free research papers-manet mobile ad hoc network
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET), is a self-configuring infrastructure less network of mobile devices connected by wireless links. ad hoc is Latin and means for this purpose .
Each device in a MANET is free to move independently in any direction, and will therefore change its links to other devices frequently. Each must forward traffic unrelated to its own use, and therefore be a router. The primary challenge in building a MANET is equipping each device to continuously maintain the information required to properly route traffic. Such networks may operate by themselves or may be connected to the larger Internet.
MANETs are a kind of wireless ad hoc networks that usually has a route able networking environment on top of a Link Layer ad hoc network. The growth of laptops and 802.11/Wi-Fi wireless networking have made MANETs a popular research topic since the mid 1990s. Many academic papers evaluate protocols and their abilities, assuming varying degrees of mobility within a bounded space, usually with all nodes within a few hops of each other. Different protocols are then evaluated based on measure such as the packet drop rate, the overhead introduced by the routing protocol, end-to-end packet delays, network throughput etc.
adaptive manet-routing-a-case-study
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Indicators for detecting Sinkhole Attack in MANET
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ABSTRACT Due to fundamental characteristics, routing protocols in wireless mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are particularly vulnerable to attack as the medium is easily monitored, the topology of the network is dynamic, the networking protocol rely on distributed
A Survey of Sinkhole Attack on DSR in MANET
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ABSTRACT MANET is a collection of wireless mobile node that communicating with each other without the use of network infrastructure. Each mobile node in mobile ad hoc network act as a host as well as router and willing to forward data to other nodes. A routing protocol is
Indicators for detecting Sinkhole Attack in MANET
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ABSTRACT Due to fundamental characteristics, routing protocols in wireless mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are particularly vulnerable to attack as the medium is easily monitored, the topology of the network is dynamic, the networking protocol rely on distributed
Detecting Sinkhole Attack in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is being emerged as a prevailing technology in future due to its wide range of applications in military and civilian domains. These networks are easily prone to security attacks. Unattended installation of sensor nodes in the
A Survey on Sinkhole attack Detection methods in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
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ABSTRACT Securing the mobile ad hoc networks has been the concern of many of the researchers because of the nature of the MANETs such as dynamic topologies, limited resources, the absence of a certification authority and the lack of a centralized monitoring
A Survey of Sinkhole-Based Attack and Detection Techniques in WSN
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor network made by the small independent sensor nodes having low power low cost. The environment of WSN makes them very attractive to attackers. Security is therefore essential in WSNs. WSNs have limited energy resources, including low
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ABSTRACT A wireless ad hoc network is a temporary network set up by wireless nodes usually moving randomly and communicating without a network infrastructure. Due to security vulnerabilities of the routing protocols, however, wireless ad hoc networks may be
Detection Techniques of Sinkhole Attack in WSNs: A Survey
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are widely used in many areas of non- commercial like military, health care, environmental monitoring, and commercial products like house holding, vehicles etc. WSN are placed in the harsh environment and due to the
Detecting Sinkhole Attack In Wireless Sensor Networks
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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN's) are a promising approach that are useful for variety of applications, such as monitoring safety and security of buildings and spaces, military applications, measuring traffic flows, tracking environmental pollutants, etc.
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ABSTRACT A wireless ad hoc network is a temporary network set up by wireless nodes usually moving randomly and communicating without a network infrastructure. MANET is suitable for use in situations where any wired or wireless infrastructure is inaccessible but the
Detection and Correction of Sinkhole Attack with Novel Method in WSN Using NS2 Tool
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used in many applications in military, ecological, and health-related areas. These applications often include the monitoring of sensitive information such as enemy movement on the battlefield or the location of
A Survey of Sinkhole Attack on DSR in MANET
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ABSTRACT MANET is a collection of wireless mobile node that communicating with each other without the use of network infrastructure. Each mobile node in mobile ad hoc network act as a host as well as router and willing to forward data to other nodes. A routing protocol is
A Security Method for Multiple Attacks in Sensor Networks: Against the False Report InjectionAttack and the Sinkhole Attack
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ABSTRACT In a large scale wireless sensor network, various attacks rapidly spread damages in the network from inside and outside attacks such as the false report injection attack and the sink hole attack, respectively. These attacks drain finite energy resources
ODMRP protocols in MANETs
Improving Packet Delivery Ratio in ODMRP with route diversity
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Summary A MANET1 is a set of mobile nodes that are free to move dynamically and unpredictable in environment, but this dynamic nature of the network topology cause for many challenges in MANET. Multicasting is one of methods that because of grouporiented
Performance analysis of multicast protocols: ODMRP, PUMA and OBAMP
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Mo bile ad-hoc network (MANE T) is a dynamically reconfigurable wireless network with out any centralized administration or infrastructure. Here each node acts as a router for each other nodes. Multicasting is the transmission of datagram's to a group of nodes identified
Performance Comparison of MANET (Mobile Ad hoc Network) Protocols (ODMRP with AMRIS and MAODV)
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we present a comparative performance of three multicast protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Networks–ODMRP, AMRIS and MAODV focusing on the effects of changes such as the increasing number of receivers or sources and increasing the
Comparative performance study of ADMR and ODMRP in the context of wireless LANs and wireless sensor networks
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ABSTRACT Wireless LANs (WLANs) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are two large groups of networks that have well established application ranges. Despite the fact that they address very distinctive groups of devices and have clearly differentiated wireless
Analyzing the Performance of MAODV, ODMRP, MOSPF and PIM in Mobile Adhoc Networks
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ABSTRACT Mobile adhoc networks are flexible networks consisting of nodes which are mobile and without a wired infrastructure. Due to its dynamic topology, it supports upcoming group applications like spontaneous joint activities and emergency operations. Different
A Reliable Extension to the ODMRP Ad Hoc Multicast Protocol.
