grid computing research papers recent 2014
MAGiC: Multi-Agent Planning using Grid Computing concepts
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Abstract This paper presents a distributed planning approach which is able to produce a plan with minimum communication among the agents of the team. We developed a fusion planner which considers the limitations of distributed and centralized planning. Principally,
Security Issues in Grid Computing
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ABSTRACT Grid computing is concerned with the sharing and use of resources in dynamic distributed virtual organizations. The dynamic nature of Grid environments introduces challenging security concerns that demand new technical approaches. In this brief Grid reliability analysis and modeling are not easy tasks because of the complexity and large scale of the system. For some grid services which have large subtasks requiring time- consuming computation, the reliability of grid service could be rather low. To resolve this
Experiences with distributed computing for meteorological applications: Grid computing and Cloud computing
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Abstract Experiences with three practical meteorological applications with different characteristics are used to highlight the core computer science aspects and applicability of distributed computing to meteorology. Presenting Cloud and Grid computing this paper
Fault Tolerance Testing for Crash and Omission Transient Failure during Resource Scheduling of Grid Computing
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Abstract:-In computational Grid, fault tolerance is an imperative issue to be considered during job scheduling. Due to the widespread use of resources, systems are highly prone to errors and failures. Hence fault tolerance plays a key role in grid to avoid the problem of
Grid Computing: Status of Technology In Current Perspective
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ABSTRACT Modern computer industry is operating with very large amounts of data which utilizes more processing power and high storage volumes of data. Grid computing is proposed as effective resource management to the organization, since it involves using
Design and Implementation of an Efficient Resource Sharing algorithm for Grid Computing
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ABSTRACT Grid Computing refers to a new technology infrastructure paradigm which is based on the Web and the Internet that coordinates and provides the facility of resource sharing over various geographical locations. Resource sharing and scheduling resources
Using imperialist competition algorithm for independent task scheduling in grid computing
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A grid computing environment provides a type of distributed computation that is unique because it is not centrally managed and it has the capability to connect heterogeneous resources. A grid system provides location-independent access to the resources and
Next Generation Network: Collaboration of Grid and Cloud Computing A Theoretical Approach
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Abstract A Next generation network (NGN) is a packet-based network which can provide services including Telecommunication Services and able to make use of multiple broadband, Quality of Service-enabled transport technologies and in which service-
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Abstract: From the last few years it's been observed that the computing technology need to be made more powerll and efficient regarding the usage of resources located at different geographical sites. Keeping this in mind, concept of Cloud computing and Grid computing
Fuzzy Bee Colony Optimization for Resource Allocation in Grid Computing
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Abstract The dynamic resource allocation algorithm determines the optimal resource allocation for the available tasks. Resource allocation scheme do not consider the Grid computing issues such as bandwidth allocation, power utilization which may increase the
Optimized Load Balancing in Grid Computing using Tentative Ant Colony Algorithm
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Abstract:In today's competitive environment the objectives and goals of the producers (also called resource owners) and consumers (also called end users) are different. Computational grid has been considered as the best paradigm for handling large scale distributed system
On the Performance of Oracle Grid Engine Queuing System for Computing Intensive Applications.
