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polymer modified steel fiber reinforced concrete bagasse
treatment of sewage by phytoremediation method using izndian mustard plant
unmanned aerial vehicle for medical applications
a study on characteristics of self compacting concrete with the presence of glass powder and steel slag
experimental behaviour of steel fiber reinforced concrete with partial replacement of fly ash and metakaolin
a research onto study the properties of concrete with partial replacement of aggregates by plastic aggregates
experimental study on the behaviour of concrete by partially replacement of cement with sugarcane bagasse
damage and loss assessment of a midrise rc building in downtown area of yangon region
robo maid vacuum cleaner
an experimental investigation on incorporation of fine aggregate with glass powder and cement with zeolite to mitigate urban heat island effect
determination of local site effects in taikkyi area yangon region by using microtremor observations
site characterization and seismic site response study for bagan area
modulation of neural cross frequency coupling analysis in vlsi architecture
analysis of mechanical behavior of composite material carbon fiber using structural strength analysis on shock absorber using ansys structural
seismic analysis of framed r c structure with base isolation technique using e tabs
gold price prediction using machine learning
a review on numerical analysis for effect of ribs on performance of solar air heaters
a research on to study the seismic behaviour of a multi storey building with rc moment resistance frame and shear wall
a research on study the characteristics behaviour of concrete using waste tires chips
analysis of helical shape tube type heat exchanger using cfd
qualitative study to check feasibility of knife gate valves for high working and testing pressures
waste plastics effect on the deterioration of bituminous mixes in cold climates
relative study on warm and hot bituminous mixes
modeling and simulation for a 3 5 kw grid connected photo voltaic power system
thermal analysis of engine block
an experimental study on bituminous mix design using different percentage of crumb rubber to improve the strength of pavement
bio organic concotions influenced single bud set sugarcaneas planting materials
using design of experiments approach to analysis factors effecting on the pv cells
improvement in productivity by lean approach method in amararaja industries
expermential investagation and analysis of bitumen modifaction using fly ash
a review on fire impacts on concrete structures
new design criteria in performance based earthquake engineering
microcontroller based high voltage low voltage protection system
effect of twisted tape insert on heat transfer enhancement in counter flow co axial double pipe heat exchanger using cfd
experimental approach to iot based secure online voting system using raspberry pi and extended facilities with arduino uno
a research on affordable housing
fabrication and study the effect of mechanical properties of coconut shell powder and rice husk
a research on concrete using crumb rubber and round crimped steel fibre
prediction of size and elemental compositions of groundnut shell ash and ggbs using sem and edx analysis
design of low power dynamic comparator using reversible logic
performance analysis of different radiation pattern using genetic algorithm
mechanical characteristics of cement mortar manufactured with wps ash and pf as partial replacement for cement and sand
physical characteristics of cement mortar containing wps ash and pf as partial replacement of cement and sand
factors affecting job satisfaction and productivity of sewing line workers a study on selected readymade garment industries in myanmar
design and implementation of low power adiabatic system for power recycling in frequency divider
computational fluid dynamics analysis of exhaust heat exchanger for ted
cfd based simulation and analysis of thermal and non thermal equilibrium cryogenic model
earthquake resistant of rcc structures
repair and strengthening of damaged rc beams using ferrocement laminates
sem and edx analysis of waste paper sludge ash and cement
tree protection on construction site knowledge and perception of polish professionals
cfd investigation on effective utilization of waste heat recovery from diesel engine exhaust using different shaped fin protracted heat exchanger
real time number plate recognition
sic mosfet and igbt hybrid shunt active filter and its application on a 10 kva harmonic load system
the influence of machine language and data science in the emerging world
text and object recognition using deep learning for visually impaired people
low cost design of water quality monitoring system
a review on beam steering techniques in reconfigurable microstrip patch
control of technical condition of vehicles in auto transport companies
polychaetes of palk bay south east coast of india
experimental and numerical investigation of the influence of the flow rate on heat transfer characteristic on the plate heat exchanger
effect of artificially roughness in solar air heater a review
strength assessment and restoration of rc structures by structural health monitoring techniques
a review on overview of image processing techniques
a review on wireless sensor network security
analysis of thermal and non thermal equilibrium cryogenic model a perspective view
rfid based product identification in a closed box
a review on user grouping based two phase transmission protocol for achieving ultra reliability in wireless factory automation
computational fluid dynamic analysis of exhaust heat exchanger for ted a review
a review on sweat as a source of future digital biomarkers
project planning and scheduling
fraction step method for solving incompressible navier stokes equation
qualitative effect of solar eclipse on non conventional sources of power generation
study and development of pic microcontroller to pc communication via usb
generation of electric power through gas turbine
experimental study on light weight concrete by partical replacement of cement and fine and fine aggeregates by fly and termocal
seismic performance of rc frame building with different position of shear wall
performance analysis of mimo system on different modulation scheme over rician channel
fuzzy based decision making system for the detection of diabetic retinopathy
a cfd study on plate heat exchanger using nanofluid with different corrugated channels configurations under forced convection flow
the finite element analysis of g 6 steel frame with and without bracing elements performed using staad
art of managing business ethics with global perspective
overview of disc brake
wireless sensor network applications a survey
performance analysis of papr reduction in oicf scheme with modulation techniques
green and clean energy
microcontroller control thermoelectric heating and cooling system using tec1 12706
design and manufacturing of vertical axis wind turbine for power generation
mechanical engineering the king of engineering
wires and cables a productive view
engines the heart of your automobiles
godeye an efficient system for blinds
risk analysis in construction project
advanced earthquake resistant building techniques
an experimental investigation on pervious concrete road using cotton waste
fabrication and study of the mechanical properties of aa7129 alloy reinforced with b4c andtic
effect of different fin geometries on heat transfer coefficient
design and analysis of universal reaper machine
home power saving using heartbeat
real time facial expression recognition and imitation
agrithozhan development of android application for smart farming
design and simulation of smart antenna for d2d communication
alleviation of piping of soil using human hair fibres
stabilization of black cotton soil using ggbs ground granulated blast furnace and slag
regenerative braking and controlling of hybrid energy storage system for an e vehicle
magnetic properties of titanium substituted ni zn ferrites
survey datasets on categories of factors mitigating safety practices on construction sites
modification of bituminous mix by adding waste polythene
validation of theory of qualitative effect of total solar eclipse on power generation of solar power plant
laravel a trending php framework
prediction of power consumption and leakage detection 2
effects of different types of sulphates and concentrations on steel
diabetic retinopathy detection using neural networking
solar powered water pump with improved efficiency
overview of data mining
selenium a trending automation testing tool
eeg based classification of emotions with cnn and rnn
numerical investigation of heat transfer and friction characteristics of solar air heater duct using broken s shaped ribs roughness
project report on maynard operation sequence technique
categorization of protean writers by exploitation of raspberry pi
network security enhancement in wsn by detecting misbehavioural activity as copy cat nodes
wireless power transmission to multiple devices
arduino based smart light management system for smart cities
experimental investigation of magnesium phosphate cement based concrete
design and fabrication of iot enabled wheelchair cum stretcher with home automation and patient monitoring system
partial replacement of natural sand by microfines for cement concrete
a review paper on design of generator in vapour absorption refrigeration system
smart aeterial blood gas analyzer
mechanical energy harvesting using piezo triboelectric nanogenerator
a review on the impact of artificial intelligence and internet of things in the transformation of e business sector
an automatic load controller for domestic applications
assessment for water quality of mutha river using correlation
power quality improvement using shunt active power filter with pi and pid controller
effect of compaction moisture content on strength parameters of unsaturated clay using triaxial test
cloud computing architecture services deployment models storage benefits and challenges
automated water management and distribution system using dtmf
research design and manufacture of seal binding automechanism for 6 pronged plastic seals
speed torque characteristics of bldc motor with load variations
photocatalytic degradation of ciprofloxacin using tio2 in a slurry photocatalytic reactor optimization
warehouse design
computational intelligence plus network connected based soil irrigation and soil health monitoring using pv grid tie inverter system
performance evaluation of a developed multipurpose solar dryer
a review of stealth technology
quantum computing pinning down the age of universe
a review ongoing developments in sweat analysis and its applications
performance evaluation of a sewage treatment plant stp a critical review
basic analysis of continous variable transmission
understanding the need of data integration in e healthcare
implementation of digital hearing aid for sensory neural impairment
design analysis automatic garage door opener
control and power management in hres system
interfacing and interconnection of microgrid systems a review
investigating the designs of wind turbine blades
experimental study on composite concrete rc frame structure using sisal fibre
automatic detection and notification of potholes on roads to aid drivers
design and fabrication multi spindle drilling machine
strength and durability aspects of crushed stone sand a review
a secure iot enabled smart home system
auto response system for legal consultation
optimization of wire cut edm of aluminium alloy 6063 by using taguchi technique
vehicle controlled with smart traffic image processing system and accident detector
construction equipment monitoring by using relative important indices rii analysis
testing and development of power generation from exhaust gas of motor bike
sway of resources overrun with risk mitigation in hills construction
green building cognitions and perceptions for better environment
load balancing and data management in cloud computing
an experimental study on stabilization of expansive soil using admixture
the comparison of statistical quality control results on reinforced concrete buildings in myanmar
smart highway technology using intelligent black box for vehicle accident monitoring
heat transfer enhancement using nozzle inserts in a pipe flow
analysis of multi storey building using structural software midas general
iot based autonomous irrigation system
a review design of effective braking and efficient transmission system
modified child rescue system against open borewell
design and analysis of an exoskeleton arm
safety assessment in construction projects
oil spill and methods to recover a review
transaction authentication using face and otp verification
waste disposal through portable incinerator
durability study of concrete using foundry waste sand
maintaining security of electronic voting data through block chains
systematic review on eat less and move more is the chemistry of life
assessment of contractors project management maturity
experimental analysis of machining parameters on turning with single point cutting tool
digital scent technology a critical overview
base isolation retrofitting design for the existing 9 story large panel apartment building
fabrication of pin on disc wear test rig
analysis of rework and rescheduling in construction project using spss software
design of satellite inspection terminal for intelligent electric power patrol system
computational of bioinformatics
improvement of power system oscillation by using coordinated control plan for pss and statcom devices
a review on optimization of coordinated control plan for pss and statcom devices to improve power system oscillation
strengthening the properties of concrete using banana fiber and coconut fiber
power factor improved using csc converter in pmbldc motor
the implementation of enterprise resource planning erp on sales management module using odoo 11
energy efficient resource allocation and relay selection schemes for d2d communications in 5g wireless networks
deadlock in dbms
introduction to software testing
mass haul diagrams in optimization of earthwork computations
privacy preserving public aditing of shared data
study on flexural strengthening of rc beam using ferrocement laminates recron
experimental analysis on vulnerability of rcc members due to floods
experimental investigation on composite slab using cold formed steel sheet in light weight concrete
tjbot an open source cardboard robot
nuclear fusion reactor a review study
embedding intelligent system on ambulance and traffic monitoring
design and calculation of synchronous generator used in micro hydropower project loi unn village
cfd analysis of wheel hub paddle hub and roll cage in solid works
comparative study on strength enhancement of concrete using magnetic and normal water
structural behavior of high performance steel fiber reinforced concrete beams
experimental study on plastic vastum as a coarse aggregate quia structural concrete
literature survey on underwater image enhancement
optimization of solar drying of blanched and unblanched aerial yam using response surface methodology
smart blind stick using arduino
overview of cyborg technology
an automated ecg signal diagnosing methodology using random forest classification with quality aware techniques
iot assisted fingerprint based door security system using raspberry pi 4
design and fabrication of java plum planting robot
managing cloud data integrity and access control mechanism through blockchain
investigating the effectiveness of construction practices in delayed residential projects in gadhinglaj city through time and cost perspective
necessity of internet of things in smart grid
experimental investigation on strength of high performance concrete using glass fiber to design a beam
seismic response of structure with single core
implementation of d flip flop using cmos technology
prediction of power consumption and leakage detection
interpretation of sadhu into cholit bhasha by cataloguing and translation system
biometric electronic voting machine
comparative study on effective turbulence model for naca0012 airfoil using spalart allmaras as a benchmark
comparative study of fileless ransomware
manage electricity bills with smart electricity load management based on iot
experimental based learning and modeling of computer networks
assessment of crop water requirement for wheat and mustard crop in dharta watershed
flexural behaviour of steel fibre reinforced geopolymer concrete
design and fabrication of ground station antenna
a review on dmsta based channel estimation techniques for wideband affected massive mimo systems
design of solar car chassis
an experimental investigation on concrete with copper slag using corrosion resistance techniques
wireless charging solution of mobile phone batteries using microwaves via cellular communication
iot based smart washroom using automated sensor
review of deep neural network detectors in sm mimo system
a review on detection of nasalized voiced stops in cleft palate speech
comparison between reinforced cement concrete and fibre reinforced beam using finite element method
secured intrusion protection system through eaack in manets
flexible antennadesign for wave applications
performance analysis of brushless dc motor under different loading conditions
importance of solar energy in day to day life
strength analysis of aluminium composite reinforced with coconut ash powder a review
power quality improvement using shunt active power filter
analysis of construction criteria on suspension bridge a perspective view
study of boundary value analysis in structural engineering and fluid mechanics using homotopy perturbation
design and implementation of smart solar lamp with automation
evaluation of groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking purpose in dharta watershed of udaipur district rajasthan india
prediction of surface roughness and optimization of machining parameters in drilling process of aluminum alloy al6061
experimental study on high performance concrete by using partial replacement of copper slag and fly ash
design and fabrication of shock absorber compressor spring
assessment of water quality indices for irrigation of dharta watershed udaipur rajasthan india
operating cnc and laser machine everywhere using iot
behaviour of glass fiber reinforced polymer composite in flexure shear strength of reinforced concrete beams
application of high voltage engineering for air pollution control esp
linearity of feature extraction techniques for medical images by using scale invariant feature transform
classification and detection of vehicles using deep learning
study of an innovative construction material basalt fiber
the designing and weighting of key performance indicators using the scor approach and ahp in xyz weaving company
low bay regional geology and surrounding district nan gedang district sorolangon district jambi province and andesit resources potential
design and evaluation of ankle reconstruction
care max for drowsiness detection and notification
mri brain image segmentation using fuzzy clustering algorithms
performance analysis of fading channels on cooperative mode spectrum sensing technique for cognitive radio
comparative assessments of contrast enhancement techniques in brain mri images
analyzing and securing data transmission in wireless sensor networks through cryptography techniques
comparison and analysis of atmospheric turbulence in free space optical communication for srinagar
determinants of agricultural innovations adoption among cooperative and non cooperative farmers in imo state nigeria
smart trolley for billing in super market using aot
insight into iot applications and common practice challenges
effect of temperature on the electric power of si inas and gaas based solar cells
augmented reality map
efficient and enhanced proxy re encryption algorithm for skyline queries
automation of waste paper reject handling system using dcs
preparation and control of chemical filling station by using dcs
design evaluation and development of lumbar cage
real time monitoring of self propelled center pivot irrigation system using microcontroller
waste water management for smart city
gesture based communication system
accident alert system using advance microcontroller
tumor detection and classification of mri brain images using svm and dnn
effects of al2o3 cu water hybrid nanofluid on heat transfer of double pipe heat exchanger using cfd
study on properties of modified bitumen for flexible pavement construction using plastic scrap and bakelite
experimental study on utilization of hybrid fibers in self compacting concrete
investigations on a diesel engine run on used lubricating oil biodiesel blend as an alternative fuel
influence of urea on concrete
digital notice board
time based smart speed breaker using embedded systems
comprehensive performance evaluation on multiplication of matrices using mpi
performance evaluation of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete using copper slag as replacement material of fine aggregate
iot based remote monitoring and controlling for shutter systems
seismic performance of reinforced cement concrete structures with and without viscous dampers
global food policy a primer
food policy an introduction
food manufacturing a primer
internet of things
a microcontroller based lpg cylinder booking and leakage detection using gsm
control of two stage pv power system under the unbalanced three phase grid voltages
effect of temperature and humidity on indoor radon concentration
incremental launching of the steel girders for bridges
recent trends for ash disposal and utilisation
cloud based forest fire alert system using iot
prediction of radon concentration after 24 hours using multiple linear regression analysis 2
traffic light detection and recognition for self driving cars using deep learning survey 2
a deep neural framework for continuous sign language recognition by iterative training survey 2
reduction of nitric oxide emissions from a direct injection diesel engine run on non petroleum fuel blend using natural antioxidant 2
implementation of cascaded h bridge control scheme for sssc using zero sequence voltage and negative sequence current 2
fabrication of switch operated sweeping and floor cleaning machine 2
satellite image classification with deep learning survey 2
prediction of radon concentration after 24 hours using multiple linear regression analysis
traffic light detection and recognition for self driving cars using deep learning survey
a deep neural framework for continuous sign language recognition by iterative training survey
reduction of nitric oxide emissions from a direct injection diesel engine run on non petroleum fuel blend using natural antioxidant
implementation of cascaded h bridge control scheme for sssc using zero sequence voltage and negative sequence current
fabrication of switch operated sweeping and floor cleaning machine
satellite image classification with deep learning survey
implementation of low cost radon measuring system for air quality monitoring
bubble wrap the key to a new floating solar thermal system
motor imagery recognition of eeg signal using cuckoo search masking empirical mode decomposition
