GPS Digital Camera
Automatic determination of vertical deflections in real-time by combining GPS and digital Zenith Camera for solving the GPSHeight-Problem
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The availability of automatic astronomical observation methods like a digital zenith camera in combination with highly developed satellite methods like GPS allows a real-time determination of vertical deflections. They can be utilized for astrogeodetic geoid surveys in
High accuracy autonomous image georeferencing using a GPS /Inertial-aided digital imaging system
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INTRODUCTION This paper describes the design and implementation of a GPS /Inertial navigation system that provides a tightly coupled navigation solution time-aligned with imagery collected from a digital camera . The system
Application of digital cameras and GPS for aerial photogrammetric mapping
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ABSTRACT This paper describes the development and application of a fully digital aerial image acquisition system which is integrated with GPS . A high resolution digital camera captures overlapping vertical images from an airplane
A fully digital system for airborne mapping
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It integrates a medium class INS, two low-cost GPS receivers, and a high resolution digital camera As shown in Figure the INS, the GPS antenna, and the digital camera cannot occupy the same spot in three dimensional space
Initial results from the VEXCEL ULTRACAM D digital aerial camera
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The IESSG have been working with the initial test flight data captured by Simmons Aerofilms Limited as they introduce the new Vexcel UltraCam D digital camera and the GPS / IMU position and attitude system into their aircraft, product range and photogrammetric work flow
GPS /IMU products-the Applanix approach
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During a mission, the POS/AV system records the IMU and GPS data and the time of each laser scan, all in a common time base such as GPS time The calibration consists of imaging sensor calibration (eg, a digital or an optical camera ), boresight calibration, and lever arm
Fusion of vision, gps and 3d gyro data in solving camera registration problem for direct visual navigation
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GPS trace positions are plotted as Ơon the digital map as shown in Fig.7 and it is obvious incorrect. With our proposed camera pose estimation algorithm, test cars offset distance and heading angle to road center line were calculated and the new GPS +Vision positions are
Georeferencing airborne images from a multiple digital camera system by GPS /INS
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In this thesis, the development and testing of an airborne fully digital multi-sensor system for kinematic mapping is presented. The system acquires two streams of data, namely navigation data and imaging data. The navigation data are obtained by integrating an
A low-coast MMS integrating GPS digital compass and a camera to the direct georeferencing of digital images
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A low-cost, easily transportable Mobile Mapping System (MMS) was designed and built to obtain the direct georeferencing parameters of images; its components are a GPS receiver, a digital compass and a digital camera . The main aim of the system is to directly define the
Precision kinematic alignment using a low-cost GPS /INS system
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has developed a precision, autonomous georegistration system, the GI-Eye that uses GPS and inertial technology to provide meta-data linked to the digital images, as level of the georegistration solution is dominated by the precision to which the camera alignment can
High accuracy targeting using a GPSaided inertial measurement unit
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In the GI-Eye product, NAVSYS has integrated a high resolution digital camera with our GPS /inertial technology to precisely georegister the position and attitude of digital images. This enables remote targets in the images collected
Development of digital surface model and feature extraction by integrating laser scanner and CCD sensor with IMU
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In this research, laser scanner and digital camera with IMU and GPS are used to develop digital surface model(Kumagai, H., Kubo, Y. and Kumagai, H., Kindo, T.) Sensors Frequency Digital Camera 0.1 Hz Laser Scanner 18 Hz IMU 200 Hz GPS 1 Hz
Synergy of GPS photogrammetry and InSAR for coastal zone monitoring
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technologies. These technologies are the global positioning system ( GPS ), automated digital photogrammetry using imagery acquired with a small format digital camera and synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR). The
The GPS /INS integration and kinematic photogrammetry for mobile mapping system
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camera and the GPS /INS. Figure 6 shows the schematic view of the test. 20 targets which size is 15cm x 15cm were arranged at 20m away from the vehicle. The mapping coordinates of targets were surveyed by the total station. Figure 7 shows the digital camera equipped with
Calibration of a wide-angle digital camera system for near real time scenarios
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In this paper a digital off-the-shelf camera system is tested for this purpose To accomplish the georeferencing in near real time only the camera calibration parameters and the recorded GPS /INS navigation data have to be used
GPS /IMU and LiDAR integration to aerial photogrammetry: Development and practical experiences with Helimap System
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the system progressively integrated GPS positioning, GPSINS georeferencing, high resolution CCD camera and finally a laser scanner unit. Thanks to its maneuverability, the system provides high precision (~0.1m) and high density (>2-3 post/m2) digital terrain/surface model
A three dimensional measurement system using digital still camera and RTK- GPS
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The authors developed two topographic survey systems which could measure the three dimensional topography of earthwork in real-time to improve efficiency of construction. One is a survey system using real-time kinematic GPS (RTKGPS) and we have applied this to the
Photogrammetric mapping of Mediterranean defense structures using an amateur digital camera GPS and theodolite
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This work deals with the precise mapping of external faces of a structure called Tekes within the Medieval castle of Mytilene, Greece. The methodology using GPS and theodolite angle measurements to establish control on the faces of the structure are well described
Development and experiences with a fully- digital handheld mapping system operated from a helicopter
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Equipment Cost [US$] Digital Camera 30000 GPS receivers 13000 IMU (LN-200 A1) 20000 Lidar (LMS-Q140i-60) 35000 IMU interface 3000 Frame 2000 Computer 2000 TOTAL HARDWARE COST: 105000 Table 6: System equipment cost
Establishing Spatial Database for Slope Failure with GPS Digital Camera
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GIS (Geographical Information System) is one of useful tools for disaster prevention. Especially Web GIS based on Internet is a reliable system to collect information of many maps and the attribute data. And Web GIS will be very effective to exchange information
Efficiency Evaluation of Processed Photogrammetric Data Captured by GPS Digital Camera
FREE-DOWNLOAD AF Ragab… – World Applied Sciences Journal, 2010