computer science network security research papers year 2014
Will cyber-insurance improve networksecurity : A market analysis
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ABSTRACT Recent work in security has illustrated that solutions aimed at detection and elimination of security threats alone are unlikely to result in a robust cyberspace. As an orthogonal approach to mitigating security problems, some have pursued the use of cyber
Wireless Sensor networksecurity IssuesRouting Protocols: A
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ABSTRACT Wireless network is a most popular technique now days. Wireless Sensor network is one of the popular applications of wireless network . The sensor network uses some kind devices. There are number of devices are used in the network area. These devices are
A Cumulative security Metric for an Information network
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ABSTRACT The proliferation of network s to a large population has increased network accessibility for a large section of hackers to abuse. Stronger security methods such as advanced encryption algorithms, efficient authentication process and 'defense in depth'
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ABSTRACT Today, irrespective of what career field a college graduate enters, personal computer literacy is a given requirement. Personal computer security literacy is rapidly becoming as important as office application software literacy for today's typical employee.
networksecurity : Attacks and Defence.
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ABSTRACT networksecurity has become very important in today's world, as a result of which various methods are adopted to bypass it. network administrators need to keep up with the recent advancements in both the hardware and software fields to prevent their as
Discussion and research of computer networksecurity .
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ABSTRACT Analyzation of computer networksecurity is to integrate resources related to computer network technology and security system to build a computer networksecurity model. This article start with the current situation of security of computer network and
security Vulnerability and Robust security Requirements using Key Management in Sensor network .
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ABSTRACT Encrypt message with strongly secure key which is known only by sending and recipient end is a significant aspect to acquire robust security in sensor network . The secure exchange of key between sender and receiver is too much difficult task in resource
A Study on the Integrated security System based Real-time network Packet Deep Inspection.
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ABSTRACT With the volume of Internet communication continuing to increase, there are more cases of worm and virus intrusion through the network . The security system against external attacks that use various security vulnerabilities consists of firewall and intrusion detection
network Dialog Minimization and network Dialog Diffing: Two Novel Primitives for networksecurity Applications
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Abstract Two fundamental primitives for networksecurity are replaying a network dialog and comparing network dialogs. In this work, we introduce the problems of network dialog minimization and network dialog diffing. network dialog minimization (NDM) simplifies an
security Issues and Attacks in Wireless Sensor network
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network is one of the most growing technology for sensing and performing the different tasks. Such network s are beneficial in many fields, such as emergencies, health monitoring,
Incentive Regulation and Benchmarking of networksecurity
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Abstract The incentive regulation of costs related to physical and cyber security in electricity network s is an important but relatively unexplored and ambiguous issue. These costs can be part of a cost efficiency benchmarking or alternatively dealt separately. This paper
Discussion on the Utilization of Prevention Technology of Computer networksecurity
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Computer networksecurity is of great importance for many users. As continuous development of computer network applications, more and more factors which endanger computer networksecurity have emerged. This paper will mainly introduce such factors as
networksecurity Analysis Based on Authentication Techniques
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ABSTRACT networksecurity issues are now becoming important as society is moving to digital information age. Data security is the utmost critical component in ensuring safe transmission of information through the internet. It comprises authorization of access to
Analysis and research of computer networksecurity .
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ABSTRACT With the rapid development of computer technology, computer network continues to expand the scope of application with more and more users. networksecurity gradually attracts people's attention. This paper briefly introduces the concept of computer
High Performance networksecurity Using NIDS Approach
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ABSTRACT Ever increasing demand of good quality communication relies heavily on network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). Intrusion detection for networksecurity demands high performance. This paper gives a description of the available approaches for a network
Study on prediction of networksecurity situation based on fuzzy neutral network .
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ABSTRACT networksecurity problem has been concerned in recent years, the prediction of networksecurity situation can ensure the safety of network , and therefore the application of fuzzy neutral network on it is studied in depth. First, the frame of predicting system of
An Information security Threat Assessment Model based on Bayesian network and OWA Operator
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ABSTRACT Information security threat assessment involves two aspects, namely, technology and management. A great amount of uncertainties exist in the assessment, which cannot be strictly quantized. Thus, the completely objective information security risk assessment is
Collaborative networksecurity in Multi-Tenant Data Center for Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT Data center is the infrastructure of supporting Internet service. Cloud computing is rapidly changing the face of Web Internet service infrastructure, enabling even small organizations to quickly create Web and mobile applications for millions of users by taking
Reviewing MANET networksecurity Threats
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ABSTRACT In the last decade, mobile ad hoc network s (MANETs) have emerged as a major next generation wireless network ing technology. However, MANETs are vulnerable to various attacks at all layers, including in particular the network layer, because the design
Open-Source Applications
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networksecurity is a crucial aspect in network management with many organizations around the world spend millions each year to safeguard valuable corporate data and information. Academic and commercial research efforts in this field are heading towards
Research for networksecurity Mechanism of Ad Hoc network
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ABSTRACT. Ad Hoc network is a special kind of mobile multi-hop wireless network s, which has been widely used various occasions. In this paper, the main characters of Ad Hoc network are presented. Meanwhile, based on the inherent defect and security threats of Ad Hoc
Research on Social Engineering in networksecurity
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Advanced Materials Research Vols.
networksecurity Technology Research in the Process of Art E-Commerce Transactions
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YL Li Advanced Materials Research,
How to Formally Model Features of networksecurity Protocols.