simulation analysis in lateral torsional buckling of channel section by using ansys software
obtaining modal parameters in steel model bridge by system identification using artificial neural networks
investigation of the dielectric performance of mineral oil based nanofluids
modeling analysis and design of intz water tank considering different wind speed using staad pro v8i software
review paper on new automotive camless engine
comparative experiment of surface roughness when grinding 3x13 skd11 and suj2 steels with cbn grinding wheel
study of bricks made up of different materials in building construction by etabs software
cfd analysis for heat transfer enhancement using nano fluids in double pipe heat exchanger
smart transformer protection unit
magnetic levitating hover board to work as a forklift
fabrication of electric folding triscooter tricycle
ackermann steering system a review
modelling and control of wind pv based hybrid power system considering hybrid energy storage system incorporating battery and supercapacitor
study of automated and controlled aquaponics system an innovative and integrated way of farming
review on intrusion detection in manets
an impact on content based image retrival a perspective view
analysis and design of telecommunication tower using different truss system by etab software
analysis of reconfigurable solar converter using mppt techniques
automatic solar tracking system
the impact of temperature and relative humidity elevation on mental health of in patient admitted into jos teaching hospital jos plateau state nigeria
research paper on digital notice board
study on overhead circular water tank using with and with out center column by staad pro v8i
fuel cell technology for distributed generation
design and modelling of a leaf spring using 3d printing technology
a novel sdn architecture for iot security
load frequency control of three area power system using fuzzy logic controller
a brief study on iot applications
key aspect for approach of smart grid design system
control of stand alone pv system using single voltage sensor based mppt
two types of novel discrete time chaotic systems
a review paper on big data and hadoop for data science
enable auditing in oracle database
influence of elastic deformations on the adhesion of the zrn coating on the clinching tool
a novel geometry of multiband planar antenna for wireless applications
effect of fadama iii community infrastructure on farm profitability of members of fadama user groups fugs in anambra state nigeria
agricultural cooperatives and rural poverty reduction among rural farmers in anambra state nigeria
evaluation of the impact of fadama iii programme on the livelihood of women farmers in anambra state nigeria
fine grained auditing
wireless power transmission using solar power satellite
a research on properties of concrete with partial replacement of aggregates by waste plastic
to study the properties of concrete with partial replacement of aggregates by waste plastic
to study the behaviour use of locally materials in highway subgrade
analysis of characteristics behaviour use of locally materials in highway subgrade
turkish natural language processing studies
paper battery
a comparative overview on the horizontal axis and the vertical axis wind turbines
behaviour of lustrous carbon additives in green sand casting
power quality enhancement using dstatcom by immune feedback control algorithm
about oracle tde transparent data encryption
water pollution status of mula mutha rivers in pune city review
to study the properties of concrete with partial replacement of aggregates with industrial and construction waste
experimental investigation of properties of concrete with partial replacement of aggregates with industrial and construction waste
brush less dc motor
simulation of optimal control strategy for a solar photovoltaic power system
investigation on the effect of intake manifold water injection on the performance of single cylinder spark ignition engine 2
artificial intelligence in power station 2
research into properties of spot welded steel sheets 2
study on shallow and deep bin for a constant volume at same loading condition a review
a review study on comparative study on single web system truss tower with portal system truss tower
implementing secured and comport transportation using vehicular ad hoc network for realistic city scenario
comparative study on analysis and design of skew bridge by staad and etabs software using finite element method
optimization parameters for mig welding of 316 l austenite steel by taguchi method
analysis of the characteristic behaviour of concrete with rice husk ash and sugarcane bagasse ash
a review paper on fin efficiency enhancement
using image processing techniques for automated detection and annotation of faulty regions in thermal infrared images of pv modules
analysis of different controllers used for boiler drum level control by using labview simulation
qualitative design of supervisory control and data acquisition system for a regenerative type heat exchanger
an analytical survey on data access control mechanism in cloud using blockchain
formulation development and evaluation of oral fast dissolving films of metaclopromide hcl
use arduino and the mblock as the process control of innovation study tool case study of freshmen of university
study and analysis of big data security analytics for protecting cloud based virtualized infrastructures
characterization and dielectric study of mihaliccik tremolite
gpu computing an introduction
graphics processing unit an introduction
satellite communication and energy conservation theories
a comparative study on performance of diesel engine using jatropha biodiesel as fuel
lora technology dna of iot
microhardness of silicon nitride ceramic and its composites
simulation study on single cylinder spark ignition engine with varying ethanol gasoline blends
an iot based low power health monitoring with active personal assistance
comparative study on rcc beam with and without carbon fibre reinforced polymer using ansys software
investigation on the effect of intake manifold water injection on the performance of single cylinder spark ignition engine
artificial intelligence in power station
research into properties of spot welded steel sheets
review paper on rcc beam with and without fibre reinforced polymer
variable refrigerant flow system
disease detection in plant leaves using k means clustering and neural network 2
disease detection in plant leaves using k means clustering and neural network
analysis of sand dunes accumulation using remote sensing and gis
virtual machine migration and allocation in cloud computing a review
smart technology a primer
agricultural engineering
selection of material for improving heat transfer rate for fins using cfd
study on use of red mud with rbi grade 81 in black cotton soil to enhancing the properties of sub grade and base layer of re wall and semi rigid pavement
study on properties of self compacting concrete with glass powder and steel slag
study on the investigation of the effect of additive methanol on performance and exhaust emission of a si engine a review
seismic analysis and design of vertically irregular mutistoried rc concrete building using staad pro v8i
to study the characterstic behaviour of concrete using glass waste and steel waste
a research on strength and behavior of steel fibre reinforced self compacting concrete structural element
importance of mobile security
design of an air conditioning system for a commercial building using air handling unit
designing and manufacturing of alloy wheel using 3d printing technology
design and manufacturing of sprocket using additive manufacturing technology
experimental behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete with partial replacement of fly ash and metakolin
conceptual study of mobile forensics
ambient humidity stabilizer with nebulizer and dehumidifier
the future direction of smart grid by 2050 in india
impact of m commerce technologies on developing countries
color cryptography using substitution method
advanced high speed black box based vehicle crash investigation system
constant control of the power of dfig wind turbines
z source inverter fed asynchronous motor drive
power aware computing
power electronic interface
structural analysis of stabilization and consolidation settlement of selected laterite soil using cement lime and butimen
comparative analysis of destructive and non destructive testing method of concrete strength using compressive and rebound harmmer testing method
absinthe the bliss curse and renaissance
analysis of deck bridge with pre stress deck bridge under irc loading conditions a review
study on green concrete using eco sand and sugarcane bagases ash a review
review paper on study of black cotton soil to enhancing the properties of sub grade and base layer of pavement
data passing with high security through non infected nodes in networks
experimental investigation of the wear behaviour of excavator bucket teeth by hardfacing technique
internet of nanothings a primer
smart protocol loading for the iot
application of cloud computing models in education
fpga based wireless jamming networks
ethical hacking
smart security system iot
robust exponential stabilization for a class of uncertain systems via a single input control and its circuit implementation
to study characterstic behaviour of recycled concrete aggregate
skin lesion classification using supervised algorithm in data mining
a data sharing protocol to minimize security and privacy risks in cloud storage
secure verification process in smart card technology
comparative study of parallel vertical junction solar cell photovoltages
are accessibility indices a smart decision support system tool for measuring access of mobility impaired in public spaces a review
an experimental study on partial replacement of coarse aggregate with plastic scrap and sand with foundry sand in concrete
experimental study on properties of sma mixed with sisal fiber and partially replaced aggregate with scrap tyre
design of state estimator for a class of generalized chaotic systems
nano robots for continuous blood glucose diagnosis
design and analysis of quantization based low bit rate encoding system
design and construction of gsm based fire alarm system using pic microcontroller
architectural education in rural areas an overview
design and structural analysis of 3 axis cnc milling machine table
study of the effects of process parameters on tool wear rate in electrical discharge machining by taguchi method
foundation and synchronization of the dynamic output dual systems
cyber security intelligence
encryption data measurement and data security of hybrid aes and rsa algorithm
smart water metering
to study the contract management on sewage treatment plant stp
a review on contract management on sewage treatment plant stp
energy harvesting alternatives for powering critical wsn based and autonomous monitoring systems
design calculation of lab based vapour compression system
design calculation of main components for lab based refrigeration system
analysis and comparison of different spectrum sensing technique for wlan
a study of wheat flour tortillas using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy libs
scientific interpretation of mritsanrakshan paddhati as per sushruta samhita
future scope in application developement of visual basic
design an electric vehicle using pv array with five phase permanent magnet synchronous motor
weather prediction model using random forest algorithm and apache spark
a review paper on steel fibre reinforced concrete
some physical properties of negro pepper seed xylopia aethiopica necessary for post harvest handling
an investigation into the robustness of the assessment of learners with special needs case of leseli community school
repair and maintance of building cracks
design and construction of 0 500v 3kva variac with digital display
natural language processing theory applications and difficulties
ann model based calculation of tensile of friction surfaced tool steel
analysis of solar diesel hybrid off grid system in myanmar
design and implementation of a vhf tri loop antenna for 2 meter amateur band
cellular computing
story of bigdata and its applications in financial institutions
experimental investigation of u bolt used in leaf spring of an automobile for various loads
computational creativity
time performance analysis of rsa and elgamal public key cryptosystems
experimental study of third order nonlinear absorption in pure and mg doped lithium niobate crystals
knowledge acquisition based on repertory grid analysis system
implementation of 5g in guided and unguided optical communication system with cellular frequency bands
soil stabilization by use of chemical
a study and analysis of emotional intelligence and its impacts
an experimental paper on compressive strength of pervious concrete
effect of oil extraction method on the functional properties of biodiesels of selected oilseeds
plc based automatic bottle filling and capping system
energy efficient building using solar energy and adoptation of green building techniques
an analytical survey on prediction of air quality index
design and fabrication of solar powered mobile cold room
investigation of blockchain based identity system for privacy preserving university identity management system
an empirical study on comment classification
correlations and path analysis of some quantitative and qualitative characters in durum wheat triticum turgidum l accessions in western oromia ethiopia
to study the properties of concrete with partial replacement of fine aggregates through copper slag and coarse aggregates by recycled aggregates
experimental investigation of properties of concrete with partial replacement of fine aggregates through copper slag and coarse aggregates by recycled aggregates
a markov chain approach on daily rainfall occurrence
political situations under king mindon 1853 1878
effect of nano silica on the compressive strength of concrete
daily human activity recognition using adaboost classifiers on wisdm dataset
sentiment analysis on twitter dataset using r language
effect of grafted silane on fly ash pha lai vietnam to properties of polymer composite materials based on bisphenol a type epoxy resin
a theoretical study on green concrete construction
security and challenges using clouds computing in healthcare management system
development and testing of friction and wear test rig
a review on performance of toll plaza by using queuing theory
design and analysis of runout measuring machine using fea
structural system in resisting the effect of lateral load in high rise building
effect of copper slag on steel fiber reinforced concrete and conventional concrete
secure one time password otp generation for user authentication in cloud environment
effect of friction dampers on rc structures subjected to earthquake
a review on use of bituminous pavementwastes in cement concrete
to study the behaviour of use bituminous pavement wastes in cement concrete
comparison of dod and osi model in the internet communication
design and calculation of solar power plant in myanmar
growth and yield response of sunflower helianthus annuus l to spacing and nitrogen fertilization in southern guinea savanna ecological zone of nigeria
cloud computing basics features and services
key frame extraction in video stream using two stage method with colour and structure
classroom shared whiteboard system using multicast protocol
why undergraduates should learn web development and design foundatons with html5
acoustic scene classification by using combination of modwpt and spectral features
examination of ship object recognition in high determination sar metaphors based on information theory and harris corner detection technique
a hybrid apporach of classification techniques for predicting diabetes using feature selection
potential of neem leaf powder as bio adsorbents for dye colour removal
analysis of rip eigrp and ospf routing protocols in a network
study on physical and mechanical properties of historical timber building in myanmar a case study of pyay hostel in yangon university campus
real time eye blinking and yawning detection
implementation of lower leg bone fracture detection from x ray images
application of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and topsis methods for destination selection
malware detection in android applications
pc based dc motor speed control using pid for laboratory
a review paper on strength development of scms based geopolymer cement
real time myanmar traffic sign recognition system using hog and svm
real time myanmar sign language recognition system using pca and svm
designing class a colpitts oscillator and analyzing the effect of dc power supply on its frequency stability
design and fabrication of runner blades of cross flow turbine
sustainable development for higher education sector using mobile cloud with moodle
software engineering cost estimation using cocomo ii model
design and simulation of power factor correction boost converter using hysteresis control
optimization of rod string design for the sucker rod pumping system in mann oil field
consideration of three phase faults on transmission line with distance protection
reserve estimation of initial oil and gas by using volumetric method in mann oil field
structural behaviors of reinforced concrete dome with shell system under various loading conditions
preparation of bioethanol from brown seaweed sargassum sp
the data records extraction from web pages
speed control system of induction motor by using vector control method
speed control system of induction motor by using direct torque control method used in escalator
coin acceptor based vending machine using microcontroller
study on web content extraction techniques
nonlinear control of static synchronous compensator statcom for transmission system
enhanced cloud security implementation using modified ecc algorithm
the effect of dosage and modulus of activator on the strength of alkali activated slag and fly ash based on geopolymer mortar
comparative study on construction sequence analysis on steel structure without and with floating columns
comparison of defuzzification methods from a real world problem
pest classification and pesticide recommendation system
ant colony system with saving heuristic for capacitated vehicle routing problem
forecasting stock market using multiple linear regression
to development manufacturing and education using data mining a review
differential protection of power transformer in substation
simulation of 3 phase 24 pulse gto converter for flow control of transmission system
performance analysis on energy efficient and scalable routing protocols of wireless sensor network for precision agriculture
utilization of bamboo fibers for modification of black cotton soil properties
fixed output dc to dc converter for photovoltaic system
deaf sign language using automatic hand gesture robot based on microcontroller system
raspberry pi based home appliances control system using microcontroller
design and implementation of all optical tunable delay by the combination of wavelength conversion and fiber dispersion
design and performance analysis of 400hz static frequency converter
artificial neural network for solar photovoltaic system modeling and simulation
design of low head hydrokinetic turbine
fire fighting robot system
ann based handwritten signature recognition system
feasibility study on battery energy storage system for mini grid
development of android controlled ac dim light
arduino based automatic car washing system
brain tumor detection system for mri image
design and implementation of automatic fire fighting for building using peripheral interface controller
design and performance analysis of power factor controller
lateral stability improvement for elevated steel water storage reservoir in severe wind and earthquake zone using etabs
remote operated spy robot vehicle
study on the properties of natural soil stabilized with various percentages of lime contents
achieving secure universal and fine grainedquery results verification for secure searchscheme over encrypted cloud data
android based questionnaires application for heart disease prediction system
analysis of allocation algorithms in memory management
performance of best route selection using rip and ospf routing protocols
production and utilization of retarder from hardwood sawdust
design of 230 kv twin bundle double circuit overhead transmission line
design and fabrication of automatic drain cleaner
wireless mobile charger design based on inductive coupling
liquid level and photoelectric sensors based automatic liquid mixing and filling machine system using plc
delivery feet data using k mean clustering with applied spss
a review of transformer winding hot spot temperature
capacitive discharge ignition cdi system for spark ignition si engine pulse control circuit
design and fiber installation for university campus system
an enhanced feature selection method to predict the severity in brain tumor
voice command mobile phone dialer
customer churn prediction using association rule mining
voice transmission system based on laser torch
applied excel for business and marketing
study on the analysis of chromite refractory brick from mwe taung chromite ore
a study on the zigbee wireless communication for iaq monitoring of underground subway stations
rfid based rotary car parking system
rfid based vending machine
design of earthing system for 230 kv high voltage substation by etap 12 6 software
static excitation system of generator in hydropower station
microcontroller based temperature monitoring and controlling system using xbee network
text embedded system using lsb method
cinema ticket selling system
statistical optimization of synthetic soda ash for water softening
simplified method for substation grounding system design
viterbi decoder plain sailing design for tcm decoders
implementation of 32 bit risc processor using reversible gates
comparative analysis of efficient designs of d latch using 32nm cmos technology
handwritten signature verification system using sobel operator and knn classifier
experimental study on the properties of rice husk ash with a a a portland cement
survival of an intrusion tolerance database system
image processing techniques for fingerprint identification and classification a review
network level redundancy for campus lan
analysis of induction generator for geothermal power generation system
implementation of doppler radar based vehicle speed detection system
system consideration design and implementation of point to point microwave link for internet access
gsm based fire security system
gsm based home appliance control system
a study of rsa algorithm in cryptography
gsm based home automation system using arduino
design and implementation of mini car washing
design and implementation of payload camera control system for unmanned aerial vehicle
simulation and implementation of plc based for detecting burned potato chips and remove using plcsim and hmi
wireless remote using rf module
designing security assessment of client server system using attack tree modeling
food intake for body weight management system using linear programming model
hospital medicine classification using data mining techniques
