free -embedded system 34
Test case generation for embedded system software using UML interaction diagram
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Software development process contains various phases. More efforts and cost have to be spent in the testing phases. Test case generation at cluster level in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) can be the best optimised solution for reducing effort and cost. The
Design methodology for an embedded system for high-performance computing
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Parts of this work were and are supported by the Thuringian Ministry of Science, Research and Art (FKZ B509-00002) and by the German Research Council (SFB 622) Most figures are taken from: MLDesigner, Copyright (c) 2003 MLDesign Technologies, Inc. All rights
Real-Time Operating System Services for Realistic SystemC Simulation Models of Embedded Systems.
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The design process of embedded systems moves currently towards higher levels of abstraction. As a consequence, a need arises for an early and realistic assessment of system level design decisions. In order to provide the early access, an automatic generation
Embedded speech recognition system
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The purpose of this paper is to review the existing techniques and hence introduce suitable user interface for novice user and the test plan is to design the embedded system using technique according to the area of its application. This embedded system technique on
Embedded system technology in ABB
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Embedded systems are special purpose computer systems that are totally integrated and enclosed by the devices that they serve or control hence the term embedded systems . While this is a generally accepted definition of embedded systems, it does not give many
An embedded system modelling methodology for design space exploration
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The design of embedded systems is in a highly competitive context. The translation of a successful design into a successful product highly depends on becoming the first product in the market with new complex functionalities fulfilling tight performance constraints. In this
A Model-Based Development Process for Embedded System .
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We present a development process for embedded systems which emerged from industrial practice. This process covers hardware and software components for systems engineering, but the main focus is on embedded software components and the modeling of problems
Electrical energy conservation in automatic power factor correction by embedded system
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This paper presents a new method for power factor correction with low cost drives. Power factor control is a major role in the improvement of power system stability. Many of the existing systems are expensive and difficult to manufacturer. Nowadays many of the
Embedded system web server
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This paper describes a development of a lightweight web server that runs on limited hardware resources of an embedded system . The web server hosts static web pages, enables HTTP file transfer and supports input/output communication. The embedded system
Remote Controlled Embedded System
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This paper describes a remote controlled embedded system via the Internet. Procedures in developing software consist of coding and compiling, testing on a simulator and testing on a target system . The final testing on a target system or a target board is most important in
User experience of embedded system students on Arduino and field programmable gate array (FPGA)
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The emergence of computing technology has posed challenges in the landscape of computer engineering education. Project-based learning is applied as inductive instructional approach and is perceived to be a student centered approach to learning. Project-based
An Embedded System for Device Control System with Telephone Answering Machine
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The paper is about for the device control system with telephone answering machine using Embedded technology. In this work, the incoming signal is detected by ring detector block which uses opto-coupler for line isolation. MCT2E optocoupler is used for this work. DTMF
Embedded system based solid-gas mass flow rate meter using optical tomography
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Monitoring solid-gas flow in terms of flow visualization and mass flow rate (MFR) measurement is essential in industrial processes. Optical tomography provides a method to view the cross sectional image of flowing materials in a pipeline conveyor. Important flow
Distributed embedded system for ultralight airplane monitoring.
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This paper presents distributed embedded monitoring system that is developed for small aircrafts, sports and ultralights airplanes. System is made from modules connected by industrial bus CAN. This low cost system is trying to solve bad situation with many ultralights
A Real-Time Power Analysis Platform for Power-Aware Embedded System Development.
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This paper proposes a real-time power analysis platform, including both hardware and software modules, which is capable of profiling, analyzing and controlling power behavior for power-efficient/aware embedded system applications that can be used for both
Evaluation of web services implementation for arm-based embedded system
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The paper presents test-bed experiments for evaluation of Web services implementation for ARM-based embedded system running embedded Linux 2.6. The gSOAP Web services generation toolkit optimized for embedded devices is used. Security is also included in theUltrasound (US) Doppler systems are routinely used for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Depending on the application, either single tone bursts or more complex waveforms are periodically transmitted throughout a piezoelectric transducer towards the
An Embedded System for Patient Heartbeat Monitoring
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In this research work it is to study the embedde for heart beat monitoring of patients using wireless te which has the low cost, reliable, and portable and it is used medical laboratories and industries. In present developm monitoring is done from a central location using a
Design and development of a low-cost embedded system laboratory using TI MSP430 LaunchPad
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In this paper, we present a series of experiments starting from Hello World!, up to project- based experiments using Texas Instrument (TI) MSP430 LaunchPad, which is an inexpensive kit from TI, USA. Two dedicated boards are designed and developed to perform The focus of this paper is the description of the system design of a hand exoskeleton. This device is developed with focus on support of the rehabilitation process after hand injuries or strokes. As the device is designed for the later use on patients, which have limited hand CSE PROJECTS