupling system
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Abstract Firstly, an integrated dynamic model of maglev vehicle-guideway-controller coupling system is established based on TR08 maglev vehicle and the elevated-guideway technology. Secondly, a special simulation program is developed. Finally, a sample
Practical issues in the use of NdFeB permanent magnets in maglev, motors, bearings, and eddy current brakes
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ABSTRACTIn this paper, practical design issues related to the use of high-strength neodymium-iron-boron magnets are described. These magnets have increasing utility in transportation systems (maglev, linear and rotary motors), bearings, and in eddy-current
The first HSST maglev commercial train in Japan
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Abstract The first HSST (High Speed Surface Transport) Maglev commercial train in Japan, which is levitated by the attractive force of normal conductive magnets and propelled by Linear Induction Motor (LIM), will start its revenue service on the Tobu Kyuryo Line in the
Progress of the maglev transportation in China
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ABSTRACT The successful construction and operation of the Shanghai high speed maglev Transrapid line and the Nagoya low speed Tobu Kyuryo maglev HSST line indicate that the maglev already entered the transportation development stage. The related progress for
Status of the general atomics low speed urban maglev technology development program
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Abstract This paper presents the status of General Atomics Urban Maglev Program. The development provides an innovative approach for low speed transportation suitable for very challenging urban environments. Permanent magnets arranged in a Halbach array
Maglev system with hybrid-excited magnets and an air-gap length control
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An evaluation of maglev technology and its comparison with high speed rail
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High speed rail (HSR) systems have a proven record of efficient services in about a dozen countries. Recently, Magnetic Levitation (Maglev) technology for high speed ground transportation (HSGT) has been proposed for many intercity and regional lines in
Maglev Program in Korea
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Abstract Maglev Project Team at KIMM has been leading development of attraction type urban transit maglev for the past 10 years. In this paper current status of maglev program in Korea-what has been done so far, efforts to improve technical problems we have?is
Effect of the Permanent Magnet Location to Magnetic Forces in Maglev System with Hybrid Magnets
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Abstract In a maglev vehicle of traditional electromagnetic system (EMS), the electrical magnets are used on the vehicle to produce attractive levitation force. Due to limitation by the capacity, volume, weight and heat-dispersion condition of the exciting power system,
A Basic Developmental Scenario for the Maglev HighwayMaglev Highway as the Future of Transport
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Abstract A Maglev system, in which cars sit on magnetically levitated pallets, could potentially produce substantial benefits compared to conventional car travel, particularly on long distance routes. This paper describes basic developmental scenarios applied to the
Service Availability of the Urban Maglev System in Korea
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ABSTRACT This paper shows a brief description on the urban maglev system project in Korea composed of 6.1 km long double-track, 6 stations and 1 depot. This paper discusses a study on typical RAM models measuring the service performance of a metro system and
Overview of the General Atomics low speed urban maglev technology development program
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Abstract The overall objective of this program is to develop magnetic levitation technology that is a cost effective, reliable, and environmentally friendly option for urban mass transportation in the United States. Maglev is a revolutionary approach in which trains are
Feasibility study of an HTS-Maglev line at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
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ABSTRACT The potential application of an HTS-Maglev train has been shown with a small scale prototype developed at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 2004. The natural following step is the construction of a full scale prototype. This paper presents a
A full-scale module of the Maglev-Cobra HTS-superconducting vehicle
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ABSTRACT This paper discusses the status of the Maglev-Cobra project developed at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). This project started in 2000 and, since then, a small-scale prototype has been developed and tested. The present paper describes the
Maglev-Cobra: An urban transportation solution using HTS-superconductors and permanent magnets
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ABSTRACT The Maglev-Cobra technology uses HTS-superconductors for levitation and guidance purposes. This paper describes the construction and operational advantages of this vehicle applied to urban transportation. The technology was tested with a small-scale
Integral cost-benefit analysis of Maglev technology under market imperfections
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Abstract The aim of this article is to assess a proposed new mode of guided high speed ground transportation, the magnetic levitation rail system (Maglev), and to compare the results of a partial cost-benefit analysis with those of an integral CBA. We deal with an
Maglev transit technology in Russia
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ABSTRACT There are two well known concepts for achieving magnetic levitation of vehicles: one is based on electromagnetic attraction (EMA); and the second method is based on electrodynamic repulsion (EDR). In turn, each of these concepts have at least two
The Status of the running tests of JR-Maglev
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Abstract JR-Maglev is developed to be applied to the new artery between Tokyo and Osaka. Its basic performance and various functions have already been confirmed through the running tests on the Yamanashi Maglev Test Line by 2000. At present, the running tests
