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Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. Cloud computing provides computation, software, data access, and storage services that do not require end-user knowledge of the physical location and configuration of the system that delivers the services. Parallels to this concept can be drawn with the electricity grid, where end-users consume power without needing to understand the component devices or infrastructure required to provide the service. Cloud computing describes a new supplement, consumption, and delivery model for IT services based on Internet protocols, and it typically involves provisioning of dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources It is a byproduct and consequence of the ease-of-access to remote computing sites provided by the Internet. This frequently takes the form of web-based tools or applications that users can access and use through a web browser as if they were programs installed locally on their own computers.[5] Typical cloud computing providers deliver common business applications online that are accessed from another Web service or software like a Web browser, while the software and data are stored on servers. Most cloud computing infrastructures consist of services delivered through common centers and built-on servers. Clouds often appear as single points of access for consumers computing needs. Commercial offerings are generally expected to meet quality of service (QoS) requirements of customers, and typically include service level agreements (SLAs).
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Cloud computing refers to the provision of computational resources on demand via a computer network, such as applications, databases, file services, email, etc. In the traditional model of computing, both data and software are fully contained on the user s computer; in cloud computing, the user s computer may contain almost no software or data (perhaps a minimal operating system and web browser only), serving as little more than a display terminal for processes occurring on a network of computers far away. A common shorthand for a provided cloud computing service (or even an aggregation of all existing cloud services) is The Cloud . The most common analogy to explain cloud computing is that of public utilities such as electricity, gas, and water. Just as centralized and standardized utilities free individuals from the difficulties of generating electricity or pumping water, cloud computing frees users from certain hardware and software installation and maintenance tasks through the use of simpler hardware that accesses a vast network of computing resources (processors, hard drives, etc.). The sharing of resources reduces the cost to individuals. The phrase cloud computing originated from the cloud symbol that is usually used by flow charts and diagrams to symbolize the internet. The principle behind the cloud is that any computer connected to the internet is connected to the same pool of computing power, applications, and files. Users can store and access personal files such as music, pictures, videos, and bookmarks or play games or use productivity applications on a remote server rather than physically carrying around a storage medium such as a DVD or thumb drive. Almost all users of the internet may be using a form of cloud computing though few realize it. Those who use web-based email such as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, a Company owned email, or even an e-mail client program such as Outlook, Evolution, Mozilla Thunderbird or Entourage that connects to a cloud email server. Hence, utilizing desktop applications to connect to your cloud email, is still considered a cloud application.Related
cloud-computing-research-paper-list Definition of Cloud Computing Cloud computing is becoming one of the next IT industry buzz words: users move out their data and applications to the remote Cloud and then access them in a simple and pervasive way. This is again a central processing use case. Similar scenario occurred around 50 years ago: a time-sharing computing server served multiple users. Until 20 years ago when personal computers came to us, data and programs were mostly located in local resources. Certainly currently the Cloud computing paradigm is not a recurrence of the history. 50 years ago we had to adopt the time-sharing servers due to limited computing resources. Nowadays the Cloud computing comes into fashion due to the need to build complex IT infrastructures. Users have to manage various software installations, con?guration and updates. Computing resources and other hardware are prone to be outdated very soon. Therefore outsourcing computing platforms is a smart solution for users to handle complex IT infrastructures. At the current stage, the Cloud computing is still evolving and there exists no widely accepted de?nition. Based on our experience, we propose an early de?nition of Cloud computing as follows: A computing Cloud is a set of network enabled services, providing scalable, QoS guaranteed, normally personalized, inexpensive computing infrastructures on demand, which could be accessed in a simple and pervasive way Newly added free IEEE PAPER on cloud computing May 2012 (500 papers)
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