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ABSTRACT We present a general idea of using formal methods in the verification of security protocols. In particular we show how to formally model intruders and security properties such as secrecy. We demonstrate that applying formal methods can help protocol designers
Research on the networksecurity Protocols Based on the Strand Spaces Theory
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BJ Liu, JX Wang Applied Mechanics and Materials,
Analysis of networksecurity Data Using Wavelet Transforms
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Data Analysis of networksecurity is very important in intrusion detection and computer forensics. A lot of data mining methods to research it have been found, such as content- based queries and similarity searches to manage and use such data. Fast and accurate
A SURVEY OF WIRELESS networksecurity
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ABSTRACT GFGDFGDFGDFG ABSTAAAAR Wireless network ing is inherently insecure. From jamming to eavesdropping, from man-in the middle to spoofing, there are a variety of attack methods that can be used against the users of wireless network s. Modern wireless
C2Puzzle: A Novel Computational Client Puzzle for networksecurity
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M Wan, WL Shang, JM Zhao Advanced Materials
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The networksecurity Analysis of Linux Operating System
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ABSTRACT In wireless media, secure communication is one of the important concepts. We use Identity based cryptosystems in order to provide security in two-way relay network s. But due to the use of identity of a node as their public key, this scheme lacks the anonymity and
networksecurity Protection Measures
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ABSTRACT Safety is the premise of network operation, networksecurity is not only a single point of security , but the safety of the information network , need to be done from various solid protection. Analyzed the current form and face all kinds of LAN networksecurity threats
Course: networksecurity : Architectures and Protocols [24601]
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The lecture networksecurity : Architectures and Protocols considers challenges and technologies in the design of secure communication protocols, as well as topics of data security and privacy. Complex systems like Kerberos will be discussed explicitly and their
An Adaptive Hybrid Multi-level Intelligent Intrusion Detection System for networksecurity
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ABSTRACT Intrusion Detection System (IDS) plays a vital factor in providing security to the network s through detecting malicious activities. Due to the extensive advancements in the computer network ing, IDS has become an active area of research to determine various
A Trust System Design for Future SCADA networksecurity
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YC Li, WZ Li, LQ Yang Applied Mechanics and Materials,
The Research and Improvement of Wireless networksecurity Model
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HY Zhao, HJ Zhou, J Zhao Advanced Materials Research,
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ABSTRACT With the various and increasingly malicious attacks on network s and wireless systems, traditional security tools such as anti-virus programs and firewalls are not sufficient to provide free, integrated, reliable and secure network s. Intrusion detection systems (IDSs ABSTRACT The draft describes a list of essential requirements in order to benefit the design of NOV3 security solutions. In addition, this draft introduces the candidate techniques which could be used to construct a security solution fulfilling these security requirements.
Analysis and Comparison on Novel Sensor networksecurity Access Technology.
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ABSTRACT The article introduces against technical defects of traditional network access control system, detail NAC, NAP, UAC and TNC four kinds of new networksecurity access technology, and this article analyzes and compares them. security framework for wireless
A New networksecurity Evaluation Conceptual Model
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ABSTRACT The increased network computers makes botnet detection as a challenging one and it makes easier for intruders and attackers to generate mitigation attacks. The centralized propagation nature of botnet floods warms through different botnet clients and
System-Level security for network Processors with Hardware Monitors
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Abstract New attacks are emerging that target the Internet infrastructure. Modern routers use programmable network processors that may be exploited by merely sending suitably crafted data packets into a network . Hardware monitors that are co-located with processor
Cryptography and networksecurity
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Welcome to today's class. Today, we will discuss about Modern Block Cipher Standards. In last day's class, we have discussed about the DES algorithm. So, today, we will take up a new standard, which is followed worldwide. It was adopted as a standard around 2000
A generalized additive neural network application in information security
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Abstract. Traditionally spam has been considered as an inconvenience requiring workers to sift through and delete large numbers of e-mail messages per day. However, new developments and the Internet have dramatically transformed the world and over the last
An Overview on security Analysis of Session Initiation Protocol in VoIP network
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ABSTRACT VoIP is new rising technology for the delivery of voice communication and multimedia session over the Internet. In VoIP network voice and signals are multiplexed and travel as normal data within the IP network . This rising popularity is due to cost saving
A wireless sensor routing and security protocol by BP neural network and ant colony optimization algorithm.
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ABSTRACT This paper introduces the wireless sensor network routing protocol and its security, and introduces the main several kinds of routing protocols, including the data centric routing protocol, hierarchical routing protocols and location-based routing protocol,
A Survey on security Issue in Mobile Ad-Hoc network and Solutions
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ABSTRACT Ad hoc network s are temporary network s connection established for a small session, self-configured and organized network s without any fixed infrastructure. In Ad hoc network s, topology is dynamic as nodes communicate the network on the fly for a special
An implementation of security policy by using ID in Adhoc routing for mobile network
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ABSTRACT Mobile Adhoc network (MANET) is a group of wireless nodes that are distributed without relying on any standing network infrastructure. MANET routing protocols were designed to accommodate the properties of a self-organized environment without
A Critical Evaluation of Current Research into Wireless network Hotspot security .
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ABSTRACT With more and more companies providing internet access through public wireless hotspots in more places than ever before it is vital that security systems are developed and implemented to protect naive users from the dangers of their use. This paper explores
network forensics and challenges for cyber- security
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Societies in today's world are becoming more and more dependent on open network s such as the Internet where commercial activities, business transactions and government services are realized. This has led to the fast development of new cyber threats and information
Mobile security Solution for Enterprise network
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Abstract This paper discusses an approach to Mobile security solution for enterprise network . It describes a secure solution for protect user devices and corporate information with end-to-end mobile security extending to data, users, devices, applications outside or
SMIWBSN: security Mechanism in Web Based Social network
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ABSTRACT An Online Social network Services (OSNs) emerges, they have been increased to utilize the underlying network structure as well as the available information on social peers to improve the information needed by the user. These OSNs offer attractive means for
Characteristic-Based security Analysis for the Personal network
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Abstract The rapid increase in smart devices and the development of mobile broadband communication technologies have given rise to the Personal network (PN). The PN is logical user-centric network of interconnected components belonging to and/or used by a
A Study on security Threats and Their Countermeasures in Sensor network Routing
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ABSTRACT In the present situation, Wireless Sensor systems have various provisions. WSN have an extensive number of compelled appended to them. WSN comprise of hundreds or many ease, low memory, low power, constrained vigour assets and sorting toward oneself
Self-optimization and Self-Protection (Transactional security ) in AODV Based Wireless Sensor network
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ABSTRACT WSN technologies present significant potential in several application domains. Given the diverse nature of these domains, it is essential that WSNs perform in a reliable and robust fashion. This paper presents methods of integration of autonomic computing
Enhance security Mechanism for Securing SCADA Wireless Sensor network
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Abstract Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are vital components of most nation's critical infrastructures. SCADA systems are primarily control systems. They control pipelines, water and transportation systems, utilities, refineries, chemical plants,
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ABSTRACT In computer security, a firewall is a device that blocks illegal access to an organization's network . Firewalls can be implemented in both hardware and software, or a combination of both. Firewalls frequently used to prevent illegal interne t users from
A Design Approach for Wireless Communication security in Bluetooth network .
