Verifying a compiler for Java threads

FREE-DOWNLOADA Lochbihler – Programming Languages and Systems, 2010
Abstract. A verified compiler is an integral part of every security infra- structure. Previous work
has come up with formal semantics for sequen- tial and concurrent variants of Java and has proven
the correctness of compilers for the sequential part. This paper presents a rigorous

Communicating java threads
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The incorporation of multithreading in Java be considered a significant part of the Java language, because it provides rudimentary facilities for concurrent programming. However, we belief that the use of channels is a fundamental concept for concurrent programmingPRoGRAMMING} AVA TIIRFADS is not nearly as easy (or as platform-independent) as most books would have you believe.Threading also happens to be an essential part of Java programming. All Java programs that use a graphical user interface must be multithreaded

State models and java programs
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Model processes as finite state machines. Program processes as threads in Java . Concept of a process as a sequence of actions labelled transition systems (LTS) to analyse, display and animate behavior. Practice: Java threads Concurrency: processes threads

Using java for discrete event simulation
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Semaphores and mutexes are also provided by the threading library. In contrast, Java incorporates threads into the language 1\package level in Java terminology Page 4. Where Java threads stand out, however, is in their synchronisation prim- itives

Statistically determining memory consumption of real-time Java threads
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In real-time and embedded systems, it is often necessary to place conservative upper bounds on the memory required by a program or subprogram. This can be difficult and error- prone process. In this thesis, I have designed and implemented two (related) compile-time

State Capture and Resource Control for Java : The Design and Implementation of the Aroma Virtual Machine.
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Java threads in Aroma have a one-to-one mapping to native operating system threads . The primary reason Several components of Aroma were carefully designed to support state capture of asynchronous Java threads . The Java threads

Implementing Multiple Protection Domains in Java .
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Second, Java threads support methods such as stop, suspend, and setPriority that modify the state of a thread Protection domains are represented by the Java class Domain. Each protection domain has a namespace that it controls as well as a set of threads

picothreads: Lightweight threads in Java
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Abstract High-performance, I/O-intensive applications often require complicated, split-phase, event-based implementations. Threads appear to be an attractive alternative because they allow the programmer to write a single sequence of operations and ignore the points at

Java threads
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The JVM supports threads and concurrent programming. If a program has more than one thread, a (JVM) scheduler will determine when each thread gets to run. There are two types of schedulers: pre-emptive: each thread is allowed to run for a maximum amount of time (a

Toba: Java for Applications-A Way Ahead of Time (WAT) Compiler.
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The JVM defines a priority-based, preemptive thread model that includes synchronization facilities. Toba im- plements Java threads using Solaris threads and uses Solaris locks to protect internal critical sections Java threads synchronize via monitors

A multithreaded java grande benchmark suite
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A subset of the serial benchmark suite has been parallelised using Java native threads The Sun JDK 1.3.0 suffers from a performance bug, which results in the number of Solaris Lightweight Processes (LWPs) being smaller than the number of Java threads

Java for safety-critical applications
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the first Java Specification Request (JSR-1). Its goal was to provide an Application Programming Interface that will enable the creation, ver- ification, analysis, execution, and management of Java threads whose correctness conditions include timeliness constraints through

Jinni: Intelligent mobile agent programming at the intersection of java and prolog
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Engines give transparent access to the underlying Java threads and are used to implement local or remote, lazy or eager answer collection operations ( ndall) 1 Jinni implements Prolog dynamic database operations in terms of non-blocking local Linda operations. 2 Page 3

Implementing asynchronous remote method invocation in Java
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We can see in Table 3 the costs for creating threads on the platforms used for the RMI tests. Threads were created for the java .lang.Thread class and for the custom thread class used in the asynchronous invocation, Protocols.InvokeThread Java Threads . Nutshell Handbook

Implementing Fast Java Monitors with Relaxed-Locks.
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At a stop-the-world point all Java threads are blocked at known safe points no thread can be executing in a code path where it holds a stale monRec pointer Java synchronization primitives that dont involve blocking or waking threads are satisfied in the JVM itself

Process Oriented Design for Java : Concurrency for All.
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Neither the training, experience, or actual practices of most programmers, nor the tools we have to help us, are designed to cope with the non-determinism this is particularly true in Java we urge you to think twice about using threads in cases where they are not absolutelyThreads and the concurrency utilities are not sexy subjects, but they are an important part of non-trivial applications. This book introduces you to most of Javas thread features and concurrency utilities as of Java 8 update 60. Chapter 1 introduces you to the Thread class GUI elements. 9 Java supports multi-threading [41], which means that parts of a computer program can be executed in separate threads . Each thread executes its code inde- pendently of the other threads in the program. This

Workload characterization of multithreaded java servers.
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Then we increase the number of simultaneous threads of the Java server benchmarks to determine how multithreading would impact the processor microarchitecture Multithreaded Java servers respond to each client connection request with one or more threads

