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Enterprise architecture reference models: A shared vision for Service-Oriented Architectures
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frameworks, enterprise archi- tecture, enterprise architecture reference models, federal enterprise architecture, global information grid, infor- mation environment, net-centric operations and warfare, reference models, nodes, service oriented architecture and systems
Building a context-aware mobile tourist guide system base on a service oriented architecture
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The term of context in mobile computing area especially in the spatio-temporal applications introduces a rich source of information, yet it has less been regarded and modelled in the related fields. Since a tourist be considered as a moving object in an environment with
A QTI Management System for Service Oriented Architecture
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The IMS Question Test Interoperability specification describes a data model for the representation of questions and tests data and their corresponding results reports. In this paper, we discuss a more elaborated implementation of a modulestructured online engine
Getting started with service oriented architecture (SOA) terminology
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From a more technical point of view, SOA is an architectural style or design paradigm; it is neither a system architecture nor a complete system. Systems that are built based on the SOA characteristics listed above are called serviceoriented systems. A high-level view of a
Service oriented architecture for the autoconfiguration of real-time Ethernet systems
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In the context of flexible and agile manufacturing systems, the autoconfiguration capability of devices is very important. Besides other advantages, a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) could support the autoconfiguration by offering several interesting features. The Devices
A comparison of service-oriented, resource-oriented, and object-oriented architecture styles
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main architecture styles commonly used: Object-oriented Resource-oriented Service-oriented Service oriented architecture styles are frequently used with message-passing systems too [but further discussion is outside the scope of this presentation] Page 17
Design factors for service oriented architecture applied to analytical information systems: An explorative analysis
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Todays analytical information systems demand innovative architecture concepts in order to address requirements like flexibility and faster time-to-market. Service-oriented architectures (SOA) as a current trend might meet these challenges. So-called BISOA describes theIn the conventional home network systems (HNS), a powerful centralized server controls all electric home appliances connected to provide value-added integrated services. However, when the number of the appliances increases and the appliances become more
An Event-driven Service oriented Architecture for the Internet of Things Service Execution.
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IoT (Internet of Things) bridges the physical world and information space. IoT services are environmentally sensitive and event-driven, so new IoT service architecture should adapt to these features. This paper analyses IoT sensing service characteristics and proposes future
Service oriented enterprise architecture
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Abstract SOA ( Service Oriented Architecture ) has been an unavoidable acronym for the last couple of years, and it is exactly because it has been around for some time that I find it so interesting. Behind the acronym and sales pitches, an enormous evolution has taken place
Service Oriented Enterprise Architecture
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This is where Enterprise Architecture and Service Oriented Architecture come into the picture Service Oriented Architecture is an architectural style in which applications are decoupled through technology-independent services
Service oriented architecture and cloud manufacturing
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This paper deals with service oriented architecture (SOA) and cloud technologies in the industry. SOA and cloud technologies have considerable potential to improve industrial production and control. This paper analyzes those systems and proposes an architecture for
Automated concept map generation from service oriented architecture artifacts
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This article contains a description of the first phase of a two-phase project in computer program understanding for Service oriented Architecture (SOA) composite applications. The first phase, which is described here, pertains to development of CARET, a prototype
Product metrics for service-oriented infrastructures
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Abstract: Service oriented architecture is nowadays widely adopted as modern approach for development of enterprise-wide and cross-enterprise distributed applications Keywords: Service oriented architecture SOA, metrics, complexity, reliability, performance 1 Introduction
A survey of patterns for service-oriented architectures
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pattern-based reference architecture model to describe SOA concepts. Keywords: Patterns, Pattern Languages, SOA, Service Oriented Architecture Reference Architecture References to this paper should be made as follows
Utilizing service oriented architecture (SOA) in smart cities
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Abstract The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) are used to integrate and manage the city services through a standard framework that has the capacity to develop, deploy and managed the functions that support the components of the city infrastructure. The objective
A service oriented middleware architecture for wireless sensor networks
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disadvantages. Finally it provides a SOA based middle approach along with the description of a proof of concept implementation. Keywords: Sensor Networks, Middleware, Service Oriented Architecture . 1. Introduction Sensor
The role of the service-oriented architect
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architect. Just as Web services evolved from traditional distributed computing techniques, the practice of service oriented architecture evolved from the practice of enterprise architecture reach. What is a service oriented architecture
Building grid portals for e-science: a service oriented architecture
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Grids are built by communities who need a shared cyberinfrastructure to make progress on the critical problems they are currently confronting. A Grid portal is a conventional Web portal that sits on top of a rich collection of web services that allow a community of users
A Framework for an E-government Based on Service Oriented Architecture for Jordan
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E-government is growing to a size that requires full attention from governments and demands collaboration and facilitation between private sectors and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs). In order to reach successful e-government applications, governments CSE PROJECTS