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ABSTRACT Exponential growth of the volume of Bluetooth-enabled devices indicates that it has become a popular way of wireless interconnections for exchanging information. Bluetooth technology has become an integral part of this modern society. The availability of mobile
Research and Development of an Embedded securitynetwork Card Based on AM 1808
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HH Qin, WS Hao, W Shao Applied Mechanics and Materials,
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ABSTRACT In a multi-domain network, Topology Aggregation (TA) may be adopted to provide limited information regarding intra cluster connectivity without revealing detailed topology information. Nodes are grouped into the cluster. Every cluster has border nodes,
Research on security Solutions of Softswitch network Based on IPSec
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Abstract With a mandated default minimum maximum UDP message size of 512 octets, the DNS protocol presents some special problems for zones wishing to expose a moderate or high number of authority servers (NS resource records). This document explains the
An Architecture Design for Wireless Authentication security in Bluetooth network
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ABSTRACT Bluetooth technology has become an integral part of this modern society. Bluetooth is a recently proposed protocol for local wireless communication and has become a de facto standard for short-range ad hoc radio connections. security concern is one of the most
Research on Economic security Evaluation of China's Coal Cities Based on Neural network
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HS Liu, C Chen Advanced Materials Research,
Based on IPv6 network and 4G network System security Analysis and Research
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Design and Realization of securitynetwork Database
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WJ Geng Applied Mechanics and Materials,
security and Formation of network -Centric Operations
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Hellenic Military Academy 67 security and Formation of network -Centric Operations Nicholas J. Daras Department of Mathematics and Engineering Sciences, Hellenic Military Academy, Vari, GR-16673, Greece E-mails: njdaras gmail. com, darasn sse. gr Keywords:
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ABSTRACT A Wireless Sensor network (WSN) could be a network created of tiny autonomous sensors (nodes). Its purpose is to watch environmental variable like temperature, pressure, humidity, motion, brightness, etc. These nodes use a radiofrequency system to deliver the
Transmission network Expansion Planning Considering Desired Generation security
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ABSTRACT Transmission network Expansion Planning (TNEP) is an important part of power system planning in both conventional and new structured power market. Its goal is to minimize the network construction and operational cost while satisfying the demand
Light Weight security Attack in Mobile Ad Hoc network (MANET)
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ABSTRACT Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes that communicate with each other without any fixed infrastructure or a central network authority. From a security design perspective, MANETs have no clear line of defense; ie no built-in security . Thus,
A Study on Different security Threats in Mobile Ad-hoc network
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AC Tehlanl, D Sharma International Journal of Information and ABSTRACT As the mobile network is a public access network, so that the major challenge in this network is the security threats. These threats exist in different network layers to reveal the information or damage the communicating data. In this paper, different kinds of attacks are ABSTRACT This document specifies two encryption types and two corresponding checksum types for Kerberos 5. The new types use AES in CTS mode (CBC mode with ciphertext stealing) for confidentiality and HMAC with a SHA-2 hash for integrity.
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SS Kankapure, SJ Karale, A Bhattacharya ABSTRACT Bender decomposition approach is used to solve power transmission network expansion planning problems. A novel filtering technique is use for efficient elimination of redundant outages, presented and successfully tested. The same technique is used for
Pseudonym Based security Architecture for Wireless Mesh network
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MSR Marathe, SL Deshpande ABSTRACT Wireless Mesh network (WMN) is a wireless network with mesh topology and is expected to be widespread due to the advantages such as low deployment cost, easy maintenance, robustness, scalability, reliable service coverage and high performance. It
Intensifying the Authentication Schemes To Fortify the networksecurity : A Survey
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ABSTRACT The key elements for the hike in the global knowledge-sharing are the network s and the Internet. The immense influence of the Internet is lessened for the reason that the security of the communications over the internet is put at risk in various ways. To employ
NSAS: networksecurity AWARENESS SYSTEM
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ABSTRACT The overwhelming threat may be a challenge to general security system. Fundamentally diverse alert and threat techniques are been researched in order to reduce deceptive warnings. Threat Detection Systems generates huge amount of alerts which
Study on cryptographic techniques in computer networksecurity
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J Attri, A Devi, A Sharma, P Sharma Asian J. of Adv. Basic Sci ABSTRACT Cryptography is the most popular approach for information security . network security is most vital component in information security as it refers to all hardware and software function, characteristics, features, operational procedures, accountability, access
Packet Features Extractor for networksecurity Systems: Design and Implementation
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ABSTRACT The network Systems (NS) depend essentially on the packet features (header fields and payload) in their work that include packet analyses and filtering. Routers, bridges and networksecurity systems need to extract the features of the packet to do their jobs for
Improving security of Cloud Environment in Dynamic Cloud network
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ABSTRACT Now a day's cloud computing is becoming a favored technology. Many researches are going on Cloud computing environment and usage of this technology is increases tremendously day by day. By the reason of disparate client and network configuration
Light Weight networksecurity Protocol for Wireless Sensor network
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PG Shah, T Ara ABSTRACT WSN is a combination of sensing, computing and communication. It is a special case of MANET in which the node density is high. Sensor node senses the information, process it locally and send it to the base station with multiple hopping. The conventional
Three Tier security Scheme For Data In network
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ABSTRACT Data Requester plays an important role in many wireless data provider network applications for efficient data collection, localized data provider reprogramming [5], and for distinguishing compromised data providers. However, for pair wise key production in data
Fast network Attack Modeling and security Evaluation based on Attack Graphs