applications techniques and trends of data mining and knowledge discovery database
face recognition system using self organizing feature map and appearance based approach
thyroid cancer detection for myanmar review and recommendation
ascendable clarification for coronary illness prediction using classification mining and feature selection performances
assembly line balancing to improve productivity using work sharing method in garment factories
hand region detection using cbcr color space and otsus method
risk assessment model and its integration into an established test process
application of unified power flow controller in nigeria power system for improvement of voltage profile
applied spss for data forecasting of flowers species name
geotechnical investigation of upper keng tawng dam
effect of rhizobium innoculation on growth nodulation count and yield of soybeans glycine max grown in biochar amended soil of sounthern guinea savana of nigeria
classification of mango fruit varieties using naive bayes algorithm
campus area networks of the university using mpls vlans and the internet
design of active filter for reducing harmonic distortion in distribution network
an investigation of fault tolerance techniques in cloud computing
an analysis of benefits and risks of artificial intelligence
predition model for stock price on big data analytics
performance analysis of data encryption standard des
analysis of wind diesel hybrid system by homer software 2
design calculation of three phase self excited induction generator driven by wind turbine
speed control system for bldc motor by using direct back emf detection mathod
design and simulation of automated packaging machine process control by using plc
design and pressure analysis of steel silo 8000 tons
an improved self organizing feature map classifier for multimodal biometric recognition system
accuracy improvement of pm measuring instruments
using id3 decision tree algorithm to the student grade analysis and prediction
using naive bayesian classifier for predicting performance of a student
design of grounding system for substation
study on physical and mechanical properties of dispersive soil
experiential investigation on the stabilization of dispersive soil with lime
dynamic analysis of fourteen storeyed y shaped high rise reinforced concrete building with shear walls
design and simulation of voip system for campus usage a case study at ptu
comparative study on mobile switching center of mobile generations
fuzzy based algorithm for cloud resource management and task scheduling
design and implementation of electronic payment gateway for secure online payment system
performance analysis between h 323 and sip over voip
traffic engineering in software defined networking sdn
risk management of secure cloud in higher educational institution
performance analysis of autonomous hybrid distributed generation based on typical control strategies for rural electrification in myanmar
strength of concrete structure partial replacement of sand by copper slag
behavior of concrete using copper slag as a strength parameter in low cost construction work
design and analysis of a multistory reinforced concrete frame in different seismic zone
modeling of dc motor and choosing the best gains for pid controller
implementation of automatic door opening system with entry counter for university library
risk assessment for building construction sites in myanmar
study on solid waste management system and design of sanitary landfill for monywa township
mining educational data to predict students future performance using naive bayesian algorithm
design calculation of penstock and nozzle for 5kw pelton turbine micro hydropower plant
performance evaluation of routing protocols in university network
study from usefulness of digital marketing issues
heat load calculation
performance analysis of wireless sensor network in smart grid environment
power quality improvement harmonic elimination and load balancing in industrial power system
arduino based voice generator text to speech robot 2
performance analysis of fir filter using fdatool 2
configuration of residential network using enhanced interior gateway routing protocol 2
fundamental areas of cyber security on latest technology 2
to standardization formulation and sensory evaluation of carrot dessert with rice balls 2
secure data hiding system by using aes algorithm and indicator based lsb method 2
microcontroller based room temperature and humidity measurement system 2
information sharing of cyber threat intelligence with their issue and challenges 2
automatic monitoring and controlling system for vehicles using pic microcontroller 2
folded shorted patch antenna with slots for rf energy harvesting in wireless sensor network
microstructural and mechanical properties analysis of plasma arc welded 316l austenitic stainless steel joints without addition of filler material
prognosis of cardiac disease using data mining techniques a comprehensive survey
identification of persons by fingerprint using huffman coding algorithm
experimental research on power quality improvement using capacitor bank for 500 kva three phase transformer
implementation of effective switching system for controlling home and office appliances
simulation and results of static var compensator for electric arc furnace no 1 iron and steel mill pyin oo lwin myanmar
forecasting academic performance using multiple linear regression
speed control of dc motor using pid controller for industrial application
smart blind walking stick using arduino
banks roled based member access control
analysis of three phase transformer parallel operation and circulating current
analysis of on load tap changing transformer for substation
face recognition for human identification using brisk feature and normal distribution model
food adulteration its implications and control approaches in india
four ir sensor based automatic control of railway gate using microcontroller
colour detector and separator based on microcontroller
arduino based voice generator text to speech robot
design and implementation of alcohol detector and accident detection system using gsm modem
performance analysis of fir filter using fdatool
configuration of residential network using enhanced interior gateway routing protocol
indoor air quality monitoring system for underground subway stations
analysis and comparative of sorting algorithms
air quality monitoring and control system in iot
design and simulation of secure network for university campus
study on infrastructure developments of mobile generations
lexicon based emotion analysis on twitter data
simulation and analysis of iii v characteristic and bandgap design for heterojunction laser diode
multiscale modeling approach for prediction the elastic modulus of percolated cellulose nanocrystal cnc network
fundamental areas of cyber security on latest technology
to standardization formulation and sensory evaluation of carrot dessert with rice balls
secure data hiding system by using aes algorithm and indicator based lsb method
active and reactive power control of dfig based grid connected wind energy system
evaluation of safe bearing capacity by using statical analysis
electricity meter reading using gsm
classification of language speech recognition system
microcontroller based room temperature and humidity measurement system
parking lot security system using rfid technology
dealing with reactive power in islanded micro grid corresponding power distribution in hierarchical droop control using photovoltaic system
understanding the determinants of security and privacy in cloud computing architecture
information sharing of cyber threat intelligence with their issue and challenges
performance comparison of file security system using tea and blowfish algorithms
effects of waste asbestos cement sheet on compressive strength and flexural strength of concrete
accelerate the strength gaining properties of concrete by using different cementtitious materials non chlorides hardning acceleraters and water curing in rigid pavement
characterization of graphite and zirconium oxide on al 7075 metal matrix composites mmcs fabricated by stir casting technique
construction of automatic solar lawn mower
arduino based vehicle abnormal behavior detection system using camera with sd card
alarm system for medicine reminder based on microcontroller
monitoring and control of solar power system using reliance scada
automatic monitoring and controlling system for vehicles using pic microcontroller
review report on cooling system and control model for improved engine thermal management
analysis of belt bucket elevator
internet of things iot based healthcare monitoring system using nodemcu and arduino uno
to study the effect of use of geosynthetics fibres in sub grade soil
design and analysis of pelton wheel
nonlinear modeling and system identification of a dc gear motor with unknown parameters
property of transient particle number emissions from diesel engines with biodiesel fuel for mechanical engineering
static structural analysis of vented and non vented disc brake
programming language
automatic water storage and distribution system using reliance scada
applied spss for data forecasting of sale quantity
nurses data analysis by applied spss
study on the properties of concrete made with sugar cane bagasse ash under acid and alkaline attack
an experimental study on stabilisation of loose soil by using sisal fiber
an experimental study on stabilization of clayey soil using scba
soil stabilization by using lime and fly ash
an experimental study on stabilization of loose soil by using jute fiber
an experimental study on stabilization of clayey soil by using granulated blast furnace slag
an experimental study on stabilization of soils by using bio enzymes
review paper on wireless sensor body area network
design and construction of pedal operated water pump
design calculation of 40 mw francis turbine runner
study of concrete properties under acid attacks
janaushadhi database management system
a unique technique for solid waste segregation
knowledge discovery in classification and distribution of butterfly species from dagon university campus myanmar by rule induction cn2 algorithm
a research article on synthesis of metal nano particles by chemical reduction method
technical data management from the perspective of identification and traceability in the manufacturing industry
analysis of hydraulic sheet cutting machine and its fixture by using fea
andriod controlled pick and place arm with line follower automaton
wifi based gas pipe leakage detector insect robot using pi3
a review on use of waste tyre in cement concrete pavement by replacing coarse aggregates
a study on the applications and impact of artificial intelligence in e commerce industry
3kw propeller turbine blade design based on tidal range
camera movement control using pid controller in labview
arduino based scientific calculator
experimental study of bituminous mix by adding waste polythene
fpga based digital logic circuits operation for beginners
experimental study of mesh confined concrete subjected to high temperature
design calculation of 1200w horizontal axis wind turbine blade for rural applications
an research article on fabrication and characterization of nickel oxide coated solar cell
a result on novel approach for load balancing in cloud computing
a review on novel approach for load balancing in cloud computing
expelling information of events from critical public space using social sensor big data
review paper on lsb based stegnography to enhance image security
green computing emerging issues in it
concept of hybrid energy storage systems in microgrid
cloud data de duplication in multiuser environment deposm2
water pollution control for mandalay kandawgyi lake by natural treatment system
design and construction of movable bridge using arduino
monitoring section of iots smart garbage system
cnc drilling machine for printed circuit board
tongue motion controlled wheelchair
food preservation an introduction
indoor positioning and navigation system for locating desired products into the shopping mall by utilizing android application
development of a secured door lock system based on face recognition using raspberry pi and gsm module
different variable and recent development in noval buccal drug delivery system
web server based solar parameters monitoring using arduino
software implementation of iris recognition system using matlab 2
software implementation of iris recognition system using matlab
design and implementation of conveyor belt speed control using pid for industrial applications
study on tall structure for hilly and plane surface under seismic and wind load conditions using staad prov8i software
a review paper study on tall structure for hilly and plane surface under seismic and wind load conditions
load estimating and calculating the components of solar system
computational analysis of thermal behavior within a scraped surface heat exchanger sshe
design and construction of musical lighting water fountain
automatic floor cleaning robot using encoder
impact of normalization in future
social media datasets for analysis and modeling drug usage
human emotion recognition using machine learning
data miining
design and construction of navigation based auto self driving vehicle using google map api with gps
a review on civil structural optimization
study on distress patterns causes and maintenance of flexible pavement for selected portions
analysis of soil stabilization by utilizing iron mineral by products steel slag
soil stabilization study by using steel slag
education facility requirement in dang district
power flow control in power system using thyristor controlled series capacitor tcsc
ph control in effluent treatment plant using plc
air cushion mobility system
an adaptive model to classify plant diseases detection using knn
extraction and analysis of pyrolysed oil derived from hdpe ijtsrd 2
iot based smart clothing ijtsrd 2
hostel management system
design and analysis of upright for formula vehicle ijtsrd 2
a performance degradation tolerance way tagged cache ijtsrd 2
design of low power high speed d latch using stacked inverter and sleep transistor at 32nm cmos technology
a review on wireless sensor network
face recognition by using wavelet based frame work
diagnosing diabetes using support vector machine in classification techniques
security concerns in cloud computing
automatic detection of bike riders without helmet
memory management in operating system
system model for processing on multi format of dataset
detection and rectification of distorted fingerprints
efficient routing technique for wireless sensor networks
an intrusion detection system using singular average dependency estimator in data mining
classification of radar returns from ionosphere using nb tree and cfs
comparative analysis of wireless security protocols and issues
tablet computers
provocations open problems encountered by digital forensics ensuing trends in near future
survey on security in cloud hosted service self hosted services
intelligent traffic monitoring based on wireless sensor network
social media in healthcare
review on improved method for supporting privacy protection in personalized web search
comparative analysis of particle swarm optimization based routing protocols for manet and vanet
a survey on classification and prediction techniques in data mining for diabetes mellitus
generation of personalized handwriting written in different language a technical review
iot based smart irrigation system
accelerated mobile pages amp
automated grass cutter robot based on iot
apis and restful apis
review on various security attacks in ad hoc networks
voice recognition wireless home automation system based on iot
security enhancement using ntru algorithm based cryptosystem for communication of classified information via cloud
comparative study of security algorithms
train tracker using gps system
peer to peer file transfer with torrent
the overview of bayes classification methods
touchless touchscreen
techniques to analyse identify verify the online job offers by fake companies world wide
market basket analysis using apriori algorithm in r language
use of big data in government sector
a comparison study of open source penetration testing tools
li fi security issues and its measures
study on cross platform mobile app development with xamarin
invisible web
analysis of clustering technique
analysis on glaucoma detection
a survey on enhancement of text security using steganography and cryptographic techniques
handwritten text recognition and digital text conversion
era of sociology news rumors news detection using machine learning
decision tree models for medical diagnosis
object detection an overview
soft computing techniques based image classification using support vector machine performance
intelligent healthbot for transforming healthcare
topic detection using machine learning
cryptocurrency failures and ways to deal it
malicious node detection in wsn using wte
accessing the internet through light using lifi
artificial intelligence and machine learnings impact on market design
biometric finger print identification using dwt byreal minutiaeextraction
agricultural drone using iot
face recognition system
carstream an industrial system of big data processing for internet of vehicles
a study and designing of custom network configuration using integrated protocols in sdn architecture
centralized tool for software and usb
the discovery of potential acetyl cholinesterase inhibitors a combination of virtual screening and molecular docking studies
intuition synergism a literature survey
face recognition technology
status of information and communication technology training and support for science and technology teacher educators in colleges of education in southeast nigeria
transforming the data into virtual set up segmented usage and adoption
association rule hiding using hash tree
benefits of big data in health care a revolution
implementation of computational algorithms using parallel programming
standard protocols for heterogeneous p2p vehicular networks
comparative study of machine learning algorithms for rainfall prediction
useful and effectiveness of multi agent system
a novel approach of intrusion detection system through sade in data mining
evolution of remote sensing and graphical information system using cpu gpu platform
educational data mining a blend of heuristic and k means algorithm to cluster students to predict placement chance
multi model biometrics data retrieval through big data
towards the utilisation of technologies in curbing examination misconduct in a nigerian university
essence of business 4 0
foray spotlight system
end to end encryption using qkd algorithm
an overview on nano technology
attacks and risks in wireless network security
sixth sense technology
a survey on various disease prediction techniques
hadoop a solution to big data problems using partitioning mechanism map reduce
corroborative computational network using specknet in wireless routing algorithm
providing security to social media using unique identification
a review on codeigniter
implementation of combinatorial algorithms using optimization techniques
analysis on nosql mongodb tool
design and implementation of digital image transformation algorithms
survey on natural language generation
spy detection for android devices
humanoid robot moving in path and obstacle avoidance
a review on neural networks
prediction of coronary artery disease using text mining
web based electronic voting system using finger print authentication and gsm module
secure e banking using bioinformatics
securing cloud data with the application of image processing
an attendance monitoring system using biometric technology and gsm module
intelligent exercise system
energy efficient for cloud based gpu using dvfs with snoopy protocol
internet use and its contributions to the social development of university business education undergraduates in anambra state nigeria
to design and develop intelligent exercise system
automation of invigilations in college examination portal exam click
database security model using access control mechanism in student data management
data imputation methods and technologies
smart alert for college
data imputation by soft computing
fiducial point location algorithm for automatic facial expression recognition
sql injection attack detection and prevention techniques to secure web site
security threats in indian cyberspace by social media and cyberhoaxes
analysis of energy in wireless sensor networks an assessment
real time tracking and fuel monitoring system for vehicle
e ball technology
analysis of climate change for sustainable farming
software piracy protection
a study on content based image retrieval
a review on detecting a specific aspect category for sentiment analysis using association rule mining scheme
a survey on feature extraction technique in image processing
a comprehensive comparative study of mom for adaptive interoperability communications in service oriented architecture
next generation sequencing in big data
cloud intrusion and autonomic management in autonomic cloud computing
a review on seo search engine optimization
an augmented implementation of ad hoc on demand distance vector aodv routing for internet of things iot
research on static rate monotonic real time scheduling system
nosql a very dynamic approach for managing big data
traditional databases vs nosql
simulation of vanet routing using a star algorithm
study on speech compression and decompression by using discrete wavelet transform
adsorption characteristics and behaviors of natural red clay for removal of by28 from aqueous solutions
in search for the super element algorithms to generate higher order elements
a comparison study between two hydrogen sensors
comparison study between hydrogen palladium sensor and hydrogen manganese dioxide sensor
simple exponential observer design for the generalized liu chaotic system
evaluation of feasibility of interlinking of rivers for environmental protection
fe75 xcoxcu1nb3si15b6 alloy with rapid stress annealing
stress annealed cofenbb alloy a structural study
early childhood education smart web portal using intelligence information systems
identification of therapeutic targets and biomarker for breast cancer using microarray data mining
design and implementation of bi directional wireless communication based on low power led to led link
web based solution to sports management reform case of a linton university college
quality factor between visual studio and android studio for developing video control based on hand gestures
an exploration of data mining with analysis for a health care system
developing a forecasting model for retailers based on customer segmentation using data mining techniques
coexistence of zigbee and wi fi networks in machine to machine home system
a study on use of search engine optimization with reference to sarvana paints kolhapur
cloud computing in academic libraries a review
review on design and development of mobile app for farmers
machine learning approach for employee attrition analysis
a model for encryption of a text phrase using genetic algorithm
a review role of mobile application for medical services
a research on cluster based routing methodologies for wireless sensor networks
