security in Cloud computing
Security in cloud computing
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Cloud computing has been envisioned as the next generation architecture of IT Enterprises. It offers great potential to improve productivity and reduce costs. In contrast to traditional solutions, where the IT services are under proper physical, logical and personnel controls
Security in cloud computing
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Cloud computing is known as one of the big next things in information technology world. Unlike other traditional computing system, cloud computing paradigm that provide unlimited infrastructure to store or execute client s data/program. Cloud computing is a long dreamed
Security in Cloud Computing
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Cloud computing is a completely internet dependent technology where client data is stored and maintain in the data center of a cloud provider. Cloud computing is an architecture for providing computing service via the internet on demand and pay per use access to a pool of
Security in cloud computing
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Cloud Computing (CC) is the new trend in computing and resource management. The architectural shift towards thin clients and the conveniently centralized provision of computing resources that the CC paradigm introduces, offer significant economic benefits to
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Today many individual and organizations are moving toward cloud computing for storing their large amount of data over distributed system with the ease of accessing data at anytime and anywhere. Cloud computing relax the user from data accessing, processing and its
Security in Cloud Computing
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Cloud computing service providers take advantage of virtualization technologies, combined with self-service capabilities, to offer cost-effective access to computing resources via the internet. But major issue in cloud computing is security. Several concerns which identify
Security in cloud computing
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Cloud computing is Internet based system development in which large scalable computing resources are provided as a service over the Internet to users. The concept of cloud computing incorporates web infrastructure, software as a service (SaaS), Web 2.0 and other
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In cloud computing, the data will be stored in storage provided by service providers. Service providers must have a viable way to protect their clients data, especially to prevent the data from disclosure by unauthorized insiders. Storing the data in encrypted form is a common
Security in Cloud Computing
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Becloud stupefy computing is solid buzzword in the trade. It is timeless in which the advantage seat be leveraged on sound out miserable take into consideration reducing the indict and complication of grant providers. Cloud computing promises to curtail truly and
Data security in cloud computing with elliptic curve cryptography
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Cloud computing is one of todays hottest research areas due to its ability to reduce costs associated with computing while increasing scalability and flexibility for computing services. Cloud computing is Internet based computing due to shared resources, software and
Security in cloud computing
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R Balasubramanian 2015 in I am extremely grateful to my family members for their love, prayers, caring and sacrifices for educating and preparing me for my future. I am very much thankful to my wife and my daughters for their love, understanding, prayers and continuing support to complete this
A survey on security issues in cloud computing
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Cloud Computing holds the potential to eliminate the requirements for setting up of high-cost computing infrastructure for the IT-based solutions and services that the industry uses. It promises to provide a flexible IT architecture, accessible through internet for lightweight
Security issues in cloud computing and countermeasures
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Cloud computing technology is a new concept of providing dramatically scalable and virtualised resources, bandwidth, software and hardware on demand to consumers. Consumers can typically requests cloud services via a web browser or web service. Using
Privacy and security in cloud computing
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EXECUTIVESUMMARY loud computing can mean different things to different people, and obviously the privacy and security concerns will differ between a consumer using a public cloud application, a medium-sized enterprise using a customized suite of business
Implementation of A cryptographic key generation scheme for multilevel data security
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In 1982, and Taylor proposed an elegant solution to rhe partially ordered multilevel key distribution problem, using a cryptographic approach. Since then, continuing research has been conducred to try to realize and simplify their scheme. Generally speaking, there are
Towards achieving data security with the cloud computing adoption framework.
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Offering real-time data security for petabytes of data is important for Cloud Computing. A recent survey on cloud security states that the security of users data has the highest priority as well as concern. We believe this can only be able to achieve with an approach that is
Data security model for cloud computing
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With the development of cloud computing, Data security becomes more and more important in cloud computing. This paper analyses the basic problem of cloud computing data security . With the analysis of HDFS architecture, we get the data security requirement of cloud
Data security in cloud computing with elliptic curve cryptography
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Cloud computing is one of todays hottest research areas due to its ability to reduce costs associated with computing while increasing scalability and flexibility for computing services. Cloud computing is Internet based computing due to shared resources, software and the protection of data from accidental or malicious modification, destruction, or disclosure (FIPS); the science and study of methods of protecting data in computer and communications systems against unauthorized disclosure, transfer, delay, modifications, or
Privacy and Data Security Risks in Cloud Computing.