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Abstract The paper suggests an approach to network attack modeling and security evaluation which is realized in advanced security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems. It is based on modeling of computer network and malefactors' behaviors,
Wireless Sensor networksecurity Challenges and Attacks: A Review
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N Sidhu, M Sachdeva, K Kumar ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor network s are a special type of Ad-hoc network s. Although these network s are quite popular now-a-days but limited computing power, energy constraints and security are major challenges for these network s. This paper presents a review on
A Survey on Different aspects of networksecurity in Wired and Wireless network s
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ABSTRACT networksecurity has become very crucial these days where the communication speed has been increasing at rapid rate that data travels from one part of the world to another in couple of seconds. The IEEE professional standard society advances the
NC7201 COMMUNICATION networksecurity LTPC
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UIDE STANDARD Services Mechanisms and Attacks OSI security Architecture Model for networksecurity Classical Encryption Techniques Symmetric Cipher Model Substitution Techniques Transposition Techniques Rotor Machines Stenography Block Ciphers and Data Encryption
IPV6 networksecurity USING SNORT
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ABSTRACT IPv6 is new routing protocol. IPv6 is introduced by IETF mainly due IPv4 address exhaustion but it is also an enhanced version of IPv4. There are many changes in IPv6 header, some fields from IPv6 header has been deprecated from IPv6 and some are
Enforcing Reverse Circle Cipher for networksecurity Using Multirotational Technique
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ABSTRACT Encryption is the process where data or information is turned into cipher text then we coded it, so that it cannot be understood to unauthorized access. Once the message has been encrypted it is not possible for a person to read it though he or she possesses
networksecurity : it's time to take it seriously
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ABSTRACT networksecurity has become more important to personal computer users, organizations, and the military. With the advent of the internet, security became a major concern and the history of security allows a better understanding of the emergence of
E4180: networksecurity
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This course does not address:How do I break into the CIA webserver? Should cryptography be exported How do I apply artificial intelligence to encryption? You should know (self-assessment test) general
A Novel Holistic Grading for networksecurity
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ABSTRACT Global research trends indicate a growing desire to provide a holistic view of networksecurity . Accordingly, this paper proposes a grading scale for overall security of the network . We propose a method to analyze various vulnerabilities that exist in the network ,
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ABSTRACT Classical cryptography methods fails when computations increase and also the channel capacity reduces which led to the development of quantum cyrptography. Quantum cryptography is a technology is a technology in which the communicating parties develop
A Survey on Data security Provided in Local network Using Distributed Firewall
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ABSTRACT With tremendous increase in internet connection, the data security is important aspect for researchers and developers. The importance of networksecurity increases as the use of internet increases for communication, data transfer. The security can be achieved
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ABSTRACT In the recent years, Internet has become a widespread method to connect the computers all over the world. While the availability of continuous communication has provided many novel opportunities, it has also brought new possibilities for malicious
NE7202 network AND INFORMATION security LTPC
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PKEYC UNIT III PROGRAM OUTCOMES 18 2005. NE7202 network AND INFORMATION security LTPC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: To understand the fundamentals of CryptographyTo acquire knowledge on standard algorithms used to provide confidentiality, integrity and authenticity.To understand the various key
security Architecture for Attack of Malicious Signals in Wireless network
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ABSTRACT In this architecture, sensor field is divided into clusters and there are two types of nodes ie high end gateway node and regular node. Regular nodes are inexpensive to make the network cost effective. Gateway nodes monitor the regular nodes. Honeypot node
Effects of Degree Distributions on networksecurity Population Game Model
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RJ La IEEE/ACM Trans. of network ing, under review. ABSTRACT We study how an underlying network property affects interdependent network security when nodes are rational and have different choices on security investments. More specifically, utilizing a population game model, we examine how the degree distribution of
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ABSTRACT In many cases, web application security cannot provide the required level of security . Proactive collection of network data from all of the network layers in real time and their forensic analysis can help to uncover information about the internal or external
Comparison of networksecurity tools-Firewall, Intrusion Detection System and Honeypot
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ABSTRACT With the advent of Internet, personal computers and computer network s are becoming increasingly vulnerable to various kinds of attacks. Information has become like an asset that needs to be protected from attacks. Due to attack privacy can be violated and
Wireless security Using DNA Inspired network
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A Alselwi, B Askwith, M Merabti, UK Liverpool ABSTRACT Universal use of wireless network s and popularity amongst the users to connect to the internet creates incentives for attackers and allows them to stepping-stone attack the wireless connection to steal the legitimate user's data by exploiting the data packets
Peripheral Review and Analysis of Internet networksecurity
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ABSTRACT This paper is on the exploration of Internet networksecurity . With the advent of the internet, security became a major concern for computer users, organizations and the Military. The internet structure itself allow for many security threats to occur. Knowing the
Significances and Issues of networksecurity
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ABSTRACT This is the age of universal electronic connectivity, where the activities like hacking, viruses, electronic fraud are very common. Unless security measures are taken, a network conversation or a distributed application can be compromised easily. Information security
A Regular Expression Matching Approach to Distributed Wireless networksecurity System
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ABSTRACT There is a growing demand for wireless ad hoc network systems in examining the content of data packages in order to improve networksecurity and application service. Whereas, each distributed wireless node has limited memory and computing power. Since
