DRDO E-Journals Consortium.
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The prohibitive cost of library material, especially foreign journals, pertaining to science and technology, has always been a bane of information centres, especially in the developing countries, taking away large chunk of their meager resources and therefore always a
India to deploy defence against ballistic missiles by 201 says DRDO chief
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Pursuing its ballistic missile defence (BMD) programme aggressively, the country will carry out at least eight more tests to knock out incoming missiles before the capability is ready for deployment by the end of 201 Defence Research and Development Organisation ( DRDO )
Online Access to DRDO Periodicals using Open Source Software
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Abstract Defence Scientific Information and Documentation Centre (DESIDOC) is a nodal centre for information communication and dissemination in the Defence Research Development Organization ( DRDO ). As the publication wing of DRDO , DESIDOC brings out
Development of software for project information centres (SPIC) in DRDO
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ABSTRACT In Defence Research and Development Organisation ( DRDO ) Project Management plays a key role in design, development and production of weapons for defence services. Project Information Centres look after various aspects of documentation
DRDO E-journal consortium in defence science and technology
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AbSTRACT Defence Research and Development Organisation ( DRDO ) E-Journal Consortium is one of the important consortiums among other consortia existing in India. It covers multi-disciplinary subject areas to fulfill the information needs of DRDO scientific
Use of IT related Technologies in Hyderabad-based DRDO Laboratories: An Evaluative Study.
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Improving productivity of knowledge workers is one of the major challenges in todays global environment. Information technology-related technologies have given a new fillip to increase the productivity of those who are working in a knowledge-intensive organisation. This paper
DRDO young scientist lab dedicated to AI research announced by PM Narendra Modi
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PM Modi stated, In the field of defence manufacturing, DRDO will have to come up with new innovations to make India self-reliant. In promoting a Vibrant Defense Sector in the country, DRDOs innovations have a huge role in strengthening Make in India. He further
Strategic perspectives on growth phases and long-term techno-economic performance of Indias DRDO
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The future of an organization is less determined by outside forces than by its history and the Defence Research and Development Organization ( DRDO ) is no exception. This article analyses the major achievements and shortfalls of the DRDO . It models the strategic
Co-authorship networks among DRDO life science scientists
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The modern scientific ecosphere increasingly involves collaborative research, wherein diverse talent pools fuse to produce a research output, and co-authorshipcan be treated a quantifiable measure of scientific collaboration. The present initiative of a Life Science
Focussing on Defence RD: an Insight Into DRDO
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The Defence Research and Defence Organisation ( DRDO ) is the premier RD organisation under the Ministry of Defence (MoD). RD organisations are normally esoteric and their management processes are considered challenging and complex. 2 DRDOs research is
Utilisation of Scholarly Communication through DRDO E-journal Consortium during 2012-2017
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Timely, speedy dissemination of latest information is the benchmark of any information and documentation center, but utilisation of e-journals is an important factor for its significance and cost effectiveness. However, in RD community especially for defence RD, where
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The Indian armed forces are poised to harness the technology to bolster their military strength and war waging capabilities in the decades to come. While government, in consultation with armed forces, is making all efforts to modernise and provide a cutting edge
Bacteriophages for Sustainable aste ater Treatment: Application in Black ater Decontamination ith an Emphasis to DRDO Biotoilet
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Bacteriophages are iruses that parasitize specific bacteria and multipl in metabolising host bacteria. Bacteriophages hunt for a single or a subset of bacterial species, making them potential antibacterial agents. Utilizing the abilit of phages to control bacterial populations
Indias DRDO reveals additional details of recent ASAT missile test
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New Delhi: Indias government-run Defence Research and Development Organisation ( DRDO ) has revealed additional details about the successful test-firing on 27 March of its first anti-satellite (ASAT) missile that destroyed one of the countrys own satellites in space
A conceptual model of biomedical network in DRDO
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Easy and timely availability of comprehensive information catered to the specific needs of the user is the blood of RD activities in biomedical field. For the successful accomplishment of the highly specialised, multidisciplinary programme, the necessity of having an advanced
DESIDOC website: A portal for DRDO services
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Websites are hotter than hot, newer than tomorrow, the greatest thing since sliced bread. Believe it or not, no organization that aspires beyond the neighborhood grocery store level will be able to survive out in the new century without a website. Once it became clear how
DRDO IISc Programme on Advanced Research in Mathematical Engineering
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We introduce the problem of consensus among UAV swarms and apply cyclic cursuit stratergies to achieve the same. The first chapter introduces the theory behind the problem of cyclic pursuit. Subsequently, cyclic pursuits laws are applied to kinematic models of UAVs
Defence Institute of High Altitude Research ( DRDO )
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Teconnella u ndulata (Sm.) Seem (Bignoniaceae) commonly known as Rohidaor Marwar teak, is an important deciduous, ornamental tree found in the Thar Desert. It is restricted to the drier parts of the Arabian peninsula, Southern Pakistan and North-West India up to an
dSrinivasa Rao Nandam, Sc-E Mechanical Engineering Group, gg DMRL, DRDO , Hyderabad-500058
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Page 1. d Srinivasa Rao Nandam, Sc-E Mechanical Engineering Group, g g DMRL, DRDO , Hyderabad 500058 27th 201 15:30 Hrs Page 2. â– What is Machinability and Its Rating â– What is Machinability and Its Rating â– Mechanics of Metal Cutting â– Machining Process and its
Dr. Patade Vikas Yadav Scientist Defence Research Development Organisation ( DRDO ), Ministry of Defence, Government of India
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The application number assigned by the Indian Patent Office to this application is 1632/DEL/2013. Please feel free to contact us in the event of any query. Regards, Prosenjit Chattopadhyay, Ph.D. Principal Associate, Lakshmikumaran Sridharan B-6/ Safdarjung Enclave, New