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Abstract:In this paper we present some research results on computing intensive applications using modern high performance architectures and from the perspective of high computational needs. Computing intensive applications are an important family of Mobile grid computing has gained immense importance with academics, industry and the military. The performance issues such as load balancing, fault tolerance and reliability are quite important in mobile grid environments. In this paper, a decentralised load balancing
An Effective Cluster Score Job Scheduling Algorithm for Grid Computing
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Abstract. Grid computing is the collection of computer resources from multiple locations to reach a common goal. Distributed computing supports resource sharing. Parallel computing supports computing power. Grid computing aims to harness the power of both distributed
Implementation of optimized cost, Load service monitoring for grid computing
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ABSTRACT: Managing resources and smartly valuation them on computing systems may be a difficult task. Resource sharing demands careful load leveling and sometimes strives to attain a win-win state of affairs between resource suppliers and users. Toward this goal,
Workload Analysis in a Grid Computing Environment: A Genetic Approach
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ABSTRACT Grid computing is the collection of computer resources from multiple locations to reach a common goal. The grid is a special type of distributed system with non-interactive workloads that involve a large number of files. Partitioning of the application program/
Scheduling in Grid Computing–a Review
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ABSTRACT Scheduling of tasks in Grid Computing belongs to a class of problems known as NP-hard problems. Grid is an infrastructure that enables sharing, selection and aggregation of wide variety of resources that are geographically distributed and owned by different
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ABSTRACT Workflow brokers of existing Grid Scheduling Systems are lack of cooperation mechanism which causes inefficient schedules of application distributed resources and it also worsens the utilization of various resources including network bandwidth and
Modeling Resource Availability in Dynamic Grid Computing
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Abstract:Peer-to-Peer network and desktop grids are currently the largest distribution systems for solving data and comput intensive problems. Despite the popularity, such largescale distributed systems are subject to churn, ie, continuous arrival, leaving and
A Review Paper on Evolution of Cloud Computing, its Approaches and Comparison with Grid Computing
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Abstract--Cloud computing has become an interesting topic among the IT industry, Business Intelligence and users. Cloud computing is an internet based computing which has powerful computational architecture and it offers universal services to the customers and it has
A Review of Load Balancing in Grid Computing
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Abstract: With the rapid development in wide area networks and low cost, powerful computational resources, grid computing has gained its popularity. With the advent of grid computing, space limitations of conventional distributed systems can be overcome and
A Review: Grid Computing
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Abstract-A grid is a hardware and software infrastructure that allows service oriented, flexible, and seamless sharing of diverse network of resources. A grid is to compute data intensive tasks and provides faster throughput and scalability at lower costs. The aim of In this paper, a fault tolerance and QoS (Quality of Services) scheduling using HTF (Hash Table Functionality) in Social Grid Computing (SGC) is introduced, where HTF is used as the underlying SGC to logically manage the locations of the devices. Fault tolerance and QoS Opportunistic grid computing is an emergent paradigm that combines idle volunteer nodes from enterprises in different geographic locations into a cost effective, converged high performance commodity computing grid. This paper presents the MAOG design; an
Hybrid Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization for Task Scheduling in Grid Computing.
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Abstract Computational Grid is a high performance computing environment that participating machines resources are used through software layer as transparent and reliable. Task assignment problem in Grid Computing is a NP-Complete problem that has been studied
Designing and Building a Framework for DNA Sequence Alignment Using Grid Computing
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Abstract:Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that encodes unique genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and many viruses. This Genetic information is encoded as a sequence of nucleotides (adenine
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ABSTRACT A grid resource broker seeks to assign the appropriate jobs to the appropriate resources as part of resource management in the multi-grid environment. Multi instances of the broker system provides multiple instances of brokers to simultaneously process jobs
Sort-mid tasks scheduling algorithm in grid computing
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Sort-mid tasks scheduling algorithm in grid computing Naglaa M. Reda, Abdel Nasser Tawfik, Mohammed A. Marzouk, Soheir M. Khamis PII: S2090-1232(14)00143-X DOI:
Providing Fault Tolerance in Grid Computing Systems
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Abstract:In grid computing, resources are used outside the boundary of organizations and it becomes increasingly difficult to guarantee that resources being used are not malicious. Also, resources may enter and leave the grid at any time. So, fault tolerance is a crucial
Issues in adapting cluster, grid and cloud computing for HPC applications
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Abstract:Currently computing industry is facing the problem of storing and analysis of big data that cannot be processed by traditional data processing frameworks. In addition to this there are lot of applications which require the use of streaming of data either offline or
Special Focus on Advanced Computer Technologies and Applications in Grid and CloudComputing
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Albert K. Wong, Hai Jiang, Yi Sun, Jun Li, Zhongcheng Li 195 A Multi-objective Virtual Machine Migration Policy in Cloud Systems Ahmed Sallam and Kenli Li 205 Semantic Image Retrieval in a Grid Computing Environment Using Support Vector Machines Aun Irtaza, M. Arfan
Application of Cloud Computing In Smart Grid: A Review
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Abstract The smart grid refers to electricity transmission and distribution system integrated, sophisticated sensing and monitoring, information and communication technologies to create an automated, intelligent, and widely distributed energy delivery network. Electrical
Efficient Method for Parallel Process and Matching of Large Data set in Grid ComputingEnvironment
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Abstract Data management is one of the challenging issues in grid computing and its environments. Because grid computing systems and its applications deals with huge amount of data sets, due to the heterogeneous grid resources that belongs to different
Job Scheduling in the Grid Computing using Criteria.