networksecurity : Li-Fi: Data Onlight Instead of Online
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ABSTRACT With the vast growing gadgets, their usage and their developments led to the advancement in the Wi-Fi which provides a technology so called Li-Fi. Li-Fi is a technology that makes use of LED light which helps in the transmission of data much more faster and
Modeling of Risk Factors in Determining networksecurity Level
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ABSTRACT This paper provides a series of work on risk management models to identify the assets and risks. The goal of modeling them is to analyze and calculate meaning of the level of security in the cyber world. Analyzing and calculating was done by the quantitative
Improving networksecurity via Cyber-Insurance: A Market Analysis
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ABSTRACT Recent work in security has illustrated that solutions aimed at detection and elimination of security threats alone are unlikely to result in a robust cyberspace. As an orthogonal approach to mitigating security problems, some have pursued the use of cyber
Enhanced Three Tier security Scheme for Data in network
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ABSTRACT In Three Tier Architecture, access nodes, act as authentication access points to the network, to detect the Data prov nodes to transfer their aggregated data to data req. A node sends data request messages to the Data prov nodes via a access node. These data
Applied Cryptography and networksecurity
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The 12th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and networksecurity (ACNS)
Survey on Packet Hiding Scheme for networksecurity by Selective Jamming Attacks
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ABSTRACT In the network environment most of the time there could be more chances of the attacks. That means most of the time does not guarantee about the packets can be easily transfer over the network . It affects network performance degrade. To overcome the above
security and Privacy issues in Social network Services: An Overview
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ABSTRACT In the era of Internet technologies, social network ing websites has witnessed thriving popularity. Computer mediated communication has changed the rules of social interaction and communication. Most social network ing sites like Orkut, Facebook,
Total security For Wireless Sensor network Based On Elliptical Curve
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PG Shah, N Lakshmi ABSTRACT WSN collects information, processes locally and transmits it with wireless sensor nodes. Sensor nodes use radio frequencies as a communications medium, and are susceptible to active and passive attacks. This paper proposes 'Total security Algorithm'
VIRTUAL PRIVATE network : A VERITABLE TOOL FOR networksecurity
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ABSTRACT Due to the increase demand nowadays to connect to internal network s from distant locations, the important of establishing secure links across the network cannot be overemphasized. Employees often need to connect to internal private network s over the
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S CHAWLA security Management involves protecting a network from all kinds of unauthorized access. This includes many sub function s like collecting and reporting security related information, pro-actively detecting and preventing intrusions, etc.
Computer networksecurity
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O STRUGARU Development and Application Systems Method Important new techniques have been developed to overcome some of the security deficiencies (IPSEC, SSL, firewalls, etc.). To address some security issues and the rapid depletion addresses of IPv4 the network Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task
Implementation and Analysis of networksecurity using HASBE
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ABSTRACT Many security Model so far has been proposed for Cloud Computing environment. All of them suffer from one or other problem in the security areas such as scalability, flexibility and fine-grained access control. The Hierarchy Attribute Set Based Encryption (
Review of security of Mobile Ad-hoc network Communication
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ABSTRACT The term MANET (Mobile Adhoc network ) refers to a packet based wireless network composed of a set of mobile nodes that can communicate and move at the same time, without using any kind of fixed wired infrastructure. The ad hoc network is a
Interval Based network Operation Respecting N-1 security Criterion
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ABSTRACT Rising penetration of renewable energy sources in present day transmission systems requires increased attention to networksecurity . Existing computation tools in power system operations evaluate individual scenarios for power injection and network
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ABSTRACT A significant component representing networksecurity is access control list inspects values of every packet's field and come to a decision how to implement the network policy. Real-life access control list are naturally four dimensional over fields of four
Trust Evaluation of the Current security Measures Against Key network Attacks
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A Sedigh, K Radhakrishnana, CEA Campbella ABSTRACT This paper security measures are implemented in enterprise network architecture and evaluated against current trend of networksecurity as well as used various methods of penetration to confirm the vulnerabilities of the network within the confines of network
Study of networksecurity along with networksecurity Tools and network Simulators
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ABSTRACT With the increase of hacking, different attacks, viruses, worms and other network ing threats, security is a major problem in today's network s. 10, 15 years ago, security was a simple issue requiring simple solutions. In those days, the internet was small and had only
Implementation of networksecurity Algorithm on FPGA
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ABSTRACT The electronic data transmission in a network is done in a safe and secure way with the help of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS). The AES can be programmed in software or built with hardware. The
networksecurity Vulnerabilities: Malicious Nodes attack
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ABSTRACT networksecurity is always foremost and big issue in wired and wireless network . Wireless network, whether it is infrastructure mode or mobile adhoc mode, breaks the barriers of wired network and are easily accessible to everyone but everything is at a cost,
UTM Technology: As a Solution for networksecurity Systems
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ABSTRACT Unified Threat Management (UTM) is an emerging trend in the firewall security market. It is then evolution of the traditional firewall that not only guards against intrusion but performs content filtering, spam filtering, intrusion detection and anti-virus duties
Honeypots: The Need of networksecurity
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ABSTRACT network forensics is basically used to detect attackers activity and to analyze their behavior. Data collection is the major task of network forensics and honeypots are used in network forensics to collect useful data. Honeypot is an exciting new technology with
Inspection of Vulnerabilities through Attack Graphs and Analyzing security Metrics Used For Measuring security in A network .