Dynamic responses of the low-speed Maglev vehicle on the curved guideway
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* State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong Univ., Chengdu 610031, China Dept. of Appl. Mech. and Eng., Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China Phone:+ 086-028-87600773, Email: cfzhao 126. com Train Track Research
Linear synchronous motor control for an urban maglev
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Abstract A new concept in Urban Maglev transportation design is in the testing phase. The vehicle uses permanent magnets (PM) for both the electro-dynamic suspension (EDS) and linear synchronous motor (LSM) propulsion. Because of the 3D coupled non-linear
General atomics urban maglev program status
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ABSTRACT This paper discusses the status of the General Atomics Urban Maglev project. The status of the project was previously discussed at the Maglev 2004 conference in Shanghai, China. Since that time, the test track construction has been completed and
Aerodynamic aspects of maglev systems
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ABSTRACT Aerodynamics is one of the key system issues when designing a maglev system or a high-speed railway system. There are several aerodynamic aspects that rule both into rolling stock and infrastructure design. On the basis of experience from the
The developmental status and future prospects of Maglev technology
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ABSTRACT The successful operation of the Shanghai line and Aichi line indicates that the Maglev technology is heading for the market through the demonstration and operation line. Other countries also have made progress in Maglev development, trial lines, and
A permanent magnet linear synchronous motor drive for HTS maglev Transportation Systems
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Abstract A permanent magnet linear synchronous motor (PMLSM) for a high temperature superconducting (HTS) maglev system has been studied, including the motor structure, control strategy, and analysis techniques. Finite element analysis (FEA) of magnetic field
Technology Development for US Urban Maglev
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Abstract Key technical aspects of US Urban Maglev project are reported. The selected technology is based on the principle of electro-dynamic suspension (EDS) for levitation and linear synchronous motor (LSM) propulsion. High field permanent magnets (PM) arranged
Development of the Maglev transportation in China
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Abstract The history of the passenger transportation of the whole mankind is a history of continuous increase of the operational speed. A very important achievement in this area for the 20th century is the appearance of the maglev train. China began the researches on
Dynamics, stability, and control of maglev systems
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ABSTRACT This paper presents an overview of the work on dynamics of maglev systems completed at Argonne during the last two years. Specifically, vehlcle/guldeway Interaction and ride quality, active and semlactive suspension control, and stability analysis are
Characteristics of SC coil configuration for EDS maglev to reduce leakage flux with strengthened magnetomotive force
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Abstract An improved configuration of SC coils for EDS maglev, which has small-size coils on its end can reduce the environmental magnetic field, so that it can strengthen the magnetomotive force of SC coils. This paper describes their characteristics of levitation,
Control and optimization of the electromagnetic suspension operation of a Maglev vehicle
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Abstract. In this work a control strategy is proposed for levitation of an electromagnetic suspension vehicle prototype. Since the prototype has more actuators than control variables, an optimal distribution of forces among them is performed in order to produce the force
Putting maglev on track
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As even the infrequent flyer knows, air travel has degraded from an enjoyable experience into an often grueling one. Chicago's O'Hare airport alone tallies more than 12 million hours of passenger delay annually, the equivalent of 1,400 passengers standing idle around the
An M3 maglev system for old dominion university
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ABSTRACT The M3 Maglev System was originally developed as part of the US Urban Maglev Project. Development is now focused on demonstrating operation on an existing guideway at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. The design is based on the use
The Magtube low cost maglev transportation system
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ABSTRACT Over the past few decades maglev train has become a single concept, resulting in maglev mass transit systems that are too large and expensive for many prospective applications. Alternative designs created without preconceived notions to fully
Achievements of Shanghai maglev demonstration operation line and the maglev development strategy
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With the joint efforts of the Chinese and German experts and the arduous work of 22 months of both parties, the first maglev vehicle composed of 3 sections succeeded in its trial run
General Atomics urban maglev technology development
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Abstract Key technical aspects of the General Atomics (GA) Urban Maglev project are reported. The selected technology is based on the principle of electro-dynamic suspension (EDS) for levitation and a linear synchronous motor (LSM) for propulsion. High field
Hopf bifurcation of maglev system with coupled elastic guideway
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ABSTRACT In this paper, the dynamical behavior of single magnet suspension system of maglev train considering the elastic guide-way is researched through HOPF bifurcation theory. With three states feedback variables (gap, current, velocity), the HOPF bifurcation