real time data representation control in convolution neural networks based indoor wi fi localization for internet of things
multisample classification in clinical decisions using multi aggregative factored k nn classifier
optimal energy and network lifetime maximization using a modified bat optimization algorithm mbat under coverage constrained problems over heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
reliable and efficient routing in wlan
extracting the users interests from web log data using a time based algorithm
grant selection process using simple additive weighting approach
web based event management system emsnowadays event management system is used to manage all the activity related to events this paper is intended to design online web based event management system
enhancing the techniques to secure grid computing
video crime monitoring
a survey sms spam filtering
enhancing cloud security by analyzing venerability of cloud server in d dos attack
performance through efficient robust routing technique err model to protect wsn from dos attack
vehicle accident system using gps tracker and airbag ecu
text extraction from image using python
a secure multi agent vanet model to improve communication services in vanet
department management application
simulation of process scheduling algorithms
a survey of methodaology of fraud detection using data mining
chatbot for railway using diloug flow
artificial intelligence assisted weather based plant disease forecasting system
an interruption discovery structure depend on cluster centres and adjacent neighbours
approaching rules induction cn2 algorithm in categorizing of biodiversity
f o o d food ordering online desk
wi fi technology in mumbai local trains
new method for making digital artifacts on security essentials of web verifiable and reliable
comparative analysis of aodv and dsdv routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks
mri image segmentation by using dwt for detection of brain tumor
computational approach to study catalytic properties of dioxygenase enzyme in bioremediation
oracle database backup testing
clinic reservation system
seismic a self exciting point process model for predicting tweet popularity using hashtags
document management system
artificial neural network based detection of renal tumors using ct scan image processing
implementing the structural hole theory to analyze academic networks in tertiary institutions
secure data transmission in vanets
educational data analysis by applied spss
identification of user aware rare sequential pattern in document stream an overview
life care online blood donor finder application using android
visualizing chrome browser history using exploratory
the concept of cloud accounting and its adoption in bangladesh
survey kernel optimized regression model for product recommendation
survey optimal travel route discovery based on topic interest and image attributes
advanced security system using pic through bluetooth
survey on users ranking pattern based trust model regularization in product recommendation
smart attendance system using raspberry pi
survey on kernel optimization based enhanced preference learning for online movie recommendation
building a smart enterprise using internet of things
search rank fraud and malware detection in google play
data migration with oracle datapump tool
arduino controlled robotic arm
multiple behaviour in autonomous robotic vehicle
secure and effectual cloud data deduplication verification
approaches of pattern recognition in analysing the neurological disorders a review
smart assistant for blind humans using rashberry pi
cede blood life saver system
netspam an efficient approach to prevent spam messages using support vector machine
learning of oehow to build attractive and unique e commerce websites%c2%9d
microrna disease predictions based on genomic data
twitter data analytics sentiment analysis of an election
video steganography using discrete wavelet transform and artificial intelligence
budget management shopping strategy for an e commerce website
mental disorder prevention on social network with supervised learning based amoeba optimization
android based interactive service for self learning on set top box
content based image retrieval
ecg signals processing using adaptive linear filters
applied spss for business and marketing
myanmar named entity recognition with hidden markov model
review on vulnerabilities of iot security
internet of things iot security perspective
outlier detection using reverse neares neighbor for unsupervised data
a heart disease prediction model using logistic regression by cleveland database
a study on ad hoc on demand distance vectoraodv protocol
privacy in advertisement services using big data a survey
a heart disease prediction model using logistic regression
internet of thingsiot in healthcare
age invariant face recognition
an efficient pharse based pattern taxonomy deploying method for text document mining
an analysis and study of haar wavelet based method for 2d image compression
a survey paper on identity theft in the internet
implementation of wash location finder
anticipating advertisement visibility using prospective representation
dynamic question answer generator an enhanced approach to question generation
the empirical study of the evolution of the next generation firewalls
secure routing packet transmission with dynamic topologies
an efficient fast phrase search with nth gram for encrypted cloud storage
learning game development life cycle through project based approach
comparison of software cost estimation techniques an overview
automated testing an edge over manual software testing
weight based backbone clustering implemented for multicast manet
promoting device to device communication in cellular networks by hashing techniques
student library attendance using face recognition
an efficient reconstructing routing path in dynamic and large scale networks using extensive hashing
a novel secure cloud saas integration for user authenticated information
advent of artificial intelligence and its impact on top leading commercial banks in india case study
social group recommendation based on big data
aes algorithm encryption and decryption
blockchain technology
efficient opportunistic overlay prototype with reliable routing and distributed resource discovery services
educational institute future intake prediction system based on linear svc
campro g an autonomous mobile robot guide for campus using iot
new technologies for mobile salesforce management
database for mobile application
various approaches for dynamic load balancing for multiprocessor interconnection network
a comparison between relational databases and nosql databases
detecting phishing using machine learning
internet of things iot based smart environment integrating various business applications and recent research directions
rest based api
an efficient secure ad hoc routing protocol for optimize the performance of mobile ad hoc network manet
anomaly detection in fruits using hyperspectral images
a game based graphical password authentication system to prevent shoulder surfing
disaster recovery in business continuity management
rumour source identification in network
resource consideration in internet of things a perspective view
review paper on an efficient encryption scheme in cloud computing using abe
need of iot for smart cities
opinion mining of customer review for amazon product
deep learning in medicine
employee data mining based on text and image processing
deep learning based pain treatment
an effective routing algorithm to enhance efficiency with wsn
operating system a case study
problems in task scheduling in multiprocessor system
cloud cryptography
web based application for farmers using new trends in web technology
an identity based mutual authentication with key agreement
survey on identification of hacker by trapping mechanism
an empirical study of test management in bug tracking system
a tree structure for mining behavioral patterns from wireless
a smart association rule bit vector matrix for mining behavioral patterns from wireless sensor network
social media analysis using optimized k means clustering
simulation of vanet routing using a star algorithm
novel based approach schema for processing vehicle tracking system through gps sms gateways
jomnetwork glbp in medium size enterprise
smart door access using facial recognition
detection of vampire attacks in ad hoc wireless sensor network evaluation and protection
survey on various methods of detecting glaucoma
study on social network mental disorder detection based markov model
analysis of maternal deaths in oaxaca through bayesian networks
design and implementation for trucks tracking system using gps based on semantic web
availability and internet access in homes through bayesian networks
the rating based recommender system using textual reviews a survey
4g wireless technology
role of information communication technology in developing the banking sector of india
computational analysis of rna nucleotide sequences
automation of solar solution toolkit license
study on real time operating system and its scheduling procedures
energy efficient wireless sensor networks a survey on energy based routing techniques
mitosis detection in phase contrast microscopy image sequences of stem cell populations a critical review
jomsecurity localized attack of ips
a survey on classification of feature selection strategies
energy efficient routing strategies for large scale wireless sensor in heterogeneous networks
fundmount platform for crowd sourcing a web application
bayesian analysis of internet access through apps as an e government development strategy in mexico
document ranking using customizes vector method
scada for national critical infrastructures review of the security threats vulnerabilities and countermeasures
enhanced rz leach using swarm intelligence technique
holistic security for internet of things iots implementation in nigeria
a study of firefly algorithm and its application in non linear dynamic systems
emerging directions and current activities social informatics in the information sciences
a study on air pollution monitoring system using wireless sensor network
analysis of performance quality of next generation protocol ipv6
bayesian analysis to the experiences of corruption through artificial intelligence
providing traditional computational facility through tv settop box
semantic web a study on web service composition approaches
an effective and optimal mobility model and its prediction in manets
a survey of cloud computing and social networking sites
big data analytics challenges and opportunities ahead beyond the hype
location based nearest keyword search
an examination of factors influenced in the quality checking of data in a data warehoused
advanced technique for real time detection and recognition of object using resampling and bpf
cross pose facial recognition method for tracking any persons location an approach
web based intelligent inventory management system
a novel ga svm model for vehicles and pedestrial classification in videos
comparative analysis of rzleach with hnnpsorzleach in wireless sensor networks
contiguous neighbour exploration through keywords
ranking and fraud review detection for mobile apps using knn algorithm
energy efficient routing protocols for node distribution in wireless sensor networks
a study of fusing subjectivity and distinct issues in data mining
privacy preserving data mining for healthcare record a survey of algorithms
elementary approach towards biological data mining
brief review on sql and nosql
enhancement of cloud resources security using verification code
secure web applications against cross site scripting xss a review
investigative study on scheduling procedures for real time operating system
reducing energy consumption in smart system through mobilouds framework
cervical smear analyzer csa expert system for identification of cervical cells in papanicolaou smear test
k nearest neighbours based diagnosis of hyperglycemia
diagnosis of hyperglycemia using artificial neural networks
performance study on multipath routing algorithm using temporarily ordered routing algorithm tora using link reversal in wireless networks
soft computing healthcare intelligence through multisensory activity recognition
intelligent energy aware routing iera algorithm based on dynamic sink nodes
symmetric key generation algorithm in linear block cipher over lu decomposition method
roi determination and compression in mri using gradient method with cuda
data mining based on hashing technique
improved way of content delivery network management with authenticated delegation service
survey on security threats in cloud computing
compressing of magnetic resonance images with cuda
a combinational buffer management scheme in mobile opportunistic network
artificial intelligence based training and placement management
grid based multipath with congestion avoidance routing protocol
data science applications challenges and related future technology
enhanced performance for military vehicles using clustering algorithm in vanet
m2m networking architecture for data transmission and routing
iot based border alert and secured system for fisherman
lsb based image steganography for information security system
improving robustness of data network using intelligent modulation technique
intelligent routing algorithm using antnet
examining the status of big healthcare data in mobile environments framework criteria and selection
data structure theoretical approach
framework of object detection and classification high performance using video analytics in cloud
experimental result analysis of text categorization using clustering and classification algorithms
design and mitigation techniques of mv capacitor bank switching transients on 132 kv substation
design and simulation of permanent magnet linear generator for wave energy power plant
experimental investigations on cement concrete by using waste steel as a fibre in concrete
experimental investigations on influence of silica fume and steel fiber on concrete
analysis of statistical properties of eye lens images to detect cataract at earlier stage
a result paper on experimental study of demolished concrete use in rigid pavement construction
thd analysis of cascaded multi level inverters using different pwm techniques
a review paper on experimental study of demolished concrete use in rigid pavement construction
wireless sensor body area network
investigation of nonlinear damped vibrations of a hybrid laminated composite plate subjected to blast load
industrial communication
design optimization and analysis of a radial active magnetic bearing for vibration control
a result paper on experimental study on stabilization of soil subgrade by adding stone dust
food insecurity among children
study on the effect of response spectrum analysis and construction sequence analysis on setback steel structure
analysis on healthcare system using iot
a review paper on experimental study on stabilization of soil subgrade by adding stone dust
monitoring of forest fire detection system using zigbee
traffic monitoring and control system using iot
enhancing availability of data in mixed homomorphic encryption in cloud
effect of sintering temperature on mechanical properties of aluminum composites
applications and effects of silica fume and nano silica on the compressive strength of concrete
application of taguchi method for optimization of process parameters in drilling operation
control and operation of a dc grid based wind power generation system in micro grid
analysis of cnt based hybrid composite plate using material of mechanics approach and fem
engineering surveying course taught to civil engineering students in ksa universities a case study of albaha university
non linear analysis of diesel engine connecting rod
image filtering based on gmsk
feasibility study of modified quasi z source inverter for solar pv technology
a review on architecture issues challenges and applications in underwater wireless sensor network
workflow in treatment process
homogeneous swarm robots exploration
design and development of honeycomb structure for additive manufacturing
study on building structures with sloping ground under seismic and wind load conditions
analysis and comparision of different spectrum sensing technique for ieee 802 11
design and simulation of low noise amplifier at 15 ghz using advanced design system ads
shadow detection and removal using tricolor attenuation model based on feature descriptor
solar and electric powered hybrid vehicle
the review of energy efficient network
stair climbing robot with stable platform
automated billing system using smart shopping cart
spectrum handoff decision schemes and cognitive radio network
wireless student attendance system using fingerprint
vegetable cultivation an alternative horticultural farming in kurnool district andhra pradesh
bridging academic industries skills gap a case study mca institutes in mumbai
compatibility design of non salient pole synchronous generator
monitoring and controlling device for smart greenhouse by using thinger io iot server
design selection of ct and pt effective for transmission lines
iot based home automation system over cloud
simulation of automatic water level control system by using programmable logic controller
printed antenna design and simulation for 5g using hfss
tyre rubber modified bitumen for ashpalt mixture
analytical study of natural light and ventilation in admistrative building of pcntda pune region
shadow detection and removal techniques a perspective view
design selection of transformer on based load capacities for industrial zone
performance analysis of ofdm system for middleton class a noise
effect of biodiesel blends on diesel engine
effects of sub grade and sub base materials quality on flexible pavement a case study
review on recent advancements in the field of reinforced epoxy nano composits
investigation on the existing geometry of pathein suspension bridge
performance improvement of qca design xor logic gate using bistable simulation engine vector
a review paper on sloping ground building structures under seismic and wind load conditions
experimental analysis of optical coherent communication system in india through atmospheric turbulence
supporting spatial temporal provenance location proofs for ad hoc mobile users
material selection of crankshaft for 2c diesel engine
design and construction of line following robot using arduino
experimental research on the strength of concrete for local cement with various replacement materials
design and fabrication of h darrieous vawt
comparative analysis of green algorithm within active queue management for mobile ad hoc network
gsm based embedded medical critical care signal monitoring system
remote sensing and gis methods in urban disaster monitoring and management an overview ijtsrd 2
an experimental study on properties of concrete using waste plastic scrap materials as partial replacement of coarse aggregate
remote sensing and gis methods in urban disaster monitoring and management an overview
experimental study of demolished building waste and pet bottles used in concrete
implementation of a microcontroller based wireless control of domestic electrical appliances using the gsm network
properties of concrete using plastic scrap a review
overview of biometric fingerprint identification
design and implementation of a programmable bluetooth electric cooker
modified behaviour of concrete by replacing fine aggregates with coal fly ash
mathematical differential solution of flow head loss in the flow correction design of distribution network of water supply
improving properties of m30 grade of concrete by adding glass fibers
the production of instant powder fermented soy food supplement enriched with rice bran
investigation on mechanical properties of al6061 alloy processed by fsw
home automation android based gsm system
iot based structural health monitoring
water quality issues related to special industrial zones along hlaing river
design and evaluation of mac protocol strategies techniques in wireless ad hoc network
observations of can bus control system
a framework for privacy enhancing personalized web search
a survey paper on car parking reservation system for parking slots using android application
matlab simulink model of sinusoidal pwm for three phase voltage source inverter
irregular composites thermal establishment for vibration control
soil stabilization using waste materials in sri lanka
feeding mechanism for handicapped person
train mounting t box for wind power generation
study of silica fume blended concrete using statistical mixture experiment and optimizing of compressive strength of cement concrete
a review on traffic signal identification
comparative analysis of image hiding approach in encrypted domain based on histogram shifting method
lsb based stegnography to enhance the security of an image
a review on stegnography data hiding using color images
security issues and the energy consumption in the optical burst switched networks
design of ice manufacturing plant 2000 lb
utilization of plastic waste for making plastic bricks
club management system using laravel framework
improving properties of concrete replacing cement and natural sand with metakolin and robo sand
classification of leukemia detection in human blood sample based on microscopic images
qr code based secure billing system for shops using cued click points
finger spelling identification by employing picture processing
traffic light detection for red light violation system
experimental analysis and effect of coating on hss cutting tool
the viability of thermal energy storage and phase change material a review
face recognition based attendance system with auto alert to guardian using call and sms ijtsrd 2
graphical password authentication using image segmentation for web based applications
design for harvesting and treatment of rainwater in naval biliran
techniques for heat transfer augmentation in a heat exchanger a review
implementation of recommendation on location based services
production and characterization of biodiesel fuel derived from neem azadirachta indica seed using two cylinder diesel engine model
experimental and numerical investigation on structural behaviour of bubble deck slab with conventional slab
a mobile application for bus e ticketing system
self healing capabilities in polymeric materials
experimental investigation on propertie of bitumen using with and with out hdpe for flexible pavement
crack and object detection in pipeline using inspection robot
voltage regulation in grid connected power system using 24 pulse statcom
analysis of artificial neural network
multimodal biometrics authentication system using fusion of fingerprint and iris
a review on rain fade and signal attenuation by rain in ku and ka band satellite communication at mgc campus punjab india
aluminium alloy scraps as useful raw material in component manufacturing and the attendant ill effects
inter cell interference
experimental study on properties of clay bricks by adding cement lime and scba
automated biometric evm implemented using lab view
a review on different topologies and control method of static synchronous compensator
design and analysis of revolutionary elevated supersonic axial turbines