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ABSTRACTCloud computing is now evolving like never before, with companies of all shapes and sizes adapting to this new technology. Industry experts believe that this trend will only continue to grow and develop even further in the coming few years. Storing
Large-scale DNS and DNSSEC data sets for networksecurity research
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Abstract The Domain Name System protocol is often abused to perform denialof-service attacks. These attacks, called DNS amplification, rely on two properties of the DNS. Firstly, DNS is vulnerable to source address spoofing because it relies on the asynchronous
TITLE: Review Paper on networksecurity and Related issues
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ABSTRACT networksecurity Plays an important role in information security because it is responsible for security of information getting passed through network . networksecurity is now becoming the most important for the computer users, organisations as well as for lot
Issues and Options in the Economic Regulation of European networksecurity
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ABSTRACT Incentive regulation needs to adapt to the emerging changes in the operating environment of the electricity network s and take into account the security of these. This paper assesses the current issues and options in economic regulation of networksecurity
Implementations of networksecurity in the Internet Cafs around Pretoria, South Africa
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AT Kgopa, RM Kekwaletswe ABSTRACT Although owners of Internet cafs extend the freedom use of Internet access to the users, but they fail to design a strong computer networksecurity to prevent risk arising through computer access by users and external attacks. The aim of this study is to provide
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JS Suganya, D Krishnamoorthy, S ThiruniraiSenthil ABSTRACT Spyware represents a serious threat to confidentiality relays the information across the Internet to a third party since it may result in loss of control over private data for location this type of software might collect the data and send it to the third party of the users without
Contemporary Exploration of Wireless networksecurity issuesDesign Challenges for an Enterprise network
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P Kumar, VK Sharma ABSTRACT From the last few decades, with the maturing of industry standards and the deployment of lightweight wireless network ing hardware across a broad market section, wireless technology has come of age. This network becomes more popular and has been
RA-Inspired Codes for Efficient Information Theoretic Multi-path networksecurity
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T Ye, D Veitch, S Johnson ABSTRACT Mobile devices have multiple network interfaces, some of which have security weaknesses, yet are used for sensitive data despite the risk of eavesdropping. We describe a datasplitting approach which, by design, maps exactly to a wiretap channel, thereby
Advanced Honeypot System for Analysing networksecurity
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ABSTRACT Honey pot is an exciting new technology with enormous potential for the security community. It is a resource which is intended to be attacked and compromised to gain more information about the attacker and his attack techniques. They are a highly
Application of Particle Swarm Optimization for Transmission network Expansion Planning with security Constraints
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ABSTRACT In this study, a new discrete parallel Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method is presented for long term Transmission network Expansion Planning (TNEP) with security constraints. The procedure includes obtaining the expansion planning with the minimum
networksecurity Issues and Solutions
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ABSTRACT networksecurity is now days becoming more and more important because people like to connect with each other all the time via internet. Personal computer users, employees of professional organizations, government servants, academicians, social workers,
A Survey of Various Attacks and Their security Mechanisms in Wireless Sensor network
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor network (WSN) is an emerging technology with the purpose of demonstrating immense promise for various innovative applications such as traffic surveillance, building, smart homes, habitat monitoring and many more scenarios. The
Incentive Regulation and Utility Benchmarking for Electricity networksecurity
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Abstract The incentive regulation of costs related to physical and cyber security in electricity network s is an important but relatively unexplored and ambiguous issue. These costs can be part of a cost efficiency benchmarking or alternatively dealt separately. This paper
Wireless networksecurity by SSH Tunneling
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ABSTRACT The wireless communication, like Wi-Fi, is insecure and is vulnerable to attacks like packet sniffing. The login credentials in HTTP packets can be extracted from the IEEE 802.11 packets using tools like Wire-shark and can be misused by the attackers. This puts
Analysis of various possible threats in VoIP in order to design networksecurity mechanism
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ABSTRACT VoIP used for voice and data over internet. As the VoIP has the advantages of low cost implementation, portability and flexibility is has gain its usages in major organizations as compared to other communication media. It is a new way of communication with Public
A Survey on Different Encryption Techniques in networksecurity
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S Aruljothi, R Bahirathy ABSTRACT In today's internet world where nothing is secure, since the communication by transmitting of digital products over the open network occur very frequently the security of information is very important. Everyday so many techniques are evolving to make
Enhancing Data security by Adapting networksecurity and Cryptographic Paradigms
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ABSTRACT networksecurity is one of the significant aspects of information security . network security is involved in various business organizations, enterprises, and other types of institutions and it has become a pivotal function in building and maintaining today's
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ABSTRACT a graphical password is an authentication system that works by having the user select from images, in a specific order, presented in a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The most common computer authentication method is to use alphanumerical usernames and
A Survey of networksecurity and Software Systemic Vulnerabilities
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C Concolato ABSTRACT It is unanimously agreed within both the scientific community and the tech (business and technology) industry that internet security is a growing challenge. This paper looks to address the problem of networksecurity from both an operating system
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ABSTRACT security is one of the major challenges in open network . There are so many types of attacks which follow fixed patterns or frequently change their patterns. It is difficult to find the malicious attack which does not have any fixed patterns. The Distributed Denial of Service
networksecurityOnline Communication: Improving Hospital Staff Performance and Patient Privacy Through Technology
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ABSTRACT Keeping confidential hospital data away from outsiders and protecting patients' information is a basic right to privacy that people should expect and have. At the same time, the medical records of past and current patients should be up-to-date when a doctor or
Managing the Organizational networksecurity
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ABSTRACT Organizations daily face threats to their information assets. At the same time, they are becoming increasingly dependent on these assets. The rapid growth in the size and complexity of organizational network s will soon make the current way of manual
Simulation of Wireless Sensor networksecurity Model Using NS2
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor network s (WSNs) are used for wide range of applications, such as national security, military surveillance and medical care. All these applications require a certain level of reliability and security during data transmission. Securing data
A New Variable Length Key Block Cipher Technique for networksecurity in Data Transmission
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ABSTRACT The algorithm that is going to be discussed in this work will consider a random matrix key which on execution of sequence of steps generates a sequence. Based on the equality of values, this sequence is being divided into basins. The basins with minimum
Data Hiding Using Steganography For networksecurity