A Superconducting Maglev Vehicle/Guideway System With Preview Control: Part I Veliicle, Guideway, and IVIagnet IVIodeling
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Part I of this paper presents a dynamic model of magnetically-levitated (maglev) vehicle/guideway interaction. The vehicle employs a superconducting electromagnetic suspension system with canted magnets to provide simultaneous levitation and guidance
Maglev Launch: Ultra-low Cost, Ultra-high Volume Access to Space for Cargo and Humans
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Abstract. Despite decades of efforts to reduce rocket launch costs, improvements are marginal. Launch cost to LEO for cargo is~ $10,000 per kg of payload, and to higher orbit and beyond much greater. Human access to the ISS costs $20 million for a single
Experience in operation and maintenance of Shanghai Maglev Demonstration Line and further application of maglev in China
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ABSTRACT This paper systematically sums up the operation and maintenance of Shanghai Maglev Demonstration Line and the experience gained since it was open to traffic. It also
Modeling and simulation of Shanghai maglev train Transrapid with random track irregularities
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Abstract The MAGLEV Transrapid is a kind of new type high speed train in the world which is levitated and guided over the track using electro magnetic forces. Because the electro magnets are unstable, they have to be controlled. Since 2002 the worldwide first
Fuzzy model-based monlinear maglev control for active vibration control systems
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A nonlinear fuzzy modelling and control strategy, having merits of linear control theory and TSK (Takagi-Sugeno-Kang) reasoning algorithm of fuzzy logic, is proposed for active vibration control systems under maglev actuation and the effectiveness of the approach
The future of maglev
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MagneMotion, Inc. 20 Sudbury Road Acton, MA 01720 (978) 461-5090 www.magnemotion.cominfo Richard Thornton MagneMotion Inc. 20 Sudbury Road Acton, MA 01720 ABSTRACT This paper presents a personal opinion
Self Nulling Hybrid Maglev Suspension System
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The obvious solution to increasing the MMF driving the core was to use a superconducting coil. However, this was at conflict with the requirement for a 10 Hz bandwidth in order to control the gap width, of the inherently unstable EMS system, and give acceptable ride
Modeling the 3-DOF dynamics of an electrodynamic maglev suspension system with a passive sled
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Abstract. A model that describes the 3-DOF dynamics of a passively levitated electro- dynamic maglev system is presented. The model is based on the flux-current-force interactions and the geometric relationships between the levitation coils and the
The development of a 6 degree of freedom quasi-zero stiffness maglev vibration isolator with adaptive-passive load support
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Abstract?Vibration isolation systems are widely used in many engineering applications. In some of the advanced fields, stringent isolation requirements are often necessary for achieving satisfactory results, such as in semiconductor manufacturing and gravitational
Vibration reduction methods for superconducting Maglev vehicles
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A study was conducted on the effectiveness of applying vibration control methods to the primary and secondary suspension components in a three-car model of the vertical and pitching motions of a superconducting Maglev train. A linear generator device has
Status of development and running tests on Japan's superconducting maglev
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In 2005 the Central Japan Railway Company introducted new technological breakthroughs that will enhance revenue service on its superconducting magnetic levitation (maglev) system. This paper covers developments in both basic and applied research, discusses
Passive damping in EDS maglev systems
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There continues to be strong interest in the subjects of damping and drag forces associated with electrodynamic suspension (EDS) systems. While electromagnetic drag forces resist the forward motion of a vehicle and therefore consume energy, damping forces control, at
Comparing operating characteristics of high-speed rail and Maglev systems: Case study of Beijing-Shanghai corridor
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The need for high-speed ground transportation systems (HSGT) has become more urgent than ever, evidenced by congestion in both urban and intercity travel. Congestion problems are no longer confined to densely developed urban areas or industrialized countries but
Global Modelisation of the Swissmetro Maglev using a numerical Platform
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ABSTRACT Since 1992, the Swissmetro project has the goal to build an underground high speed (400 km/h) Maglev system, with linear motor propulsion, contactless energy transmission in a tunnel with partial vacuum. The Swissmetro project is approaching a
On the development strategy of the High-Speed Maglev in China
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Institute of Electrical Engineering, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, PO Box 2703 Beijing, 100080, China, Telephone:+ 86-10-62553222, Fax number:+ 86-10-62560904, lgyan mail. iee. ac. cn Keywords Development Strategy, High-speed Maglev, Long
On-vehicle Power Generation at all Speeds for Electromagnetic Maglev Concept
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Abstract"'The electromagnetic suspension (EMS) maglev utilizes attraction force between two electromagnets for generating levitating force. The Grumman EMS maglev Ievitation magnets1J are iron-cored superconductive type. A significant amount of power (" 150 kW
Development of a mathematics, science, and technology education integrated program for amaglev
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Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Volume 2, Number 3, December 2006 www. ejmste. com DEVELOPMENT OF A MATHEMATICS, SCIENCE, AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION INTEGRATED PROGRAM FOR A MAGLEV Hyoung Seo ParkAbstract.