comparison of three different cancellation schemes for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ofdm system
evaluation of efficiency and performances of building materials used in sudan combined with lead as the gamma ray shielding
prediction models for estimation of california bearing ratio for cohesive soil
extraction of pectin from mangifera indica linn indian mango fruit peel
determination of drying constants of some selected roots and tubers
iot based automatic electricity bill generation with theft detection
evaluation of anthocyanin in amaranthus gangeticus l nurawsuraw leaf extract as hair colorant
design and construction of a shredding machine for recycling and management of organic waste
the level of access to the help for catubig agricultural advancement project hcaap
alternative ram mapping algorithm for embedded memory blocks in fpga
harmonics reduction and power factor improvement of switch mode power supply by using zeta converter
secure health monitoring of soldiers with tracking system using iot a survey
optimization of trimming and piercing operations by introducing a new tool
market factors affecting the operations of lechon manok enterprise in selected towns in northern samar philippines
automatic car theft detection system based on gps and gsm technology
economic profitability assessment on the operations of lechon manok enterprises in selected towns in northern samar
electronegativity a force or energy
lung cancer detection on ct images by using image processing
a two stage fuzzy logic adaptive traffic signal control for an isolated intersection based on real data using sumo simulator
simulation of dc motor speed control system by using pid controller
analysis of trust based recommendation for recommendation model in data mining
spectrum sharing analysis of cognitive system through enery harvesting and interference negligence technique
face recognition based intelligent door control system
analytical approach to recycle the vegetable and fruit waste into feed
adhesive from petrol and thermocol
child rescue system from open borewells
analytical study of washing machine effluent for households of residential building in nasik region
to design a circuit diagram for mute keypad vocalizer using arduino uno
structural and vibration analysis of a machine shaft using finite element analysis
an efficient virtual memory using graceful code
hot disk pick and place robot
steering control adaptive headlights
autonomous voice control pick and place rover
suggestion generation for specific erroneous part in a sentence using deep learning
review paper on properties of concrete partial replacement of fine aggregate and cement
experimental investigation of different characterisitcs of pvc and xlpe cables
investigation on friction stirs welding of aluminum alloy and copper dissimilar metals
experimental investigations on strength characteristics of high performance concrete using silica fume and superplasticizer
phrase structure identification and classification of sentences using deep learning
genetic programming approach for oral cancer detection and its image restoration
communication skills improving assistance
design and analysis of ceiling cable holder base
design of blood monitor sensor model to determine glucose level in blood sample
soil liquefaction potential maps for earthquake events in yangon myanmar
blockchain a revolutionary technology
algorithms for smart antenna for digital communication system
beam and column joint exterior behavior
a review biogas production from bakery waste
android application for college management system
employee overseer attendance management and business analysis system
linux based speaking medication reminder project
comparative studies of various digital image audio watermarking techniques
dct based robust secured digital image to audio watermarking algorithm
review paper on study on properties of black cotton soil using rice husk ash
a review on distribution cables and their diagnostic methods
cfd analysis of solar air heater provided with discrete inclined rib roughness on the absorber plate a review
applications of energy storage systems in wind based power system
the impact of technology trends on healthcare systems a study on opportunities and threats
a survey on clustered and energy efficient routing protocols for wireless sensor networks
comparative study on the properties of cement stabilized lateritic bricks sourced from different locations
frequency regulation and active power control in wind diesel based hybrid power system using bess
effect of diesel engine fuelled with biofuel blends
optimization of process parameters in mig welding of two dissimilar materials
assessment of some chemical properties of isan ekiti soil southwestern nigeria
design of a controller for systems with simultaneously variable parameters
smart home using kinco plc
performance evaluation of coating materials and process parameters optimization for surface quality during turning of aisi 410 austenitic stainless steel
analyses of some engineering properties of isan ekiti soil southwestern nigeria
a compression based methodology to mine all frequent items
heat transfer enhancement by using dimple surface
a modern and experimental study on stabilization of marine clay by using coir fibre for foundation
an experimental study on shear strength of soil subgrade using cement as stabilizing agent
solid waste management in villages a review
solar panel dual management system
use of natural coagulants for primary treatment of dairy wastewater treatment a review
enhancement of strength characteristics of poorly graded soil by flyash and cement
future antenna for 5g mobile communications
analyses of some geotechnical indices of the federal polytechnic ado ekiti lateritic soil used for bricks
wireless linked navel substation for international boundary scanning and surveillance system using gps
artificial intelligence basics and terminology
data processing through image processing using gaussian minimum shift keying
green and light weight vehicles power transmission system design and development
use of industrial waste in road embankment
study on alternative fuels for compression ignition engines
skin cancer detection using digital image processing and implementation using ann and abcd features
analysis of active power flow control with phase shifting transformer in ac transmission line
single image super resolution using interpolation and discrete wavelet transform
efficient design of 2 1 mux multiplexer using nanotechnology based on qca
wireless body area network a review on issues routing techniques and various applications
experimental study of mechanical strength of the iron mixed concrete
spectrum handoff decisions
estimating nigerian power system post contingency line flows using power distribution factors
issues with reliability of fuzzy logic
analysis of underwater image de hazing approaches a perspective view
analysis of adsorption time for solar adsorption refrigeration system
harmonic analysis of svpwm based three phase inverter using matlab simulink
a new hybrid synchronous reluctance machine capable of ultra high output power
some studies on protection for the hidden attribute based signatures without anonymity revocation
condition monitoring of wear progress in hydrostatic pumps
characteristic behaviour of aluminium metal matrix composites a review
coal ash bentonite mixture as landfill liner
design and simulation of 80 khz high frequency converter using cd 4047ic cmos
study on use of saw dust ash as replacement of cement in concrete
a preliminary study on aerated geopolymer using calcium carbide
crowd sensing systems a mini review
analysis of dual axis solar tracking system by using lock anti phase drive method
image denoising for awgn corrupted image using owt and thresholding
performance analysis of k mean clustering map for different nodes
automatic railway gate control system using android
soil classification using image processing and modified svm classifier
beamforming for 5g networks
studies on nano cellulose century fiber composites
a review on transformer less upfc
determination of maximum optical range of fso link affected by atmospheric attenuation in spatial diversity
aqua silencer
development of hybrid fibrous panel for controlling acoustics in home theatre conference hall
design and construction of an electric arc welding machines transformer
performance analysis of pv modules a review
modified low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy m leach protocol for wsn
area efficient full subtractor based on static 125nm cmos technology
heart rate variability analysis of pc interactive e learning studies
effect of quartz sand grains diameter on the mechanical properties of mortars
an experimental study on low calcium flyash and metakaolin based geo polymer concrete
internet of things technologies for smart towns a remote system for making town smart
review performance evaluation of single species and multispecies constructed wetland by using septic tank effluent
zct precoding based slm technique for papr reduction
identifying the slider crank mechanism system by the mpso method
behaviour of interlocking hollow concrete blocks ijtsrd 2
design of systolic architecture using evolutionary computation
evaluation of dispersion potential for some problem soils in central myanmar
single image super resolution using analytical solution for l2 l2 algorithm
an image quality assessment of multi exposure image fusion by improving ssim
analysis of power transfer capability of a long transmission line using facts devices
determination of dispersivity in a laboratory soil column
guidelines for approching steps of learning programmable logic controllers in automation
simulation approach with matlab gui for teaching electronic engineering subjects
performance and emission characteristics of biodiesel from algae in a diesel engine
internet of things iot based smart environment and its applications
hybrid cycle with the combination of flywheel and gear system
power conversion interface
the comparative study on improvement of tender systems in myanmar
comparative study on analysis and design of reinforcement concrete building under seismic forces for different codal guidelines
authentication through claims based authentication
design and construction of a 20 000 mah wind power bank
iot a dynamic approach for smart system monitoring on soil
implementation of brain tumor extraction application from mri image
image denoising by owt for gaussian noise corrupted images
efficient cluster head replacement leach protocol for wireless sensor networks
real time face detection security system using haar classifier method
performance analysis of congestion control algorithm for mobility model in mobile ad hoc networks by using modified aodv protocols
optimization of a composite drive shaft by minimizaton of sink mark defects in injection moulding process
analytical investigation of rake contact and friction behaviour in metal cutting
smart ac power management
svm classifiers at it bests in brain tumor detection using mr images
load shedding management
technology in solar power systems
innovative technologies for electrical domain
automatic light intensity monitoring using modern technology
antenna positioning based on iot
literature review on single image super resolution
study about effects of oblique angle of die surface to the product quality in the deep drawing
productivity improvement in a sewing line through line balancing in a garment manufacturing company in the philippines
design and fabrication of automatic speed controller for automobile
predefined height measurement of the slab in plate mill
cfd simulation of air conditioning system of the classroom
design of fin for various variables
multi objective optimization of near dry edm using moora pca based taguchi optimization method
optimization of process parameters on tig welding to enhance mechanical properties of aa 6351 t6 alloy
privacy protection and intrusion avoidance for cloudlet based medical data sharing
optimizing power ramp capabilities of pv systems using fuzzy mppt
implementation of msk modulation scheme for zigbee system ieee 802 15 4 physical layer
literature survey on zigbee ieee 802 15 4 system implementation
survey on detection and prevention of intrusion
comparison of various waveform contenders of 5g wireless communication based on ofdm
an overview of various waveform contenders based on ofdm for 5g communication
design and development of multi terrain vehicle
column leachability test for understanding the persistence of four commonly used pesticides for cotton crop in vidarbha maharshtra india
an efficient him technique for tumour detection from mri images
secure data deduplication with dynamic ownership management in cloud storage
big data analytics a brief survey
review paper on mimo ofdm system using wimax model
design energy efficient smac protocol for wireless sensor networks using neighbour discovery scheduling algorithm
comprehensive investigation of poly methyl methacrylate pmma polymer for weathering with the combination of different blends of uv stabilizers and antioxidant
grid connected solar photovoltaic array with mppt matlab simulation
development of low cost solar cell and inverter
li fi technology in wireless data communication
a systematic literature review of frequent pattern mining techniques
land and flying robot
effect of voltage sag on an induction motor
iot based detection of leakages in gas pipes
a study on road accidents and detection of drivers distraction
compensation of sag and swell voltage by using dynamic voltage restorer
study of mechanical properties of banana and e glass fiber composite
analysis of dc dc boost converter for hybrid power generating system
acoustic the way of utilizing the resource for research and technology implementation to domestic equipments an introductory overview
implementation of fractal image compression on medical images by different approach
optimization of cutting force of turning of aisi 1018 mild carbon steel using rsm
evaluation of compression lines and aging effect on clayey soils
methods of improving aerodynamics of a vehicle a review
power upgrading of transmission line by combining ac dc transmission and analysis of upfc
design and implementation of smart trolley for automatic billing system
mining human movement patterns for big data for healthcare applications in smart home
study of machining on high carbon high chromium die steel using wire cut edm under various conditions
design and evaluation of scheduling architecture for ieee 802 16 in mobile ad hoc network
a noval design for petrol diesel filling and billing system
a secure on demand routing protocol
energy aware multipath routing scheme in ad hoc network using fitness function
dementia patient activity monitoring and fall detection using iot for elderly
design and fabrication of solar grass cutter to increase cutting space using scotch yoke mechanism
path planning algorithms for unmanned aerial vehicles
rf id based hot water distribution system
review on linear array antenna with minimum side lobe level using genetic algorithm
medicine traceability system using blockchain
android based digital attendance system using gsm
control for grid connected and intentional islanding of distributed power generation
a review paper on study of progressive damage of composite structure under tri axial loading by referencing macro mechanical based failure theories
review paper on quantum dot cellular automata using nanoelectronics
liquid flow control by using fuzzy logic controller
color and height control of fluid mixing system using fuzzy logic
design and implementation of speed control of induction motor using arduino based flc
mining high utility dataset
regenerative braking system
a research paper on porous asphalt pavement
modeling and simulation of unified series shunt compensator for power quality improvement
heat treatment and alloying of spherulitic graphite cast iron for intensification of properties
arduino based smart home automation system
coordination of statcom and pss to enhance the power system stability with eigen value analysis
gps and gsm based vehicle tracking system
zigbee based smart farm data logging and monitoring system
study the effect of using subordinate grass ash on mechanical properties in fabrication of ceramics
a review paper on study of progressive damage of composite structure under tri axial loading by using micromechanical based failure theories
generalized unified power quality conditioner upqc system with an improved control method under distorted and unbalanced load conditions
structural efficiency and economy of shells foundations
memory management in bigdata a perpective view
a literature survey on security management policies used in wireless domain
implementation of fuzzy based grid tied pv system for single phase transformer less inverter with charge pump circuit concept
review paper on wireless sensor networks wsn for fuzzy logy algorithms
review and analysis of wimax technology using different modulation scheme with awgn channel
an efficient image processing based security technique using raspberry pi
analysis of user session data using the map reduce classification with big data
a universal printed antenna for uhf rfid applications
hba distributed metadata management for large cluster based storage systems
beneficial usage of autoclaved aerated concrete block
automatic light turn on off system
analysis and modification of scissor jack
a review of sensor node in wireless sensor networks
novel algorithm for multi document summarization using lexical concept
multi objective optimization of edm process parameter by topsis method
comparative analysis design of regular irregular building its behaviour at different earthquake zone by using etabs rcdc software
development and optimization of process parameters of microwaved cured polymer based natural fibre coir reinforced composite
performance of ultrasonic testing for different steel sheets which are joined by spot welding
municipal solid waste and its management a study on varanasi city
wsn based temperature monitoring system for multiple locations in industry
zeta converter for speed control of electronically commutated bldc motor
waste water generating electricity by using microcontroller
dc house an alternate solution for rular electrification
wireless jamming networks
transcription management system
process optimization of garcinia gummi gutta for production of biodiesel and performance and emission characteristics of biodiesel blends in diesel engine
modeling and simulation of bevel gearboxes in autocad
analysis of computer aided design employed in landscape design
the shunt active power filter to compensate reactive power and harmonics with optimized pi controller in a 3 phase 3 wire distribution system
the shunt active power filter to compensate reactive power and optimized thd with improved power by pi controller in a 3 phase 3 wire distribution network ijtsrd 2
obstacle identification on railway tracks
comparison of two compensation control strategies for shunt active power filter in three systems
the shunt active power filter to compensate reactive power and optimized thd with improved power by pi controller in a 3 phase 3 wire distribution network
experimental analysis of automotive exhaust heat exchanger for thermal uniformity
power factor correction of a single phase ac to dc interleaved boost converter using fuzzy logic controller
gsm based automated fat detection and billing system
performance analysis of higher order cascaded h bridge multilevel inverters
optimization of dry end milling process parameters of al 6063 alloy using taguchi method
optimization of scheduling in fms using heuristic approaches a case study
motion of curtains using natural language processing
utilization of waste polythene as low cost and eco friendly material in ppc concrete
safety challenge in high rise building
smart dustbins for smart cities
durability study on self compacting concrete with mineral admixture
an overview on latest trend of face milling operation
a review of super resolution and tumor detection techniques in medical imaging
air pollution monitoring system
energy efficient compression for wireless sensor network
drought assessment using standard precipitation index
comparative study on effect of fly ash and rice husk ash on strength of concrete
fast modular multiplication using parallel prefix adder
modelling and analysis of spark ignition carburettor
plastic wastes as partial replacement of conventional natural aggregates
development of grain moisture meter with moisture and price display
thermoelectric air conditioning
performance and emission characteristics of a v c r c i engine using chicken waste based bio diesel with blended fuels
smart waste management system
effect of partial replacement of sand by mild steel filings in concrete
experimental investigations and computational analysis on subsonic wind tunnel
review on treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater
right selection of inverter systems and harmonics reduction a means of enhancing power infrastructure in nigeria
image retrieval for minority costume by using color histogram and edge orientation eo histogram technique
design and implementation of human stress detector
waste management system by using iot
drunk and drive detection using raspberry pi
deep learning techniques applications and challenges an assessment
design and analysis of crankshaft for internal combustion engine
transformational planning for artificial intelligence
assessment of permeability characteristics of ado ekiti to ikere ekiti road soil southwestern nigeria
creating a method for activating alkaline bentonite of navbakhor to justify the local plant oils
iot based smart horticulture monitoring system
retrieval process in cloud computing an assessment
using docker for containerization in high performance computing applications
significance of phase change materials in building construction
additive manufacturing of leaf spring
smart speaker using raspberry pi
blockchain beyond cryptocurrencies
investigations on properties of concrete by partial replacement of sand and cement with copper slag and rice ask ash
review on congestion control algorithm for vanet
iot based industrial information gathering
effects of termite activities on permeability characteristics of lateritic soils in ado ekiti south western nigeria
experimental study on properties of black cotton soil mixed stone dust and sisal fiber
expert finding system
optimization of edm process parameters using response surface methodology for aisi d3 steel
importance relevance and applications of smart materials in aircraft control
solar tracker in p t u e p department
matlab based image compression using various algorithm
question bank maker
an approach for sentiment analysis using neural network
atm security system by using hybrid authentication
a research paper on design and analysis of shaftless steam turbine
remote controlled fire fighting robot
a survey of network based detection and defense mechanisms countering the ip spoofing problems
reduction in size of vars by using different materials in generator
newsocirank recognizing and ranking frequent news topics using social media factors