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ABSTRACT Clusters of computers have emerged as mainstream parallel and distributed platforms for high performance, high throughput, and high availability computing. To enable effective load balancing in distributed systems, numerous schedulers have been designed
Assessment of Grid and Cloud Computing
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Abstract:Cloud computing is based on several other computing research areas such as HPC, virtualization, utility computing and grid computing. The service oriented, loose coupling, strong fault tolerant, business model and ease use are main characteristics of
Architecture and Layers in Grid Computing
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2014 Revised: Nov/08/2014 Accepted: Nov/22/2014 Published: Nov/30/2014 Abstract-The perfect architecture of Grid Computing System, analyzes security requirements. Some security problems existing in Grid Computing System, presents five-layer security
Efficient Windows Query Processing with Expanded Grid Cells on Wireless Spatial Data Broadcasting for Pervasive Computing
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Abstract Smart mobile devices and advanced wireless networks make the vision of pervasive computing come into reality through context aware services. A wireless spatial data broadcasting is a natural way of pervasive information services by providing
ADecentralized Fault Tolerant model for Grid Computing
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Abstract A current trend in high-performance computing is the use of large-scale computing grids. These platforms consist of geographically distributed cluster federations gathering thousands of nodes. At this scale, node and network failures are no more exceptions, but
Heterogeneous Computing and Grid Scheduling with Hierarchically Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms
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Abstract This work presents the novel parallel evolutionary algorithm (EA) for task scheduling in distributed heterogeneous computing and grid environments, NP-hard problems with capital relevance in distributed computing. Parallelization of the biologically
A Hybrid Particle-Grid Scheme for Computing Hydroelastic Behaviors Caused by Slamming
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Abstract: Capable and accurate predictions of some effects of strongly nonlinear interaction wave-ship associated with hydroelastic behaviors are very required for simulation tool in naval architect and ocean engineering. It can guarantee ship safety at the sea state by
A High Performance Computing Platform for Performing High-Volume Studies with Windows-based Power Grid Tools
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Abstract: Serial Windows-based programs are widely used in power utilities. For applications that require high-volume simulations, the sequential runtime can be in the order of days or weeks. The lengthy runtime, along with the availability of low-cost hardware, is
New approaches in user-centric job monitoring on the LHC Computing Grid
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There has been one development in science in the last decade that affected almost all fields of knowledge, ranging from humanities, economics and social science to natural sciences. This development is the huge rise in the amounts of data that are created and have to be
Grid computing and Cloud computing in scope of JADE and OWL based Semantic Agents–A Survey
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Abstract. This work is an overview of the state of art of distributed computing in scope of the new trends in artificial computational intelligence. Grid computing as main ingredient of cloud computing is most vulnerable to the positive effect of connection with multi-agent
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Abstract:Grid Computing is a form of distributed systems that enables the sharing of resources from various administrative domains to solve a particular problem. Grid resource management is defined as the process of identifying requirements, matching resources to
Applications of Grid Computing in Agriculture: An Indian Scenario
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ABSTRACT Grid computing is a recent phenomenon associated with coordination and federation of computing resources distributed across organizations. The architectural style, components, present status and potential applications of Grid Computing in agricultural
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Abstract:-In the current era, Cloud computing has become buzzword. Cloud computing emerges as one of the hottest topic in field of information technology. Cloud computing is the recent invented technology on the network world. Clouds are calculated as a new era of
grid computing papers old
Commercial applications of grid computing
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ABSTRACT This paper provides an overview of commercial applications of Grid computing. We discuss Web performance and present a Grid caching architecture. Our Grid caching architecture offloads requests to Grid caches when Web servers become overloaded. We
Managing behaviour trust in grid computing environments
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ABSTRACT In this paper, an approach for managing behaviour trust of participants in Grid computing environments is presented. The basic idea of the approach is to view the interaction process between Grid participants similar to an industrial production process,
Using a performance-based skeleton to implement divisible load applications on grid computing environments
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Applications with divisible loads have such a rich source of parallelism that their parallelization can significantly reduce their total completion time on grid computing environments. However, it is a challenge for grid users, probably scientists and engineers,