An entire comparison of maglev and high-speed railway systems
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ABSTRACT The decision making and realization of maglev and traditional high-speed railway projects may be based on a multi-level and multi-criteria decision. Several criterions from different areas are playing a decisive role and have to get involved into the decision
Magnemotion maglev system
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The MagneMotion Maglev system, called M 3, is an alternative to all conventional guided transportation systems. Advantages include major reductions in capital cost, travel time, operating cost, noise, and energy consumption. Vans or small-bus size vehicles operating
Switching, networks and maglev
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ABSTRACT The first electric telecommunication systems utilized hardwired point-to-point connections, then gradually progressed to switchboards, automated mechanical circuit switching (relays) and eventually electronic switches. But the Internet revolution didn't
Flux canceling maglev suspension
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ABSTRACT This paper discusses the fundamental efficiency limits of EDS maglev and describes a new flux canceling system that achieves high efficiency for suspension and guidance In addition to rapid attenuation of field with distance and tow ac losses in the
General Atomics Urban Maglev Test Track Status
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Abstract This paper discusses the status of the construction and testing on the General Atomics Urban Maglev test track located in San Diego, California. The status of the project was previously discussed at the LDIA 2003 conference in Birmingham, England. The test
Toward More Efficient Transport: The Inductrack Maglev System
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Magnetic attraction-EMS (Electro-Magnetic Suspension) systems, using servo-controlled electromagnets on the train car, attracted upward to a iron-plate rail. Magnetic repulsion- EDS (Electro-Dynamic Suspension) systems, using cryogenically cooled superconducting
Maglev programs in Korea~ in
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ABSTRACT Korean Ministry of Science and Technology initiated a small RD project in 1989 to assess the possibility of developing a magnetically levitated train system. This government project is closed to the end of its 1st phase in which the possibility was shown and a good
Development of on-board ATC system for Maglev Vehicle
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ABSTRACT This paper gives an overview and developing status of the on-board Automatic Train Control (ATC) System employed to control the Urban Maglev vehicle in Korea. In the construction of demonstration line for Urban Maglev Program, the Daewoo Engineering
New guideway design for urban maglev in Korea
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ABSTRACT The practical use of the urban maglev transit is afoot in Korea since 2006. The target speed is 110km/h. The project consists of three parts?the system engineering, the reformation of vehicle, and the development of
The Dynamic Performance Analysis Model of EMS-MAGLEV System Utilizing Coupled Field-Circuit-Movement Finite Element Method
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Abstract Many electro-mechanical motional systems include parts that can move relative to the others. EMS-Maglev system is one of the examples, which combines the devices for propulsion, levitation and on-board electric power transfer in a single electromagnetic
Aerodynamic braking systems for maglev vehicles
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ABSTRACT This paper summarizes the results of a study of speed brake and drag chute deceleration systems for Maglev vehicles. These systems offer practical solutions to the need for additional braklag la both routine and emergency decelerations. Three type* of
Maglev vehicle dynamic interaction with aerial guideways
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Maglev Vehicle Dynamic Interaction With Aerial Guideways1 Laurence E. Daniels Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade Douglas Herndon, Virginia 22070 Donald R. Ahlbeck Battcllc Columbus, Ohio 43201-2693ABSTRACT This paper presents dynamic interaction! between vehicles and
Latest generation maglev vehicle TR09
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ABSTRACT The latest generation Maglev vehicle TR09 and has been developed and built by ThyssenKrupp Transrapid GmbH and financed by the German Federal Ministry of Transportation (BMVBS). TR09 has started commissioning and test operation on the TVE
Development and Validation of a Dynamic Model of the Maglev Transportation System at Old Dominion University
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ABSTRACT A dynamic model of the vehicle/guideway coupled with a controller is developed for the maglev demonstration system currently being developed at ODU, using the MAthematical DYnamic MOdeling software-MADYMO. The fundamental
Magnet design optimization for Grumman Maglev concept
