cloud computing research papers 2012-13
Teaching Computational Thinking using Cloud Computing: By A/P Tan Tin Wee
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part of higher education together with reading, writing, critical thinking, and problem solving. Not only is it critical to all physical sciences but also highly relevant in other domains. The
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a Secured Wireless Sensor Network-integrated Cloud computing for u-Life Care (SC3). SC3 monitors human health, activities, and shares information among doctors, care-givers, clinics, and pharmacies in the Cloud, so that
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ABSTRACT This paper is written in order to present new business models emerging as a consequence of cloud computing application in genomics, and its benefits. Basic methods used are theoretical analysis and case study approach. In introduction paper presents a
Framework on Service based Resource Selection in Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we are going to propose service based resource selection method in cloud computing environment. End-user generates a service request that is going to select a service based resource. The proposed mechanism enables users to access resources
Platform Autonomous Custom Scalable Service using Service Oriented Cloud ComputingArchitecture
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ABSTRACT The global economic recession and the shrinking budget of IT projects have led to the need of development of integrated information systems at a lower cost. Today, the emerging phenomenon of cloud computing aims at transforming the traditional way of
The Difference of Awareness between Public Institutions and Private Enterprises for Cloud Computing Security
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing has become one of the important technologies for reducing cost and increasing productivity by efficiently using IT resources in companies. The cloud computing system has mainly been built for private enterprise, but public institutions, such
Cloud Computing Featuring Ontology Arun Arunachalam, Shreeharsha Chandrashekar
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Abstract Mobility is about moving around. Different kinds of entities such as persons, computers, information or programs may move around. The mobile entities may communicate and access services ubiquitously or, in the contrary, services may be
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R Choudhary ,International Journal ABSTRACT Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand. Users don t need expertise in or control over the technology infrastructure in the cloud . Typical
Cloud Computing in Distributed System
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MH Nerkar, SV Shinkar ABSTRACT Cloud Computing as an Internet-based computing; where resources, software and information are provided to computers on-demand, like a public utility; is emerging as a platform for sharing resources like infrastructure, software and various applications. The
Strong authentication system along with virtual private network: A secure cloud solution forcloud computing
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RK Chhabra, A Verma ABSTRACT Cloud computing is collaboration of applications and services that run on a distributed environment using virtualized resources and accessed by common internet protocols and networking standards. Due to its feature and availability of its service at low
A Novel Method for Divide and Convergent Coherent Mechanism in Cloud Computing
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A Nasreen, SK Haseena, GS Rao ABSTRACT Current cloud computing systems always focus on the high bandwidth local area network environment, for example, an LAN of a corporation. This paper uses mobile agent to implement the software and data service for cloud user in Internet environment, and make
Cloud Computing vs Traditional Internet Setting: Which One is More Secure
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M Moghadam, W Sterkel There is a new buzz word in the technology community, and that word is Cloud computing. There are many questions surrounding the security of using servers, not managed by local administration. According to research, there are inherent risks anytime a user logs onto a
The Hidden Extras: The Pricing Scheme of Cloud Computing
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Cloud computing, like its name suggests, is a very cloudy subject. This opaqueness already begins with the definition. There is no clear and universal definition for cloud computing, even though there are many approaches. Some say that cloud computing is an entirely
Single-Sign-On (SSO) across open cloud computing federation
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AD Meniya, HB Jethva ABSTRACT Cloud Computing is a concept which serves the computing resources, like Hardware Infrastructure, platform, software application as a Service. Client just need to get connect with the service to use all the computing resources. Cloud users no need to
New Framework to Detect and Prevent Denial of Service Attack in Cloud ComputingEnvironment
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Abstract As a result of integration of many techniques such as grading, clustering, utilization computing and resource s sharing, cloud computing has been appeared as multi element s composition technology, it offers several computing services such as IaaS (infrastructure
An authentication mechanism based on Client-Server architecture for accessing Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT Cloud Computing is going to be a big change of this decade; it has drastically altered everyone s perception of infrastructure architecture, software delivery and development model, from a security perspective a number of unchartered risk and