Node Allocation In Grid Computing Using Optimal Resource Constraint (ORC) Scheduling
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ABSTRACT The objective of grid computing is to distribute the jobs to heterogeneous environment and increase the speed of processing the jobs. Most of the Grid tool kits use the First Come First Served (FCFS) based scheduling algorithm to distribute the job to
Using algorithmic skeletons for efficient grid computing with predictable performance
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ABSTRACT The development in high-performance computing over the past decade has gone from using a single parallel computer to combining several high-performance servers into compound systems, so-called grids. Grids combine different kinds of computational
VLBI home-VLBI correlator by GRID computing system
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ABSTRACT Kashima VLBI group have been developing a VLBI software correlator system using GRID computing technology. Like SETI home, client/server model is used in the system and screensaver-type correlator program runs only when the client PC is idle. No
An internet accessible grid computing system: Grid-ELIMINO
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ABSTRACT The Grid-ELIMINO system employs and interacts with multiple slave ELIMI-NOs to achieve a distributed/parallel computing environment, using an IAMC approach. ELIMINO is a research system developed to support Wu s method for computing characteristic sets of
Grid computing as an integrating force in virtual enterprises
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ABSTRACT Constrained economics, globalization, competition, alliance, outsourcing, and network economy, all force enterprise IT applications to be reviewed from a new perspective. IT managers are frequently asked if the enterprises already have enough IT capacity; if IT
Parallel multidimensional scaling using grid computing: assessment of performance
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Abstract. Multidimensional scaling is a technique for visualization and exploratory analysis of multidimensional data aiming to discover a structure of sets of objects using information on similarities/dissimilarities between those objects. A difficult global optimization problem
Hierarchical and dynamic information management framework on grid computing
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This paper presents a GridIMF framework that provides support for adaptive grid services in response to the change of resource supplies and demands in a dynamic computing environment. The framework features a 3-tier hierarchical resource management structure
Geographic Grid-Computing and HPC empowering Dynamical Visualisation for Geoscientific Information Systems
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ABSTRACT. This paper gives an overview of the potential of the current implementation of portable components for Geoscientific Information Systems (GIS) within the GISIG actmap- project. The computing problems addressed are multifold and for the first time presented
Grid Computing: introduction and overview
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Abstract This paper provides an overview of Grid computing and this special issue. It addresses motivations and driving forces for the Grid, tracks the evolution of the Grid, discusses key issues in Grid computing, outlines the objective of the special issues, and
Data-intensive grid computing based on updatable views
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ABSTRACT In this report we propose a new approach to integration of distributed heterogeneous resources on the basis of a canonical object-oriented database model, a query language and updateable database views. Views are used as wrappers/mediators
Service discovery for GRID computing using LCAN-mapped hierarchical directories
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Abstract Hierarchical Directories were introduced to provide Service Address Routing (Scherson, Valencia in: Proceedings of the international symposium on parallel
Concepts and design of an interoperability reference model for scientific-and grid computinginfrastructures
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ABSTRACT Many production Grid and e-science infrastructures offer their broad range of resources via services to endusers during the past several years with an increasing number of scientific applications that require access to a wide variety of resources and services in
Spice: Simulated pore interactive computing environment-using grid computing to understand dna translocation across protein nanopores embedded in lipid
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Introduction: The transport of biomolecules like DNA, RNA and poly-peptides across protein membrane channels is of primary significance in a variety of areas. For example, gene expression in eukaryotic cells relies on the passage of mRNA through protein complexes
A grid middleware for distributed Java computing with MPI binding and process migration supports
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computing has emerged as an important new research field. With years of efforts, grid researchers have successfully developed grid technologies
Vird-gm: Towards a grid computing environment
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ABSTRACT This work describes the integration of the Geometric Machine model (GM) with the execution environment for pervasive and grid computing EXEHDA. The model is responsible for the logical structure of the process which graphic expressions may be
Grid computing: accelerating the search for revenue and profit for financial markets
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For nearly four years, the SETI home receiver atop the giant Arecibo radio telescope has been surveying the skies in search of an alien signal. Millions around the world have been processing the raw data on their personal computers in search of unique patterns that
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