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The baseline magnet configuration was selected on the basis of extensive 2-D and 3-D magnetic analyses to meet the levitation and propulsion requirements. The selected magnetic system design employs 48 magnets, 24 on eesh side of a 100 passenger
Structural deformation caused by aerodynamic excitations during the passing of maglevvehicles
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The Maglev vehicle Transrapid is the first fundamental innovation in railroad engineering since the construction of the first railroads. It is the world's only commerciallyavailable high speed Maglev technology. As a result of over 25 years of continuous design, testing and
Operating concept and system design of a Transrapid maglev line and a high-speed railway in the Pan-European corridor IV
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ABSTRACT By order of the federal state of Saxony a feasibility study regarding high speed urban passenger transport in the so called pan-European Corridor IV from Berlin (Germany) to Budapest (Hungary) via Dresden?Prague?Brno?Vienna?Bratislava was realized in the
Maglev Transportation with Controlled Permanent Magnets and Linear Synchronous Motors
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ABSTRACT This report describes maglev suspension systems in combination with linear drives for maglev transportation of all speed ranges. The function of suspension is separated from the function of propulsion. These special configurations of magnets and motors minimize
Technical comparison of maglev and rail rapid transit systems
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ABSTRACT The need for rapid transit systems has become vital in both urban and intercity travels. There are two technologies for these systems, high-speed rail (HSR) and magnetic levitation (maglev). They are dramatically different in lots of terms. Despite demands for
Engineering comparison of high-speed rail and maglev systems: a case study of Beijing-Shanghai corridor
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Abstract The need for high-speed ground transportation systems (HSGT) has become more urgent than ever evidenced by congestions in both urban and intercity travels. Congestion problems are no longer confined to densely developed urban areas or industrialized
Design of Fuzzy Model-based Multi-objective Controller and Its Application to MAGLEV ATO system
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Abstract Many practical control problems for the complex, uncertain or large-scale plants, need to simultaneously achieve a number of objectives, which may conflict or com-pete with each other. If the conventional optimization methods are applied to solve these control
Discrete track electrodynamic maglev part I: Modeling
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Abstract Since the dawn of maglev transportation technology in the 1970's, a great variety of models for electrodynamic suspension (EDS) magnetic levitation (maglev) have been presented. This article unifies these models by deriving equations for discrete track EDS
Maglev Train Propulsion System
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1Abstract This project was an experiment on the feasibility of superconductorbased maglev trains. Two classmates, Kyle Tessier-Lavigne and Michael Stern, and I worked in conjunction to produce a magnetic track, levitating train car, and propulsion system. This
Novel train position detecting system in the Yamanashi Maglev Test Line
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ABSTRACT In the Japanese Maglev system at the Yamanashi Test Line, the train position on the line has been detected using the inductive radio system which includes the cross- inductive wire laid all along the test line. Although it can detect the position with high
Multi Service Radio Communication for MAGLEV and Train Systems
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ABSTRACT Evolution of system concepts is mostly driven by new requirements. Particularly in public transportation systems increasing demand for passenger communication as well as for safety/security purposes is characteristic. Broadband radio communication can provide
Primary constructions for traversing traffic routes with the maglev train
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Figure 1: Primary constructions of the maglev train route Mu- nich, Lot 3 Therefore, portal frame methods, eg primary constructions have to be used. In Lot 3 (PFA 31 + 32) of the maglev train route three situations to trav- erse roads and water are faced. These points include
Small-Scale Maglev Train
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Magnetically-levitating (maglev) train technology is a high-speed urban transportation solution capable of contributing to pollution reduction and energy efficiency. Team Maglev's proposed system is a scaled-down, proof-of-concept maglev
Analytical Design of Small Scale Magnetic Levitation and Propulsion System for Maglev TrainApplication
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ABSTRACT This paper deals with the design and characteristic analysis of small scale magnetic levitation and propulsion system for maglev train application. A magnetic circuit model and its results were derived for the levitation and propulsion magnets. Also, we