real time physiological status monitorinig through telemetry system for on spot accident patients using iot
fishermen nautical border alert system
autonomous driving using deep reinforcement learning in urban environment
key aggregate based vulnerable data access control in cloud computing ijtsrd 2
remote operated shutter system with fingerprint lock
a frame study on sentiment analysis of hindi language using machine learning
design and development of an environmental temperature controller for application to a poultry environment with an sms alert feature using a microcontroller a risk reduction approach
implementation of rotation and vectoring mode reconfigurable cordic
dynamic channel allocation for wireless zone based multicast and broadcast service
role of ethics in artificial intelligence
an improved deehc to extend lifetime of wsn
road accident study on some areas in yangon
assessment of bioactive activity of blackberry seed extract
plasma spray gun literature review on cooling efficiency
automatic car washing and drying using microcontroller 8051
key aggregate based vulnerable data access control in cloud computing
critical analysis of power factor improvement of single phase ac dc converter by passive active filters
structures to resist the effects of the accidental explosions
an insight into cloud computing paradigm and services
study on bio mimetic portable robotic arm
towards green campus in bdce
implementation of a robotic vehicle using an rf module
effect of operating temperatures on the performance of a sofc gt hybrid system
performance and emissions analysis of vcr engine using waste mustard cooking oil
power flow analysis for four buses system by nr method
voltage generation using piezo crystals
properties of concrete with acid
modeling of water absorption by dried palm nut soaked at room temperature
an investigative review on landing gear of an aircraft structure based on finite element monitoring
mining health examination records a graph based approach
iot based water saving technique for green farming
smart solar grass cutter robot
gesture control robot using arduino
analytical study of municipal solid waste characteristics at deonar dumping yard in mumbai region maharashtra india
study on the properties of self cleaning concrete using titanium dioxide
robotic monitoring of power systems
a study on properties of modified rotor spun yarn
design analysis fabrication of test rig for piston pin fatigue life assessment
comparative cfd and simulative analysis of flow behaviour to calculate losses in different geometrical pipes
pet care system based on android application
heat transfer augmentation in heat exchanger using nanofluid a review
design and analysis of pedal box with braking system
a review structural design of leaf spring by using hybrid composite material
eeg classification using semi supervised learning
implementation of planning techniques for a residential project using primavera
smart plant growth on hydroponics using rain water harvesting
a review on face detection techniques
all terrain offensive and defensive robot
implementation of functional analysis using value analysis value engineering vave on car outside handle
symbol development to present friction stir butt weld experiment
a study on mechanical properties of e glass polypropylene epoxy and s glass polypropylene epoxy composites
manifest electronic voting machine using image processing
iot based smart cities
removal of pb ii from aqueous solutions using activated carbon prepared from garlic waste
to determine the mechanical properties of concrete by using glass fibre and polypropylene fibre
a review on speech feature techniques and classification techniques
design of a real time modular brain computer interface movement related eeg recognition
design of solar powered air conditioning system
anti theft vehicle device
quality management of nh 31 from etah to kasganj in u p
hand rehabilitation glove
design of high strength concrete using superplastisizer and stone dust
nsga ii implementation for resource allocation in mimo ofdma
chemical safety in textile industry
study on buildup the properties of r c c structures against fire
virtual and augmented reality an overview
clinical depression detection using speech feature with machine learning approach
authenticated access of atm cards
pontem monitoring using iot
preparation of fan coil unit using revit software
an efficient algorithm for hiding text in encrypted domain of image using histogram shifting method
fabrication of electric two wheeler
comparative evaluation of mechanical characterization features of dissimilar weldments
automated timer socket using arduino
experimental study on properties of some lesser used seasoned timber species in myanmar
removal of fluoride by adsorption using fullers earth
digital data security by using quantum cryptography
different module integrated converters for pv systems a review
sentiment analysis
two wheel controlled spy robot
study of effect of friction on the pin of pantograph mechanism
load frequency control issues in multiarea power system a review
time dependent settlement response model of tested piles in coastal region of nigeria
optimizing strength of a retaining wall by altering reinforcement details
digital tachometer using aurdino
a comprehensive review on d facts devices
a scratchpad memory with advanced dma for data transfer with cache assistance for multi bit error correction
experimental investigations and analysis of thermoelectric refrigerator with multiple peltier modules
study of polyaniline coated fabrics for electromagnetic shielding properties
modeling of queue management system in banking industries
unified power quality conditioner upqc using power conditioner apply to 3 phase 3 wire system by using hysterisis and pll
study on natural pozzolan as a partial replacement for cement in pervious concrete
quality assessment of water in municipal solid waste dumpsite area
converting plastic to useful energy resources
a dynamic scratchpad memory collaborated with cache memory for transferring data for multi bit error correction
trends in rers and their impact on energy sector a review
automatic temperature controlled air cooler design assembly and testing
facial emoji recognition
enhancement of heat transfer analysis and optimization of engine fins of varying geometry
different methods for controlling the power flow in rers based power system
evaluation of ber in lte system using various modulation techniques over different modulation schemes
performance and emission characteristics of pyrolysed fuel of tyre blended with diesel in diesel engine
bit error rate performance evaluation of different digital modulation and coding techniques with varying channels
moving grocery store using a i powered robots
grid connected pv systems and their growth in power system
design and fabrication of thermo electric refrigerator
framework for productivity of precast concrete elements using multivariable linear regression technique
analysis of air conditioning system used in automobile
impact of rice husk ash on cement concrete
modifications for conversion of conventional four stroke engine to a six stroke engine
friction stir spot welding of aluminium alloy aa6063
reviewwavelet transform based electroencephalogram methods
comparative analysis of aodv base and rssi base wireless sensor node localization techniques
pca and dct based approach for face recognition
efficacy of cement using fly ash rice husk ash and sugarcane straw ash a review
design and working of pedal operated flour mill
real time application for career guidance
identification of disease in leaves using genetic algorithm
tri wheeler stair climber
effect of lime on engineering properties of cohesive soil
effects of organic carbon content and water stable aggregate on the development of rill and gully erosion in aramoko ekiti
experimental and numerical investigations on melting behavior of pcm in storage tank
review denoising and compression methods
review on bio mimitic robotic bird
heat load calculations and duct design for commercial building g 2
monitoring of the chemical oxygen demand and identify the presence of gas
design of chiller for air conditioning of residential building
analysis and comparative study of image restoration by using matlab
an intelligent device control system using augmented reality and zigbee technology
rfid technology an overview
improving defense mechanism using packet tracer for switches and router
automatic plant irrigation system
regenerative brakingusing permanent magnet synchronous motor pmsm and supercapacitor
counterfeit currency detection
an experimental study on shear strength of soil sub grade using cement as stabilizing agent
modelling and analysis of go kart chassis
design and fabrication of a foot operated washing machine
control of three phase shunt active power filter sapf by instantaneous reactive power theory
power management in pv wind battery based hybrid power system
estimation of cooling load calculations for a commercial complex
study the behaviour bending phenomenon of ferrocement slab panels
conceptual design for real time monitoring and control system for critical assets using java classes case study of public building and oil gas pipeline security
design and analysis of electric bike
air water system design using revit mep for a residential building
a review of design of binary golay code and extended binary golay code for error correction
designing of solar air conditioning for four wheeler
a review on unit sizing optimization and energy management of hres
comparative study of dga methods for the incipient fault diagnosis in power transformer using ann approach
bionic person for issuing of rto license
self rechargeable paper thin film batteries
study the behaviour bending phenomenon of ferrocement slab panels a review
design of an air distribution system for a multi storey office building
bagasse level monitoring system
structural health monitoring shm of highway bridges using wireless sensor network
generation of air conditioning by using exhaust gases and cooling water of an automobile engine
design of family mould tool for plastic box
investigation on mechanical properties of tig welded joint and its efficiency
study on comparison of structural fundamental period within ubc 97 and asce 7 05
the intellectual automated substation
implementation of a radon counter measuring apparatus using ccd image sensor module
design and analysis of upright for formula vehicle
design and control of automatic power factor correction apfc for power factor improvement in oakshippin primary substation
performance analysis of v blast spatial multiplexing with ml and mmse equalisation techniques using psk modulation
sms alarm system for weather station using arduino and gsm module
mac protocols for cognitive radio sensor networks and their comparision
experimental study on high performance concrete with glass fibre
analyses of some engineering properties of ado ekiti to ilawe ekiti road soil southwestern nigeria
use of rice husk ash as an admixture to substitute of portland cement in concrete
sequence prediction of firing angle bldc motor drive using lookup table
design and analysis of mixed flow pump impeller
cfd analysis of heat transfer enhancement in shell and tube type heat exchanger creating triangular fin on the tubes
scaring animals using assembler language
dynamic analysis of bionic arm
a review study of the thermo physical properties of pcm with dispersion of nano particles
design and developing of two wheeler handle gripper using 3d printing technology
dynamic analysis of multistory rcc building frame with flat slab and grid slab
simulation and analysis of variable speed wind turbine coupled with self excited induction generator
analysis and investigation of ms weldment using unbaked e7018 electrode
a condition aware smart navigation system
intelligent drone based personal assistant using artificial intelligence ai
on the issue of improving the reliability of consumer protection in unbalanced modes of low voltage networks
modelling and 3d printing of differential gear box
modal analysis of a square plate with reinforcement with number of stiffeners
test bed installation for performance evaluation of radon mitigating materials
heat load calculation with duct design of a multi storeyed residential building
analytic system based on prediction analysis of social emotions from users a review
modelling and analysis on water tube boiler drum
3d printing
spot speed study for accident analysis and mitigation measures on wardha pawnar road
military radar system
automatic pump controller for solar photovoltaic irrigation system
a study on mesh free methods a different form of fem
performance analysis of congestion control algorithm for mobility model in mobile ad hoc networks manet
process improvement using statistical process control in a small scale industry
experimental investigation on the properties of concrete with plastic pet bottle fibers as partial replacement of fine aggregates
behaviour of interlocking hollow concrete blocks
experimental study on physical properties of high strength concrete with and without horse dung
an analysis on increasing the loom speed
determining the concentration of pollutant in vizag steel plant
comparative study of strength of fibre reinforced geo polymer concrete and conventional opc concrete
a review on green cellular network
secondary filtration of closed loop in dc locomotive
design a congestion aware routing algorithm for synchronous cam design
multiple products testing on single circular conveyor
design and fabrication of economical air filter
smart prevention system to protect women incensorious situation
a review of development centrifugal pump testing setup according to is 9137 1978 standard
designing of iir filter using radix 4 multiplier by precharging technique
understanding the need of implementation of lean techniques in manufacturing industries a review
performance and optimization of nox reduction by urea spray formation in si engines
a situation aware navigation system
process parameter optimization for resistance spot welding using response surface methdology
an efficient fir filter for electrocardiogram signal
design and modeling of pull rod and push rod suspension system
a survey on web based application of secure online voting system
detection and analysis of sag and swell power quality disturbances using fractional fourier transform
analysis of air conditioning arrangement for two floor shopping complex by using revit mep software
performance characteristics of a variable compression ratio engine using transesterified mahua oil
erp system for soft commodities
rfid and gsm based safe petrol distribution system with adulteration prevention
hybrid solar wind power generation
experimental investigation on tig welded aluminium alloy 6082 weldment using non destructive evaluation
design and development of spur gear by using three dimensional printing
attribute couplet attacks and seclusion protection in social networks
pongamia bio diesel a review
modelling and 3d printing of crankshaft
cluster based resource allocation for comp mu mimo 5g network
de identification technology involves web mining
a review on bionic arm
transmission of wireless power using solar power satellite technology
evaluation of porosity in fusion welded aa2014 plates using x ray radiography
mechanical characterization of hybrid fiber reinforced composite
analytical research for improvement of solid waste management in jaipur city
multifactor based top k feature extraction using summarized customer reviews
multi operational machining and controlling with the help of electro magnetic clutch
situation invariant face recognition using neural networks
performance analysis of v blast mimo system using minimum mean square error equalizer technique with bpsk
design and analysis of connecting rod of diesel engine
iot based patient monitoring
floating point operations compatible streaming elements for fpga accelerators
a integrated medical project design in godavadi village
design and development of system integrated test facility for iads
effect of steel fibre reinforcement on early strength of concrete
green synthesis of ferric oxide nano particles using manilkara zapota plant leaves and study its effect on dyes in textile waste water
raspberry pibot manipulated with skid steered mechanism for multi environment surveillance
simulation of power electronic converter circuits using com3lab learning software in teaching a case study
utilization of recycled coarse aggregate for concrete production
role of thermoplastic granulus for the improvement of strength of clay soil
analysis of drinking water quality parameters a case study of hanumangarh town
oezimcorp%c2%9d a collaborative web application for enhancing intracorporate communication
an informational search for review through data analytics
audio transmission using li fi technology
two dimensional filter design using evolutionary optimization
performance improvement analysis on pv t solar water collectors connected in series and parallel
a performance degradation tolerance way tagged cache
reduction of interference
total home security system using arm
storage of biometric data in database
performance improvement analysis and simulation of solar pv t water collector
cloud computing using mobile phone
tri band microstrip patch antenna for satellite communication
optimization of cutting parameters in cnc turning of aisi 304 aisi 316 stainless steel
an autonomous uav for pesticide spraying
improvement of a radon counter sensitivity using high voltage ion chamber
comparative study of cloud services offered by amazon microsoft and google
automatic gemstone setting machine in jewels
combined channel and clipping level estimation in ofdm with mmse equalizer
experimental study on high strength concrete using industrial wastes
thermal imaging based search operation using drone
additive manufacturing and testing of a prosthetic foot ankle joint
portable centre pivot irrigation system with advanced control through sensors a review
study of energy efficient images with just noticeable difference threshold based on feature transform
collaborative filtering with preventing fake ratings
prototype of automatic fan
performance and analysis of weld joint by using two dissimilar electrodes e6010 and e7018
simulation based performance analysis of histogram shifting method on various cover images
study for comparison on design of steel frame using rolled fabricated and peb sections
optimizing multiple object tracking and decision making using neurofuzzy
optimum sizing methodologies and planning of different system components in hybrid power system
development of diagnostic system for brain mri scanning based on robust information clustering
review on the development of road cleaning and scrap collecting robotic vehicle
review paper on improved exhaust emission control by the use of cu zeolite catalyst based catalytic converter
different topologies and sizing techniques in pv wind battery based power system
multipurpose student smart card
design and construction of speed detection system for vehicles
cdss implementation with cda generation and integration for health information exchange in cloud
electronic door lock using rfid and password based on arduino
real time bursty topic detection from twitter
simulation of direct sequence spread spectrum for wireless communication systems using simulink
mechanical investigation and comparison of coated curved tiller shovels va mo b ti by hardfacing
experimental investigation on replacement of cement in concrete partially by using dolamite powder
a case study on blackout
design a refractory boiler shell for optimum weight
parameter estimation of neutral grounding reactor for a single line to ground fault for transformer
experimental enhancement of heat transfer analysis on heat pipe using sio2 and tio2 nano fluid
warfare robot
parametric analysis of reciprocating friction and wear behaviour of ptfe composite
review on earth observation and space museum application
risk assessment in manual material handling of an edible oil company
abnormal driving behaviors detection with smart phones
analysis of energy generation from exhaust of automobile using peltier thermoelectric generator
an approach to block negative posts on social media at server side
heat transfer analysis in annular fin with tapered profile used in ic engine
an advanced new adaptive alpha trimmed median filter for removel of salt and pepper noises for recovering the image protecting edge data
a survey silkworm egg counting and monitoring based on image processing and internet of things iot
data warehouse structure for energy monitoring system towards campus sustainability
process model of e assessment for accessible and remote examination
issues on management and governance of data security in heis
wideband width impedance matching topologies for pa applications
knowledge management and predictive analytics in it project risks
green sustainability development for industry internet of things in railway transportation industry
reduced dimension lane detection method
institutional element in malaysia housing industry
effect of tsunami loads on ulak karang shelter building in padang city
analysis of retrofiton school building with shear wall and steel bracing
building information model a graphical user interface to generate a three dimensional building
desalination approach of seawater and brackish water by coconut shell activated carbon as a natural filter method
automation of medical waste separation using advanced technologies to minimize its impact on environment
synthesis of 64 bit triple data encryption standard algorithm using vhdl
biodiesel production performance analysis on ci engines a review
feasibility of artificial neural network in civil engineering
maritime boundary protection system using floating station
experimental study on flexible concrete by using polyurethane fiber
design and analysis of go kart chassis for front side and rear impact
estimate the compressive and flexural strength test of natural and recycle concrete aggregate
an efficient method k means clustering for detection of tumour volume in brain mri scans
experimental study of setup time reduction in cnc machine shop
iot based smart clothing
renewable energy storage
assessing the monthly variation of reference evapotranspiration of nsukka enugu state nigeria
extraction and analysis of pyrolysed oil derived from hdpe
reliability of soil and ground improvement techniques on peaty clay soil a review ijtsrd 2
assessing the effects of temperature and relative humidity on the signal strength of we fm abuja nigeria during harmattan period
reliability of soil and ground improvement techniques on peaty clay soil a review
voice controlled notice board using bluetooth module
study on loss allocation of power distribution network with distributed generation
minimization of starting torque and inrush current of induction motor by different starting methods using matlab simulink
hot spot temperature analysis of transformer using fem on comsol
effect of load variation and thickness on deflection and operating stress of wave spring
identifying three phase induction motor equivalent circuit parameters from nameplate data by different analytical methods
