research papers in computer networks 14
Least Square Curve Fitting Applications under Rest State Environment in Internet Traffic Sharing in Computer Network
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D Shukla, K Verma ,International Journal of Computer , 2012 ,
Abstract—While dealing with internet users in the setup of two operators the relationship
between traffic sharing and blocking probability is examined by many authors using Markov
chain model. Assuming dial-up-setup of connection network and introduction of rest state
Computer network performance prediction for the near future through faster than real time simulation
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D Anagnostopoulos, M Nikolaidou ,Proceedings of Symposium ,
Abstract Real time simulation is often used to extend the capabilities of traditional simulation,
though not in the computer network domain due to the network operation rate. A rather
innovative faster than real time approach that contributes to network performance
Community readiness for a computer-based health information network
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Background The Computer Network Committee was formed in an upstate New York
community in June 1998. Procedure Questions used in the focus group sessions were
developed by the computer network committee members.
Interactive control over a programmable computer network using a multi-touch surface
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R Strijkers, L Muller, M Cristea, R Belleman , Science–ICCS 2009, 2009 ,Springer
This article introduces the Interactive Network concept and describes the design and
implementation of the first prototype. In an Interactive Network humans become an integral
part of the control system to manage programmable networks and grid networks. The
Designing a Versatile Dedicated Computing Lab to Support Computer Network Courses: Insights from a Case Study
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G Gercek ,Journal of Information , 2006 ,
Executive Summary Providing adequate computing lab support for Management Information
Systems (MIS) and Computer Science (CS) programs is a perennial challenge for most
academic institutions in the US and abroad. Factors, such as lack of physical space,
Applicability of the Additional Protocols to Computer Network Attacks
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K Dörmann ,in Computer Network Attack and International Law: War , 2004 ,
The purpose of this contribution is to explore whether international humanitarian law (IHL) in
general applies to computer network attacks (CNA) and what specific prohibitions or
limitations on the use of computer network attacks follow from international humanitarian
Intelligence-Driven Computer Network Defense Informed by Analysis of Adversary Campaigns and Intrusion Kill Chains
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EM Hutchins, M Cloppert ,Proc. 6th Int’l Conf. , 2011 ,
Abstract Conventional network defense tools such as intrusion detection systems and anti-
virus focus on the vulnerability component of risk, and traditional incident response
methodology presupposes a successful intrusion. An evolution in the goals and
Optimum feedback strategy for access control mechanism modelled as stochastic differential equation in computer network
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NU Ahmed ,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2004 ,
We consider optimum feedback control strategy for computer communication network, in
particular, the access control mechanism. The dynamic model representing the source and
the access control system is described by a system of stochastic differential equations
Protection for communication and sharing in a personal computer network
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RB Dannenberg , Computing Systems (May 1985). IEEE, New , 1985 ,
Abstract The autonomy offered to users by most personal computer systems creates new
problems for communication and sharing. Protection is required if personal computer
networks are to attain the same level of user cooperation as is now possible in time-
Joint problem-solving mediated by a computer network
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W Brichcín, J Janoušek, P UhláR ,Journal of Russian and , 1994 ,ME Sharpe
Joint problem-solving as a kind of collaboration (cooperation) requires coordinated planning
of activities by individual participants and overall coordination [1]. It therefore includes
individual activities of each participant without reducing their total, but rather representing
Modelling and optimization of computer network traffic controllers
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NU Ahmed, B Li ,Mathematical Problems in , 2005 ,
During the past years, there has been increasing interest in the design and development of
network traffic controllers capable of ensuring the QoS requirements of a wide range of
applications. In this paper, we construct a dynamic model for the token-bucket algorithm: a
Random vs. combinatorial methods for discrete event simulation of a grid computer network
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R Kacker ,Proceedings of the Mod Sim World, NASA , 2009 ,
Abstract: This study compared random and t-way combinatorial inputs of a network
simulator, to determine if these two approaches produce significantly different deadlock
detection for varying network configurations. Modeling deadlock detection is important for
An approach to evaluating computer network simulation tool support for verification and validation
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JD Gibbs ,2009 ,
ABSTRACT Domain-specific tools are frequently used in modeling and simulation (M&S) of
computer networks. While such tools are important to varying degrees across different
stages of the modeling and simulation lifecycle, they can also impose major constraints on