Cloud Computing: In Respect to Grid and Cloud Approaches
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ABSTRACT Cloud Computing, the long-held dream of computing as a utility, has the potential to transform a large part of the IT industry, making software even more attractive as a service and shaping the way IT hardware is designed and purchased. Developers with
B2B System–An approach through cloud computing
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K Deepa ABSTRACT With the advent of cloud computing changing the way applications are developed and accessed there has become an opportunity for business to be completely online. Cloud computing platform uses the virtualization technology to dynamically and transparently
Cloud Computing: The Next Computing Paradigm
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C Author, B Park ABSTRACT Cloud computing provides a new way to build applications on on-demand infrastructures instead of building applications on fixed and rigid infrastructures. This paper discuss the methodology for cloud computing paradigm shift, that is, from the conventional
An Approach to Cloud Computing in HR Domain for Small Enterprise Solution
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S DAW, P PAUL ABSTRACT Web Service design and development is a challenging job that involves analytical programming, keen reasoning and sharp intellect. Plus today all departments and systems are bound through IT–branches of management such as human resource management (
Data Security in Cloud Computing with Elliptic Curve Cryptography
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V Gampala, S Inuganti, S Muppidi ,International Journal of Soft Computing ABSTRACT Cloud computing is one of today s hottest research areas due to its ability to reduce costs associated with computing while increasing scalability and flexibility for computing services. Cloud computing is Internet based computing due to shared
Cloud Computing And Privacy Regulations: An Exploratory Study On Issues And Implications
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MAT AlSudiari, TGK Vasista ,Advanced Computing: an International Journal ABSTRACT Cloud computing is a new paradigm in the world of Information Technology Advancement. Considerable amount of cloud computing technology is already being used and developed in various flavors. Cloud Computing affects people, process and
Overview of Security issues in Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing may be defined as management and provision of resources, software, applications and information as services over the cloud (internet) on demand. Cloud computing comes into focus only when you think about what IT always needs: a
Analysis of the Cloud Computing Paradigm on Mobile Health Records Systems
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Health services. To analyze it we have researched several publications about the implementation of some e-Health services based on the Cloud mainly through Medline. In this paper, concepts of Cloud Computing and mobile health records systems are
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ABSTRACT Firstly, the paper presents the use of mobile solutions in the supply chain and, afterwards is describes the models and forms of cloud computing. Based on these, the paper describes the IT technical approach of cloud supply chains, and it presents a SOA based
Cloud Computing
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A Crawford, B Johnstone , Page 1. Cloud Computing Alex Crawford Ben Johnstone Page 2. Overview • What is cloud computing? • Amazon EC2 • Performance • Conclusions Page 3. What is the Cloud? • A large cluster of machines o Economies of scale
Mobile Multimedia Storage: A Mobile Cloud Computing Application and Analysis
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Abstract During the last few years, there is a revolutionary development in the field of mobile computing, multimedia communication and wireless technology. In this paper, we present study and comparative analyses of different technologies used for mobile
Security of Data Dynamics in Cloud Computing
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M Yugandhar, DS Sharma ABSTRACT Cloud Computing refers to the many different types of services and applications being delivered in the internet cloud, and the fact that, in many cases, the devices used to access these services and applications do not require any special applications. Cloud
Cloud Computing for Renewable Power Systems
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M Geberslassie, B Bitzer , ABSTRACT Renewable energy systems are playing a main role in the future power systems. Therefore, the future electricity infrastructure must support the integration of the existing conventional power system with varies renewable energy resources, which are widely
Exploring security issues in cloud computing
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K Wood , ABSTRACT Cloud computing has promised to transform the ways in which we use and interact with information technology (IT). The claims of significant benefits for businesses by using cloud systems are being overshadowed with the increased concerns about security,
Cloud Computing Adoption in German Internet Start-up Companies
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Y Miroshnychenko, I Stankov, K Kurbel , ABSTRACT Because of its flexibility and cost-effectiveness, cloud computing has the potential to be a beneficial solution for Internet start-up companies. These companies often face uncertain growth rates and cannot afford an up-front investment in a dedicated IT
- free research papers-computer science
- Cloud Computing Through Mobile-Learning
- cloud computing research papers 2012
- Cloud Computing-a Perspective Study
- securely using the cloud computing
cloud computing research papers 2012-12
cloud computing research papers 2012-31 CSE PROJECTS