a review on oecfd analysis of heat transfer enhancement of shell and tube heat exchanger creating triangular fins on the tube%c2%9d
ehv transmission line capacity enhancement through increase in sil level
a literature review on the effect of nanoparticles in refrigeration system
a review on airflow and temperature distribution in a residential building with an under floor air distribution system
application of cartoon like effects to actual images
a review on performance enhancement of catalytic conveter by making geometrical changes
enclosure design for 3d printing
nanotribology and its need a review
analysis of hardware security to prevent the scan based attacks by using sticky counter
effective printing text using bluetooth technology from android application
optimization of turning process parameters for en24 steel alloy using experimental design
integrated renewable energy system with the use of battery energy storage
design of ceiling fan regulator knob
performance analysis of preamble detection at maximum throughput level for ofdm
fault analysis using stft and travelling wave method
effect of static load on cast iron drainage manhole cover
performance analysis of different combination of mimo antenna system using digital modulation
development of concrete filled steel tube cfst a review
impacts of big data on smart farming
a review on hvdc circuit breakers
performance evaluation of radon mitigating materials for building a radon resistant dwelling
a review on fuzzy sets uncertainty modeling in expert systems
v drop automatic book drop
design and fabrication of turning fixture and drilling jig for exhaust manifold
higher order low pass fir filter design using ipso algorithm
performance evaluation of international airline websites quality using fuzzy analytical hierarchy process model
analysis and design of shear wall with various openings criteria
application of industrial engineering to increase the productivity of an e rickshaw factory
smart laboratory
current trends in smart grid technology
study of road maintenance fund needs approach with link based and network based ijtsrd 2
a study on security in wireless sensor networks
seismic response analysis of structure a perspective view
new adaptive cooperative mimo for lte technology
performance studies on utilization of ceramic waste tile and quarry dust as partial replacement of gravel and sand in concrete
extraction of struvite from wastewater
a need for sesame thresher
remote sensing and unmanned aerial device for early forest fire detection
modal analysis of a square plate with different shape cut out
study of road maintenance fund needs approach with link based and network based
alzheimer patient tracking and alert system
a review on hyperloop transportation system
identifying motivational and demotivational factors in qatar construction project management practices
a review paper on wivi technology
a review paper on comparative analysis of diesel blends with different proportions of karanja oil biodiesel
security and privacy enhancement framework for mobile devices using active authentication
determining coefficient of discharge and coefficient of roughness for short grass bed and concrete bed
comparative analysis of dispersion in decagonal structure of photonic crystal fiber having hole within core
review of green building index gbi in malaysia
analysis of windshield repair technology
feasibility analysis of using waste fish oil as an alternate fuel
enhancing survival during fire accidents using quad copter
study and optimization of car hood for pedestrian head safety by using simulation technique
web based tool for managing paddy irrigation water user group
concrete mixture assembly line improvement using arena simulation a case study
detection and intimation of human presence using uav drones
structural analysis and design of structural elements of a building
single and two phase pressure drop in fluid
web based tool to determine water productivity index and ph for managing paddy irrigation water user group for tanjung karang irrigation scheme malaysia
precision farming
hmm based face recognition system with svd parameter
experimental analysis on strength properties of glass fiber concrete
optimized carry speculative adder
an experimental study on properties of concrete using granite dust and flyash as a partial replacement of fine aggregate and cement
a survey on significance for changes students thoughts using data mining
review paper on properties of concrete using granite dust and fly ash as a partial replacement of fine aggregate and cement
review paper on experimental study on the use of modified bitumen using e waste as a partial replacement of aggregate
fruit farm surveillance using drones
an experimental study on properties of concrete using rha and rfa as a partial replacement of fine aggregate and fly ash as a cement
various data mining techniques for diabetes prognosis a review
a review on biomass energy production using different technologies and its utilization in india
investigations on properties of concrete using steel fiber reinforced as partial replacement of coarse aggregate
comparative analysis of ground water surface water of kolhapur based on various physico chemical parameters
review paper on properties of properties of concrete using steel fiber waste
evaluation study of common map users requirements
a review on various methods of transformer protection
mobile application for the agricultural mandi using e auction
iot based weather monitoring and reporting system project
study and application of watershed management techniques for self reliant village khor basin
wireless scada
a review graphene a key material in engineering and medical field
a review on dye sensitized solar cell
processor design using 32 bit single precision floating point unit
enhancing the cash point using multimode biometric system
magnetic abrasive flow machine based super surface finishing
vehicles awake routing protocol with analysis determine knowledge perception for vanet
a review on substation monitoring and control technologies and problems
proposed wind power system in pyay district in myanmar
online voting using biometric
voltage coordinated control technology
modeling of predictive interaction of water parameters in groundwater
design of multi band dual linear polarized microstrip antenna for remote sensing applications
integrity assurance with minimum location disclosure on mobile devices by using pmac
experimental in structural dynamics base isolation system modelling
a new weir cum causeway design of varachha site under surat smart city project
experimental studies of optimization of automotive wheel rim using ansys
productivity improvement using lean manufacturing a case study at muththamizh industries
image tagging with social assistance
solar and thermal power generation
effect of carbon dioxide on the performance of spark ignition engine by hydrogen inject with biogas fuel
advanced active filter aaf with reduced dc link voltage
cost based on product quality prediction using datamining
prediction of safe working frequencies of screening machine by harmonic analysis
concepts and technology of flexible ac transmission systems
role of upqc in distributed generation power system a review
controlling traffic signals through gps for ambulance
improvement in power quality in power system through of dpfc
reactive power compensation and limiting harmonic current using shunt active power filter
an experimental study on rapid chloride penetration test of self compacting concrete
a review on power electronics based compensators in grid connected wecs
an efficient method for text and file encryption for secure data transmission through audio steganography
wireless power transmission using sps
recognition of indian sign language using svm classifier
a survey on online corporate job recruiting process using cloud computing
analyses of a flat plate photovoltaic and thermal solar collectors
a novel colour image embedded qr code generation technique for chip less rfid labelling
biosynthesis of eco friendly silver nano particles using dry fluted pumpkin telfairiaoccidentalisleave extractas reducing agent
mitigation of voltage dip in wecs using upqc
broadcasting emergency message in vanet during an emergency event
real time processor for the authentication of affected herbal medicinal leaves using image processing techniques review
a case study for optimum sizing and selection of components in hrers based power sysetm
challenges of hybrid electric vehicle for military application
wearable artificial kidney a dialysis machine to clean blood
experimental study on mechanical properties of sintered fly ash aggregate in concrete
unit test using test driven development approach to support reusability
fpga implementation of real time video edge detection by using different filter
utilization of melon and snail shell waste mixtures in the carburization of mild steel
load frequency control in three area power system using fuzzy logic controller
fabrication and analysis of mechanical properties of metal matrix nano composite using magnesium and cnt as the blending material
modelling and simulation of grid connected solar hydro based hybrid power system
modelling and analysis of grid connected pv system under different penetration level of pv
a modern technique for unauthorized human detection and intimation
biosynthesis of eco friendly silver nano particles the efficiency of fresh leaves and dried leaves in the synthesis of silver nanoparticles
power management in grid isolated hybrid power system incorporating rers and bess
path navigation in aco using mobile robot
modelling and control of wind pv battery fuelcell based hybrid power system
preprocessing of low response data for predictive modeling
a competent multi keyword exploration scheme over encrypted data in cloud
content based image retrieval an assessment
environmental impact of geothermal power plant
avoiding data piracy in artworks using blockchain
the behavior of the television audience by tv rating with social networks
measurement of ght glucose heart rate temperature using non invasive method
synthesis and characterization of magnesium borate via sol gel method and electrospinning method
design of dual pulsating latch flip flop dplff using novel pulse generator
strength and durability of high strength fibre reinforced self compacting concrete with nano silica
cooling by using earthen pot
an efficient securing code based cloud storage using rc5 encryption algorithm against pollution attacks
real time intrusion detection system using computational intelligence and neural network a review
an efficient file hierarchy based e system with clinical document architecture in cloud computing
improving analog performance and suppression of subthreshold swing using hetero junction less double gate tunnel fets
a novel design of a 4 bit reversible alu using kogge stone adder
hydrogeochemical analysis and quality evaluation of groundwater for irrigation purposes in puri districtodisha
practical data hiding technique in covert timing channels
preparation and characterization of green synthesis go metal metal oxide nano composites applied for nano fluid applications a review
an experimental analysis of turning operation in sae e52100 alloy
modeling and simulation of solar photovoltaic system
effect of confinement on reinforce concrete short rectangular column
a review paper on solar panel based smart irrigation system using gsm module
comparative study of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete deep beam under shear
a review on economical and technical analysis for modelling of hybrid energy system
direct tension test on expanded metal mesh and welded square mesh for ferrocement composite
design and analysis of chain block system for evaluation of brake load
cost optimization of residential structure by life cycle cost analysis
thermal stress analysis of homogeneous orthotropic plate with new thermal profiles using first order shear deformation theory
design of electrical analogy apparatus for drawing flownet and studying uplift pressure
iot internet of things based energy management for smart home
design for additively manufactured structure an assessment
present scenario and technical review of smart grid in india
socially aware device to device communications
study of fpga based multi channel analyzer for gamma ray and x ray spectrometry
thermal energy production from closed geothermal reservoirs
performance enhancement of dc load and batteries in photovoltaic system
hybrid power generation system using solar wind energy a review
iir filter design for de nosing speech signal using matlab
review on cdss implementation with cda generation and integration for health information exchange in cloud
implementation of real time taxi ride sharing
a review paper on leveraging data duplication to improve the performance of storage system with cld and ehd image matching in the cloud
an efficient smart garbage disposal system a review
solar energy programs for rural electrification experiences and lessons from south asian countries
soil stabilization using fly ash and cotton fiber
flexural behaviour of gfrp bars
iot based smart energy meter
an experimental analysis of turning operation in en 31alloy
dynamic modeling of pemfc and sofc
optimization of machiining parameters in turning operation of aluminium alloy for surface temperature
study of pumping test on well for pre manson and post manson for nannaj basin
performance enhancement of information hiding in fm and am with rician channel
a modified method for preventing blackhole attack in manets
security technique and congestion avoidance in mesh network
effect on concrete properties after substituting fine aggregate by crushed groundnut shells and addition of sugarcane bagasse ash
smart automation gas level monitoring with gas leakage deduction and refill booking using embedded system
development of high performance concrete
brief review on al6351 composite
automatic bottle filling system using plc ijtsrd 2
literature review on stay off stealers sos home security system
image realization steganography by secure key transmission
hybrid biomass solar power system with establishment of raw material procure
roadmap of six sigma for engineering colleges
impact of sugar industry effluent on nearby water body a review
a review on various image watermarking technique
barriers for implementation of renewable energy technologies in rural areas a review
review paper of image processing technique for the diagnosis of diseases
back propagated k mean clustering for prediction of slow learners
data prevention from network hacking
effect of electrical and non electrical parameters on the performance measures of electro discharge machining a review
assessment of water pollution of water bodies using gis a review
security on cloud using high level encryption techniques
design and analysis of helical gear with different materials by using pro e and ansys
to study the effect of partially replaced marble dust on strength of sfrc
palm karnel shell ash as a partial replacement for cement in the production of paving blocks
application of iot in garbage management system
concept of regression analysis in concrete mix design
iot based garbage management system ijtsrd 2
an efficient brain tumor detection algorithm based on segmentation for mri system
advance safe locker security system using dactylogram
assistive technology for aged and physically challeged people
advanced crop monitoring using internet of things based smart intrusion prevention in agricultural land
prototype of total artificial heart system
protection of medical data sharing and intrusion avoidance based on cloudlet
study on effect of polypropylene and steel fiber on the strength of concrete
a novel approach an advanced security mechanism for sending messages using steganography
design and simulation of mppt algorithm for three phase induction motor solar water pump
a study of pre enginered building
experimental investigation on surface roughness and vibration parameters in turning of en8k steel using ptfe nylon66 liners for carbide insert cutting tools
environmental friendly brick blocks using e waste
classification on missing data for multiple imputations
a study on orbital mechanics
automatic car window opener for safe driving
grs gesture based recognition system for indian sign language recognition system for deaf and dumb people
deployment of id3 decision tree algorithm for placement prediction
improving surface finishing quality by using radius carbide tips
a dcdc converter with high voltage gain and two input boost stages for solar applications
smart grid infrastructure for efficient power consumption using real time pricing algorithm
effect of contributing parameters over material removal rate in machining incoloy 825 using electric discharge machining edm
an adaptive iot framework using fpga based soc for varying applications
review on fpga implementation of 1616 vedic multiplier in vhdl environment
iot based garbage management system
smart bag with theft prevention and real time tracking
transformer parameter monitoring and controlling
a new breed nn based uhvdc for offshore wind power plant to enhance the transient response
study on utilization of fly ash in bitumen and in flexible pavements
garbage monitoring system using arduino
cloud accounting its benefits and challenges
design issues and applications of wireless sensor network
review paper on biomedical image processing using wavelets
application of iot in military service
run time re configuration using fpga for bio medical application
secure authentication for advanced voting system using fingerprint and rfid
power distribution a challange
basics and features of artificial neural networks
cloud computing
a review on rapid prototype technology
data storing in multitenant clouds using split and merge method
e home assistant
smart polyhouse farming using iot environment
studies on effect of structural irregularities on seismic performance of reinforced concrete building
a review on bus tracker via gps using android application
data injection using kalman like particle filter based smoother is diagonalized into subsystem
a review on detection of cracks present in composite cantilever beam by using vibration analysis technique
effect of normalization techniques on multilayer perceptron neural network classification performance for rheumatoid arthritis disease diagnosis
a technological survey on privacy preserving data publishing
predictive analytics for high business performance through effective marketing ijtsrd 2
a review on anaerobic treatment in decentralized and source separation based sanitation concepts applicability in developing countries
automatic identification of potential respondents to subjective and objective questions
remedial measures to improve the living conditions of slump dwellers as a step in the journey towards a smart city an overview
user data integrating with anti collusion scheme and svc in cloud groups
review on experimental analysis of matrix absorber designs for solar air heater
a review on fast fpga development of rsd based ecc processor
analysis and control of grid connected dfig under sub super synchronous modes of operation
a review on experimental analysis of double pass solar air heater with baffled absorber plate
detecting malicious facebook application using digital india scheme
automated greenhouse
geometric modeling design and analysis of custom engineered milling cutters
injector based smart vada maker
the coating on al6061 aluminium alloy surface with wc ni powder compact electrode using electrical discharge machining
meaconing and spoofing attacks evaluation with enhancement in security for satellite communication
experimental comparison of yield of bio oil in fixed bed pyrolyzer
the performance analysis of papr reduction using a slm technique at different parameters u and m in ofdm mimo system
maintaining secure cloud by continuous auditing
fault testing and diagnosis of sram based fbga using built in self test architecture
seismic analysis of multi storied building in different zones
handwritten digit recognition
symmetric key cryptography algorithm for data security
experimental study on heat transfer and fluid flow characteristcs of shell and tube heat exchanger using hitran wire inserts
design and fabrication of sentry gun based on mechatronics system
orca 4 0 1 mechanism for robotics
wireless control 3d printer with a liquid sprinkler product replacing mechanism
autonomous trajectory tracking and contouring control of three dimensional cnc
numerical analysis of friction stir welding for aa6061 by finite element analysis
solar passive architecture an overview
predictive analytics for high business performance through effective marketing
vehicle density based traffic control system
review paper on properties of concrete of by partial replacement of sand and cement with copper slag and rice ask ash
experimental investigations on by using quarry dust durability properties of concrete
review paper on study on properties of black cotton soil using stone dust and sisal fiber
design and analysis of air intake system for single cylinder engine
modeling of biodiesel fuelled direct injection ci engine using cfd
critical time motion and economic analysis of linear and rotary gravity conveyor for application one man multi machine setup as low cost automation in material handling
a complete reference for informatica power center etl tool
analysis of heat transfer for solar air heater a perspective view
human aspects in implementation of total productive maintenance
experimental analysis of a diesel engine run on different biodiesel fuel blends
anomaly threat detection system using user and role based profile assessment
power quality improvement in off grid renewable energy based power system using different method
iot based classroom automation using arduino
fatigue life prediction of leaf spring used in the suspension system of light commercial vehicle
passive damping filter design and application for three phase pv grid connected inverter
exterior beam column joint an assessment
traffic congestion causes and solution a study of kota city
simulation of active scheme three phase to seven phase transformation using special condition transformer connection
business analytics using microsoft power bi and aws redshift
bus voltage control with zero distortion for single phase solar inverters
application analysis of banana stem fibre use as construction material
design and analysis of a multiple cutting hacksaw automatic machine
grid connected pv wind system with implementation
analysis of imbalanced classification algorithms a perspective view
effective badminton coaching schema using pic16f887 microcontroller
cfd analysis of fluid flow in sand casting
automatic image captions for lightly labelled images
audio signal denoising algorithm by adaptive block thresholding using stft
a study on radar helmet for soldiers
to study the effect of stress concentration factor on mild steel due to heat treatment
hydro pneumatic suspension with intelligent active suspensioning system
reactive power compensation with fuzzy logic in electrical facilities
successive security challenges implementation on internet of things
performance analysis of cir and path loss propagation models in the downlink of 3g systems