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ABSTRACT This work relates the areas of steganography, network protocols and security for data hiding in communication network s employing TCP/IP. Steganography is defined as the art and science of hiding information, which is a process that involves hiding a message in
Penetration Tools for networksecurity
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D Klasson, K Klasson, A Iourtchenko Through good communication and collaboration, we could all, in spite of divided work, learn, and test on both the wired and the wireless part. By working with the project in a timely manner and together guide and motivate each other to always be one step ahead of the
Honey Trap security Server: An Efficient Approach of Securing E-Banking network
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a new way for securing an account. The Honey trap security Server is use to secure an account from an attacker, intruder, hackers and crackers. Honey trap is nothing but" a security resource whose value lies in being probed, attacked or
Managed networksecurity Services in the Cloud
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ABSTRACT Traditionally, the local area network (LAN) was viewed as a trusted network . Perimeter protection came in the form of a corporate firewall that was viewed as the cornerstone of protection from a threat that was deemed to be largely external. A growing
A Novel Intrusion Detection System Using Neural-Fuzzy Classifier for networksecurity
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ABSTRACT An intrusion detection system (IDS) is intelligent engine which is used to identify anomalies (abnormality) in a computer network system. Intrusions are generally unauthorized access signatures which is like a attacks for network that attempts to either
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ABSTRACT In the paper propose about topology security services in network process. the paper presents the association of a topology techniques and the modeling of topological network states. In terms of a linear integer programming optimization process for the
Analysis of Packet Filtering Technology in Computer networksecurity
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ABSTRACT in today's network s are becoming more complex, and the demands on bandwidth are through the roof. In achieving visibility for the best network performance, monitoring the right data is critical. Explore a network monitoring switch tool that provides advanced
security analysis of wireless network access following 802.11 standard in educational institutions of the Republic of Croatia
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ABSTRACT security of wireless network s is lower than the security of wired network s and it remains he greatest security risk of a local network . This is primarily due to the communication medium (air), which is accessible in a specific radius of action as well as
A Survey on Wireless Sensor networksecurity
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ABSTRACT The significant advances of hardware manufacturing technology have boosted the deployment of Wireless Sensor network s (WSNs). The WSN are used in many applications in military, ecological, and health-related areas. These applications often
Tualatin: Towards networksecurity Service Provision in Cloud Datacenters
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ABSTRACT Multi-tenant infrastructures deployed in cloud datacenters need networksecurity protection. However, the rigid control mechanism of current security middleboxes induces inflexible orchestration, limiting the agile and on-demand security provision in virtualized
Image Encryption using Different Techniques for High security Transmission over a network
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1.Abstract Digital image is a collection of the pixel with different intensity values, and each image is in the form of n* m, no of pixel (where n, m is no of Rows and Column) when we transfer a digital image from source to destination through a network, it need to be
security -aware Virtual network Embedding
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ABSTRACT network virtualization is a promising technology to enable multiple architectures to run on a single network . However, virtualization also introduces additional security vulnerabilities that may be exploited by attackers. It is necessary to ensure that the security
security of Vulnerable Wireless network Systems and its attacks on Jamming
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ABSTRACT This paper deals with the latest technology called the security of Vulnerable Wireless network SystemsIts Attacks of Jamming. In this we are going to describe the security problems of wireless network s and the Jamming attacks of wireless network s and
Effect of Enhancing MAC layer security and Power Saving Mode on Mobile Ad Hoc network
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ABSTRACT Mobile Ad Hoc network is the wireless network with no centralized monitoring system. The nodes are free to move anywhere in the network . These mobile nodes also act as routers and make the routes for any data transmission on their own. They take the
Double Layer security in the Swarm Intelligence P2P network
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ABSTRACT Peer-to-peer network has a distributed network architecture with participants can share a portion of their resources such as processing power, network bandwidth directly to network participants and disk storage without the need for central coordination instances.
Implementing security on virtualized network storage environment
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a literature study on various security issues in virtualization technologies. Our study focus mainly on some security vulnerabilities that virtualization brings to the virtualized and open environment. We delve into security issues that are
Enhancing security in Wireless Ad-Hoc network Using ZKP
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ABSTRACT Communication in network is based on client server model where an infrastructure is required between two clients or mobile to communicate with each other even though they are closed to each other. In earlier human communication model, two people those are
Review on Wireless Sensor network Techniques for security in Railways
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ABSTRACT Railways are considered as the safest means of transportation. But, lots of people suffer due to train accidents. According to a research, derail and collisions occur every ninety minutes. More than 10,000 train accidents had taken place in last eight years all
On security Monitoring of Mobile network sFuture Threats and Leveraging of network Information
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This work in progress explores security monitoring and protection technology specifically geared towards mobile network infrastructure. This includes both data correlation and presentation aspects of security Information and Event Management (SIEM), as well as
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ABSTRACT Water is one of the most important elements on earth, if there will no water there will be no life. It is inevitable to conserve and save water for future security and sustainability. Several technological approaches have been formulated in past but depicted substantial
security Issues on Mobile Ad Hoc network for Mobile Commerce
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ABSTRACT The fifth generation of WiFi and new standards of telecommunication protocols enable the implementation of Mobile ad hoc network in retail business at a lower cost. While the retail industry begins to embrace this new technology and install a WiFi hotspot in their
security Measures in Aodv for Ad Hoc network
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ABSTRACT Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is an autonomous system of mobile nodes connected by wireless links. Each node operates not only as an end system, but also as a router to forward packets. The nodes are free to move about and organize themselves into
security Enhancement in AODV Protocol against network Layer Attacks
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ABSTRACT A mobile Ad hoc network (MANET) is a wireless decentralized and self- configuring network in which nodes communicate with each other either directly or through intermediate nodes. Each node plays role of both transmitter and receiver. These unique
Global Cities between Biopolitics and Necropolitics:(In) security and Circuits of Knowledge in the Global City network
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This chapter considers the urban dimensions of security and in security, specifically in relation to the contemporary urban condition represented by the term 'global'or 'world city network '(Taylor 2004). It takes a Foucauldian biopolitical approach to security /life adjusted
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ABSTRACT In recent years, the home environment has seen a rapid introduction of network enabled digital technology to establish safety and protection in Homes. The Wireless and Remote control technology provides control and monitoring with enabled devices. This