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Abstract In this paper an enhanced reliability protocol, R-ODMRP, added to the ODMRP multicast ad hoc protocol is described. This NACK based protocol increases overall data packet delivery by adding data storage and retransmission operations coordinated by the
Analysis of Multicast Routing Protocols: Puma and Odmrp
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ABSTRACT In general, Wireless communication is defined as sharing of information between one or more systems through wireless links. Wireless networks can be categorized into two different modes as infrastructure based and infrastructure less. Infrastructure
Unicast Performance Analysis of Extended ODMRP in a Wired-to-Wireless Hybrid Ad Hoc Network
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ABSTRACT The On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) is an effective and efficient routing protocol designed for mobile wireless ad-hoc networks. One of the major strengths of ODMRP is its capability to operate both as a unicast and a multicast routing
CL-S-ODMRP-A Cross Layered Secure ODMRP for Achieving High-Throughput in Wireless Networks
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Abstract Multi casting process can render efficient support to a range of applications featuring close degree collaborations in several ad hoc applications currently envisaged. Multi casting services of proven worth are provided through well established routing protocols in the
Implementation of Gossip on ODMRP for Wireless Ad-Hoc Network
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ABSTRACT This study analyses the issue of reliability and to propose a scalable method to improve packet delivery of multicast routing protocols and also to reduce the variation in the number of packets received by different nodes. Multicast protocols that have been
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ABSTRACT A Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile terminals that are able to dynamically form a temporary network without any aid from fixed infrastructure or centralized administration. Many application such as video conferencing, video- This paper presents a new cluster-based route discovery method for On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) intended for efficient and reliable multi casting over cluster-based topologies of Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs). The proposed method uses a
Improvement on Multicast Routing Protocol ODMRP Based on Path Stability
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Abstract. In mobile Ad Hoc networks, nodes' movement often makes the topology change frequently, which causes lots of routing interrupts and routing repair consuming limited network resources, while On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) can be more
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ABSTRACT An ad hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary network without the use of any fixed network infrastructure or centralized administration. In order to enable communication within the network, a routing protocol is
FB-ODMRP: A Feedback-based Scheme for Improving ODMRP Performance in Ad Hoc Networks
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ABSTRACT This research aims at proposing an improvement to On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) called as Feedback ODMRP (FB-ODMRP). ODMRP is a popular multicast routing protocol designed for ad hoc networks with mobile hosts. Its efficiency,
A Cross Layer Design for Achieving High Throughput Using S-Odmrp in Wireless Mesh Networks
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ABSTRACT Multicast is an efficient method for implementing group communication. Achieving high throughput in wireless mesh networks is a hard problem due to malicious behavior of nodes and interference among those nodes in local transmission. In this paper we
Simulation and Performance Evaluation of On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) on TV-2 Parveen Patel, Indrajeet Kumar, Hemanthkumar Sivaraj,
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Abstract An ad hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary network without the presence of a wired support infrastructure. In this environment, routing/multicasting protocols are faced with the challenge of producing
On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol
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This document describes ODMRP-ASYM, an extension for the On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) aimed at taking advantage of unidirectional links rather than avoiding them. Status of this Memo
request paperoptimal monotone forwarding policies in delay tolerant mobile Ad-Hoc networks
Optimal monotone forwarding policies in delay tolerant mobile ad-hoc networks
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We study fluid approximations for a class of monotone relay policies in delay tolerant ad-hoc networks. This class includes the epidemic routing and the two-hops routing protocols. We enhance relay policies with probabilistic forwarding, ie, a message is forwarded to a relay
Optimal monotone forwarding policies in delay tolerant mobile ad hoc networks with multiple classes of nodes
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Abstract:In this paper we describe a framework for the optimal control of delay tolerant mobile ad hoc networks where multiple classes of nodes co-exist. We specialize the description of the energy-delay tradeoffs as an optimization problem based on a fluid
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