review paper for design and simulation of a patch antenna by using hfss
improved modified deec protocol for energy efficient clustering in wsns
multi response parameter optimization hardness and unevenness effect of hardox cutting plate by high tolerance plasma arc cutting system
agricultural motor control and monitoring
study on behaviour of hybrid fibre reinforced cementitious composites
an overview of pso in optimization of machining parameters
frequency regulation in wind turbine and steam turbine based power system
artificial neural network based automated escalating tools for crises navigation
experimental study on performance of gap graded concrete using partial replacement of titanium dioxide and msand
review on detection and grading the cataract based on image processing
analysis of tunnel form building retrofitted with cfrp using finite element method
a case study of the impact of culture on the construction projects in tamil nadu
experimental study on risk management in residential building project
a design and implementation of reversible logic based combinational circuit with low quantum cost
electrical properties of enamel wire insulation
modeling the process of extraction of oilseed material in a unit with critical carbon dioxide
a review on various plantar pressure measurement systems
utilization of waste glass as cement replacement in ppc concrete
intelligent agriculture mechanism using internet of things and image processing
vibration analysis on car steering due to smooth and rough road condition
overview of various industrial fault diagnosis methods
a survey paper on leave automation
smart garbage monitoring system present and future
skewing impact on stray losses of an induction machine
development of solar energy dryer for fish and meat tested in modibbo adama university of technology yola
durability test of a developed radon counter module
dynamic analysis of model steel structures retrofitted with gfrp composites under microtremor vibration
an internet of things approach for rfid smart tollgate automation ijtsrd 2
thermal transport properties analysis of mwcnt rt21nanofluids
unit testing to support reusable for component based software engineering
design and fabrication of mechanical maize decobber
use of waste material in concrete
popularly used security protocols on all layers of network communication
automatic headlight control with central locking system
an efficient ocr system based on the regional feature using the asvm as classifier
analysis of text classification algorithms a review
analog cmos image sensor based radon counter
application of electric generators driven by tractor in agriculture
automatic car window opening system by using oxygen and sound sensor
tribologoical properties of vinyl ester based hybrid composite with tio2 al2o3 and mos2 fillers
effect of deep cryogenic treatment on the tensile behavior of aisi 8620 gear steel
privacy preserving approaches for high dimensional data
security system for car using can protocol
recent scenario of solar power street lightspsl with auto intensity control and how to increase it efficiency
effect of permittivity on breakdown characteristic of transformer oil based nanofluid
to study the behavior of fresh and hardened concrete by using waste rubber as partial replacement of coarse aggregates
occupancy based surveillance with wireless camera network for public safety creating safe places with internet of things to live in urban
control strategies of frequency regulation in wind based power system a review
real time ecg monitoring a review
secure authentication to identify the human using finger printer profile in voting system
rural electrification by solar power leds
a review on system on chip soc designs for real time industrial application
implementation of ti sepic converter for optimal utilization of pv power
performance based seismic analysis of buildings
iot based smart farming in a agriculture
automatic solar tracker with dust wiper using pid controller
performance analysis of bayesian methods to for the spectrum utilization in cognitive radio
simulation and modelling of pipeline corrosion and integrity management in oil and gas industry
designing matlab gui for various analog and digital communication systems
use of demorlished concrete in pavement
performance evaluation of the effect of ph and temperature on the biogas yield of co digestion of pig manure and water hyacinth
automatic pvc pipe cutting machine
review use of demolished concrete in pavement construction
smart water monitoring system using cloud service
green plastics poly lactic acid synthesis from waste tamarind seed powder its applications
a review on green technology material processing through microwave energy
experimental study of a wi fi module for radon data communication
0 18%c2%b5m cmos comparator for high speed applications
automatic parking monitoring system using iot
design and fabrication of a convertor ladle and treatment chamber
iot based smart home automation for car theft prevention using image processing
mixed bonding method of high voltage cable
smart home automation using wi fi
a review on implementation of parallel prefix adders using fpgas
seismic analysis of soil foundation interaction under a bridge pier due to chauk earthquake excitation of 0 12g to 0 5g
improving properties of concrete by adding pozzolonic material such as silica fumes and ground glass blast furnace slag in india
smart fruit classification using neural networks
experimental investigational study on the physical properties of a new concrete mixture prepared with recycled aggregate
application of geographic information system gis for urban renewal a case study of yelwan tudu of bauchi state nigeria
visual and thermal inspection of power substation by robot
chaos suppression and practical stabilization of uncertain generalized duffing holmes control systems with unknown actuator nonlinearity
modeling and analysis of energy efficient cellular networks
runoff prediction of gharni river catchment of maharashtra by regressional analysis and ann tool box
e mail security algorithm to filter out spam e mails using machine learning
dynamic and non linear charge transfer through opto deportation by photovoltaic cell
an internet of things approach for rfid smart tollgate automation
a review on use of damping materials to reduce vibrations during turning in lathe machine
challenges faced in indian construction sector
finite element analysis of micro end mill and simulation of burr formation in machining a review
experimental study on voided biaxial slab and its application
rehabilitation of buildings for functional unsuitability need of structural health monitoring
comparative study on the effect of cutting fluids on the flank wear of high speed and carbide tipped cutting tools
evolution of electronic aid for navigation
performance and emission studies of a diesel engine fuelled with different jatropha biodiesel blends
smart grid communication protocols
adoption of green building technique replacement of steel by bamboo
review on tri band antenna for remote sensing applications
performance of fuel electronic injection engine systems
production of eco friendly bricks from copper mine tailings through geopolymerization in india
modelling of circular footing on lateritic soil
energy management system using renewable energy sources
automatic real time system for traffic security and violation detection
voice activity detection and pitch analysis in pathological voices
traditional indian medicine
optimization of anaerobic mechanism using response surface methodology rsm to treat pulp and paper industry wastewater a review
bioengineering a primer
multi joint robot transfer system in three dimensional space
food law
emotion classification and detection
assessment of sulphur dioxide levels in selected sites in athi river kenya
robotic automated external defibrillator ambulance for emergency medical service in smart cities
critical examination of failures of power system design and its importance
manufacturing of bio plastic from waste vegetable
studies on hybrid material reinforced copper based composites a review
ocean thermal energy conversion
design construction and simulation of a solar fish dryer
smart blood finder
analysis and evaluation of the effect of heavy metals in fruits and vegetables
an analysis and modeling of grid connected multiple pole multilevel unity power factor rectifier
influence of penstock outlet diameter and flat blade lateral twist angle on the performance of a simplified pico hydropower system
cfd analysis of a double pipe heat exchanger by using fluid based nanomaterials
health care monitor with emergency support
recommendation by service rating using gps for mobile users
compressive strength of conventional concrete using e waste
analysis of thermal criteria on cryogenic pressure vessel
an analysis of dual band bandpass filters using with arbitrary band ratios
high performance triplex adder using cntfet
design evaluation and optimization of ic engine connecting rods a review
a study on the working conditions of sanitary workers in tirunelveli corporation
alternative low cost building materials on beams
driverless metro train shuttle between the stations using labview
defensing confidentiality during complete packet inspection on a middlebox
solar power tree an artistic design
input based dynamic reconfiguration for low power image processing and secure transmission
text detection from natural images using mser algorithm
modelling and operation of hvdc based power transmission system
aliasing frequency detection in a communication receiver
investigation on dissimilar metal welds by resistance spot welding process
android app for college management system
a reiew on different configurations and control strategies for pmsg based wecs
design and fabrication of bottom fixture in robot soldering machine
a reconfigurable high speed dedicated bisr scheme for repair intra cell faults in memories
interfacing of grid connected wind energy conversion system based on pmsg through npc inverter
power quality improvement in power system using upfc
alert system for unmanned railway crossing using gps a survey
hvdc system a need for future power transmission
operation and control of grid connected fuel cell system
fuel cell system and their technologies a review
real time health monitoring system a review
statcom a review on different configurations and topologies
experimental analysis of pyramidal solar still with sponge as absorber
study and analysis of nonlinear constrained components a study of plug in hybrid electric vehicle
experimental study on partial replacement of cement with nano silica in the concrete
a review on bandwidth improvement using metamaterial
power quality standards problems and their solutions
analysis of vapor absorption refrigeration machine performance with different configuration of water supply
bio fortification of underutilized himalayan pear and plum a next hotspot for nutritional strategies of the oeneglected%c2%9d micronutrients
review of electro chemical machining
study on laser communication features application advantages
case study of flood risk evaluation in surat city
integrated automated system for monitoring and alerting vehicle pollution
fem simulation of clinching of three steel sheets
investigaton and preparation of fly bottom ash and discussion on fly ash composition a review
a review on real time ethernet communication for robotic arm application
design and analysis of liquid cooled cold plates using cad modeling
control systems in the presence of actuators or sensors degradation
review on automatic adjustable techniques in agriculture for pesticides spray
a review on motion detection techniques
global exponential stabilization for a class of uncertain nonlinear control systems via linear static control
modelling and simulation of some combustion parameters intport 1 and intvalve 1 using gt power engine simulation software with biodiesel ethanol diesel blends as fuel
solving image thresholding problem using hybrid algorithm
design tactile interfaces with enhanced depth images with patterns and textures for visually impaired people
role of panchayats in planning and implementation of right to work a study of mgnrega in district budgam in jammu kashmir
calibration of environmental sensor data using a linear regression technique
vetiver finish in surgical medical products
serial manipulator design for an ag robot
a two tier e commerce platform for rent product service
improving the performance of pem fuel cell by varying the number of flow channels
exponential state observer design for a class of uncertain chaotic and non chaotic systems
performance test on the c i engine by using different biofuels
a novel design architecture of secure communication system with reduced order linear receiver
mimo ofdms ber and design performance for wireless broadband communications
green technology
emerging trends in electoral system revolutionary transformation through the information technology
a study of reducing harmonic instability and reasonable problems in pmsg based wind forms
face recognition based attendance system with auto alert to guardian using call and sms
power loss evaluation method for modular multi level converter with high frequency
a study of incentive scheme to allocate big data tasks with mobile social cloud
performance analysis of different qam techniques using rician fading channel ijtsrd 2
performance analysis of different qam techniques using rician fading channel
design and implementation of a web based prisons management and police investigation system
chaos suppression and stabilization of generalized liu chaotic control system
wastewater treatment using horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland
design and development of automated irrigation system
significant factors for detecting redirection spam
mimo systems with degraded actuators and sensors
agent based modeling methods and techniques for scheduling industrial machine operation
visible light communication for visually impaired people using sustainable leds
route optimization of municipal solid waste collection in jabalpur city using arc gis
performance and emission charecterstics of diesel engine blended with used transformer oil a review
improving frequency stabilization in power system network using optimization method
leveraging data duplication to improve the performance of storage system with cld and ehd image matching in the cloud
computer interfaced smart a i battle field tank
modeling a multivariable process control system using pid optimization
design and implementation of smart sensor integrated chair for medical diagnosis
earthquake resistance architecture a study for the architectural design of buildings in sesmic zones
enhancing the channel capacity of a cellular mobile system using frequency diversity
a study on geopolymer with dyeing industry effluent treatment plant sludge
study of mechanical behavior for tamarind shell powder and coconut coir fiber epoxy composite for aerospace application
seed quality analysis using image processing and ann
analyzing titanic disaster using machine learning algorithms
optimization of cutting parameters in turning operation by using taguchi method
traffic light controller for the congested urban route using plc ambulance detection using rf transmitter receiver with lab view
effects of parameter variations of pv module based on matlab simulink modeling
a spatio temporal model for massive analysis of shapefiles
performance analysis of different pv topologies with mppt
air quality monitoring system using wireless sensor networks
fusion of multispectral and panchromatic images based on fourier filtering in hsv color space
experimental investigation on mineral content of fly bottom ash and strength characteristics of fly bottom ash bricks a review
a comparison of abk means algorithm with traditional algorithms
analysis psnr of high density salt and pepper impulse noise using median filter
an experimental investigation on effect of fly ash on egg shell concrete
analysis for detection of performance characteristics of diesel fuel
maximum power extraction strategy for wind energy conversion systems using intelligent controllers
database system in automatic billing for supermarket
a review on grid connected pv system
power quality improvement in grid connected pv system
ultimate bearing strength on rectangular footing resting over geogrid reinforced sand under eccentric load
construction and analysis of flyover by brts
mechanical properties of self compacting concrete with partial replacement of rice husk ash
linear cmos lna
optimization of 36cm2 effective area on serpentine flow channel of pemfc
experimental study on bond performance of reinforced bars in concrete
virtualization scheduling in real time os a survey
flexible alternating current transmission systems
thd reduction and power quality improvement in grid connected pv system
automated bathroom safety system especially for elders
missing item prediction and its recommendation based on users approach in ecommerce
automatic bottle filling system using plc
a review on energy storage systems for mitigation power fluctuations in wind turbine based power system
improvement of voltage profile in distribution system by optimal placement and sizing of dg
different strategies for power quality improvement in off grid renewable energy based power system
investigation on appropriateness of turbo matching of b60j68 and a58n70 turbochargers for a commercial vehicle
case study of element types on cold formed steel angle sections under tensile using ansys
power quality improvement by unified power quality conditioner
cfd investigation on nozzle considering fuel properties of alternative fuel a review
vibration analysis on car seats due to rough and smooth road conditions
a review energy recovery from plastic wastes through pyrolysis
dye removal of adsorption study in thespesia populnea seed
design and structural thermal analysis of gas turbine rotor blade with radial holes using solidworks
modeling and simulation of cost effective sensor less bldc motor drive for electric vehicle applications
impact of positive sequence admittance and negative sequence conductance of d statcom to compensate variations in voltage levels in distributed generation systems
design and detection of underground cable fault using raspberry pi and iot system
different technologies and components of renewable energy sources based power system a review
discovering anomalies based on saliency detection and segmentation in surveillance system
cfd analysis of solar air heater for enhancenment of heat transfer through inclined rib roughness
tackling real coded genetic algorithms
power quality improvement in solar wind based power system using bess
intelligent fall detection using statistical features and machine learning
role of instrumentation data analysis in safety monitoring of giant structures
raw video summarization based on camera motion and alert system
modelling and simulation of energy storage system for grid connected wind pv system
dynamical modelling and control in the polymer extrusion process
interfacing and interconnection of microgrid systems a review
combined effect of marble dust and steel fiber on the mechanical properties of high strength concretes
a review study on preventing and detecting technique of black hole attack in manet
study on soil foundation interaction under a bridge pier
wollastonite an energy efficient building material
analysis of cycloconverter fed induction motor drive
techno economic and environmental analysis of wind diesel power system
fpga based hybrid lms algorithm design on distributed arithmetic
energy data collection by survey and its comparison with bill data
different configurations and technologies in pv wind based hybrid power system
the application of solar energy in agricultural systems
analysis the effect of steel fibre and marble dust with strength of pavement quality concrete
a review on effect of nano particle blended with diesel fuel in the compression ignition engine
harmonic mitigation in distribution system by using passive filters
simulation of 16 bit alu using verilog hdl
steel foam inspired from human bones
video retrieval systems methods techniques trends and challenges
development of an improved heat dissipation module for led lamps using multi layered approach
evaluation of ceiling fan blade angle performance using cfd
a review study on effect of steel fibre and marble dust with strength of pavement quality concrete
design and performance analysis of proposed single sided linear induction motor used in elevator
a novel technique of power extraction from a conventional fluorescent lamp
design and construction of control system for automatic voltage stabilizer
charaterization of coatings on tool a review
oma of gfrp retrofitted model concrete structure using ambient vibration
water quality measuring and monitoring a survey
real time signal quality aware internet of things iot framework for fpga based ecg telemetry system and development of android application
scheduling algorithms in cloud computing an extensive survey
design and simulation of electrification by solar wind hybrid system
comparision of design codes aci 318 11 is 456 2000 and eurocode ii
suppression of frequency fluctuations in hybrid power system using pitch angle controller
local site effects evaluation for gyobyu lifeline using microtremor measurements
a study on wireless communication for radon concentration monitoring
a review study of various data mining classification clustering techniques
minimization of power losses in radial distribution system a review
optimization of solar energy production using plc and scada
improved clustering technique in marketing sector
effects of waste glass powder on compressive strength of concrete
an experimental study on modification of dense graded bituminous mix design
design pattern classifiers under attack for security evaluation using multimodal system
a review of friction stirs welding
efficient way to identify user aware rare sequential patterns in document streams
parametric study of multisoried r c c flat slab structure under seismic effect having different plan aspect ratio and slenderness ratio
data mining for supermarket sale analysis using association rule
e commerce merits and demerits a review paper
experimental research to optimize process parameters in machining of non conducting material with hybrid non conconventional machining
review on design of control systems for ethered uuvs using pid controllers
api integration in web application
a critical study of fuzzy logic systems and its applications
study of dynamic linkage between stock market and crude oil
energy saving by virtual machine migration in green cloud computing
effect of crude oil on permeability properties of the soil
comparative analysis of original wave filtered wave of eeg signal used in the prognostic of bruxism medical sleep syndrome
event driven client server archetypes for e commerce ijtsrd 2
experimental research work to optimize process parameters into electro chemical abrasive flow machining using taguchi methodology
migration from relational database like mysql to nosql database like cassandra is necessary and how to migrate it using spark