Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) involves researching, designing, developing and testing of electronic equipment used in various systems. electronic devices, circuits, and communications equipment.
ECE means Electrical and computer engineering, a discipline that combines electrical engineering and computer science and engineering. Electronics and communication engineering, a discipline that combines electronics engineering and Computer, Information and communication technology.

robot 2020

mobile phone 2020

raspberry pi 2020

photonics 2020

wireless sensor 2020

uwb ultra wideband 2020

microwave technology 2020

wifi wireless fidelity 2020

wireless 2020

wireless network 2020

wsn wireless sensor networks 2020

LTE long term evolution 2020

bluetooth 2020

rf radio frequency 2020

antenna 2020

nanotechnology 2020

cmos 2020

fpga field programmable gate array 2020

vlsi very large scale integration 2020

dsp digital signal processor 2020

satellite 2020

detection system 2020

intrusion detection system 2020

camera 2020

automation 2020

electronics 2020

GPU 2020

sensor 2020

GPS 2020

microcontroller 2020

DSP 2020

biometrics 2020

mobile 2020

arduino 2020

cognitive radio 2020

5G 2020

robotics 2020