An analysis of security Attacks found in Mobile Ad-hoc network
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ABSTRACT MANETs has become an important technology in recent years because of the rapid proliferation of wireless devices. MANETs are highly vulnerable to attacks due to the open access medium, dynamically changing network topology and lack of centralized
Cloud Storage with data sharing and security for Multi access network by Using AES
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ABSTRACT The major aims of this system a secure multi-owner data sharing theme. It implies that any user inside the cluster can firmly share data with others by the globe organization trust worthy cloud. This theme is prepared to support dynamic groups. With
security Threats and Detection Technique in Cognitive radio network
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ABSTRACT The distance between people reduces day by day its because of advancement in wireless communication network . In wireless communication system introduces a new technology which known as cognitive radio network its name as CRN Communication
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ABSTRACT Peer-to-peer (P2P) is a distributed system without any centralized control or hierarchical organization nodes organize itself in a dynamic way. It allows different applications to achieve efficient and simple file sharing. Without any authentication
A Novel Node security Mechanism For Mobile Ad-Hoc network
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ABSTRACTIn Mobile Ad-Hoc network s (MANETs) security is an important issue in order to provide protected communication between mobile nodes in hostile environment. The unique characteristics of (MANETs) pose a number of nontrivial challenges to security design
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ABSTRACT Applications of wireless sensor network s focused on monitoring the health status of the patients have been in demand and various projects are in development and implementation stages. The roles of security and privacy in healthcare applications have
security architecture in a multi-hop mesh network
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One of the very promising architectures is the extension of a wireless mesh network by an ad hoc networkThis architecture is composed of a set of Access Points interconnected as a mesh networkAd hoc network will be used to extend the coverage of the mesh
Necessitate for security in Wireless Sensor network and its Challenges
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Abstract Wireless Sensor network is a recent advance trend in wireless communication and has a vast application in various filed. In this view WSNs need an efficient mechanism for routing or transmitting data, simple computational process and optimal energy usage
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ABSTRACT A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring network consists of mobile routers (included associated hosts) connected by wireless links which build a capricious topology forms the union. The routers are free to move randomly and organize
Chapter Six, Building a network -based Approach to National security
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ABSTRACT The exponential expansion of information is rapidly changing the national security environment. Therefore, it is necessary to evolve our thinking and approach to na-tional security, enabling cooperation amongst all elements of national powerfrom strategy to
Data security in Wireless Sensor network
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ABSTRACT In this model the base station has complete monitoring the node. Using color change the behavior of the node is done. If the base station suspect that there is change in behavior of node then encryption is changed. So that once the node is compromised
Improved Data Client security of DAS Model Using CDAMA in Wireless Sensor network
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network s is different from that in commonsense mobile ad-hoc network s. CDA provides end-to-end security . ie. even though the sensed data are encrypted on the sensor nodes and not decrypted before the sink node In this paper, all the
An effective cluster formation with security in mobile ad hoc network
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ABSTRACT Mobile ad hoc network s have attracted much attention due to their mobility and easy deployment. However, the wireless and dynamic nature of network renders them more vulnerable to various types of security attacks than the wired network s. The major
A Detail Survey of Various security Issues in Vehicular Adhoc network
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ABSTRACT Vehicular Ad hoc network s (VANET) is the subclass of Mobile Ad Hoc network s (MANETs). It is the most advanced technology that provides Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) in wireless communication among vehicles to vehicles and road side
An efficient way to improve the security in Peer-to-Peer network using the Closed Trusted Community
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ABSTRACT Recently peer to peer systems are developing a lot. In the same way they are not secured. So am using the trusted community to develop the peers. By using this community they can develop a trusted relationship. Nowadays they were using the closed
A Study on the security of Mobile Devices, network and Communication
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ABSTRACT The mobile revolution is bringing a remarkable and fundamental change in the world. More and more users and businesses use smart phones not only as a communication media but also as a means of planning and managing their work and private life. Mobile
Practical Approach for Improving security Architecture in Wireless Mesh network
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ABSTRACT Anonymity has received increasing attention in the literature due to the users' awareness of their privacy nowadays. Anonymity provides protection for users to enjoy network services without being traced. While anonymity-related issues have been
A Conventional and proposed model for comparative study of security breach attack in Mobile Adhoc network
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ABSTRACT A mobile ad-hoc network consists of mobile nodes that can move freely in an open environment. Communicating nodes in a Mobile Ad-hoc network usually seek the help of other intermediate nodes to establish communication channels. In such an environment,
security in Wireless network : Black Hole Attack Avoidance
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ABSTRACT Wireless network s are computer network s that are not connected by cables of any kind. The use of wireless network enables enterprises to avoid the costly process of introducing cables into buildings or as a connection between different equipment
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Abstract security of data and code is a very critical issue in today's world. Here Mobile Agent is an entity who takes care of data and code and transfers it from one place to another. Hence a Mobile Agent is a masterpiece of computer software and data which is skilled to
Framing the Future of Economic security Evaluation Research for the Fatherhood Research and Practice network
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This brief, written for the Fatherhood Research and Practice network, offers a set of recommendations about how to build knowledge on effective programs and policies to improve the economic condition of disadvantaged fathers. After an introductory section,
A Review on security Issues and Encryption Algorithms in Mobile Ad-hoc network
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ABSTRACT Now-a-days in wireless devices, Mobile Ad-hoc network become an important part for communication for mobile devices. Mobile Ad-hoc network s (MANETs) allow wireless nodes to form a network without requiring a fixed infrastructure. Due to the absence of the
- Software agents and computer network security
- Scalable data management alternatives to support data mining heterogeneous logs for computer network security
- The multi-agent systems for computer network security assurance-frameworks and case studies
- Introduction to Computer and Network Security
- Network Security Issues, Tools for Testing Security
- hybrid intrusion detection system design for computer network security
- Generate a Key for AES Using Biometric for VOIP Network Security
- Evaluation and Application of Bloom Filters in Computer Network Security
- Quantification Method for Network Security Situational Awareness Based on Conditional Random Fields
- Application-level simulation for network security
- survey on wireless sensor network security
- Network Security Configurations- Nonzero-Sum Stochastic Game Approach
- competitive insurers improve network security
- Wireless sensor network security analysis
- Improving network security by multipath routing in mobile ad hoc networks
- Network Security Evaluation through Attack Graph Generation
- Towards network security policy generation for configuration analysis and testing
- Fictitious play with time-invariant frequency update for network security
network security