System Requirement Management of Urban Maglev Train with Barrier Free authentication
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ABSTRACT System Requirement (SR) is reflecting current social environment and demand. The Urban Maglev Train, one of the biggest projects in Korea starting at 2006, is the front edge of system in technically. However it also needs to be recognized as an advanced
Vehicle/Steel Guideway Interaction When the Maglev Train is Hovering
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Aiming at the problem of unstable hovering of the maglev train on the steel guideway, tests were made on the natural vibration frequencies of this maglev system. Moreover, the authors make the strength calculation, the modal analysis and the interaction analysis between
Small-Scale Maglev Train
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Magnetically-levitating (maglev) train technology is a high-speed urban transportation solution capable of contributing to pollution reduction and energy efficiency. Team Maglev's system is a scaled-down, proof-of-concept maglev train that
Analysis of Electromagnetic Force and Vibration caused by Passing Maglev Train on Guideway Switch
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ABSTRACT 3-phase stator windings and feeder cables are arranged on the steel guideway switch. When a maglev train passes the switch, current of up to 2000 A flows in the cables and the interaction of the electromagnetic forces among these cables cause the feeder
Optimal Design of Detection Coil of Relative Position Detection Sensor for High SpeedMaglev Train
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Abstract. The relative position detection sensor for high speed maglev train obtains precise relative position messages for traction system by detecting the changing coil inductance along the long stator. In this paper, the finite element analysis soft Maxwell 3D is utilized to
Review of Maglev Train Technologies
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ABSTRACT This paper reviews and summarizes Maglev train technologies from an electrical engineering point of view and explains Magnetic levitation power supply (MLPS), onboard electrical installation for electromagnetic suspension (EMS) type maglev train.
Modeling and simulation of maglev train-guideway-tunnel-soil system for vibration
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A maglev train-guideway-tunnel-soil coupling system model is developed to study the wave propagation problem caused by high speed electromagnetic suspension (EMS) maglev train travelling through tunnel. The maglev train is simulated by multi-bodies, which takes the
TS Fuzzy Model Based Control Strategy for the Networked Suspension Control System ofMaglev Train
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lj maglev. cnABSTRACT In this paper, the control problem for the networked suspension control system of maglev train with random induced time-delay and packet dropouts is investigated. First, Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy models are utilized to represent
Flywheel as Energy Storage in MagLev Train
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Abstract To store and handle energy in vehicles and other mobile devices is a challenging task. At Uppsala University, Sweden, a flywheel is developed to fulfill the energy and power demands on an energy storage for vehicles running short distances but requiring high
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ABSTRACT ?Maglev represents magnetic levitation. The magnetically levitated train has no wheels, but floats on an electromagnetic wave. Maglev is trains that run on magnets in a certain way so that they are equally levitated. Maglev trains prove to be a promising
Model Maglev Train
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Abstract The goal of this project was to build a model maglev [magnetic levitation] train. The train would be propelled by a linear motor system and would be levitated by a diamagnetic material over a magnetic track. The linear motor was built, but due to time and budget
Fault Detection Based on Tracking Differentiator applied on the Suspension System ofMaglev Train
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ABSTRACT A fault detection method based on the optimized tracking differentiator is introduced. It is applied on the acceleration sensor of the suspension system of maglev train. It detects the fault of the acceleration sensor by comparing the acceleration integral signal
Response of high speed EDS maglev train moving on a suspended guideway shaken by horizontal earthquake
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ABSTRACT This paper presented a computational framework of interak of interaction analysis for an EDS (electrodynamic suspension) maglev train traveling over a suspension bridge shaken by horizontal earthquakes. The suspended guideway girder is modeled as a single-span
- Magnetic Levitation Train Project Proposal
- Parameter Self-Adaptive PID Algorithm for Magnetic Levitation Power Supply on Maglev Train
- DSP based magnetic levitation system
- DSP based magnetic levitation system
- Applied High Tc Superconducting Electrical Machines