grid computing research papers 22
Chirp: a practical global filesystem for cluster and Grid computing
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Abstract Traditional distributed filesystem technologies designed for local and campus area
networks do not adapt well to wide area Grid computing environments. To address this
problem, we have designed the Chirp distributed filesystem, which is designed from the
Grid computing in China
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Abstract Grid computing presents a new trend to distributed computation and Internet
applications, which can construct a virtual single image of heterogeneous resources,
provide uniform application interface and integrate widespread computational resources
Computing pool: A simplified and practical computational grid model
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P Liu, Y Shi, S Li ,Grid and Cooperative Computing, 2004 ,Springer
Computing Pool Full-fledged Grid Computing Center Good for tasks that have this size Medium
to large Huge Medium 10. Segal, B.: Grid Computing: The European Data Project, IEEE Nuclear
Science Sympo- sium and Medical Imaging Conference, Lyon, 15-20 October 2000.
Grid and cloud computing: opportunities for integration with the next generation network
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T Rings, G Caryer, J Gallop, J Grabowski , of Grid Computing, 2009 ,Springer
Abstract Carrier-grade networks of the future are currently being standardized and designed
under the umbrella name of Next Generation Network (NGN). The goal of NGN is to provide
a more flexible network infrastructure that supports not just data and voice traffic routing,
Grid computing on the web using the globus toolkit
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In this paper we present and discuss an architecture that allows transparent access to
remote supercomputing facilities from a web gateway. The implementation exploits the
Globus toolkit and provides users with fast, secure and reliable access to parallel
Using the GridSim toolkit for enabling grid computing education
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Abstract Numerous research groups in universities, research labs, and industries around the
world are now working on Computational Grids or simply Grids that enable aggregation of
distributed resources for solving large-scale data intensive problems in science,
Introduction to grid computing with Globus
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L Ferreira, V Berstis, J Armstrong, M Kendzierski ,2002 ,
This IBM Redbook is intended to give readers interested in the technical aspects of grid
computing a hands-on introduction using the Globus Toolkit. This will include a discussion of
the first basics of grid computing, applications to be run on the grid, and various grid
Multi-objective optimization using grid computing
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Abstract This paper analyzes some technical and practical issues concerning the use of
parallel systems to solve multi-objective optimization problems using enumerative search.
This technique constitutes a conceptually simple search strategy, and it is based on
Parameter scan of an effective group difference pseudopotential using grid computing
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W Sudholt, KK Baldridge, D Abramson ,New Generation , 2004 ,Springer
Abstract Computational modeling in the health sciences is still very challenging and much of
the success has been despite the difficulties involved in integrating all of the technologies,
software, and other tools necessary to answer complex questions. Very large-scale
An overview of heterogeneous high performance and grid computing
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Introduction. The recent availability of advanced-architecture computers has had a significant
impact on all spheres of scientific computation. In last 50 years, the field of scientific computing
has seen a rapid change of vendors, architectures, technologies and the usage of
Udt: An application level transport protocol for grid computing
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As network bandwidth and delays increase, TCP becomes inefficient [1, 5, 8, 9]. These
problems are due to slow loss-recovery, a RTT bias inherent in its AIMD congestion-control
algorithm, and the bursting data flow caused by its window control. Data-intensive
Visperf: Monitoring tool for grid computing
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It is difficult to see the status of a working production grid system without a customized
monitoring system. Most grid middleware provide simple system monitoring tools, or simple
tools for checking system status. visPerf is a general purpose grid monitoring tool for
Power management in grid computing with xen
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While chip vendors still stick to Moore’s law, and the performance per dollar keeps going up,
the performance per watt has been stagnant for last few years. Moreover energy prices
continue to rise worldwide. This poses a major challenge to organisations running grids,
Quality of service aspects and metrics in grid computing
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Abstract Grid computing promises to become the future computing paradigm for enterprise
application after having shown to be a quite effective computing paradigm for resource-
intensive scientific applications. Large scale grids are complex systems, composed of a
Grid computing enabled web processing service
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Abstract. The OGC Web Processing Service (WPS) specification defines a standardized
interface to publish and perform geospatial processes over the web. Such a process can
range from a simple geometric calculation to a complex simulation model. When
GridSec: trusted grid computing with security binding and self-defense against network worms and DDoS attacks
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The USC GridSec project develops distributed security infrastructure and self-defense
capabilities to secure wide-area networked resource sites participating in a Grid application.
We report new developments in trust modeling, security-binding methodology, and