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In recent years, cloud computing has emerged as one of the fastest-growing segments of the information technology industry. The ability to leverage economies of scale, geographic distribution,
Robust data security for cloud while using third party auditor
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Cloud computing has been envisioned as the next-generation technology of IT industries. The Cloud is a platform where data owner remotely store their data in the cloud to enjoy the high quality applications and services. The client or data owner send their data to data
Enhancing data security using video steganography
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Information security has become the area of concern as a result of widespread use of communication medium over the internet. This paper focuses on the data security approach when combined with encryption and steganographic techniques for secret communication
and privacy in cloud computing
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Cloud computing is the next big thing after internet in the field of information technology; some say itsa metaphor for internet. It is an Internet-based computing technology, in which software, shared recourses and information, are provided to consumers and devices on
Enhancing security in cloud computing
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Cloud computing is emerging field because of its performance, high availability, least cost and many others. In cloud computing , the data will be stored in storage provided by service providers. But still many business companies are not willing to adopt cloud computing
Research challenges and security issues in cloud computing
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Cloud computing is a promising computing standard where computing resources in large data center are made available as services over Internet. Cloud computing has become prominent IT by offering the business environment data storage capacity. This new profitable
Ensuring data storage security in cloud computing
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Cloud computing provides convenient on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources. The resources can be rapidly deployed with great efficiency and minimal management overhead. Cloud is an insecure computing platform
Security issues in cloud computing : A survey
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Cloud computing is attracting great attention nowadays. The elastic nature of cloud makes it suitable for almost any type of organization. The major challenge faced by cloud users and providers are security concerns towards cloud services. These security issues acts as a
Security in data storage and transmission in cloud computing
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Cloud Computing has been envisioned as the next-generation architecture of IT Enterprise. In the cloud , the data is transferred among the server and client. High speed is the important issue in networking. Cloud security is the current discussion in the IT world. This research
A survey on data storage and security in cloud computing
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cloud computing has been envisioned as the next generation architecture of IT enterprise. Cloud computing moves the application software and data bases to the large data centers, where the management of the data and services may not be fully trustworthy. This poses
Cryptanalysis of Auditing protocol proposed by Wang et al. for data storage security in cloud computing
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Cloud Computing as the on-demand and remote provision of computational resources has been eagerly waited for a long time as a computing utility. It helps users to store their data in the cloud and enjoy the high quality service. However, users do not have physical
Data security in cloud computing
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In past three decades, the world of computation has changed from centralized (client-server not web-based) to distributed systems and now we are getting back to the virtual centralization ( Cloud Computing ). Location of data and processes makes the difference in
A Systematic Review of Information Security Governance Frameworks in the Cloud Computing Environment.
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The senior management of any enterprise that plans to start using Cloud Computing services needs to define a clear governance strategy with regard to the security of its information assets. This paper presents a systematic literature review whose objective is to
Data security issues and challenges in cloud computing : a conceptual analysis and review
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Cloud computing is a set of Information Technology services offered to users over the web on a rented base. Such services enable the organizations to scale-up or scale-down their in house foundations. Generally, cloud services are provided by a third-party supplier who
To enhance multimedia security in cloud computing environment using crossbreed algorithm
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Cloud computing is emerging field because of its performance, high availability, least cost and many others. In cloud computing , the data will be stored in storage provided by service providers. But still many business companies are not willing to adopt cloud computing
The management of security in Cloud computing
. Therefore ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability) properties of the cloud’s data
should . C. Cloud Computing’s Security Impact As computer manufacturers, employers and
universities deploy cloud based tools . may fail to realize that they are in fact using an Internet