Java Music Specification Language, an introduction and overview
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JMSL uses Java Threads to play multiple Composable objects in parallel. Timestamps are passed up and down the hierarchy to ensure that the proper timing relations are preserved Starting and running threads in Java has proven to be very easy

What after java from objects to actors
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1. Introduction Java uses a passive object model in which threads and objects are separate entities We view this rela- tionship between Java objects and threads to be a serious limiting factor in the utility of Java for building concur- rent systems

ORDER: Object centRic DEterministic Replay for Java .
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Furthermore, many Java programs have good locality on accessing a single object for Java threads . Based on the observation above, this paper proposes ORDER, Object centRic DEterministic Replay, to iden- tify data access dependencies at object granularity

Jada: a coordination toolkit for Java
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4 Some details on the implementation Jada is implemented as a set of classes that allow either Java threads or Java applications to access associatively a shared tuple space using a small set of Linda-like operations. UBLCS-96-15 7 Page 10

Performance evaluations for parallel image filter on multi-core computer using java threads
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Developing multi-core computer technology made it practical to accelerate image processing algorithms via parallel running threads . In this study, performance evaluations for parallel image convolution filter on a multicore computer using Java thread utilities was

Java and C++ A critical comparison
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Threads An in-depth discussion of Java threads is beyond the scope of this article. For more information on Java threads I recommend that you read Doug Leas new book Suffice it to say that I am overjoyed with the way that threads have been implemented in Java

Efficient Java RMI for parallel programming
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in Java . Mantas thread package exports condition variables to native functions. A thread that would block enters the wait state instead. It is signaled when a poller thread notices that the socket is ready. The role of poller thread is taken by one of the blocked threads : a separate

Overall Aspects of Java Native Threads on Win32 Platform
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A parallel programming model is a set of software technologies to articulate parallel algorithms and match applications with the underlying parallel systems. It surroundings with applications, languages, libraries, compilers, communication systems, and parallel I/O

A new Java thread model for concurrent programming of real-time systems
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We propose the Communicating Java Threads (CJT) model, which eliminates several shortcomings, such as Javas non-deterministic behavior, Javas monitor weakness, and lack of reactiveness for real-time and embedded systems

JAS: A Java action semantics
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A Java program contain many threads that are instances of the class java . lang 53 Page 62. There are two main difficulties associated with specifying Java threads in action notation, and both are associated with the design of action notation itself

Dynamic simplescalar: Simulating java virtual machines
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The Jikes RVM usually maps one pthread to each CPU, and does its own multiplexing of many Java threads onto what is typically a smaller number of pthreads. Since SimpleScalar is a uniprocessor all Java threads on one CPU. With this technique, we can simulate

Scalable IO in Java
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send mainReactor Thread Pool worker threads acceptor queued tasks subReactor Page 27. Using other java .nio features Multiple Selectors per Reactor To bind different handlers to different IO events need careful synchronization to coordinate

Java thread programming
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Threads in Java appear to run concurrently, even when only one physical processor exists This book introduces the basics of multithreaded programming and then moves on to more advanced topics and techniques to help your mastery of Java threads

Multithreaded Collision Detection in Java .
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Java has always had simpler mechanisms for dealing with multiple threads than the POSIX threads libraries and it works across multiple platforms One uses normal Java threads and creates new threads for each new task

AdJava-Automatic Distribution of Java Applications.
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unsupported by the current JVM. Java threads are not implemented as serializable. Furthermore, the Java language does not define any abstractions for capturing and reestablishing the thread information inside the JVM. With Java it is

Efficient Java thread serialization
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Merpati allows Java threads to benefit from both mobility and persistence but it lacks in genericity because the proposed mobility/persistence services can not be adapted to applications needs; while ITS proposes a generic implementation of Java thread serialization

A new transparent Java thread migration system using just-in-time recompilation
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This paper focuses on the parallel execution support. The best form of support for parallel execution of Java threads should include low-cost, efficient movements of threads during runtime Note that the nor- mal execution of Java threads will not run any redundant code

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user threads are supported above the kernel without kernel support three thread libraries: POSIX Pthreads, Win32 threads and Java threads kernel threads are supported and managed directly by the kernel Java Threads Java threads are managed by the Java VM

A Secure Java Virtual Machine.
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The thread system provides the Java threads of control and maps them directly onto Paramecium threads . The IPC component implements cross protection domain invocations, access control, and CPU resource usage controlHowever, this process is also triggered for instructions whose execution does not constitute first active use. Concurrent initialization in Java deadlock. If two threads initialize two different classes concurrently and both threads detect a first active use of a compon- ent of the

Networks of evolutionary processors: Java Implementation of a threaded processor
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The non-deterministic behavior is performed using JAVA threads accessing the object pool in processor; depending on the Java Virtual Machine a thread will run faster than another. Tables 2 and 3 show such non-deterministic behavior on a given processor