software testing research papers 2012 section 2

Emerald Article: E-assessment and software testing
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CA Usener, TA Majchrzak, H Kuchen ,Education, 2012 ,
Abstract Purpose–To overcome the high manual effort of assessments for teaching
personnel, e-assessment systems are used to assess students using information systems
(IS). The purpose of this paper is to propose an extension of EASy, a system for e- 

 Using Test Employee Capability Maturity Model for Supporting Gaps Bridging in Software Testing
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J Sirathienchai, P Sophatsathit ,Journal of Software , 2012 ,
ABSTRACT This study addresses the challenge of assessing gaps among the differences of
test people in eight groups by matching them based on four scenarios. The proposed model
called Test Employee Capability Maturity Model (TEC-MM) helps find the gaps and 

Combinatorial testing in software projects
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M Brcic, D Kalpic ,MIPRO, 2012 Proceedings of the 35th , 2012
Abstract Software systems continuously grow in size and code complexity, the latter most
evident through greater component interconnectedness. This leaves more space for bugs
which introduce risks such as exposure to security threats. Combinatorial testing looks for 

 Pattern Design for Software Testing Base Finit Automato Machines
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SR Alavi, I Khoy ,2012
Abstract On method for effective testing is the identification of critical rout in the program.
Standardized test of software is somehow impossible because the production and control of
critical routs is difficult for software with average size. For creating control in the routs Finit 

Evaluating Effectiveness of Software Testing Techniques with Emphasis on Enhancing SoftwareReliability
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S Umar Farooq, SMK Quadri ,2012 ,
Software testing is one of the most widely known and essential field in software engineering.
The purpose of software testing is not only to reveal defects and eliminate them but also to
serve as a tool for verification, validation and certification. Defection detection and 

Integration Testing of Software Product Lines Using Compositional Symbolic Execution
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Software product lines are families of products defined by feature commonality and
variability, with a well-managed asset base. Recent work in testing of software product lines
has exploited similarities across development phases to reuse shared assets and reduce 

Software Mutational Robustness: Bridging The Gap Between Mutation Testing and Evolutionary Biology
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Abstract: In the mutation testing paradigm, test suite quality is measured by its ability to
detect variant programs generated through application of random changes to an original
program. In evolutionary biology however, neutral mutations that leave fitness unchanged 

NHS Wales Informatics Service Enhances Software Application Testing
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P Malcolm, R Wettach ,2012
1. NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS) 2. What NWIS is not! 3. Challenges 4. Desires 5. Solution
– The Test Framework 1. Test Framework lifecycle 2. Test Framework deliverables 3. Test Framework
strategy 4. Test framework plans 5. Case / scripts 6. Traceability matrix 7. Clinical Risk 

 Software Testing (2IW66)
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The objective of the practical project of the Software Testing course is to learn how to apply the
various testing techniques and test design patterns as discussed during the lectures in
practice. You will apply these techniques to a simple game called JPACMAN, inspired by 

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Application Engineering is a field where software organizations develop software products
from a predefined Software Product Line. The time and cost allotted to come up with a new
product variant is limited. Lack of systematic support in testing leads to redundancy. 

Concolic testing of the multi-sector read operation for flash storage platform software
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M Kim, Y Kim, Y Choi ,Formal Aspects of Computing, 2012 ,Springer
Abstract In today’s information society, flash memory has become a virtually indispensable
component, particularly for mobile devices. In order for mobile devices to operate
successfully, it is essential that flash memory be controlled correctly through flash storage 

 A Literature Survey on black box testing in component based software engineering
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Abstract—Component-based software engineering (CBSE) has emerged as an approach
that offers rapid development of system using fewer resources and effort. The CBSE gives
the idea of reuse and cutting down the development cost. Thus testing of components 

Edge Coverage Analysis for Software Architecture Testing
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L Lun, X Chi, X Ding ,Journal of Software, 2012 ,
Abstract Software architecture is perceived as one of the most important artifacts created
during a system’s design, to control software complexity, improve system quality, support
software development and reuse and so on. Coverage analysis is a structural testing 

Human vs. Computer Diagnosis of Students’ Natural Selection Knowledge: Testing the Efficacy of Text Analytic Software
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/Abstract Our study examines the efficacy of Computer Assisted Scoring (CAS) of
open-response text relative to expert human scoring within the complex domain of
evolutionary biology. Specifically, we explored whether CAS can diagnose the 

 Combinatorial testing in software projects
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M Brcic, D Kalpic ,MIPRO 2012-Jubilee 35th International Convention, , 2012 ,
Abstract-Software systems continuously grow in size and code complexity, the latter most
evident through greater component interconnectedness. This leaves more space for bugs
which introduce risks such as exposure to security threats. Combinatorial testing looks for 

Delayed failure of software components using stochastic testing
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J Gardiner ,2012 ,
The present research investigates the delayed failure of software components and
addresses the problem that the conventional approach to software testing is unlikely to
reveal this type of failure. Delayed failure is defined as a failure that occurs some time after